Falling off the wagon on weekends?



  • Chris_acc_can
    Doesn't happen too often, I usually have 1 cheat day every once and a while. This weekend I had 3 conseuctive cheat days. Hockey playoffs, UFC and a family event that yielded enough cookies and sweets to end world hunger really spiked my calorie intake.

    Today, I'm back on the wagon, mainly because over the course of the weekend I consumed every oz. of junk food in my house, only leaving fruits and vegetables.
  • Maude_Lewbowski
    Maude_Lewbowski Posts: 395 Member
    Does anyone else find themselves essentially "starting over" come Monday morning? Between drinks and that late night pizza, I find myself just letting go on Saturdays after an awesome and healthy week...which only leads to depression come Monday am! Any one else do this? I'd love some tips on how to stay motivated on the weekends. Any tips on how to stay focused would be awesome!!

    Mondays are always depressing, I don't have one of those jobs I love to go to so I allow myself one day a weekend to let loose. Not entirely come undone but, have fun. It also helps to have support here and have a work out partner. I find mworking out with someone holds me accountable and makes me not want to let them down or waste their time. It's good motivation
  • Behappy_Healthy
    Actually, i find myself being healthier at weekends, and i even exercise more... Week days are the hardest for me actually! haha... I have to wake up at 5 and I come home at 3-4, and of course, because I have lunch between 9 and 12 o'clock, I would always find myself hungry so I just go to bakery, and then my whole day is a huge fail...
  • JoolieW68
    JoolieW68 Posts: 1,879 Member
    I'm in the same boat as everyone else. I think the weekends are harder, at least for me, because I don't have the same structure as I do during the week at my job.

    However, when I know I'm going to be struggling, or eat something I normally wouldn't, it gives me motivation to amp up my workouts on the weekends - or at least make sure I don't miss them. I feel better knowing I got in a good workout, even if I go over my calorie goals.
  • joytron
    joytron Posts: 104 Member
    Thanks for posting this.

    I have the same problem, though for me it's that I tend to drink quite a bit on the weekend. Food stays (roughly) the same, but ahhh, the drinks! I live in Tokyo, where it is perfectly legal to drink outside, and weekend activities with my circle of cohorts quite often start with late a.m. drinks in a park somewhere. Have gotten better with this since starting MFP (about 6 weeks ago), but still.

    The fasting thing mentioned above sounds intriguing. Does anyone else have any insight/experience with that type of thing?
  • bmkx0
    bmkx0 Posts: 308
    i don't always do bad on the weekends, but this last weekend was a different story :(
  • mogletdeluxe
    mogletdeluxe Posts: 623 Member
    I relax at weekends, but whilst 'relax' in the old days would have meant near enough consuming my bodyweight in junk food (I'm an ex-binge eater), whereas now it'll be a little of what I fancy.

    I'll have a Chinese takeaway, but I'll turn it into a social event and split it with my friends (bonus; great company and fewer calories!). Or I'll make my own pizza, or buy a frozen one rather than get a takeaway. I exercise at weekends, so I remain rather unapologetic sometimes about the old crispy beef/bottle of wine combo :)
  • cms721
    cms721 Posts: 179 Member
    If you are really doing well with eating and exercise during the week - take a "cheat day" lunch, dinner, or large snack. Just dont do all three. We will all go nuts and wind up worse than before if we dont "cheat" a little. Work out harder/longer on sat morning to have drinks on saturday night.
  • bsgkid
    bsgkid Posts: 72 Member
    My issue is not the weekends per se, but social times, which generally fall on the weekend. I so want to feel 'normal' when I go out with friends to a restaurant and/or a movie that I end up overeating. :drinker: If I know ahead of time, I eat lightly through the day to save my calories for eating out. But when it's an impromptu get together, I struggle with it. The solution to become a hermit to stay on my diet isn't working so well either....:grumble:
  • Fourmenandalady28
    Now, this is something that I struggle with. I lay around more on the weekend watching tv and "relaxing" so I was thinking just before I saw this post that since I am not doing much on those days and Lord knows it's like a rat race for me on the weekdays maybe I will just make my weekends low carb and have a cheat meal during the week when my metabolism can handle it.

  • thinclo
    thinclo Posts: 164 Member
    I do this too but im not really sure why! :(
    LALOCHA34 Posts: 340 Member
    I am having that Monday morning blues feeling a little myself. I actually didn't do too bad this past weekend but I didn't do too great either. I just try to improve a little more each weekend. It did help me to log on to this site and see what everyone else is doing.

    1. I am not alone when it comes to falling off the wagon on Saturday or Sunday but I also see a lot of people who stick to their plans and then I also see these same people losing weight week after week.
    2. I have to remember that and the reason I am doing this. It isn't just a Monday-Thursday thing. Let's face it, my weekend is Friday, Saturday & Sunday. Good lord, that is almost half the week. I agree with one poster who said: Count everything you eat and drink on the weekends. I need to visually see what I am doing to know what I need not to do.

    Good luck, don't give up and treat the weekends like the other days. Work hard every day and it will pay off! This is a FULL TIME job!
  • annakristi86
    ahhh.... this is so me.... i've been the same weight for few weeks already specifically because of this... im gonna try to lower my calories during the week even more and really really try not to go over my maintain calories on the weekend... i think when i drink alcohol is when bad things happen....im gonna try to limit myself to no more than 2 drinks a night on the weekend and limit my weekend to only saturday so at least there is only 1 bad day.... we'll see....
  • greene89
    greene89 Posts: 49 Member
    I used to do this EVERY week. But now I log my cheat day and make it only one not the whole weekend like i Used to. I also (And this is key) Workout early that day before drinking or eating bad. I dont go too much over my calories, But I eat junk and w/e I want instead of on the good days where I eat healthy.
  • jcpmoore
    jcpmoore Posts: 796 Member
    Does anyone else find themselves essentially "starting over" come Monday morning? Between drinks and that late night pizza, I find myself just letting go on Saturdays after an awesome and healthy week...which only leads to depression come Monday am! Any one else do this? I'd love some tips on how to stay motivated on the weekends. Any tips on how to stay focused would be awesome!!

    My best recommendation is to PLAN. You know what your weaknesses are-plan for them. If your weakness is that your order pizza for dinner on Saturday night-don't. Plan ahead to make something totally healthy and exciting instead and have that. If your weakness is late night snacking, then plan for it. Plan a menu that includes a tasty but healthy late night snack that you can have that fits into your plan.

    Planning is the key.
  • happystars82
    happystars82 Posts: 225 Member
  • ChristiH4000
    ChristiH4000 Posts: 531 Member
    Yep, I'm falling off the damn highway, the wagon isn't even in my line of sight. I've never really kept track on weekends before, but the last two weekends show me that my weak, mindless, boredom, social, over-indulging tendencies are on full attack on the weekends. I've got to be mindful not to go so overboard. I think trying to keep an eating schedule like I have during the week might help. It wouldn't be so upsetting if it were just a bit over, but yesterday's calories are sickening to go look at.
    Hrmph. Really glad you posted this because I'm venting a little now instead of beating myself up over it all day today.
  • MissFab2012
    MissFab2012 Posts: 10 Member
    I understand just where you are coming from with this POST…. On the weekend it is a Mind over Matter skill that we and other like us have to build. Just because it is the “WEEKEND BABYYYY” it is not a license to Drink and Eat like we are crazy. I have a hard time with the weekend too. But I find it I still get a walk or to in over the weekend it is not that bad. LMFAO – we have to work on our Willpower…
  • jenbunboo
    jenbunboo Posts: 90 Member
    Weekends tend to mean at least one meal out for me, and as I only see my man on weekends, I tend not to work out, unless he is busy for a while. I log everything as best I can, but I'm sure I underestimate some of those meals out, I just don't know exactly what is in what I'm eating. I've found that over the last couple months, my meals out have become the only bad part of what I'm eating, and those choices are getting better (this weekend it was a quinoa meatball appetizer, a fancy banana split, and two beers) than they used to be (an appetizer, a main, a dessert, and 3-4 beers). I went for a 3.5 mile walk that morning, knowing I was eating out. Did it offset every calorie? Goodness no, but in the end my large lunch meant I only wanted a tiny dinner, and I still came in right at my calorie count. My weight tends to be the same at the beginning of the weekend and the end, or a little higher, which I believe is usually due to the higher sodium content of food at a restaurant than what I eat at home. In the end, I'm still losing weight overall, my weekends may put a slight damper on the speed, but I still enjoy every bite of it. I'm losing weight to be healthier, and have a better quality life. I'm not going to pass up every tasty meal I want and get less enjoyment out of life on my way there.
  • eganita
    eganita Posts: 501 Member
    I definitely don't eat as well on the weekends as I do during the weekdays. I try to make sure I get in good workouts all days in the weekend to at least minimize the damage from the less healthy foods and some adult beverages. The way I see it, I still want to live my life and enjoy myself.. so even if the slight relapses on the weekend slow me down a bit, it's worth it.

    That being said, I have cut back GREATLY compared to my typical weekends in the past. Now, splurging is having 1-2 beers, instead of having 6+. :)