Looking Good For Christmas - week 8



  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Start Date July 15 - Starting weight 182.5 lbs.
    Week 1 July 22 - 180lbs
    Week 2 July 29 - 179lbs.

    Week 3 August 5- 177 lbs.
    Week 4 August 12 - 176 lbs.
    Week 5 August 19 - 174.5 lbs.
    Week 6 August 26- 176 lbs.

    Week 7 September 2 Labor Day is Monday - 173.5 lbs. I WILL TAKE IT!! :)

    Wow, you lost just over 2lbs that is fantastic, keep up the great work. :bigsmile:
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Hello all!!!

    Start Date July 15 Starting weight 234.2
    Week 1 July 22 - 233.7 (-.5)
    Week 2 July 29 – 230.4 (-3.3) (total lost 3.8)

    Week 3 August 5 - 234.5 (+4.1 :frown: ) I had a not so good weekend... :grumble: and I am bloated
    Week 4 August 12 - MY B-DAY IS TOMORROW!!!! :-)
    Week 5 August 19 –
    Week 6 August 26 – 233.9

    Week 7 September 2 – 233.8

    Hang in there, it will start coming off sooner than later. Have a wonderful weekend. :bigsmile:
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    SW: 242.4
    GW by Christmas: 210

    Start Date July 15 - Starting weight 242.4 lbs.
    Week 1 July 22 - 240 (-2.4)
    Week 2 July 29 - 239.4 (-0.6)
    Week 3 August 5 - 235.8 (-3.6)
    Week 4 August 12 - 233.8 (-2.0)
    Week 5 August 19 - 232.0 (-1.8)
    Week 6 August 26 - 228.6 (-3.4)
    Week 6 August 26 - 225.6 (-3.0)

    Total: -16.8

    Hi All,

    I can't figure out why but the scale seems to stay pretty much the same during the week and then over the weekend I have big drop (not that I am really complaining). I do have a desk job during the week and am much more active on the weekend but it just seems a little odd.

    Anyway, I went to FanExpo this weekend as I mentioned previously and ran my butt off trying to get from place to place and line to line and doing shopping too. There was 59,000 people there this weekend which is a 9,000 jump over last year. I am so glad I went two hours early each day and was within the first 50 people to get in each day. I have some awesome pictures of me and Bruce Campbel, Linda Hamilton, Emma Caulfield, Billy Dee Williams, Avery Brooks, and James Kyson Lee that I will post once I figure out how.

    Anyone know how to add pictures to the posts?

    Anyway, I hope you are all doing well and from the posts it seems like everyone is working hard. Keep at it and have faith in yourself that you deserve to be where you want to be and to reach your goals.

    Take care,

    I would suggest not weighing everyday, that will just frustrate you. Pick one day a week to weigh and do it the same every time. Me for instance, I weigh in Saturday mornings after I use the restroom and with no clothes on, everytime.
    When you weigh everyday it will always be different. Depending on what you eat that day or what you are wearing or what you ate the nite before. Stick with one day a week and you won't see the scale do those weird numbers.
    You are doing awesome, keep up the great work. :bigsmile:
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    So I had a yogurt and oatmeal this morning :smile: Good Start.

    I am also starting to drink water too. Small changes for now.

    One meal at a time, you can do it. How are you feeling today? :bigsmile:
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Guys, I am really getting discouraged.
    I have been good, staying in my calories and drinking my water but my weight seems to be going up instead of down. I don't think it's the fact that I'm not working out because I didn't really do much anyway. Sunday we walked around the zoo for like nearly 4 hours, up and down hills too. That had to count for something. I just feel all bloated and fat and now I am back up to 206 as where Friday I was at 201. I feel constipated and have taken lots of correctol. I don't know what else to do. Any suggestions?
    I'm about ready to cry and almost ready to say forget it! But I don't want to. Please, please please help.


    Are you journaling everything you eat? That is so important so you can see what and where you need to change things up. Also, you need to exercise. It is recomended at least 30 mins of cardio 3-5 times weekly. Find things you enjoy doing, walking outside, taking a bike ride anything is better than nothing at all. Be more strict with yourself, don't give in to all your cravings. One day a week splurge, but in moderation. Try this, eat clean during the work week and use Saturday as your splurge day for doing so well during the week. You can do this, it just takes a routine to get it down. Remember you are doing this for your health and happiness. We are all here for you, keep pushing forward. :bigsmile:
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    I just started MFP and I love it! It's so motivating
    Gonna put my goals on here, so when I record my weight, I'll see how I'm doing
    Week 1 July 22 -starting weight=190
    Week 2 July 29 -186--woo hoo!!! 4 pounds
    185 Week 3 August 1-185= -1 pound
    183 Week 4 August 12-183= -2 pounds
    181 Week 5 August 19-180= -3 pounds
    179 Week 6 August 26 -181.5= +1.5 pounds

    177 Week 7 September 2 Labor Day is Monday -178= -3.5 pounds

    Welcome, we are glad that you are here. Looking at your numbers, it looks like you are doing an awesome job, keep up the great work. :bigsmile:
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    I am checking in today at 194 for a 1 lb loss.

    That is fantastic, keep up the good work. :bigsmile:
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    jjtonic - Love the new pic!!! You're looking fantastic! And I must say that you are such a great supporter to everyone here! So cheers to you! :drinker:

    Thanx, I appreciate it. All together since the beginning of the year I have now lost 27 lbs. I feel amazing. Can't wait to get that last 13 pounds off.
    I hope you have a fabulous weekend. :bigsmile:
  • memaw66
    memaw66 Posts: 2,558 Member
    Guys, I am really getting discouraged.
    I have been good, staying in my calories and drinking my water but my weight seems to be going up instead of down. I don't think it's the fact that I'm not working out because I didn't really do much anyway. Sunday we walked around the zoo for like nearly 4 hours, up and down hills too. That had to count for something. I just feel all bloated and fat and now I am back up to 206 as where Friday I was at 201. I feel constipated and have taken lots of correctol. I don't know what else to do. Any suggestions?
    I'm about ready to cry and almost ready to say forget it! But I don't want to. Please, please please help.


    Are you journaling everything you eat? That is so important so you can see what and where you need to change things up. Also, you need to exercise. It is recomended at least 30 mins of cardio 3-5 times weekly. Find things you enjoy doing, walking outside, taking a bike ride anything is better than nothing at all. Be more strict with yourself, don't give in to all your cravings. One day a week splurge, but in moderation. Try this, eat clean during the work week and use Saturday as your splurge day for doing so well during the week. You can do this, it just takes a routine to get it down. Remember you are doing this for your health and happiness. We are all here for you, keep pushing forward. :bigsmile:
    Thanks for all the support. You look GREAT by the way!!!! When I weighed at the doctor last Friday it was exactly the same as my scale at home. So I know my scale is correct. I weigh in the morning after I go pottty and with no clothes on. I am happy to say that today I am down nearly 2 lbs . I don't know what was going on with my body this week but I really think it has to do with the fact that I am not having regular bowel movements. We'll see what happens next week. I am going to get back into some sore of exercise routine. It was really hard to get back to after coming back from vacation. But, hey, it's a new month and a new start right? And I will be getting off work 2 hrs earlier so I can workout before I cook and eat dinner. That will be so much better because after dinner I am done for the day. Before I wasn't getting home until 630 so by the time I cooked and ate dinner it was already 8pm and I was exhausted. So hopefully the change will be good. Thanks for all the encouraging words everyone. And congrats to all of you, you are all doing so well, I am so proud. Now if I could just get under 200!!!!!:mad: :mad:

  • datenshi
    datenshi Posts: 840 Member
    Woohoo! I just noticed looking at my ticker that I am 1/4 of the way to my target weight!!!


  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    Hi everyone ...

  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Thanks for all the support. You look GREAT by the way!!!! When I weighed at the doctor last Friday it was exactly the same as my scale at home. So I know my scale is correct. I weigh in the morning after I go pottty and with no clothes on. I am happy to say that today I am down nearly 2 lbs . I don't know what was going on with my body this week but I really think it has to do with the fact that I am not having regular bowel movements. We'll see what happens next week. I am going to get back into some sore of exercise routine. It was really hard to get back to after coming back from vacation. But, hey, it's a new month and a new start right? And I will be getting off work 2 hrs earlier so I can workout before I cook and eat dinner. That will be so much better because after dinner I am done for the day. Before I wasn't getting home until 630 so by the time I cooked and ate dinner it was already 8pm and I was exhausted. So hopefully the change will be good. Thanks for all the encouraging words everyone. And congrats to all of you, you are all doing so well, I am so proud. Now if I could just get under 200!!!!!:mad: :mad:


    Thank you. :bigsmile:
    Once you get into your new routine it will start to come off slowly. Hang in there don't give up on yourself, you are so worth it. Have a great weekend. :bigsmile:
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Woohoo! I just noticed looking at my ticker that I am 1/4 of the way to my target weight!!!



    That is fantastic Tammy, keep up the great work. :bigsmile:
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Hi everyone ...


    I so plan on it. Have a good one yourself. :bigsmile:
  • jacqueline0821
    jacqueline0821 Posts: 667 Member
    So I had a yogurt and oatmeal this morning :smile: Good Start.

    I am also starting to drink water too. Small changes for now.

    One meal at a time, you can do it. How are you feeling today? :bigsmile:

    Well I went and saw my doctor and we are making some progress. My doctor took me off of my thyroid medication and put be on a new medication that I have to take 3 times a day (with food and plenty of water) :grumble: It is to remove insulin from my body/help my body absorb the necessary insulin, he believes that I may be insulin resistent causing me to be tired. He also said that I need to eat a balanced diet and exercise regularly. No excuses now :laugh: He said that in combination with the medication and balanced diet/exercise that I should see a few pounds come off. :bigsmile:

    Therefore I ate very good today. Instead of the usual friday night 2 slices of pizza and 2-3 pieces of cheese bread I had 1/2 slice of pizzza and 1 piece of cheese bread and some salad. This weekend will be a little difficult because I am going on a weekend vacation with my fiance. However I am going to bring some weights and pack some fruit for the fridge as snacks.

    I also did a 2 mile walk at home dvd last night and tonight. I am not logging my food right now, as I am just trying to make more healthy choices as I get use to the new medication. My doctor said it is very possible that I will be sick to my stomach for a few days while my system adjusts. :grumble:

    I hope that everyone is doing well!
  • Channing
    Channing Posts: 617 Member
  • Channing
    Channing Posts: 617 Member
    So I had a yogurt and oatmeal this morning :smile: Good Start.

    I am also starting to drink water too. Small changes for now.

    One meal at a time, you can do it. How are you feeling today? :bigsmile:

    Well I went and saw my doctor and we are making some progress. My doctor took me off of my thyroid medication and put be on a new medication that I have to take 3 times a day (with food and plenty of water) :grumble: It is to remove insulin from my body/help my body absorb the necessary insulin, he believes that I may be insulin resistent causing me to be tired. He also said that I need to eat a balanced diet and exercise regularly. No excuses now :laugh: He said that in combination with the medication and balanced diet/exercise that I should see a few pounds come off. :bigsmile:

    Therefore I ate very good today. Instead of the usual friday night 2 slices of pizza and 2-3 pieces of cheese bread I had 1/2 slice of pizzza and 1 piece of cheese bread and some salad. This weekend will be a little difficult because I am going on a weekend vacation with my fiance. However I am going to bring some weights and pack some fruit for the fridge as snacks.

    I also did a 2 mile walk at home dvd last night and tonight. I am not logging my food right now, as I am just trying to make more healthy choices as I get use to the new medication. My doctor said it is very possible that I will be sick to my stomach for a few days while my system adjusts. :grumble:

    I hope that everyone is doing well!

    Glad that you're making progress with your doctor! You can do it! Bringing snacks on vacation is definitely a good idea. My boyfriend and I always have to do that, otherwise we're eating junk the whole time! Have fun!:flowerforyou:

    Went on a 5k run this morning and will rest tomorrow in preparation for my 10k race on Monday! AHHH! Hope I don't embarrass myself, but what else is new!:laugh:

    Oh and I finally bought some Truvia to try and kick this Splenda addiction!
  • Hi everyone,
    I'm living in fear of Wednesday's weigh in. I was down the shore with the family over the weekend, and was not very healthy and did not keep track of my calories. My (lame) excuse for not doing so was that I didn't have a computer at the beach to log into MFP, but I know I should have written all the food down and logged it in when I got home, but I did not.
    I am REALLY hoping that if I exercise and I eat a little below my recommended caloric intake for today and tomorrow, that maybe I will at least maintain, and not gain anything for this week. Does this sound like a good plan?!?! HAHA, GOOD LUCK EVERYONE. Hope you all had a good Labor Day weekend and didn't fall off the wagon like I did!!
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    Hi there all ... I just got back from a weekend away ... family reunion ... what can I say ... 2 days in a car with no exercise and one day in between filled with lots and lots and lots of food with not too many healthy choices to be found. I did walk a lot and rode a peddle boat with my daughter for 1/2 hour so that killed a few calories. I haven't been near a scale at all so we'll see what the Wednesday weigh in says. Hopefully there won't be too much damage done. I hope you all had a nice long weekend. Talk to you soon.
  • I like your thinking! I have a similar goal to look good for Christmas and I hadn't thought of breaking it down like this...makes it all seem doable!! Good luck!
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