Trim for Turkey Day starts today! Join if you want!



  • sudzie88
    sudzie88 Posts: 185 Member
    got all my water in, and had a pretty good food day as well :) feeling very good with my first day back to the gym!

    doing the shred in the morning because i dont have time to go to the gym tomorrow :/
  • skywalker
    skywalker Posts: 1,533
    Got in all my water, and then some :drinker:
    I'll be back thursday for check-in. Great job everyone!! :bigsmile:
  • pepamint83
    pepamint83 Posts: 444 Member
    @ pepamint83 congrats on giving up soda that many days. I have long since stopped drinking reg soda and only have diet. Now, I've stopped drinking it all day long and just have one or two a day - but I find it difficult to make the final break. I actually like water, but sometimes, a girl just wants a little variety. I keep meaning to start making iced tea, but maybe I should try crystal light again - haven't had it in years.

    I'm ALMOST meeting my water goals - I seem to fall about 1 glass short in the evenings and don't want to chug a lot right before bed. I'm starting off with 3 glasses, but I'm falling off mid-day. Going to try another water load after lunch.

    thanks so much yeah i never drank regular soda but sadly have been drinking diet since i think i was 3 (o god) so this has been really hard for me but ive been having the iced tea which i luv and highly recommend its mostly water so u get ur daily water in and i can drink 1 or 2 soda bottles full (wat i make my crystal light in) let me know if the switch helps....also water with lime or lemon makes water more berable and dont think im crzy but a slice of cucumber makes it really good to.
  • pepamint83
    pepamint83 Posts: 444 Member

    pep - good to see you are back to walking! are the toes totally healed?

    yup :drinker: :drinker: i think they are :bigsmile: i mean theres once and a while they hurt but im walking at least an hour again big part of the pain was getting the shoe on. im thinking of a bike ride tom we will see how the weather here in NYC holds up cause its all over the place right now. thanks for the support still feel like an idiot but wore really cute sandals to school yesterday and brought the walking bottle with iced tea so i feel pretty good.
  • katznketo
    katznketo Posts: 323 Member
    I think most of the country has gone to bed by the time I find the time to get on this site. I try to run in as soon as the kids go to bed.

    Today was day 2 of this challenge for me. I did great until an hour ago. I am 7 gm over my fat and allotment and just at my calories. How bad is that and will it stop weight loss?:flowerforyou:
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    Hey kcwriter, I am still up and here, enjoy your run! :smile:
  • MissResa
    MissResa Posts: 1,147 Member
    I'm still awake! It's only 8:17 here in Alaska...:wink:
  • usmcwifeb15
    usmcwifeb15 Posts: 470 Member
    Ok so I know I am super late on starting Trim for Turkey Day but better late than never. I did this last year and was doing great but fell off the wagon :frown: So here I am again. It does really seem to help when you start a challange with everyone else it's great motivation!
    SW 163
    TD Goal 148
  • jlbay
    jlbay Posts: 473 Member
    Tomorrow is weigh in, right?? Here's hoping I've lost 1 lb at least. I restarted MFP a couple of weeks ago after being on holiday, having guests, etc. I decided to go with the 1lb loss a week calorie level and see what happens. I'm nervous b/c I still have it in my head that I must be starving to lose weight, even if I exercise. Here's hoping my little experiment doesn't let me down. (Before I had MFG set to 2 lbs a week)

    Water challenge has been a little tough - those last two glasses always come at the end of the evening. Not good! :drinker: :drinker:
  • too late to join??? *insert begging puppy dog face here* :laugh:
  • MissResa
    MissResa Posts: 1,147 Member
    too late to join??? *insert begging puppy dog face here* :laugh:

    Hee-hee... Way too cute of a post to say no! I'm pretty sure we're an open thread and anyone can join!

    Went swimming this morning, and now I'm off to lunch with my mom! We don't get to do it very often... Salad bar for me! I have kickboxing and 2 hours of volleyball tonight, so I'm really looking forward to a yummy dinner tonight. Hope everyone has a great day!
  • whew! thanks for letting me join even though i'm a gazillion or so days late... :tongue:

    Current weight: 131 lbs.
    Goal weight: 120 lbs (and then we'll see about more!)

    If I set myself at a pace of 1.1 lbs/week, I should reach my GW by TD! That would be awesome! But seeming that these are "the last 10 lbs" it might be easier said than done. But this site is AMAZING and i LOVE reading through all of your posts!

    As far as my water goal, it figures around 52oz/day. But I strive for 4-16oz bottles, which gives me I'd say I'm set there (even though it never feels like thats enough!!)

    :drinker: Cheers to everyone here and good luck to us all in our journey until TD arrives. Just remember this, also my motto to get me thru my days "NOTHING...and I mean NOTHING! tastes as good as thin feels!!!" :wink:
  • Got in all my water, and then some :drinker:
    I'll be back thursday for check-in. Great job everyone!! :bigsmile: in tomorrow? Ut oh... *runs to starve self* :sad: JUST KIDDING! :happy:

    See you all tomorrow!!
  • sudzie88
    sudzie88 Posts: 185 Member
    hey guys! did the shred this morning for the first time in MONTHS since i had been out of the country and visiting family :( it was painful, but felt good to get back into it. tomorrow i am doing it again but then also hitting the elliptical at the gym for some more cardio!

    today was rough i was at a training all day and they "fed us"!!! breakfast: dunkin donuts munchkins!!! lunch: pizza!! it was so tough. I had brought an apple thinking the snacks would be unhealthy but I thought they would have marginally better options :( ill know better next time... time for a small salad for dinner, although since i ate so much food im not that hungry anyways
  • skywalker
    skywalker Posts: 1,533
    hey guys! did the shred this morning for the first time in MONTHS since i had been out of the country and visiting family :( it was painful, but felt good to get back into it. tomorrow i am doing it again but then also hitting the elliptical at the gym for some more cardio!

    There's a 30 Day Shred group if anyone wants to join in to help with our Turkey Day goals. :happy:
    Here's the link....
  • katznketo
    katznketo Posts: 323 Member
    thank you for those who wrote to me last night. I went to bed and missed ya!

    As I confessed on another thread, I did fantastic for 2 days. Then I picked up a goodie for the 'family' cause I thought I was in control. I got a big sugar problem. Well, I came home and ate it. Put me 3 pts over my fat allotment but I was still under my calories.

    I don't know how damaging that is but I did learn that that sugar :mad: demon is a liar and I listened.

    I really want that 20 pounds for my birthday. I really do. So today I wrote everything down and am 4 gms under my fat. Do you think that makes up for it? Please all you Gobblers out there. Stick with me cause I am turning 55 and to make it through the depression a nice hunk of fat gone would do the trick.

    So appreciate you all. kc
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,132 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    I'd love to join this challenge. I like to take life one day at a time, but yesterday someone asked me how I was going to handle eating at Thanksgiving and my brain raced into the future.

    My starting weight January14---- 183
    Current weight, September 1

    My goal weight

    If I lost a pound a week I'd get to my goal by Thanksgiving but I don't think losing a pound a week is realistic now that I'm closer to my goal so my realistic goal is 124 by Thanksgiving.

    I've been doing pretty well with water drinking although some nights I drink 32 ounces in the last hour before I go to bed because I'm so far behind. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: I try to drink 64 ounces a day which is a little higher than the formula suggested at the beginning of this thread.

    In January I gradually quit drinking coffee, then I slowly eliminated putting any sweetener in my tea and drank the rest of my Crystal Lite supply. Now I drink only unsweetened herb tea and water.

    Good luck to all of us,
  • MissResa
    MissResa Posts: 1,147 Member
    The sugar demon? That's a great first for me! I've never heard it that way, but it's very fitting!:laugh:
    As long as you were under your calories, I think you should be okay. Just keep in mind that where your calories consistently come from will effect you in the long run-as long as it's not a habit, you should be okay! It's not like you've been living off of crispy cremes for your all your meals!:wink:

    I actually had a soft-serve ice cream cone with my girls... EEEEeeep!:sick: But I have a step/kickboxing class tonight, plus 2 hours of volleyball an hour later, AND I went swimming earlier this morning! I know 150 calories will not be a factor tonight after that many calories get burned!!!
  • tammietifanie
    tammietifanie Posts: 1,496 Member
    WAIT!!!!! We weigh in on Thursday??? o boy!!!! umm i only joined a few days ago but i will still post my current weight in the morning....

    Hope everyone is having a wonderful week...
  • Whoo Hoo! I made it past my my water intake!!! I am so proud of myself!
    It may sound crazy but that is a huge goal for me!

    I have issues with the sugar demon too! I had been drinking Mt Dew for years (since middle school). I learnd that Mt Dew had been Alcohol with me, which alcoholics run deep in my family. I had gotten off of it with each pregnancy (somehow:huh: ) but always managed to get addicted again. Once I learned that I was dependant on it (crazy, I know), I knew I had to quit for good! Ihad even been shifting my food cals to work around it....and was barely eating:embarassed: . So I have been off for about a month (not easy, I was very sick) and kicked the caffine, but I still crave the sugar. I have been doing extra workouts to eat a little icecream at night. I have been eating the edy's slow churned (1/2 the fat and cals). Its been helping, but I know its not good. So I am weaning myself off that. Hopefully soon I will be sugar free.
    You all must think I am crazy....I sound crazy!

    See you all tomorrow for weigh in day. I hope I remeber in the morning! I have to get my daughter ready for her first day at pre-k (tear)!:brokenheart: :sad:
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