I hate water



  • teripen
    teripen Posts: 15
    I make a game of it. I drink 8 oz when I brush my teeth in the morning, then a 12 oz cup of hot tea, then a 20 0z bottle of crystal lite, then a 20 0z bottle of plain water, then I can have a 12 oz caffeine free diet coke. I've always heard that as long as the liquid you drink is sugar and caffeine free then you can count it as water. This method works for me and my treat at the end is the diet coke.
  • Haha I hate water as well. I find adding Mi0-liquid water enhancer-they have fruit punch and grape and so forth, seems to have helped. I do not get anywhere close to more than 6 glasses of water a day, I have to force myself in usually 1 sitting to get the amount I need. I drink a lot of tee, coffee and pop not so much. I know the struggle though.
  • 0EmmeNicole0
    0EmmeNicole0 Posts: 180 Member
    my best suggestion is to force your way through a couple days of drinking at least 64oz of plain water a day. Once your body gets hydrated, you will actually start craving plain water. Don't know if it will work for you, but it did for me and now I love plain water. The only draw back is that I can't get through the night without getting up a couple times to go pee!


    I hated water too, can't live without it now. I also have to pee every night :grumble:
  • MomOfJoey
    MomOfJoey Posts: 58
    Polar flavored seltzer over ice! There are so many flavors, and they are zero calories and tasty over ice. Plus the quart of ice water I drink during my workout (for real-- I couldn't work out without it), I am good for the day.
  • sunnyday789
    sunnyday789 Posts: 309 Member
    Caffiene will assist in dehydrating you. For every glass of something you drink with caffiene in it, you should add back that much to your total fluid content. That is coming from a physician.


    An extract from that article:
    Do you have to drink only water to stay hydrated?
    All liquids help you stay hydrated. Water is usually the best choice, because it’s free (if you’re drinking tap water) and has no sugar or calories. But most healthy people can get enough fluid through the beverages they consume every day. These can include water, fruit juices, coffee, sodas, iced tea, and other drinks.

    Experts say that it's not true that beverages that have caffeine-such as coffee, tea, and cola drinks-always dehydrate you. Healthy people who consume moderate amounts of caffeine don't lose more fluid than people who don't have any caffeine.1 A moderate amount of caffeine is about 200 to 300 milligrams a day. That's about two to four 8-ounce cups of coffee.

    Key word being "healthy" :)

    Yes, thank you for pointing that out:flowerforyou:

    Coffee can be very healthy for you. It is full of antioxidants and is linked to decrease risks of colon and prostrate cancer.
    Studies have also shown that high consumption of coffee decreased rate of developing Type 2 diabetes.
    Also linked with decrease rates of depression in elderly women.

    Just a few of the reasons you can enjoy your coffee! And few calories!

    Forgot one....tastes great!:smile:
  • cupidval
    cupidval Posts: 74 Member
    I also hate water but that does not stop me from drinking 3, 6 or 8 cups a day. Tip: drink water ice cold a sip at a time. I fill a insulated 24 oz (3 cups) Polar water bottle filled with ice and cold water. The insulated bottle will keep the water cold for hours. Don't know about you but I will not drink water that is not cold. Sip some cold water about every 5 minutes and you will be on your way to drinking cups soon after. Works for me! :wink:
  • smtmf
    smtmf Posts: 1
    Try Lifewater or Vitamin Water Zero. They taste great!
    Also I drink water over ice with fresh lemon and sweet n low.
  • RosemarieNovak
    RosemarieNovak Posts: 5 Member
    Crystal Light is Calorie Free!
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    Havent posted this for a while!

    Here we go again!

    You need the equivalent of 8 cups of water a day on average, from any source. These sources can be pure water/tea/coffee/juice/soda/milk/fruit/veg etc. It does NOT have to be pure neat water!





    As for tea/coffee being a diuretic, so many people just spout that word as a reason, without actually understanding what "diuretic" means.

    di·u·ret·ic (d-rtk)
    Tending to increase the discharge of urine.
    A substance or drug that tends to increase the discharge of urine.

    Neat water is also a diuretic. The diuretic effect of caffeine is far, far outweighed by the actual water in the tea/coffee. Also, regular consumers of caffeinated beverages will build up a tolerance to said effect, eventually reaching the point where caffeinated drinks provide practically the same amount of hydration as a cup of neat water will.









  • bdubois63
    bdubois63 Posts: 87 Member
    I don't hate the water...but I hate having to go 'pee' every 15 minutes! UGGGGGGGGGGG!
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    I don't hate the water...but I hate having to go 'pee' every 15 minutes! UGGGGGGGGGGG!
    This means you are drinking too much. Your body is just eliminating what you drink, and it's serving no purpose, from a health perspective.
  • FitLink
    FitLink Posts: 1,317 Member
    I also hate water but that does not stop me from drinking 3, 6 or 8 cups a day. Tip: drink water ice cold a sip at a time. I fill a insulated 24 oz (3 cups) Polar water bottle filled with ice and cold water. The insulated bottle will keep the water cold for hours. Don't know about you but I will not drink water that is not cold. Sip some cold water about every 5 minutes and you will be on your way to drinking cups soon after. Works for me! :wink:

    Yes you could. OR, if you preferred, you COULD get your fluids from tea, coffee, Crystal Light, Mio, diet soda, etc, etc, be just as healthy. You don't have to do things you HATE to be healthy, and you're not any better off if you do. It's your choice, but why pressure someone else to do something they HATE?
  • eodvarka
    eodvarka Posts: 30
    The best and only thing is water- as terrible as it sounds. I HATED water growing up, but one day I decided I wanted to flush out my water weight for good, so I began forcing myself to drink 8 cups a day--- and it really worked! Now I CRAVE water. Try it, it could help :)
  • FitLink
    FitLink Posts: 1,317 Member
    I make a game of it. I drink 8 oz when I brush my teeth in the morning, then a 12 oz cup of hot tea, then a 20 0z bottle of crystal lite, then a 20 0z bottle of plain water, then I can have a 12 oz caffeine free diet coke. I've always heard that as long as the liquid you drink is sugar and caffeine free then you can count it as water. This method works for me and my treat at the end is the diet coke.

    If you've read the rest of the thread and the references provided, you can count it as water if it's in sugared and caffeine beverages too, and you can count it if you put it in your food. The water you put in oatmeal when you cook it counts toward your 8 cups for women/11 cups for men. So does the water in soup. So does milk. So does juice. It's 8/11 cups of fluids from all sources. The only fluid you can't count is alcohol.
  • FitLink
    FitLink Posts: 1,317 Member
    The best and only thing is water- as terrible as it sounds. I HATED water growing up, but one day I decided I wanted to flush out my water weight for good, so I began forcing myself to drink 8 cups a day--- and it really worked! Now I CRAVE water. Try it, it could help :)

    This is broscience. Water doesn't "flush out water weight." If you like it drink it. But any fluid will be as effective as water. That's science.
  • FitLink
    FitLink Posts: 1,317 Member
    I don't hate the water...but I hate having to go 'pee' every 15 minutes! UGGGGGGGGGGG!
    This means you are drinking too much. Your body is just eliminating what you drink, and it's serving no purpose, from a health perspective.

    The upside is, unless she's drinking a WHOLE lot, it's not hurting anything either. Healthwise.
  • ByrdMessy
    ByrdMessy Posts: 94
    Cucumber! And try it at different temperatures--it makes a HUGE difference.
  • FitLink
    FitLink Posts: 1,317 Member
    Does anyone have any water substitutions that would work almost as good as water, but taste better?
    Thank you!

    Tea. I drink lots of fruit teas, both iced and hot.



    Just because there is WATER in it does not make it equal.

    Yes. It does. Water is never pure. It is as close to a universal solvent as exists. It is impossible to make it pure. Tea is 99.99% water, and so is drinking water.

    Also, water in ANYTHING counts as water.


    Right, so John Smith drinks sweet tea ALL DAY that counts as his water intake? I have to politely disagree.

    Disagree as politely as you like. You're still wrong. If he drank sweetea all day he consumed a lot of empty calories but every ounce of water still counts as water. Did you read the references provided by four different people from researchers who are experts in this field? No one is suggesting that consuming HUGE quantities of sugar is healthy, but water with stuff in it--ANY STUFF, INCLUDING SUGAR--is still water.
  • LiviLou2011
    LiviLou2011 Posts: 437 Member

    the issue is, I dont drink much of anything. Not a soda, coffee person either. I literally have to put reminders in my phones calendar to alert me to drink!

    I do great during and after my workouts though-thats my saving grace.

    I've just learned to drink as much as I can before I leave the house and at lunch, etc.

    I got hip to the Mio water enchancer. (Next to crystal lite powders at the store). The orange flavor tastes like popsicles :) It's good and helps!

    bought some tonight..bout to try it :)
    Hope that helps!

    happy journey
  • FitLink
    FitLink Posts: 1,317 Member
    Cucumber! And try it at different temperatures--it makes a HUGE difference.

    My SIL loves that. I think ir's awful. I LOVE cucumbers just plain and sliced, but keep them out of my water!