Not sure I can do this anymore!



  • Hi there!

    Maybe you should consider that you've hit a plateau. There is a point when we can't lose weight anymore and we start to gain again. Most people think it's because they getting fat which might not necessary be the fact. Which people forget to remember is that muscle is heavier then weight. But, if your scale hasn't moved in 4 weeks, yes you body has hit a plateau, but that's because it's already adapted so well to what you doing it's normal.


    SHAKE IT UP! Change you exercise routine. Do something new so that you start to activate other muscles as well. You will feel and see a difference soon. You should change your workout about every 3 weeks to keep you body guessing. Instead of hitting the treadmill at the gym for the 100th time, play tennis for a 1hour at medium to high intensity. Or swim laps for a hour. Go hiking! Do something fun that involved a little bit of heart raising action. OR short you workouts, but really go ALL in. A good form of training is COMPOUND TRAINING/ SUPERSETS. Things is when you do back-to-back exercise @ high intensity with no break between sets targeting two difference muscle groups.

    Eg. (You could do them simultaneously) Lunge with row. Targeting - legs, glutes and shoulders; Plank with leg-raise. Target - core and glutes. Also if you lift the alternate leg to arm it becomes a balance exercises.
    (OR You could do them separately) Squat (legs) for 30s sets, Vertical chest press (arms and chest) for 30s not break in between (THAT IS ONE SET).

    I had the same thing problem you have now, 2 weeks ago. I stopped logging what I ate and switch from going to gym to playing volleyball and I dropped from 70.7kg to 69.1 not a lot but I got a result.

    Take a break even! For the next to weeks just relax. Give you muscles time to recover. Be conscious of what you eat. And start it up again. Maybe you need a break. Most people will tell you that a break is a bad thing because you'll never come back from it. I say if you disciplined, love you body and know you goals, Getting back ain't so hard!

    Good luck I hope that this helped. O also do some research about plyometric training. Does wonders for toning. And join New exercise routines live everyday. Do what you love with your whole heart.

  • Wow! Sorry, just realized all the grammar errors. But you get what I'm saying right. (Thinking face) I should've proof read before posting. :D
  • Er, one more thing. If you interested in diets. Try the Scarsdale 2week diet. The diet plan is just to help you start off. I've just started it, but a friend of mine recommended to me. He started it and in two weeks I really saw a result. He lost 4/5kgs in 2weeks (WITHOUT WORKING OUT). Maybe this will help you. I'll be interested to see where I will be in 2 weeks.
  • Whisperinghorse
    Whisperinghorse Posts: 202 Member
    Tina, look at helloitsdan in place of a road map thread on here he talks massive sense....

    I've been stuck since early March :sad: but upping calories now to 1700-1900 per day. the scale still still but have lost inches...

    You are way taller than me madam - eat more

    Aunty Claire xxx :drinker: :heart: :flowerforyou:
  • bridgie101
    bridgie101 Posts: 817 Member
    Alcohol calories are special calories. They bind with lead and stick to the insides of your body.

    They attract other alcohol calories which attach, limpet-like to your stomach and hips, never to leave.

    Beware alcohol. It is evil.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    Hey guys, I've not lost any inches either which is why i'm so down! I have a fitbit pedometer that works alongside MFP so I know i'm getting a great picture of my activity levels... Not sure what else I can do. I had 2 days off dieting at the beginning of April when I travelled to see my son in London, just 2 days and I put on 1 pound! I just want to be happy and healthy but not sure I can take much more of all the hard work for no reward! Sure it's a bad day, but they're getting harder to bounce back from...
    And yes, I'm eating more than 1200 calories a day!

    What does your Fit bit say is your average daily calories used for the past 2 weeks?

    17179 burned per week for the last 2 weeks...

    That's 2500 calories a day your body is using - how many calories are you actually eating?

    A defict of 20% would have you eating 2000 daily and still losing weight.

    If you are eating less than 1700 a day, you have a 50% deficit, which is too aggressive.

    This is correct.

    Eat 1800-2k a day for fat loss with lean mass mostly intact.
    Alcohol calories are special calories. They bind with lead and stick to the insides of your body.

    They attract other alcohol calories which attach, limpet-like to your stomach and hips, never to leave.

    Beware alcohol. It is evil.


    Just dont eat while your body is burning alcohol and youll be okay.
    Keep in mind the body will burn off any toxins before devoting attention to partitioning nutrients from food.
    So if you eat while drinking you are more likely to put on fat as opposed to anything else.

    Best prcatice is a quick carb before going out with friends, then after you get home and you arent running to the bathroom every 10 mins to something.
  • MrsLVF
    MrsLVF Posts: 787 Member
    Don't give up! :smile:
    I just broke through a 10 week plateau by changing my macros to: 40 carb 40 protein 20 fat.
  • I'm having the same problem, my doctor put me on a 1000 cal. a day diet and I cant get past 10 pounds, he wants me to lose 12 pounds my may 2
  • Howbouto
    Howbouto Posts: 2,121 Member
    Whenever I feel like this I repeat the following it help keep me going:

    "If you get tired of starting over, STOP QUITTING."

    I'm not certain what your goals are but if you are going to maintain them for life you need to be able to keep going. Throw the scale out and focus on a healthy lifestyle, how your clothes fit, or your general frame of mind. The weight will eventually come off. I know its not easy, I'm a slow loser. I have lost 25 pounds since July, 2011. I have 60 more to go. There are many who would have lost the full 85 pound in the time it took me to lose 25. What I do know is these are gone forever, what I've done to lose them I can do for the rest of my life.
  • better then gaining more weight. Keep your head up and press on. Just adjust things a little and it will start to come off. It's a learning process. You have to be willing to play.
  • angelina2585
    angelina2585 Posts: 273 Member
    Do take a look at the page that Helloitsdan linked to. I've read and re-read it a few times - not made any comments yet ;) - but you know what it's all starting to make sense in my head. More so because I am eating more calories and still losing weight. I thought I'd give upping my calories a try after doing, I think, 3 weeks at 1200. I've now set my goal as 1500 but in reality am eating around 1700 a day once I've taken some of my exercise calories into account.

    You know what? That 1700 is more or less the number that comes up in the chart on the Fat2fit site so I may as well just increase my goal to 1700!

    Good luck in your journey and remember that if you give an increase a try for a few weeks, what's the worst that can happen? You stay the same or put a pound or two on? That's where you're at now anyway. The best that can happen is that the weight shifting instead :)
  • PaigeStephenson
    PaigeStephenson Posts: 19 Member
    keep your chin up and KEEP ON GOING! I've read lots of posts on here about people hitting a plateau and having a hard time breaking through that level. Besides that - keep your spirits high knowing that you are doing the work, its healthier living! Your body will thank you in its own time.

    Sometimes our bodies get used a certain type of exercise ... try changing it up. If you usually jog on the treadmill, try riding the bike or using the eliptical. Change can help us stay interested in working out.

    I'm rooting for you and by the looks of your responses, so are lots of us on MFP.

    ps - feel free to add me as a friend if you want. :)
  • keep your chin up and KEEP ON GOING! I've read lots of posts on here about people hitting a plateau and having a hard time breaking through that level. Besides that - keep your spirits high knowing that you are doing the work, its healthier living! Your body will thank you in its own time.

    Sometimes our bodies get used a certain type of exercise ... try changing it up. If you usually jog on the treadmill, try riding the bike or using the eliptical. Change can help us stay interested in working out.

    I'm rooting for you and by the looks of your responses, so are lots of us on MFP.

    ps - feel free to add me as a friend if you want. :)

    Thank you :)