do you have a splurge day each week?



  • nickyskins
    nickyskins Posts: 100 Member
    I wouldnt call it a splurge day for me but once a week I do like to eat something different. I call it my escape from reality day!
  • delilah47
    delilah47 Posts: 1,658
    Why splurge and then be disappointed when you get on the scale next time? Manage your calories like a budget (with NO credit card). Eat frugally and work in a special meal, without guilt, when you can afford it.
  • livandjulsmom
    livandjulsmom Posts: 3 Member
    One day a week, I'll not go crazy caring about calories, so instead of 1450, I'll usually get up to around 2000 and eat some fries or something I would never otherwise allow myself to have, but I don't go crazy enough to ruin the work I'm doing.

    I do this too. I don't want to undo my whole week, but I allow extra calories once a week and step up the workout.
  • TurtleRunnerNC
    TurtleRunnerNC Posts: 751 Member
    Sunday is my 'day off' I still log everything but I don't worry about staying in my limit. Sometimes I'm over a lot some times a little.
  • Krissy366
    Krissy366 Posts: 458 Member
    I don't have a splurge day, but I know that on holidays or at special events I'm not going to necessarily stay within my usual calorie range. Sometimes I manage to get in exercise to make up for it, but sometimes I don't, and don't stress about it. I know I would never be successful if I can't enjoy life, and food is a big part of celebrating. But that said, I do make smarter choices now at celebrations, and limit my intake of the less healthy options.
  • elli1963
    elli1963 Posts: 2
    I typically allow myself to have a splurge day each Sunday with a hitch. I make a point of riding my bike or running/walking with a little more intensity and a little longer that morning I look at it as sacrificing an extra hour to have that one thing I normally stay away from. I also have found over time my idea of splurging now versus say 45 pounds ago could not be further apart. While splurging now may be a 13 ounce steak or grilled hot wings that was the norm before. As other people have said it is changing your lifestyle, not really your diet. If you think you can live another X years and limit yourself to 1250 calories per day then you really don't need it. If you like to vacation, go out with friends, and enjoy day to day life then you have to learn how to manage it on many levels. If I want to have beers while watching football I know I have to balance that with putting in the work. I am about to turn 50 and am the same weight I was at 30 now. My next goal is to firm and tone up. I know I will never be in the shape I was as a 22 year old college athlete but I can be in as good a shape as a 50 year old man can expect. Just my opinion.