help i just ate a WHOLE pizza



  • umachanxo
    umachanxo Posts: 926 Member
    Don't feel bad about it. You had a pizza and you enjoyed it. DON'T beat yourself up or eat less tomorrow. Just start fresh tomorrow :) It's okay to splurge once in a while.
  • Iskreemman
    Iskreemman Posts: 16 Member
    Tomorrow you start fresh; no point in worrying about something you can't change now. At least you choose good toppings pepperoni and bacon is my favorite :)
  • Kristy_Elizabeth
    I must being having one of those emotional woman days! Your literally post brought tears to my eyes. If there was something that I couldn't control my portions on I think I would blacklist that food entirely. I have never had a problem with binging and maybe that is not a healthy attitude, but I am too much of a control freak to allow my food to dominate me in that way. Maybe only order a slice of pizza from somewhere and there wouldn't be any more available to eat would be a better way to go?

    I guess what I am saying is you need to figure out a coping mechanism that will work for you in the future so you don't end up where you are at today. Now pick yourself up, go forward, and do better. Hugs!
  • springseternal
    springseternal Posts: 245 Member
    Remind yourself that slips happen. Old habits die hard, and don't beat yourself up over it. It's not like you can go back in time and not eat the pizza. All you can do is let it go, start fresh tomorrow, and try make a different decision next time.
  • Byrdsong1920
    Byrdsong1920 Posts: 336 Member
    Just chaulk it up that it is your cheat day and start fresh tomorrow. If you eat too little tomorrow it will start you on a binge that will not end. We all have these days. You just try not to make it an every day thing. That is how we got in this shape in the first place. Relax, don't stress about it. Maybe do a little extra exercise today and start fresh tomorrow. After all Rome was not built in a day. :wink:

    great advise, chaulk it up as a cheat meal ...tomorrow is a new day. ALL GOOD WOO SAA!! :)
  • Cam_
    Cam_ Posts: 515 Member
    I learned it's not good to totally deprive yourself of some things you like. That way you won't have such strong cravings for them. Try and eat your food slowly and totally chew everything. When you wolf stuff down, it doesn't give you time to start feeling full so you tend to eat more. What I do is always try and save some pizza for the next day. (I can eat it cold for lunch). Also, if you just put one slice on your plate at a time, that can also slow you down a bit so you start feeling full before the pizza is all gone.
    As far as giving up, don't quit over just one meal. You did great for 4 entire days before that. A splurge meal once in a while won't totally undo a dozen disciplined meals. You could try setting aside one splurge meal per week and maybe instead of all 8 slices, just have 5 or 6.
    Hopefully you can find my ramblings helpful. Good luck in your journey.
    You can do it!
  • angng
    angng Posts: 137 Member
    Oh my god you high horse people. . .obviously beating herself up and making herself feel terrible is going to be really helpful. That's always a motivator for positive change.

    OP: Are you eating enough calories? Do you have a binge eating (or other) disorder? Are you normally so hungry?

    When I want pizza I get myself a (large) brown rice tortilla shell and coat it in olive oil (I don't like red sauce), light mozzarella, some slices of fresh mozzarella balls, and basil (if you like tomatoes, throw those babies on there) and put it in the toaster oven. Even if you eat the whole thing it's 356 calories total.
  • honeysprinkles
    honeysprinkles Posts: 1,757 Member
    Just chaulk it up that it is your cheat day and start fresh tomorrow. If you eat too little tomorrow it will start you on a binge that will not end. We all have these days. You just try not to make it an every day thing. That is how we got in this shape in the first place. Relax, don't stress about it. Maybe do a little extra exercise today and start fresh tomorrow. After all Rome was not built in a day. :wink:
    I agree. Just resume normally tomorrow. One day will not hurt you in the long run! If that was the case then I wouldn't have lost anything!
  • getfine2015
    getfine2015 Posts: 155 Member
    Just count it as a learning experience and know your limits.....Tomorrow is a New Day...Everyone falls from time to time...but it doesn't matter how many times or how bad you fall...what matters is that you have the strength to GET BACK UP and try again
    Dont beat yourself up just keep on pushin...
  • CarrieEly
    The first thing you need to do if forgive yourself and put that in your past, skipping your meals tomorrow will not make up for the pizza you ate. Lesson learned and move forward! You have a ton of support here and together we will help each other through these bumps in the road!
  • xTenaciousJx
    tomorrow is a new day, don't starve! just drink lots of water the rest of today and lots tomorrow to counter act the sodium =D
  • lisag2007
    lisag2007 Posts: 130
    It happens....tomorrow is a new day. Start it off with a good protein filled breakfast that will keep you filled. If you have an indoor mall around, maybe you could go do a few laps around the mall, that way the dust, dander, dandelions in the air won't bother you there. You're doing a great job, we all have tough days....we are only human after all. Good luck to you.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    ...You mean it isn't normal to eat a whole pizza?
  • Tori_356
    Tori_356 Posts: 510 Member
    delete your account. its is over. kidding...don't sweat it, just move on, it happens....part of life :)
  • sapphiretyger
    sapphiretyger Posts: 79 Member
    You don't say what kind of pizza - there's a huge difference between a Tostino party pizza and a large Pizza Hut deep-dish pizza, for example ...
    If it was me I would stop eating for the day and workout for at least an hour to try to counter-act the overindulgence. Next time, order it by the slice ... or invite someone else to share with you.
  • katysmelly
    katysmelly Posts: 380 Member
    ive been doing good all week and i just couldent stop.... what can i do now? what will help me tomarrow? should i eat barely anything tomarrow to make up for it? i cant exersize right now my allergies are going crazy and i feel like crap. any advice?

    You know what? I went over tonight by FIVE HUNDRED CALORIES. I felt a bit abashed by that until I hit the "done" button and was told that in five weeks I'd weigh.... exactly what I weigh now.

    In other words, I ate exactly maintenance for one day, rather than a deficit. I'm not going to gain any weight from what I ate today.

    I'm sure the same is true of you, too.

    That puts things in a rather different light, doesn't it?
  • PercivalHackworth
    PercivalHackworth Posts: 1,437 Member
    ...You mean it isn't normal to eat a whole pizza?

    Bully :laugh:
  • ZugTheMegasaurus
    ZugTheMegasaurus Posts: 801 Member
    I am with everyone else. It happens to all of us and someone who says they have never binged until they were sick is pretty much in denial.

    Speak for yourself. I don't binge. There are those of us out here than can control ourselves.
    A whole pizza? You don't accidentally eat that much. Posting this on the forums isn't going to help you not eat next time. It will probably only reinforce your desire to actually with everyone saying "Oh, it's OK, we all do it".
    Thanks for saying it; I couldn't tell if I was being overly sensitive or something. I've definitely eaten more than I thought I should or made less-than-ideal choices but I can't say I've ever felt "stuffed" or even "full" and definitely not "sick." I guess it's a common issue, but not a universal one by any means.
  • Byrdsong1920
    Byrdsong1920 Posts: 336 Member
  • lollaler
    lollaler Posts: 69 Member
    i am exactly the same. cant stop at a few chips or 1 cupcake... lets hope mfp helps us stay on track and we have to learn self control. hard i know but its worth it in the end..... trust me.. lets stay strong.