5 random facts about yourself



  • ShannaB83185
    ShannaB83185 Posts: 441 Member
    Name: Nicole
    Age: 26

    1. I love being a mommy
    2. I'm marrying my high school sweetheart.
    3. I am Completely and Totally terrified of bugs (spiders, roaches, EW!). Like, I literally cry. :cry:
    4. I love my career and am great at it
    5. I am taking my first trip to Nicaragua next spring for my honeymoon. (My fiance's homeland)

    4. What's your career? :)

    1. I can't sleep with the closet door open.
    2. No matter how close I get to the bed, I never put my feet underneath it.
    3. I drink my coffee with a straw.
    4. I color coordinate everything- my closet, activities in my planner, etc.
    5. I consider myself a deep thinker and I like looking into the hidden meanings of things rather than just believe the surface stuff.
  • Kelly0572
    Kelly0572 Posts: 50 Member
    Haha, I agree with Stephine, I also love my cats more then most people :laugh:
  • mtneerjk81
    mtneerjk81 Posts: 65 Member
    4. I successfully executed a fake punt to basically clinch a BCS bowl victory.
    5. I'd choose a blizzard over the sunny beach every day of the week!

    4) Which bowl?
    5) I'm the complete opposite!

    Sugar Bowl
  • _the_feniks_
    _the_feniks_ Posts: 3,443 Member

    1. My small toes are mutantly short.
    2. My penis, however, is 13 inches... starting at the spleen.
    3. My friends call me Trigger or ****inthebox.
    4. I'm well prepared for a zombie apocalypse.
    5. I don't offend easily but offend often.
  • soon2b_1fitmama
    1. I have a 2 year old daughter
    2. I enjoy photography and do it professionally as well
    3. I'm a workaholic
    4. Went back to school for my second degree.
    5. I have Nanosophobia - look it up ;-] lol
  • 7funnygirl7
    7funnygirl7 Posts: 1,176

    1. use profanity daily! :frown:
    2. hate dirty feet/socks :sick:
    3. still wonder if I married the "right guy" :indifferent:
    4. am afraid of thunderstorms :embarassed:
    5. am obsessed with being clean "down there" :love:
  • dewgirl321
    dewgirl321 Posts: 296 Member
    1. I drag race at BIR (Brainerd International Raceway) and LOVE IT!!

    Sarah, 34

    *I drag race too! (Firebird Raceway)
    *I've planned to write a book(s) since I was probably 7 - can't believe I haven't actually finished one yet!
    *I drive my boyfriend crazy with my constant mention of calorie counts, workouts, what I learned/heard about on MFP
    *Boston feels like home to me even though I only lived there about 6 yrs in my 20's
    *I LOVE The National Gallery in London and have actually had dreams about it
  • Sister_Someone
    Sister_Someone Posts: 567 Member

    1. My baby toes are kind of... curly. They just, I don't know, curl downwards, towards the floor. They don't hurt or anything, it just looks weird.
    2. I don't touch mud. When I have to wash it off something, I wear gloves.
    3. I never use the same nail polish two times in a row.
    4. I am not capable of eating one square of chocolate. Once I've started, I'll eat until it's gone or someone takes it away from me.
    5. I'm firmly pro-choice.
  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    I hate driving over bridges.

    Me too! espically ones over water!
  • tracyface399
    tracyface399 Posts: 83 Member
    Tracy, 31

    1. I am obsessed with triscuit crackers and cheese.... i will keep eating it no matter what. Even if it's only 3 squares a day.
    2. LOVE anything zombie, end of the world related.
    3. I play WoW... not as much since I started on here. And usually take the summers off.
    4. I love Vegas
    5. I am very much a morning person, like 4am wake up everyday crazy.
  • marchantlady
    marchantlady Posts: 14 Member
    OMG- your last fact gave me a HUGE laugh! LOL
  • skinnieminniemouse
    Hi, my name is Rachael and I'm 20

    1. I like quirky handmade things, my room is highly decorated with all these.
    2. I really struggle to make friends, sometimes I get really lonely because of this.
    3. My mum is my best friend, I love her and my dad and my boyfriend more than anything.
    4. I am scared of the dark my mind conjures up mass murderers hiding in the corners.
    5. I am quite a negative person - I'm really trying to work on that.
  • paperm313
    paperm313 Posts: 30

    1. I love drawing, it is that awesome!
    2. I play the piano almost every day, someday the violin
    3. For some odd reason, I can still touch my head with my foot
    4. Someday will be a doctor
    5. Yankee fan!!!! Wooh!!!!
  • Diary_Queen
    Diary_Queen Posts: 1,314 Member
    Name: Amanda
    Age: 32

    1. I was the last child born in a small, rural hospital in my area.
    2. I have never been married or engaged.
    3. I never learned to swim after falling in and nearly drowning at age 5.
    4. I own a pair of Manolo Blahniks but have never worn them because I'm scare to get them dirty.
    5. I have an ear cartilege piercing that I have stretched to a 10g.
  • sammniamii
    sammniamii Posts: 669 Member

    1) I love video games because it's fun to pretend I'm not me all the time
    2) I'm terrified of toilets (if it's loud or an automatic, I won't use it!)
    3) I wish I had a tail
    4) When I talk, I see the words flashing in my head like subtitles
    5) I just don't hear music, I see it as movement - I can't stand some types because the "movement" hurts to watch
  • Lotte34
    Lotte34 Posts: 429 Member
    I don't have a whole brain (had a little bit taken out 10 years ago)
    I have survived terminal cancer
    I need to lose 30% of my body weight
    I would be ginger if i weren't so grey
    I hate watching TV
  • volvol16
    volvol16 Posts: 45 Member

    I am a FACS teacher.
    I LOVE running. It's my therapy.
    I've embraced my fairness.... I wear SPF 50 when i'm in the sun and I dont' care if I ever get another tan again.
    I eat food all day long... I try to eat fruit and veggies so I'm not a blimp.
    I think I love my dog more than my boyfriend.
  • mamamc03
    mamamc03 Posts: 1,067 Member

    1. LOVE to sing...actually, I think I am pretty darn good
    2. Graduated HS @ 17 & got married @ 18
    3. I drink diet coke/diet dr. pepper bc I can't STAND the sugaryness of the regular versions...not because I am on a diet, it's a taste preference
    4. I'm super organized on the computer as far as keeping things orderly and easy to locate...but I cannot clean house for the life of me!!
    5. I'm a mom of an amazing 5 year old and consider her a best friend even though many people think that kind of thing is wrong. I love her!!
  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    Name: Courtney
    Age: 31

    1. I went to school to be an archaeologist but work as an AA
    2. My husband nad I have unexplaind infertility
    3. I grew up in Georgia but I left the country (Germany and England) beofore I crosses the Mississippi River
    4. I don't like any type of melon
    5. I will ride any ammusement park ride at least once.