What is the longest that you have driven



  • fajitatx
    fajitatx Posts: 36
    My wife and I drive to a cottage near Traverse City, MI from here in Austin,TX. The distance is about 1,450 miles. We have only tried to drive straight through one time, we were both so tired by the time we hit Michigan, we ended up crashing for some sleep at a rest stop about 5 hours away from our destination, just couldn't make it.

    So now we always stop somewhere along the way.

    I am going to be driving the route myself this year, I don't plan to drive straight through, I hope to keep to the same kind of 2 day trip.
  • Detroit to Phoenix (2000miles)on more then one occasion for work.
    Eat in the car, pee in a bottle and only stop for gas.
  • MariaAlbina
    MariaAlbina Posts: 130 Member
    My family used to drive 600 miles from MI to Philly in 10 hours when I was younger.
  • Stymie977
    Stymie977 Posts: 12 Member
    Last week I drove from San Antonio, TX to Fayetteville, NC approx. 1300 miles. Left at 9:30 am, arrived at 5:15 am the next morning (gained an hour with the time change).
    That was the end of my "trip" that started on a Wednseday in Fayetteville, NC, to St. Louis, MO,(with my 2 year old) then the next morning from St. Louis, MO to San Antonio, TX, next afternoon back to STL, then in the morning back to San Antonio from STL (with my 2 year old again), and the final leg was San Antonio, back to NC. About 5000 miles in a little less than five days, last leg was the longest shortest was about 14 hours (with the boy). Not fun...
  • NipsGhost
    NipsGhost Posts: 46
    Longest I drove in one day on my own was 1,001.5 miles from Holbrook, AZ to Cottonwood, CA. Started at 9am and got there at 1 or 2 am (I don't really remember much about that last hour of drive time) The entire trip was from Fairport Harbor, OH to Cottonwood, CA taking the southern route because of snow storms in Colorado. So I hit OK City, OK first, then kept south to CA.

    Total Trip time was 5 days-
    Total miles- 2,989 something
    Total drivers- Me

    Total time I crashed after arriving- 72 hours :)
  • 1590 miles from Zip code 19008 to Tomball, TX. On a motorcycle. Made it in 22 hours. God it was great being young.
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    1st trip: From Manchester, NH to Toronto, ON
    2nd trip: From Manchester, NH to Atlanta, GA
  • skylark94
    skylark94 Posts: 2,036 Member
    I drove from West Palm Beach, FL to Minneapolis, MN (1,750 miles), just stopping for gas. It took me 23.5 hours with an average speed of 75 mph. Oh, to be young and stupid again. I took a nap and hit the road at 11pm. I like to start my long drives in the dark. It's easier to stay awake during the day.

    I regularly drive to Illinois from my home in Florida without stopping. It's 886 miles. With stops, traveling with a dog and 2 kids, it takes about 15 hours. I start that trip around 3am.
  • jetabear10
    jetabear10 Posts: 375 Member
    We used to drive from outside of Toronto, Ontario Canada to Daytona Beach for spring break 2,037 km, 22 hours (that's 1265 miles for you imperial peeps)
  • soontobesam
    soontobesam Posts: 714 Member
    I drove from Manchester NH to Columbus GA last month, a little over 1200+ miles / 22 hours.
  • iwantahealthierme13
    iwantahealthierme13 Posts: 337 Member
    16 hours from Toronto, Ontario to Atlanta, Georgia
  • philOHIO
    philOHIO Posts: 520 Member
    Wadsworth, OH to Kissimmee, FL... 1030 miles.... every year. Leave at 5-8pm, drive through the night and make it into Kissimmee in early morning. However as I get older, we do stop for bathroom breaks (wife and two girls) and fast food drive through, and Jax for breakfast.
  • AtticusFinch
    AtticusFinch Posts: 1,262 Member
    Nothing like 900 miles for me, 545 from Mönchengladbach, Germany to Plymouth in the SW of England. That took all day but partly due to ferry crossings.

    You are going to be absolutely shattered if you try to do 900 in a day and even if you have the stamina, you're not going to be the safest of drivers during your last few hundred miles. I'd break it over 2 days if you possibly can, better to arrive late then not at all.
  • Natx83
    Natx83 Posts: 1,298 Member
    I drove from Chicago, Illinois to Camp Pendleton, California in 1973. Only stopping for gas. Approximately 2,000 miles. On a motorcycle. Right after I made bail.

    You sir are a legend.

    I've done a 750km day on my bike, none of it was highway just curvy mountain roads. Not a long distance but looooong as day on the bike about 12 hrs.
  • kurenaikumo
    kurenaikumo Posts: 271 Member
    10 hours from Detroit MI area to Newport News VA to visit a friend. It was in a Dodge Neon, alone.
  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    Yuma, AZ to Tulsa, OK in 1998 or Tulsa, OK to Waldorf, MD in 2000. Both were about 1300 miles in 30 hours including a stop for a couple hour nap and potty/gas stops. Just me and my cat in a UHaul with my car on a trailer behind the truck.
  • Lift_This_
    Lift_This_ Posts: 2,756 Member
    Made it from chicago to Wyoming in 15 hours....only stopped for gas.
  • Emv79
    Emv79 Posts: 245 Member
    About 550Miles - Brampton, ON to our cottage about 1hour West of Quebec, QC. Only stopped for gas.

    You can plan on doing any long distance, but make sure that if you are too tired, I don't care if you have music blasting, windows open, drinking coffee/energy drinks like crazy: STOP. Be honest with yourself.

    There is no point in injuring yourself or someone else because you're not alert enough to drive safely.
  • Lift_This_
    Lift_This_ Posts: 2,756 Member
    So...a few posts earlier I said I drove 15 hours from chicago to Wyoming....well the second half of that trip was Wyoming to central ca (18 hours).....so total trip chicago to ca.....33 hours only stopping for gas.

    When I drive that route with my sis in the car the 2100 mile trip then take 26 hours...Haha we are speed demons.
  • WildAngelJoy
    WildAngelJoy Posts: 140 Member
    Alone in one day...554 miles from El Cerrito, CA, to Anaheim, CA. Took about 9 hours including stops. It would have been a shorter time, although the same mileage, if I had taken I-5 S instead of US-101 S but I prefer U S-101 S as it is the coastal route and has beautiful scenery in some areas (especially Santa Barbara and Ventura, diving through the last makes me always sing "Ventura Highway"). Also a route close to my heart as my Mom and I used to drive down that way every summer to vist my Aunt and cousins. I left early so as to avoid the crowded LA freeways in the afternoon and I did take rest stops to stretch and munch. Music was a must. I was meeting my cousin for a 3 week vacation and we had a blast. Girls gone wild :wink: !!!