Anyone else annoyed by other dieters?



  • ladyraven68
    ladyraven68 Posts: 2,003 Member
    Nope, I don't get annoyed by other dieters, because I am not a dieter. To me a diet is something you do for a short while to lose weight.

    As far as I am concerened this has to be a permanent change of lifestyle, not a diet.

    But I do get concerned, not annoyed, by dieters who try fads, and unsustainable methods, and then they wonder why they put it all back on when they start eating normally and their "diet" is over.
  • hanna6774
    hanna6774 Posts: 225
    I am not annoyed so much as I am concerned. I don't believe in the word "diet". I associate pressure, frustration, disappointment, binging, cheating, failure and sadness with diet. None of these are helpful in the road to good health and definitely things I don't want to feel. As with other sites I have been on, there are those who will do "whatever" to see those numbers go down, and we ultimately ooh and ah at their progress. Some people have a special event that they use as a goal, which is great, as long as it is just a guideline. Most often, it is an unrealistic length of time to lose the amount of weight they want and that ultimately leads them to feeling disappointed in themselves or failure, instead of being proud of their accomplishments. One of the scariest things I see is the the really low calorie intake some people have. Your body uses more than 1200 calories just to sustain your life, i.e breathing, everyday walking, sleeping. Start throwing in some minor and major exercise and you have to fuel your body - you have to eat!! By not eating enough, sure you will lose weight, but in that weight you are also losing muscle, something you can't get back. Eventually you will get frustrated because you hardly eat, you work out like a dog, and eventually no results. Your body is fighting back and going into starvation mode to protect itself. Please Note: It's not weight - it's fat that we want to lose, so it's not all about the numbers. Measurements are the best way to follow your progress.

    Sounds like I have all the answers??!!!! No, I've just been at this since I was 13 years old, just like so many others, trying every new and improved, guaranteed, amazing results, only 14 days, 28 days, whatever day to a new you, you name it and I've done it. They all worked........temporarily. Now at 48 I have finally figured it out - the secret to weight loss that is..........there is no secret! It takes time, patience and hard work. You really have to change your thought process and realize it is just food - it's not the enemy. It's ok to eat and eat what you want - no guilt, no "cheat days" (that is my biggest pet peave). Just be accountable and honest and work hard, it's not easy but we are so worth it.
  • smolina85
    smolina85 Posts: 11 Member
    The people who annoy me most are the people who gossip and whine about other members.
    I am on a 1000-1200 calorie diet.
    BUT I'm so annoyed by ppl who barely eat and do alot of exercise

    I'd cut right back on the judgemental ranting if I were you. If you're eating 1000 to 1200 calories, you're precisely the sort of person who is likely to annoy people who know anything about nutrition...

    + 1. Was about to say the exact same thing. PLUS I am 5"7 and about 119 lbs... Fit but NOT skinny
  • OhioMade
    OhioMade Posts: 48 Member
  • crystal479
    crystal479 Posts: 59 Member
    when i joined this site they set my goal at 1200 calories a day but i find it so hard to stick to shoul i raise my calories to 1400 or would i not lose weight i no i can stick to that but 1200 i allways go over and its making me feel a failer does anyone else find the calories they have you on very low
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    when i joined this site they set my goal at 1200 calories a day but i find it so hard to stick to shoul i raise my calories to 1400 or would i not lose weight i no i can stick to that but 1200 i allways go over and its making me feel a failer does anyone else find the calories they have you on very low
    "They" didn't set your goal. YOU said how fast you want to lose weight and the site calculated it for you. If 1200 is too low then you should change your settings to 1 pound per week or 1/2 pound per week.
  • MJ7910
    MJ7910 Posts: 1,280 Member
    only thing that annoys me are people who are judgemental towards others. i think it's ok to say to someone that you think they may want to set their goal weight to something within the recommended weight for their height but then it's up to them what they do. it is very sad how some want to weigh as little as models do but they are adults if they are on here and that is their choice. i just try to encourage healthy practices, eating enough calories, exercising, getting the right nutrients, etc. only time i am annoyed is when people are petty or judgemental towards others or shun them because they aren't doing things exactly the same as they are.
  • chickentunashake
    chickentunashake Posts: 165 Member
    I think we should not be annoyed by other peoples doing, because everybody has different goals and different dreams. We need to be here to support each other, if we agree or not. I'm one of those who doesn't eat enough and works out a lot, but the eating part is not on purpose, I just cannot get enough cals on healthy food in me, even though i try . Btw, I'm 5'6" and 118 pounds and am trying to get back to 124 , but in muscle, not fat. With that said, I dont want to be judged, but supported. What is right for me might not be right for u and the other way around. Still, I would support your goals without pointing fingers.
    Also, i had baby 5 months ago as well, and that was my 6th child
  • chickentunashake
    chickentunashake Posts: 165 Member
    only thing that annoys me are people who are judgemental towards others. i think it's ok to say to someone that you think they may want to set their goal weight to something within the recommended weight for their height but then it's up to them what they do. it is very sad how some want to weigh as little as models do but they are adults if they are on here and that is their choice. i just try to encourage healthy practices, eating enough calories, exercising, getting the right nutrients, etc. only time i am annoyed is when people are petty or judgemental towards others or shun them because they aren't doing things exactly the same as they are.
  • chickentunashake
    chickentunashake Posts: 165 Member
    MJ7910 , very well said
  • MJ7910
    MJ7910 Posts: 1,280 Member
    I think we should not be annoyed by other peoples doing, because everybody has different goals and different dreams. We need to be here to support each other, if we agree or not. I'm one of those who doesn't eat enough and works out a lot, but the eating part is not on purpose, I just cannot get enough cals on healthy food in me, even though i try . Btw, I'm 5'6" and 118 pounds and am trying to get back to 124 , but in muscle, not fat. With that said, I dont want to be judged, but supported. What is right for me might not be right for u and the other way around. Still, I would support your goals without pointing fingers.
    Also, i had baby 5 months ago as well, and that was my 6th child

    i agree with what you're saying here too. it is good to be well toned, not just lose weight. i think a lot of people miss that point.
  • ZugTheMegasaurus
    ZugTheMegasaurus Posts: 801 Member
    What bothers me is people who assume that those who make different choices, eat different foods, or exercise in a different way are flat-out WRONG and annoying to boot. Case in point: this thread.

    It seems to me that when people are frustrated with their efforts or following a plan that makes them miserable, they want to jump all over those who show success but aren't suffering in the same way (particularly those who are doing the same thing but having a better time of it). I don't want to call it jealousy, but perhaps insecurity or self-doubt; when someone else is doing easily what is difficult for us, we think that we must be doing something wrong. That's not a fun feeling, so flip it around and now THEY'RE doing it wrong, so their success isn't really success at all.

    What you need to realize is that there is no secret formula that works for everyone. Finding a diet and exercise routine that will work for you in the long term is trial and error more than anything else. And in the tiny snippets of people's lives you see in contexts like this forum, you don't see that process. People talk about the one thing that worked and not the hundred others that didn't. Just because someone does something that wouldn't work for you in a million years doesn't mean it's not a perfectly valid choice for them.
  • DeanneLea
    DeanneLea Posts: 261
    Ok so I had a baby 5 months ago and at first I just wanted to get to my pre-pregnancy weight but then I decided to get fit also. So I run, and lift small weights, and other various workouts. I am on a 1000-1200 calorie diet. I mainly use it as a guideline I go over but not by much. I have changed all my eating habits and eat healthy most of the time(I'm not perfect) but I feel like I do good. I have lost about 13 lbs since the new year and 2inches off my waist and 2inchez off my hips. Other inches lost in legs but not much. BUT I'm so annoyed by ppl who barely eat and do alot of exercise or just don't eat period, and see tons of results. Also annoyed by ppl with ridiculous goals. I'm 5'2 and wanna be 118-120lbs and that's a good weight but ppl who are 5'7 and wanna be 118lbs also it just blows my mind cuz that can't be healthy. Basically I just wondering if anyone else is annoyed my this. Rant over!

    Eating only 1000-1200 calories ESPECIALLY when exercising is what annoys me.
  • kimmers1027
    kimmers1027 Posts: 122
    I dont let other people bother me. Everyone is doing what they feel they need to do to reach their goal. Focus on you. Try not to let other people bring you down.. You only need positivie support and people that can relate and are trying to lose weight the right way.
    Feel free to add me. Im on everyday and am very supportive. Good luck on your journey. Never give up !!
  • delilah47
    delilah47 Posts: 1,658
    People who get annoyed by others who don't have the same goals or have different methods/goals are control freaks. They get annoyed because here on the internet, they can't control others. Why else would they be annoyed. Live and let live.
  • angelaclassact
    angelaclassact Posts: 66 Member
    I don't get caught up on what other people are doing or what their goals are. It is not a competition, and I'm doing this for me.
  • Ceci2014
    Ceci2014 Posts: 1
    Actually, I don't believe on dieting! I am convinced that once you realize what's not healthy for your body -rather than only focus on your body image-, the weight will come off.:smooched:
  • WarriorMom2012
    WarriorMom2012 Posts: 621 Member
    I have enough trouble keeping up with myself. I'm proud of the work and dedication my friends have put into their health.

    Besides, brooding and judging doesn't burn many calories.
  • LondonEliza
    LondonEliza Posts: 456 Member
    Personally, everyone annoys me. It should be my way or the high way. I am right, everyone else is wrong. That is all.

    [img] [/url][/img]
  • cbenzerga
    cbenzerga Posts: 65 Member
    I get annoyed by the super skinny ones, that are like a size 4-6, and think the need to get down to a 0-2. I refocus and try not to let it bother me. I'm 5'5 my goal is 150, I have 60 pounds to go, after I reach that, maybe go as low as 120-130, I don't want to be super skinny, just healthy.

    That's how some ppl are a size 3 isn't huge and ppl think they gotta drop 10lbs cuz their pants got tight. One of my friends is 5'6 and wants to weigh 110lbs and she is already tiny. I need better friends lol