would you help out a lady?



  • Akijade
    Akijade Posts: 210 Member
    Home Depot has people that they pay to help people load cars...
  • ladyraven68
    ladyraven68 Posts: 2,003 Member
    Yes, and if I knew you in real life, offer to do the work for you!:smile:

    cliche because I'm British, but I held a door open for a lady recently and got asked gruffly " did you hold that because I'm a woman?"

    Err...no..because I'm polite. I hold doors open for the next person regardless of sexuality.

    Also you might not get help as people think you've got it covered?:glasses:

    With a name like that I'm guessing Welsh?

    I walked home with groceries a few days ago, and overestimated how much I had. Just as I turned into my street I put the plastic bags down to rest my hands, and a young lad walking his dog was coming in the same street and offerred to help.

    I declined with a smile as I was close to my house, but it made my day.
  • samf36
    samf36 Posts: 369 Member
    Yes I would have offered to help and I am a 48 y old lady.
  • noogie98
    noogie98 Posts: 419 Member
    wow ~ I'm surprised no one from the store offered to help you. When I have a large order, the cashiers at the Home Depot where I shop always ask if I will need assistance getting the stuff to my car.

    I definitely would have stopped and at least asked if you needed help!! :flowerforyou:
  • CosmicBella
    CosmicBella Posts: 195 Member
    I would have totally helped you out. It's in my nature.
  • elishabeish
    elishabeish Posts: 175 Member
    I bought several bags of heavy mulch at Home Depot the other day and when I pulled my cart up to my car to load it up, a man who had been making a delivery to the store jumped out of his truck and came over to load it for me. I said, "thank you so much! You don't need to do that!" and he said, "Yes i do. I would want someone to help my wife." Made my day...


    I used to work at a home center, not depot, Valu Home Center in fact. We carried out, pushed your cart and loaded your merchandise in your vehicle for you. With that said it is instinct for me to offer help when I see that I can =)
  • thetrishwarp
    thetrishwarp Posts: 838 Member
    At stores like Home Depot don't they ask if you need one of the store guys to help? I feel like I've always gotten that.

    I usually offer to give a hand, and I've had the favour reciprocated. Maybe we really *are* super polite in Canada. :laugh:
  • karylee44
    karylee44 Posts: 892
    sometimes they ask to help..but not when i was leaving the other day..heck the guy at the register didn't even know the prices of things.. good thing i wrote them all down.. im not helpless.. and i enjoy hard work.. but i would still like to be asked. I have taught my children to open doors, help people with things that have fallen, always say thank you and please.. and i know they do this at school,, i always hear compliments about their behavior. I guess i should move to Canada!
  • dictations
    dictations Posts: 199
    No, I'm always afraid people who need help will ask me for it so I try to avoid eye contact at all costs.
  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member
    I would help anyone, regardless of gender :flowerforyou:
  • EmCarroll1990
    EmCarroll1990 Posts: 2,849 Member
    that is the problem with our society nowdays. Very few people help anyone out anymore.

    This, my parents raised me to help out people. If our neighbour's came home from grocery shopping and they saw them unloading their cars, we were told to go outside and help them.
  • Fit_Canuck
    Fit_Canuck Posts: 788 Member
    sometimes they ask to help..but not when i was leaving the other day..heck the guy at the register didn't even know the prices of things.. good thing i wrote them all down.. im not helpless.. and i enjoy hard work.. but i would still like to be asked. I have taught my children to open doors, help people with things that have fallen, always say thank you and please.. and i know they do this at school,, i always hear compliments about their behavior. I guess i should move to Canada!

    :) Canada would welcome you and at the same time give you free health care :) come on in!
  • RH_Brazell
    RH_Brazell Posts: 339
    I would have helped :)
  • earlyxer
    earlyxer Posts: 240 Member
    Heading to the baggage claim at La Guardia last week, there was a woman with two large suitcases and one small boy trying to get everything down the stairs - people just walked past. I was with my 13 and 15 year old, and as I went past I took one of the suitcases and my son grabbed the other without a word and we brought them down the stairs for her. She appeared absolutely shocked. I mean, I know it's New York, but what has the world become?
  • Pengi81
    Pengi81 Posts: 336 Member
    I definitly would have. That is how my parents raised me.

    Same here
  • DavidOfOz
    DavidOfOz Posts: 225
    I think I wouldve. BUT depends on how I was feeling at the time.
  • Tivo8MyNeighbors
    Tivo8MyNeighbors Posts: 151 Member
    I would have offered to help, because I was raised to ask out of courtesy. I'm sorry you were surrounded by jerks yesterday.
  • sunkisses
    sunkisses Posts: 2,365 Member
    I would help if I had the time and felt like it.

    If I felt I would need help, I would have just asked for it. It seems common sense that they should offer, but people aren't always thinking about things like that. I don't have many expectations of people and what they should be doing. I would have been offended if I asked for help and couldn't get any, though.
  • schpanks
    schpanks Posts: 468 Member
    I would have offered but you never know how people are going to react. I was watching a woman struggle to push a loaded cart through the parking lot with a toddler on her hip and another kid hanging off her other hand. I offered to push her cart to her car for her and she looked at me like I was going to eat her children. I didn't offer to hold your KID. I offered to push your CART. How much damage could I do? And people always look at me suspiciously when I hold a door for them.
  • DavidOfOz
    DavidOfOz Posts: 225
    sometimes they ask to help..but not when i was leaving the other day..heck the guy at the register didn't even know the prices of things.. good thing i wrote them all down.. im not helpless.. and i enjoy hard work.. but i would still like to be asked. I have taught my children to open doors, help people with things that have fallen, always say thank you and please.. and i know they do this at school,, i always hear compliments about their behavior. I guess i should move to Canada!

    Move to Australia.