20 th July new group



  • chrissey
    chrissey Posts: 30 Member
    Happy Thursday!!

    I plan on spending the weekend with some good friends from out of state that I haven't seen in forever!! They will be staying at my house so I need to play Hostess..So I need to come up with a few different healthy finger food ideas...any suggestions???

    I was thinking chicken sausage pepper & onions...Turkey meatballs in sauce...etc...
  • Eava57
    Eava57 Posts: 1,297 Member
    Stressful week! I went back to CURVES today! Yeah!:laugh: I'm going to try to use the three day holiday to get back on track. Hope everyone has a great weekend.
  • angelae39
    angelae39 Posts: 90 Member
    Hello Everyone!

    I have been so sick this week. I have not been online at all. I didn't lose any (isn't that supposed to be the advantage to being sick?) but I didn't gain any either.

    Now if I can just control myself at the 2 BarBQ's that I am going to this weekend I should be set!

    Hope everyone is doing great out there.
  • jigglybits
    jigglybits Posts: 100 Member
    hey everybody!! Down 1 pound this week...woohoo

    hope u all have a brilliant long wknd:drinker:

  • patty09
    patty09 Posts: 105
    Hi Everyone

    I don't have a scale around for 2 weeks so we will find out later.
    I have been eating a lot more than at home but did a outside run yesterday and this morning.
    I hope that helped
    I hope everyone can send me a good weigh in weight. Can't wait to see all the good news.
    Keep it going all of you
    talk to you soon

  • angl
    angl Posts: 188
    Hi Everyone,
    Im down another 1 lb. for this week. :smile: :happy: Been walking a lot and eating smart. Lots of fresh fruits and veggies from the summer harvest. I live in the bountiful farm land here in the thumb of Michigan. Little market stands with the veggies and fruits are everywhere. Pumpkins will be the next thing I will see being for sale. Not looking forward to seeing that as it means that summer is over.:frown:
    As for the Halloween candy......I always stick to giving out the fruit snacks....The kids love them and I cant see how anyone can eat them.Yuck. It does keep the cho. out of the house.
    Good to see everyone sticking with us...Hang in there and just DONT QUIT. Once you quit you will gain all your hard work back and start feeling sorry for yourself. Just get back on the weight loss journey and keep on giving a ****.....It will finally pay off.
    I will not be around much next week as I need to go for some minor surgery.:frown: Not happy about it but it needs to be done. Getting old sucks!!!!:angry: So for all of you who are under 40...live for today and dont take even one day for granted. Dont procrastinate what you can do today. Just do it. Because getting old SUCKS. Guess you got my message......
    Have a great weekend everyone. Its gonna be beautiful and sunny here:glasses: :smokin:
  • Eava57
    Eava57 Posts: 1,297 Member
    Good to hear from you Patty! You can keep track by how your clothes are fitting you. Believe me, we don't need a scale for that!:laugh: Angl, we will all be thinking of you. Hope you will be feeling better soon. I agree with angl...don't give up! We all want to throw in the towel...Remember that's how we got to this point in our lives. Take each day and think about something positive you've accomplished...like not eating chocolate.:noway: No Halloween candy!!!
  • richardsrm
    richardsrm Posts: 1,144 Member
    :smile: Just got back from a mini vacation with the grandchildren to Pennsylvania. We went to a great amusment park and there was a pool at the hotel. I had the best time! I didn't stick to my diet but I did not over eat. Grazing is a serious issue with me. Glad to hear everyone is doing great. Our schools start tomorrow. So far no flu here. Hugs to all Richie
  • spiralgirl71
    spiralgirl71 Posts: 374 Member

    Was sick through the entire long weekend. Friday I had to goto a funeral but after that I was pretty much in bed. No change in weight. This is two weeks straight.

    Back to the grind today. Will be working out later. Welcome back Patty!! Congrats to all who lost!

    Richie-which amusement park did you go to? My family is from Pittsburgh and I spent many days at Kennywood while growing up.
  • chrissey
    chrissey Posts: 30 Member
    HI All..

    I'm down 1.1lbs...that makes me EXACTLY 200..not 200.1..nor 199.9..exactly 200..what a tease..anyhow..I went off the wagon this weekend so hard that I should have a bruise!! ..we had company and I made a few things for them that I should not have eaten...well low and behold I was sick ALL saturday night..my stomach did NOT like the spicy food that I had not had in so long..so after I recovered from Saturday night I splurged on Sunday & Monday!!! I had ice cream (not once but TWICE!) ...steak tips..pancakes for breakfast..my favorite candy...potato chips...I have NOT exercized since last Thursday...nor have I logged my food...haven't drank my water...etc..you get the picture..but I am back on the wagon today..my calories were adjusted this week due to my weightloss...and I will be back on that treadmill tonight!

    I have come this far to not turn back...I'm REALLY disappointed in myself! Not only did I slip up but I gorged on the things I had been missing.....so much for moderation LOL :mad:
  • richardsrm
    richardsrm Posts: 1,144 Member
    :laugh: We went to knobels park it is sort of near maybe allentown it is iff I-80. Really a great family park It is in the country. I guess folks from Philly might travel there. You know it is funny Chrissey but I ate really bad food also. KFC with all the extras and felt sick to my stomach the next day. I thought I caught a bug but maybe my body is trying to tell me something:laugh: The best thing about this group is we can be honest and not be embarrassed. I like that! Tomorrow is my day to weigh in. I will let you know if I gain, lose or maintain. Hugs to all , Richie
  • Eava57
    Eava57 Posts: 1,297 Member
    Chrissey, you are at 200 and still lost weight (in spite of your weekend)! You are doing so awesome. Get back on the train this week. I get really sick too if I eat t junk food. I am trying to exercise regularly. I had a bad week last week but am ready to do better. We all have slip-ups...went to a bbq on Sunday and I went to town on the 7 layer bean dip!!!:tongue: How's everyone else doing? Spiralgirl, hope you are feeling better.
  • patty09
    patty09 Posts: 105
    Hi everyone

    No, I am still not back yet but waiting to see all your good results
    I received a few.
    Come on stay on the wagon!
    My trousers still fit so I don't think I gained. The food here is so lovely specially all the dairy products. They have so many types of yoghurt hmmmm

    Who bought that heartbeat/cal burner monitor. I wanna look for it overhere.
    I think it was honibun.
    What do I look for?

    Have fun everyone
  • richardsrm
    richardsrm Posts: 1,144 Member
    :sad: still the same weight! oh well I didn't gain and I did eat the KFC. I guess we all have to just hang it there. Off to school this morning. Lots of meetings this week and junk to take to school next week I should be able to walk to school. I am not going to give up this time. Thanks for being there for me every one. Yea! Richie
  • aholly70
    aholly70 Posts: 577 Member
    Hello,i'v haven't been on for awhile cuz i'm super busy with my daughter in cross country,dance,bible class,and choir we are always doing something,i still been working out,i also started weight watchers at home kit it's been doing good on it,anyone else on weight watchers?i did gain some wheni was on vac.but it was a fun time.holly
  • ldr624
    Hello All,

    I finally got my computer up and running again. That was a long....three weeks. Anyhow...I was doing great with the program up until last Friday. I didn't exercise over the weekend and had a piece of cake 4 days straight. Whenever there's a holiday, I always fall off the wagon. I need to get better about this as I can't afford to gain anymore weight. Any advice on how to handle holidays.

    Good luck to everyone.
  • richardsrm
    richardsrm Posts: 1,144 Member
    I just come back to this group! it helps me to know we are in the same boat. I noticed you lost eight pounds. That is great! Yesterday I carried ten pounds of groceries up the stairs. My knee hurt. I suddenly realized that just taking off ten pounds had made a difference in the pain when I walk up stairs. Made me smile! I think changing the way I eat will really help me. I am going to keep trying and I am glad your back too! hugs to all , Richie
  • chrissey
    chrissey Posts: 30 Member
    Good Afternoon!

    Ok..back on the wagon..thanks all for the support...thats why I love coming here...Eva, I weighed in BEFORE my weekend breakout...LOL..I think I knew I was going to do it..and yesterday I was awful as well..soooo, I do not expect to lose anything this week and wont be surprised if I gain a little something...anyhow, next Monday we are starting a friendly weightloss competition at work...losers buy the winners (teams) a gift card at a local salon half way through the 8 week program..then losers take the winners out to a healthy lunch...so thats incentive....I have been under a huge amount of stress these days and for me, that makes it so much easier to say eh...screw it...(long story short...son broke his jaw in June...had surgery...surgery failed..need more...out of state surgeon, insurance company nightmare stories...yada, yada, yada...) All the more reason why I NEED to feel good for me!!!!

    hope everyone has a great week!
  • spiralgirl71
    spiralgirl71 Posts: 374 Member
    Hi! I forgot to get weighed this morning. I will try to remember tomorrow. I'm not expecting much. The Chalean Extreme program is increasing muscle so I've just been breaking even the last few weeks. There is a noticable difference though so I am looking forward to this portion of the program being over so that I can compare my measurements.

    How did everyone else do today in the weigh in?
  • angl
    angl Posts: 188
    Good Morning Girlfriends,
    I stayed the same this week.
    Not much activity on this site lately.
    All of you need to remember that there will always be a challenge for us the rest of our lives. If we are going to overcome this weight loss journey we need to learn how to not be overcome by the urge to be sucked in by the seduction of those unhealthy, high fat, no nutrient, processed foods. Stick with the fruits, veggies and natural grain foods.
    Im writing this for myself..:huh: ...so I can make sure I will follow my own advice. We all know what to do but some foods just want to suck me in. I MUST RESIST!!!!!!
    Have a great weekend