Lost 14 pounds since Tuesday juicing!!!!



  • monty619
    monty619 Posts: 1,308 Member
    juicing=no bueno
  • lincolnpalmer
    lincolnpalmer Posts: 28 Member

    It would be nice if you could come to site like this, post something you were excited about and not get beat up by a bunch of judgmental people, each of whom knows the perfect path to absolute fitness. People tend to overlook a lot of facts because your way is not their way. Like the fact that you never said you lost 14 lbs of pure fat, or the fact that you never said you were going to do this forever because it's the only sustainable way to lose weight.

    I've sat on both sides of this fence, and I say congratulations for taking a step in a direction you thought was important for your health. Weight loss and fitness is a journey of discovery that only you can undertake and guide. Feedback is an important part of that process, but I would ignore anyone who speaks in absolutes.

    I did a "juice fast" for 30 days, mostly as cleansing experiment, not necessarily to lose weight. I drank 48 ounces of raw juice a day from fruits and vegetables (along with another 48 ounces of water and some cleansing teas) on weekdays and ate raw solid foods on the weekends. I felt excellent, had plenty of energy and was definitely not dehydrated. Nor did I waste away into nothingness, go into cardiac arrest or slip into a coma because I drank too much juice.

    Overall I think I lost about 20 lbs in a month, which despite the arguments from the MFP juice slayers, was not water weight. Was it muscle? Maybe some of it. I think a good portion of it was eliminated wastes. It doesn't matter, because I wasn't concerned about losing weight.

    I agree with the juice naysayers in saying that it's not a sustainable weight loss program. But, it was a great way for me to learn about my health and cleanse for awhile. It also taught me something about the unhealthy nature of many foods I'd been eating, and my will power and ability see a goal to its conclusion.

    Yes, I now count my calories, exercise and generally fall in line with the juice haters on principles of weight loss and control. Unfortunately, when it comes to weight loss, they are right about the permanence and simplicity of diet and exercise. In fact, I don't juice at all.

    Does that mean that your post deserved the flaming it got? Not in the slightest.

    Congrats on your discovery! Keep moving in a positive direction and find something sustainable, because you're a hell of a lot better off than the tens of millions of other people who aren't paying attention at all. And, if you want to juice now and then, because you've found you feel better afterward, DO IT!
  • jjoseph329
    jjoseph329 Posts: 39 Member
    People always trying to give advice on what is not healthy . If you know what is healthy then you would not be on MFP trying to lose weight , because you would have never consumed so
    many un healthy calories to be fat. People losel 5 lbs and swear they autritionist
    JPSBS Posts: 8 Member
    I'm sorry could anyone tell me how to make that special juice?

    It's great that you're losing a lot of weight so fast but i think you should take at least 1 "food meal" like breakfast or lunch, that way you could take that juice for a longer time. The results will be better, last longer and you will be able to enjoy eating.
    I'm no professional, just someone interested in that juice recipe ;P

    Good Luck :D
  • bazuukajoe
    bazuukajoe Posts: 49 Member
    Fasting is NEVER a good idea. It's pointless.

    Almost as bad as the "Tape-worm Diet."
  • bazuukajoe
    bazuukajoe Posts: 49 Member
    People always trying to give advice on what is not healthy . If you know what is healthy then you would not be on MFP trying to lose weight , because you would have never consumed so
    many un healthy calories to be fat. People losel 5 lbs and swear they autritionist

    What is a "autritionist?"
  • If you watch the movie on Netflix you would realize that juicing is a great reboot plan. It cleanses you out and you lose extra water weight. It is pretty much a detox from the bad foods you eat. The reason you juice the fruits and vegetables instead of eating them as is is because you have to consume a huge amount to get the calories you need in a day. Eating the fruits and veggies as is is impossible for any person. You would feel so stuffed and miserable. So, you drink it instead. You still get all the great nutrients from them and your able to take in more. Once you are done with the fast you will probably gain weight because you are eating more calories BUT if you make healthy choices, you could go a long way because your metabolism is high and your body is running as it should. On the fast you realize what your body can run off of. You realize you need to eat to live not live to eat. It is a helpful plan if done the right way.
  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member
    I don't think this will end well, somehow ..
  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member
    People always trying to give advice on what is not healthy . If you know what is healthy then you would not be on MFP trying to lose weight , because you would have never consumed so
    many un healthy calories to be fat. People losel 5 lbs and swear they autritionist

    What is a "autritionist?"

    Sorry, but this seriously made me laugh out loud :laugh: :laugh: :sad: :sad: :laugh: :laugh:

    I think it was just a typo. I think she meant to say 'people lose 5lbs and swear they nutrionist [sic]'
  • reach53
    reach53 Posts: 46 Member

    It would be nice if you could come to site like this, post something you were excited about and not get beat up by a bunch of judgmental people, each of whom knows the perfect path to absolute fitness. People tend to overlook a lot of facts because your way is not their way. Like the fact that you never said you lost 14 lbs of pure fat, or the fact that you never said you were going to do this forever because it's the only sustainable way to lose weight.

    I've sat on both sides of this fence, and I say congratulations for taking a step in a direction you thought was important for your health. Weight loss and fitness is a journey of discovery that only you can undertake and guide. Feedback is an important part of that process, but I would ignore anyone who speaks in absolutes.

    I did a "juice fast" for 30 days, mostly as cleansing experiment, not necessarily to lose weight. I drank 48 ounces of raw juice a day from fruits and vegetables (along with another 48 ounces of water and some cleansing teas) on weekdays and ate raw solid foods on the weekends. I felt excellent, had plenty of energy and was definitely not dehydrated. Nor did I waste away into nothingness, go into cardiac arrest or slip into a coma because I drank too much juice.

    Overall I think I lost about 20 lbs in a month, which despite the arguments from the MFP juice slayers, was not water weight. Was it muscle? Maybe some of it. I think a good portion of it was eliminated wastes. It doesn't matter, because I wasn't concerned about losing weight.

    I agree with the juice naysayers in saying that it's not a sustainable weight loss program. But, it was a great way for me to learn about my health and cleanse for awhile. It also taught me something about the unhealthy nature of many foods I'd been eating, and my will power and ability see a goal to its conclusion.

    Yes, I now count my calories, exercise and generally fall in line with the juice haters on principles of weight loss and control. Unfortunately, when it comes to weight loss, they are right about the permanence and simplicity of diet and exercise. In fact, I don't juice at all.

    Does that mean that your post deserved the flaming it got? Not in the slightest.

    Congrats on your discovery! Keep moving in a positive direction and find something sustainable, because you're a hell of a lot better off than the tens of millions of other people who aren't paying attention at all. And, if you want to juice now and then, because you've found you feel better afterward, DO IT!

    Thanks! That is just about what I was thinking!
    Just read a Berenstain Bear book with my daughter and it still had the "old" food pyramid in, with grains as the base of every healthy diet and then fruit, then dairy and last of all proteins. That is not so long ago and was accepted as the healthy norm. How many of you still agree to that?
    For every food study that claims to go one way, there are another five that claim the opposite. If you ask Dr. Fuhrmann, what she does is great and if you ask Dr. Atkins she is killing herself.
    Can't we just all be a bit tolerant and just accept that other people handle their problems in their own way? Sure OP knows she won't live like this forever and will eventually change into a sustainable eating style, whatever this may be for her.
  • Erika1962
    Erika1962 Posts: 187 Member
    Too many chiefs...not enough indians :drinker:
  • MrsObundles
    MrsObundles Posts: 138 Member
  • peggymenard
    peggymenard Posts: 246 Member
    Trust me, there is no magic bullet for losing weight. I am 75 and have been up and down the spectrum of weight loss and fitness. At 75, I know now that it will take sustainable life style change, regular exercise and reduced calories. You'd think I would have been commited to this long ago...I was for a length of time but those eating habits creep up. Then I found MFP through my daughter-in-law and I am here to stay because I am now with MFP people who know what it takes and have made the commitment and are supporting .I love MFP.
  • bazuukajoe
    bazuukajoe Posts: 49 Member
    Why is everyone getting all their info from a movie instead of doing the research themselves? That's the thing that is starting to bother me. For instance, if I made an anti-juice documentary and put it on Netflix, would everyone instantly start believing that juicing was BAD for them? You can't just listen to one side of an argument, you need to do research and find the pros and cons.
  • EmeriaDewes
    EmeriaDewes Posts: 73 Member
  • murygirl
    murygirl Posts: 7
    I think you should do what is right for you, As everyone said, just worried you will put it all back on when you start to eat real food.
    Good luck to you.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Hmm, doesn't sound healthy. Most fasts are for a day to 3, no more. Your body needs more than just 'juice'. Especially if you are exercsing, your body needs fuel.

    I'm not a professional but I say healthy foods, water and exercise will get you where you wanna be. It may be slow, but there's a reason it takes time to lose weight. Besides, you didn't gain it overnight, don't expect it to go away overnight either.

    But to each their own. :indifferent:

    Its ironic that I just happened to have finished making my juice smoothie and drinking it before sitting down to my computer and finding this thread.

    I get about 20% of my calories from juice smoothies...and it is every bit as healthy as if I ate the entire food.

    Why? I put the entire food into a blender and I drink the whole thing, pulp and all.

    I've lost 43 pounds in less than three months (a little over 80 days). I work out every day. I make sure I drink at least eight cups (half gallon) of water every day.

    I feel great. I'm not weak. I make sure I get all my calories and I make sure I stay hydrated.

    I thought "fat, sick and nearly dead" was an awesome movie and very effective for the people that tried it, but they didn't do it in a week. Everyone of them did it over months with exercise and a wide variety of vegetable. If you remember, he said in the movie his budget for veggies on this juice diet was close to $60 a day. That is a lot of freakin' juice, I don't care what kind of prices you are paying for produce.

    Anyway, don't sell yourself short, make sure you are getting your calories and staying hydrated.

    Take care. Good thoughts, prayers and best wishes for your weight loss and health goals.
    There's a huge difference between getting 20% of your calories from juicing, and 100% of your calories from juicing.
  • murygirl
    murygirl Posts: 7
    Well said!
  • blandwriter
    blandwriter Posts: 50 Member
    To each his or her own, I suppose, but I'm one of these with "a lot of fat to lose," and I asked my doctor for guidance, not a documentary on Netflix, and I think it's safest for people looking to make real, lasting changes in their lives to first ask their doctor. Don't be surprised by major blow back when you float a fad diet on a forum on MFP.
  • monty619
    monty619 Posts: 1,308 Member
    To each his or her own, I suppose, but I'm one of these with "a lot of fat to lose," and I asked my doctor for guidance, not a documentary on Netflix, and I think it's safest for people looking to make real, lasting changes in their lives to first ask their doctor. Don't be surprised by major blow back when you float a fad diet on a forum on MFP.

    doctors know very little on actual nutrition.