help i just ate a WHOLE pizza



  • cmaxmor
    cmaxmor Posts: 231 Member
    Pizza is my biggest weakness. When I crave it, I find it is best to have it. It's embarrassing, but I'm proud of myself because I am down to 5 slices. Hell, just 70 days ago, it was nothing to eat a whole pizza with a 2 liter of coke for dinner a couple times a week.
    Don't downplay your victories! This is great!
  • FitLink
    FitLink Posts: 1,317 Member
    i'm not a binge eater... not to say that there aren't folks who do struggle with it, but to say that others are in denial if they don't admit to eating so much they feel sick it just plain wrong. pizza IS the world's most perfect food!!! i like the idea of just getting one or two slices, instead of a a whole pie... if youre gonna eat might as well enjoy it, and not feel guilty and icky afterwards. i think behavior like that just reinforces negative attitudes towards food. food is your friend. it's good to eat. it's good to enjoy what you eat....but with that said....perhaps an entire pizza...or five double cheeseburgers could be a sign that you and food need to re-evaluate your relationship with eachother.... i also think that people make the mistake of severe calorie restriction, thinking that they can "will" themselves to the size that they wanna be. there you have two of the most destructive, crazy realtionships on the planet...not everyone is a size's better to be a size 10 and be healthy and happy than a miserable, self loathing, anxious size 4. food, exercise and you should be a life-long journey. be very hoenest about who you are and what you want to achieve. be serious about food knowledge, it gives you so much more control over your food life, and not just about the stuff you "think" you cant eat. here's the deal: YOU CAN EAT WHATEVER YOU WANT!!!!!!!!! seriously, it's your choice. that's what i tell myself anyway. if i want to eat whipped cream out of the can...i DO! i dont feel bad about it, i enjoy it. it's all about you and your goals and your dreams. if something is important enough for you..YOU WILL DO IT... it's so cliche...but allow yourself to love YOU at the size and shape you are now. because that is your reality. if you lose weight...great! bonus! but dont make it a "love condition"..i.e "i will love my self a size 4 and i work out 20 hours a day". now on to exercise: there are those people that live to exercise. they jump out of bed in the morning ready to run 10 miles....then there are the rest of, i do enjoy exercise that i dont have to check off like a to do list, like: playing with my dogs and my little girl, gardening, house work(i know, im a cleaning geek), going for a walk with my husband or get the idea. just move your body....dont worry that it isnt some set routine or gym time.

    WOW! This^^^. Exercise I don't check off a list. I like that.
  • indianlarry11
    indianlarry11 Posts: 32 Member
    ive been doing good all week and i just couldent stop.... what can i do now? what will help me tomarrow? should i eat barely anything tomarrow to make up for it? i cant exersize right now my allergies are going crazy and i feel like crap. any advice?

    Don't even sweat it. Just get back on track tomorrow. I've read that when you double your caloric intake one day a week, it actually increases your metabolism for the next 24-48 hours. This is actually a good thing to do once a week:)
  • Don't eat anymore tonight, and start new tomorrow. you'll feel better hunny once you've stuck to your calories tomorrow! :) perserverance is the key! :) i know how you feel. if you wanna be your friends, i understand the whole "eating a pizza" thing. it's not the end of the world. only a bump in the road. just don't give up hope, and keep going! you'll eventually get where you're going! love janet :)
  • lucky2too
    lucky2too Posts: 69 Member
    When I want pizza I get myself a (large) brown rice tortilla shell and coat it in olive oil (I don't like red sauce), light mozzarella, some slices of fresh mozzarella balls, and basil (if you like tomatoes, throw those babies on there) and put it in the toaster oven. Even if you eat the whole thing it's 356 calories total.

    Writing this down!!!
  • feltlikesound
    feltlikesound Posts: 326 Member
    I ate a whole pizza for lunch today.

    I made it on an 8" tortilla with tomato sauce and herbs, veggies and cheese and the whole thing had 432 calories.

    You can do it, just make it healthy.


    This is also a great answer -- you don't have to choke down piles of food you don't like to lose weight, and you don't need to get rid of all of the things you love.
  • hkerkow0894
    hkerkow0894 Posts: 3 Member
    yeah for me i realize i cant even have one bite... i just cant control it at all.. i eat one bite then sudddenly its the whole bag.

    Same here! lol. I fell off my diet wagon last night but back on it today. It happens. don't beat yourself up. :)
  • JadeRabbit08
    JadeRabbit08 Posts: 551 Member
    I am with everyone else. It happens to all of us and someone who says they have never binged until they were sick is pretty much in denial.

    Speak for yourself. I don't binge. There are those of us out here than can control ourselves.
    A whole pizza? You don't accidentally eat that much. Posting this on the forums isn't going to help you not eat next time. It will probably only reinforce your desire to actually with everyone saying "Oh, it's OK, we all do it".

    Its been 90 days since I started on MFP and I have had no binging behaviour although before I started eating healthy
    I use to binge alot. I would feel so out of control and I despised myself for being so weak willed.

    I had food intolerances that I ignored until I started with MFP. When I cut gluten and dairy out completely the desire to binge stopped cold. It was bizarre. I have had no struggle with eating healthy since then. So now after my experience I believe that sometimes binging behaviour can have underlying factors that need to be addressed and not necessarily be a matter of someone being weak.

    I notice also that you are netting below 1200. I think this can contribute to desires to binge and starts to build unhealthy thinking patterns towards food consumption.
    There is other I believe healthier and more effective long term solutions to weight loss than eating at 1200 and below.
    Can I suggest some reading?

    Try reading the posts from this group (the people are awesome too and very supportive).

    Start with this thread -

    There are alot of hot bodied women who follow this (as well as people like me with a lot to lose).

    HelloitsDan had a great informative thread as well but I have lost the link.

    Wishing you well
  • Dudagarcia
    Dudagarcia Posts: 849 Member
    Tomorrow is another day but have a plan for the next "pizza" day maybe it can be a personal size one or buy two slices.
  • It's okay :) really! It happens to all of us! I remember I was so happy I was doing so well, then one day, I ate 3 bags of extra butter popcorn, a pint of ice cream, and soda all day!! I felt horrible the next day!! but, I know why I never did it's because I remember how I felt that night and the next day, and I didn't want to fell that way again. Don't beat yourself up hun :) It's okay. Plus, that's why you have us on MFP. to hold eachother accountable. Just imagine how its going to feel when you have to log something. I did that and think twice before I eat something bad :)
    Good luck! Don't lose sight of your goals :)
  • Just drink lots of water tonight (not too much to make you sick) and do just some light exercises to get your metabolism going a little faster. This helps me a lot not only physically, but mentally because you're already getting yourself back on track. I know you said you can't exercise right now but even if it's just doing some laps around the house or walking up and down the stairs for a few minutes, anything is better than nothing!
  • TheBraveryLover
    TheBraveryLover Posts: 1,217 Member
    Wow, I haven't been to the boards in a few weeks, but I've never seen someone post a thread feeling bad about a binge and they had several responders basically criticizing her. MFP is definitely a-changing.

    Anyway OP. Just go back to your normal routine tomorrow. I wouldn't be surprised if you lost this week. Although this isn't quite the same, many people do zig-zagging, or have a spike day once a week or month and have really great results.
  • Don't worry so much about it. Get back on track tomorrow. I just did that same thing last week and although I put on a few pounds at first - It was all gone in about 3 days. I made my workouts a little longer, but maintained my normal calorie intake. Actually I was in a plateau, and now I'm a pound lighter - shocked my system a bit I believe :)
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    A whole pizza? You don't accidentally eat that much. Posting this on the forums isn't going to help you not eat next time. It will probably only reinforce your desire to actually with everyone saying "Oh, it's OK, we all do it".

    And how is that helpful at all?
    The main thing I've found, for me, is not quitting. No matter how many times I screw up, I don't give up. My progress may not be as rapid as I like, but I screw up less and less often, and I am making forward progress. And that what really counts.

    OP this is brilliant advice. Yes you stuffed up today. Oh well. Can't change what you did. So focus on tomorrow and making better choices. If you can't order a pizza without eating the whole thing, don't order it. Or get a smaller one. Don't tempt yourself if you know you're going to fail.
  • msliu7911
    msliu7911 Posts: 638 Member
    Not saying this was a "binge", cause hey.. maybe you were just truly hungry! :) However... read this article. It is something that has helped me to stop from feeling like I need to starve myself the next day just because I have slipped up one day.
  • Byrdsong1920
    Byrdsong1920 Posts: 336 Member
    I ate a whole pizza for lunch today.

    I made it on an 8" tortilla with tomato sauce and herbs, veggies and cheese and the whole thing had 432 calories.

    You can do it, just make it healthy.


    This is also a great answer -- you don't have to choke down piles of food you don't like to lose weight, and you don't need to get rid of all of the things you love.

    great idea w/the wheat tortilla shell! I did a cauliflower crust the other day. found receipe online. will try the wheat tortialla soft shell one day! thanks for sharing
  • babbgirl1975
    babbgirl1975 Posts: 36 Member
    i'm not a binge eater... not to say that there aren't folks who do struggle with it, but to say that others are in denial if they don't admit to eating so much they feel sick it just plain wrong. pizza IS the world's most perfect food!!! i like the idea of just getting one or two slices, instead of a a whole pie... if youre gonna eat might as well enjoy it, and not feel guilty and icky afterwards. i think behavior like that just reinforces negative attitudes towards food. food is your friend. it's good to eat. it's good to enjoy what you eat....but with that said....perhaps an entire pizza...or five double cheeseburgers could be a sign that you and food need to re-evaluate your relationship with eachother.... i also think that people make the mistake of severe calorie restriction, thinking that they can "will" themselves to the size that they wanna be. there you have two of the most destructive, crazy realtionships on the planet...not everyone is a size's better to be a size 10 and be healthy and happy than a miserable, self loathing, anxious size 4. food, exercise and you should be a life-long journey. be very hoenest about who you are and what you want to achieve. be serious about food knowledge, it gives you so much more control over your food life, and not just about the stuff you "think" you cant eat. here's the deal: YOU CAN EAT WHATEVER YOU WANT!!!!!!!!! seriously, it's your choice. that's what i tell myself anyway. if i want to eat whipped cream out of the can...i DO! i dont feel bad about it, i enjoy it. it's all about you and your goals and your dreams. if something is important enough for you..YOU WILL DO IT... it's so cliche...but allow yourself to love YOU at the size and shape you are now. because that is your reality. if you lose weight...great! bonus! but dont make it a "love condition"..i.e "i will love my self a size 4 and i work out 20 hours a day". now on to exercise: there are those people that live to exercise. they jump out of bed in the morning ready to run 10 miles....then there are the rest of, i do enjoy exercise that i dont have to check off like a to do list, like: playing with my dogs and my little girl, gardening, house work(i know, im a cleaning geek), going for a walk with my husband or get the idea. just move your body....dont worry that it isnt some set routine or gym time.

    WOW! This^^^. Exercise I don't check off a list. I like that.

    This is all very well said! I am a former binger! Sometimes I find myself still struggling not to binge! I believe I am healing from that. What used to be an everyday thing for me no longer is! It's been awhile actually & I'm proud of that. What you said about you & your relationship with food is so true! I got to where I didn't even enjoy food was all something I could just shove in my mouth & how much I could get! Now I enjoy my food. I eat when I'm hungry...not just to eat...and I control how much I eat. If you've ever struggled with this, you probably always will. It's something that has taken root deep inside you & the thoughts do come back. But I overcome them. I don't want to be that person anymore. Now I love me & how I feel when I'm healthy too much to do that to myself!!! I could sit down & eat a whole pizza anytime but I'm not going to! I don't like how I feel after I do...I don't like what it does to me...I feel sick, I get moody, angry even, cuz I just feel like crap! Why in the world would I want to keep doing that to myself??? Now, I much more enjoy when I have pizza (which isn't often anymore, used to be 2 or 3 times a week or more)...I have usually 2 slices, I eat it slower, I enjoy the taste of it & I can still move afterwards!!!
  • mdsjmom98
    mdsjmom98 Posts: 333 Member
    Whatever happened to the old saying, if you don't have anything nice to say, STFU!!!??

    That's very nice of you. But... s*** don't get done by niceties, not usually anyway... not when nutrition & fitness are the goals. Keeping it honest & real is the best way to deal, just sayin'...

    Yeah, well people don't have to be such a douche about it. There is something called tact you know. You can "keep it real" without being an *kitten* about it.
  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member
    I'm gonna go and order a pizza now :(
  • lilojoke
    lilojoke Posts: 427 Member
    ive been doing good all week and i just couldent stop.... what can i do now? what will help me tomarrow? should i eat barely anything tomarrow to make up for it? i cant exersize right now my allergies are going crazy and i feel like crap. any advice?

    I ate a pizza myself and no guilt nor do I feel sorry for myself. Just carry on with your next meal or next day and forget about it. The only thing that matters is whats your next choice? you can either have a pitty party or get back on the horse ASAP!