Trim for Turkey Day starts today! Join if you want!



  • stacey76
    stacey76 Posts: 66 Member
    I'm going to try this but I hate drinking water. I'm supposed to drink 70 ounces a day according to the link. Even if adding crystal light on the go packets to bottled water still isn't enough. Good luck to everyone!
    goal weight~150 pounds
    current weight~276
  • skywalker
    skywalker Posts: 1,533
    Anyone work out today? I was at the gym in the moring. The gym is packed. I have to go to gym during the weekend often. I do feel good after.


    Yep. I did Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred and a 20 mile bike ride :happy:
  • tammietifanie
    tammietifanie Posts: 1,496 Member
    Got all my water for today in... and also pushed the baby in the stroller for 2 hours... my feet are killing me but i feel great... Hoping to lose more weight by our next weigh in... 5 days left...
  • katznketo
    katznketo Posts: 323 Member
    yeah, I shoved a loaded cart around Costco, and then Lucky's. I unloaded, feed family, then went shoe shopping. Does that count? I am so tired.

    But, I stayed on my plan and am very happy with God and myself. I feel great and can't wait to weigh in. Night. kc
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,974 Member
    yeah, I shoved a loaded cart around Costco, and then Lucky's. I unloaded, feed family, then went shoe shopping. Does that count? I am so tired.
    Have you ever worn a step counter while walking around Costco or the supermarket? It is amazing how many steps you walk and therefore how many calories you burn. :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    sleep well
  • Anyone work out today? I was at the gym in the moring. The gym is packed. I have to go to gym during the weekend often. I do feel good after.


    Yep. I did Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred and a 20 mile bike ride :happy:
    Wow! you finished Michaels work out and still have energy to ride bike..
    I'm impressed
  • MissResa
    MissResa Posts: 1,147 Member
    Hey all... I bumped around a volleyball today with my husband and now I'm getting ready to work out with him... It's almost 10:00 here, and we're doing our P90X workout late tonight. Drank more than my quota of water, and am feeling full(ugh) because of it! Hope everyone had a great day!
  • Lizzy9
    Lizzy9 Posts: 67 Member
    May I join the group? If so, here is my info:

    Today's weight: 215
    Goal weight: 150

    I drank lots of water, but it's late now and I'm afraid to drink anymore since it will keep me up all night!!!
  • momma2boys0609
    I'm ready to join the challenge. Is the reaching our water quota the only challenge as of now? Also, how did you all decide on the amount of H2O? I have heard a few different suggestions, the one most common being 1oz of H2O for every 2lbs that one weights.

    Starting Weight 242
    Current Weight 206
    Goal Weight by Turkey Day: 185
    OverAll Goal Weigh: 131
  • artichoke
    hey all! the water challenge is going well for me...i drink lots of water anyway.

    i'm having trouble eating all of my calories today! must have something to do with the super long walk i took this morning. it is a beautiful day here, and i decided to walk to the safeway that's two miles away just to buy a can of white beans....i got there and discovered that, of the three brands of white beans on the shelf, all of them contained sugar. stupid safeway bean selection! i walked home and found what i needed at the grocery store two blocks away. ha!!

    anyway, i made a delicious soup...and, thanks to all the water i've had, now i'm all sloshy!

    have a great day all!!
  • Lizzy9
    Lizzy9 Posts: 67 Member
    hey all! the water challenge is going well for me...i drink lots of water anyway.

    i'm having trouble eating all of my calories today! must have something to do with the super long walk i took this morning. it is a beautiful day here, and i decided to walk to the safeway that's two miles away just to buy a can of white beans....i got there and discovered that, of the three brands of white beans on the shelf, all of them contained sugar. stupid safeway bean selection! i walked home and found what i needed at the grocery store two blocks away. ha!!

    anyway, i made a delicious soup...and, thanks to all the water i've had, now i'm all sloshy!

    have a great day all!!

    Funny!!!! I hate eating my burned up calories. I can't believe I'm writing that! Who wouldn't want to eat???
  • jlbay
    jlbay Posts: 473 Member
    Hey all, I did weigh on Thurs., but we had to catch an early flight so I forgot to post. Just got home. So, Thurs. I was down 3 lbs!!! This was after my one week experiment with the higher MFP calorie recommendation. I was blown away. I can't remember the last time I lost 3 lbs in one week.

    Of course, I spent a long weekend out-of-town. Here's hoping I didn't undo all of my hard work on holiday. Back on the wagon tomorrow.
  • momma2boys0609
    jlbay, did you say you lost 3lbs after eating the higher amount of calories? Really? I was eating the lowest amount that they suggested and have been stuck. I just switched my goals from losing 2lbs per week to 1.5lbs a week. This added an additioal 300 cals. (apporox.) I'm looking foward to seeing what haapens.
  • pepamint83
    pepamint83 Posts: 444 Member
    hey guys sorry ive been mia school its so hard to get back into the swing of things...congrats everyone on weight jean skirt can zip still a few more to go for it to look good but i havent been able to get into that thing in 4 years i think i also crashed with the soda tonight i had diet pepsi 2 cps but ive been so good since my water in gonna walk in am hope everyone is great..

    go team



    and remember slow and steady wins the race
  • Is there an official weight in day? If not I will weight in on friday.
    I did not drink much water today... Was out all day..
    I will try to drink at 64 oz tonight. I also will go do weight lifting & 30 min rowing,20 min swimming and 1/2 in sauna.
    My eating would be ok if I did not eat candies and drank pop. It's OK .. I will go workout tonight...

    COUNT DOWN: 5 more day to weight in, have to lose 2.5 lbs.
  • tammietifanie
    tammietifanie Posts: 1,496 Member
    we weigh in on Thursdays.... i like weighing in fridays right before the weekends
  • we weigh in on Thursdays.... i like weighing in fridays right before the weekends
    Oh so it is on thursday. I only have 4 more days to work on my weekly goal then..
    I like friday better also.
  • MissResa
    MissResa Posts: 1,147 Member
    Hey all... I decided to wear my heart rate monitor today while bumping the volleyball around with my husband... I had no clue how many calories I could burn! Over 500!!! I wish I wore it yesterday, because we passed the ball around once in the early afternoon and once in the early evening, so there's no telling how many I burned then!!!

    I did awesome with water today, but I'm dreading tomorrow-we have our first big road trip as a family in over a year, and we're eating out with my sister and goofing off at the mall... My calories might get out of control, so I'm really going to have to pay attention to what I eat when we go!!! Wish me luck!
  • jlbay
    jlbay Posts: 473 Member
    jlbay, did you say you lost 3lbs after eating the higher amount of calories? Really? I was eating the lowest amount that they suggested and have been stuck. I just switched my goals from losing 2lbs per week to 1.5lbs a week. This added an additioal 300 cals. (apporox.) I'm looking foward to seeing what haapens.

    Yes, before the summer I was on the 2 ppw plan. I went off the wagon while we were away on a very long holiday, so when I reset my plan I put it at 1 ppw. So many people have said on this forum that they've lost more when adding a few more calories. I'm going to stick with it this week and see if I continue to lose. Seriously, though, to lose 3 lbs in one week without starvation - that is incredible to me. I have been exercising 4 - 5 times per week, just started the C25k running program. Let us know if it works for you.
  • Lizzy9
    Lizzy9 Posts: 67 Member
    Here is my concern about "weighing in"....and I'll post this in discussion too. I simply don't weigh myself. My former trainer told me that it could be deceiving because muscle weighs. So, I try to gear myself towards inches. Does anyone know how that one works?