do you have a splurge day each week?



  • xXKatrinaXx
    xXKatrinaXx Posts: 234
    Nope, no splurge day for me. I don't like seeing that I blew my weekly calorie goal because I let it all fly on ONE day. It's depressing as hell to know you ate enough to gain a pound :~(

    So... if I want to splurge, I work it into my daily calories. A bit of peanut butter or a small dessert or something. It keeps me satisfied and I get to do it every day and there's no guilt!

    i agree, thats how i do it!
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Starting about a year ago, I'd take one day a week to eat however I felt like eating that day, without logging anything I ate. Not necessarily a splurge or binge, but if there was a party at a friend's house or we went out for dinner, I wouldn't count my potato chips to a single serving, or look for the lowest calorie option, or any of that. I'm sure there were days I went over, and days I was under. Starting in June of last year, I did that every weekend or holiday. I didn't think of it as a cheat day, but more a way to wean off logging my food.
  • Kymmu
    Kymmu Posts: 1,650 Member
    No - I do a fast day once a week.
    The exact opposite!
    I want to be lean fit and healthy more than I want some dumb food.
    That's just me though!
  • nill4me
    nill4me Posts: 682 Member
    I don't have a specific day. If I feel like having ice cream after dinner on any day, I have it. Or I have chocolate, and any number of "no-nos" if I want them, because I don't like the idea of having a "treat" day. That's not how I plan on eating the rest of my life. I want to be able to eat things I want, when I want, and not feel restricted. The key is learning how to moderate it all, so it works into the daily plan. Some days I go over, and some days I'm well under my goal. I don't worry about it, because in the big picture, I feel more sane.

    Here Here!
  • SarLem81
    SarLem81 Posts: 115 Member
    I don't go out of my way to set a splurge day each week, but I find that I'm most social on Saturdays and I end up blowing my calories those days. I do try to make sure I get in a good workout before doing something where I suspect I'll consume a lot, but I don't beat myself up over it if it doesn't happen. I just get right back into the swing of things the next day.

    I don't consider myself to be on a diet, though. I'm just trying to make healthier choices and I can't be a shut-in for the rest of my life because I'm trying to avoid every unhealthy, delicious thing out there. :)
  • myjourney2
    myjourney2 Posts: 424 Member
    No splurging for me. I dont have that much self control over my eating yet. My splurge day would surely turn into a splurge week and then a splurge month and I would be right back where I started. Especially if I got on the scale after a splurge day and lost weight. To me that would be my ticket to eat more, unfortunately.

    I admire those that can do a splurge day. Wish my mind worked that
  • InvidiaXII
    InvidiaXII Posts: 315 Member
    Nope, I don't feel like I need a weekly, scheduled splurge day. However, if I'm going out to eat or something I'll let myself go over my daily limit and not worry about it. I also don't schedule rest days, instead I just take one whenever I need it, which usually ends up being once every 7 or 8 days.
  • torygirl79
    torygirl79 Posts: 307 Member
    No, however if I want someone badly I eat in within my limits. I don't get hung up on just having salad or else I would end up splurging on the really bad stuff sooner or later. Better to eat a small amount in moderation.
  • lilojoke
    lilojoke Posts: 427 Member
    No - I do a fast day once a week.
    The exact opposite!
    I want to be lean fit and healthy more than I want some dumb food.
    That's just me though!

    I am totally with this! I still do have my cheat meal though. I also fast once a week though... This combination rocks!
  • thelovelyLIZ
    thelovelyLIZ Posts: 1,227 Member
    I try to limit mine to once or twice a month. Usually I try to still make a healthy-ish choice, and then maybe have a treat like some frozen yogurt afterwards. Nothing over the top, but still healthy.
  • DaisyDuck82
    Yup, in fact this week I had 2 splurge days and still managed to lose 3 lbs :) I try to eat sensible looking portions, that's about it.
  • AshCakes88
    AshCakes88 Posts: 131 Member
    I have a splurge day..usually Friday because I work late. I only splurge on dinner though by grabbing fast food or a pizza.
  • LilSomethin
    LilSomethin Posts: 545 Member
    No, I think every week is a little excessive. I have about 2 a month. Not planned ones. Just seem to average 2 days every month (about 2 weeks before TOM) that I'm just super hungry so I eat and don't think much about it. I log everything I eat but never feel guilty about them :)
  • mjuszczec
    mjuszczec Posts: 12 Member
    On the days when I've worked out enough to earn enough calories to spluge - I do. That usually amounts to 2 days a week.

    But even so, I keep it at the calorie limit.
  • serenity216
    serenity216 Posts: 512 Member
    Mine is never really planned but I do have a cheat meal once every 1-2 weeks. I have noticed on those days I usually only go over 300 calories for the day. It's what works for me.
    One day a week, I'll not go crazy caring about calories, so instead of 1450, I'll usually get up to around 2000 and eat some fries or something I would never otherwise allow myself to have, but I don't go crazy enough to ruin the work I'm doing.
  • alladream
    alladream Posts: 261 Member
    No: I eat what I want every day, but I use brains and good judgment and I understand that actions have consequences, even if I wish they didn't! *shrug* So, I have a fair amount of organic chocolate and smart puffs etc. whenever, and go out to eat on weekends pretty often, but pretty much I only have extra junk/calories on the days I don't have dinner or skip lunch or have a ton of calories available to me. Otherwise, I would set myself up for 'cheating on myself' if I only did it one day a week or something, which would make me feel weird, like I thought one half of me was stupider than the other half and that I could pull something over on it! Then one half of me would blame the half of me that got too far out of control that one day a week, and it would feel confusing to me!
  • ntw25
    ntw25 Posts: 149 Member
    I weigh myself on a Monday morning, so I tend to enjoy a "cheat" on Monday night. As with others, I have always logged it.

    Only been at it 6 weeks, but it appears to be working. Also, it gives me something to look forward to a Monday for
  • Tzippy7
    Tzippy7 Posts: 344 Member
    for me a splurge day means i stay under but I can eat things like pizza and mac n cheese
  • allygirlxo8
    allygirlxo8 Posts: 3 Member
    i have a Cheat day once a month. only because i am usually very bitter on that one day and i feel that a little homestyle comfort food helps me to get through the day and back on the wagon the next day. I do not over eat or have a buffet but i do eat one meal that isnt on my "healthy foods" list but i keep it small. a lot of people have a splurge day then they have a very hard time getting back to fueling their body correctly. some rules i stick to:

    If you feel like splurging dont do it as a treat that you lost weight. Mentally that will teach you that it is alright to eat unhealthy food when you are feeling healthy and doing good to your body. the best way to treat yourself after losing weight is to take a day of rest or do an activity you really Enjoy.

    Also try limitting your splurg to one meal, but a lower quantity. the saying "quality, not quantity" works really well in the weight loss community. splurge with your favorit food but only eat half of your normal serving. Kids meals are a nice way to get a fast food splerge out of your system. they have the correct portions and you can make simple changes to make it healthier. if you want the burger but can pass on the fries you can get apple slices and milk.

    I also buy snacks but portion them out right away. that way i dont sit down with a box of cheez-its. before I knew it I ate the whole box (true story).

    For dinner i always grab a peice of fresh fruit and eat it at the end off my meal as a dessert. helps with the sweets cravings.

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  • kitiarascott
    kitiarascott Posts: 30 Member
    this is my life not a diet so to keep my self happy and satisfied i cheat once in a while, last week i had pizza, today i had some ice cream but i dont go crazy over board i keep it within my daily calories, i wont go over my calories for a craving. Thats just me and it seems to be working ok for me! :smile: