What do you feed your families?



  • Grlnxtdr0721
    Grlnxtdr0721 Posts: 597 Member
    I have a kind of picky 3 year old. For him, I make either chicken nuggets, fish sticks, etc and at least one vegetable, apple sauce and milk. My husband is stuck eating whatever I am
  • Briaboo4
    Briaboo4 Posts: 1,080 Member
    Oh...and I also think you should get rid of the junk food. They should learn to eat healthy now so they don't end up with weight/health problems later on.
  • skylark94
    skylark94 Posts: 2,036 Member
    We are a take it or leave it household. Why do healthy and tasty have to be separate meals? Start your kids off with good habits now.
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    Every body in my house gets the same thing. If you're eating one thing and your kids are eating something else what is that teaching them? Last night for dinner my 2.5 year old had black bean soup with taco meat and cheddar cheese because that's what we have on hand.
  • The difference between what I eat and what my husband eats is portion size. I am more conscience of my portion size then my husband. My 10 year old and 4 year old eat how ever much they want. My 4 year old only weighs in at 38 lbs and my 10 year old is at 92 lbs. They are both healthy and on track with their weight. So, our diets have changed a little but not a lot. Not as much junk food but still some snacky things. Not as much fast food but still the occasional papa john's pizza. We just control how much we eat now. Instead of half the pizza it is only one or two pieces. I have changed from soda all the time to water all the time with some diet green tea with citrus.
  • tlinval
    tlinval Posts: 175 Member
    I'm not a restaurant. That's my moto in my kitchen! :laugh:

    Everyone eats the same meal most nights. The exceptions are like on "left-over" night we'll let the kids pick a left over meal to eat, everyone usually eats something different that night. On tomato soup and grilled cheese night, hubby and kids will eat that and I'll eat a different soup (I don't like tomato soup). I use to cater to their eating habits, but I just don't have the time, money or desire to cook like that! I figure everyone should eat healthy, not just me. What they actually *eat* off of their plates is a different matter (they're 5 & 2) but that's not my fault! If I offer it enough times they'll eventually eat it...at least that's my philosophy!

    I might tweak my meal (use laughing cow cheese instead of full-fat cheese for my sandwich) but for the most part our plates all look the same.
  • Buckeyt
    Buckeyt Posts: 473 Member
    I make the same thing for my wife and kids that I eat. Usually that means they don't get things I don't like, such as sweet potatoes.

    Kids get a pass on very few items, Mushrooms being one.

    My wife and I love things like Brussel Sprouts, and asparagus. Kids have to eat those, not a huge portion but enough.

    I eat healthy foods so that's what the rest of the family eats. If I'm not going to eat frozen pizza why would I serve it to my kids.
  • frugalmomsrock
    frugalmomsrock Posts: 1,123
    I can already see this being tricky for me too. My hubby will eat whatever I make for him. But ofcourse my 10 month old is not going to eat a spinach salad...I don't see him eating a spinach salad anytime soon. So right now he still eats baby food for the most part, but that won't continue for much longer. Then what do I do? Make a seperate meal for him I guess. I'll just try to keep it healthy.

    You might be surprised! My little guy eats all sorts of healthy stuff. :) My kids absolutely LOVE spinach. Let me change that. My LITTLE kids absolutely love spinach. My older two are very picky. :-/

    Typically for meals, I make a main dish that's for everyone. I'll then make a couple veggies--one for the littlest ones, hubby and me, and one that everyone (including the pickier older kids) will eat. I will make a starch on only half the suppers-whole grain couscous, brown rice, sweet potatoes, etc. Those are not forced on anyone... I do insist on a protein and veggie though. I also usually have green salad for husband, oldest daughter (lettuce+cheese+dressing only), and myself... As for a whole other meal, um-no.
  • hotmama1174
    hotmama1174 Posts: 109 Member
    They eat what I eat-why does healthy not have to be tasty?!?

    I am changing my bad eating habits to healthy ones to set a good example for my children so they will eat what I eat so they can make better choices for themselves when they get older.
  • ItsMeRebekah
    ItsMeRebekah Posts: 909 Member
    we all eat the same thing. who has time for 4 different meals? not this mama!
  • They eat whatever I eat. My husband doesn't care what it is! I have three children and the husband--I refuse to make a separate meal for each and every one of us. I have learned to control my portions and I try to include at least one thing that I know they will enjoy. I want my children to understand the importance of choosing healthy options on a regular basis and not feeling like it is some huge sacrifice to eat smart! We have open conversations about proteins and healthy calorie intake and they seem to deal well with it :) BTW, my daughters are 7 and 6 and my son is 2.
    Snacks at my house include fresh fruit, raw veggies, yogurt, peanut butter on a spoon, and sometimes they are allowed chips. They don't look for cookies at all!
  • nellie_88
    nellie_88 Posts: 256 Member
    I have 2 picky kids, but they pretty much eat what I cook. I use a lot of the recipes from skinnytaste.com. I make my kids try everything at least 2x and 95% of the time they end up liking what I make. Skinnytaste.com has very good recipes that are delicious! If i do end up making something that I know they have tried and don't like I prepare for it and make sure that they have a healthy alternative that is quick and easy, like turkey with Pita's or something like that.
  • mabear74
    mabear74 Posts: 248
    We all eat the same thing with 2 exceptions, my Autistic son who has severe texture issues gets a special meal, and my vegetarian son will get variations of whatever I'm making if it has any meat or fish in it........For us it's about a healthy lifestyle for the whole family.
  • SkettiGurl
    SkettiGurl Posts: 186 Member
    For Dinner we all eat the same thing, as a family. Our son is 3 and he knows that this is what's to eat and he doesn't get anything else. If he doesn't want to eat it that's fine but he still has to sit at the table with us till we are done. Then we save it as the odd time he doesn't eat at all, he will be hungry later and that is what he gets. We also don't make him finish everything on his plate but he has to have one mouthful of everything so he tastes everything.

    This may seem a bit harsh but we eat a variety of healthy foods and more often than not he likes it. I refuse to have a picky eater and we want to encourage healthy eating habits.

    We next to never have desert after dinner as well. I have a terrible habit of finishing everything on my plate (even if I'm full before then) as I was raised that if I didn't finish my dinner I wouldn't get a sweet afterwards, and we all want sweet! (which is why I have weight issues!)
  • redcut
    redcut Posts: 176
    I feed my daughter the same as what I eat she likes the healthier stuff she is a big salmon fan but that does not mean that we can not have something she really likes once a week like tonight we are having pan fried pork chops dry fried with cream of mushroom soup and steamed rice of coarse there will be a steamed vegi as well just don't know if it will be broccoli or corn she needs to decide this is her dinner of the week.
  • I am right on with the take it or leave it motto. My 4 year old fell asleep at the table a couple of nights ago because he refused to eat his chicken. He was there about 15 min after everyone was done and he was out. I guess he thought I will just sleep so I dont have to eat it. LOL. My husband is getting tired of chicken. :tongue:
  • chatipati1
    chatipati1 Posts: 211 Member
    We all eat the same because I am not the Olive Garden...plus I have to cook gluten free for my kid...so we eat dinners that way. i still have junk in the house...and they way I see it is...they don't overeat ...it is me who has the problem. If I kept the goodies out of the house... I would still drive anywhere to get it...so it makes no sense to me...I think it is a lifestyle change and everyone should eat healthy...kids or adults.
  • PWindsor1007
    PWindsor1007 Posts: 1 Member
    I may not have lost muchweight myself l but I feel like I like a healthy lifestyle. I find that once in a while I way something different when I cook a high carb-meal. But I try to find meals we all can eat. I have all boys and they will eat me out of the house. Litterally. Lol so some of our favorites are...
    taco salad. Brown burger or turkey and put over lettuce or spinach. Use salsa as your dressing.
    Grilled chx or steak fajitas (can by precooked and cut chx or steak strips in frozen isle.) I cook onions and pepper strips seperately for me. They use the tortillas and make either a fajita or a quesadilla.
  • ishallnotwant
    ishallnotwant Posts: 1,210 Member
    I can already see this being tricky for me too. My hubby will eat whatever I make for him. But ofcourse my 10 month old is not going to eat a spinach salad...I don't see him eating a spinach salad anytime soon. So right now he still eats baby food for the most part, but that won't continue for much longer. Then what do I do? Make a seperate meal for him I guess. I'll just try to keep it healthy.

    I have 5 children, ages 7 to 17...I say, as soon as your son gets some teeth, feed him what you eat. My kids started eating everything we ate-even before they started solid food, I would just make dinner and put it in the magic bullet for them. My oldest had a ton of teeth at just 9 months and was already eating everything we ate, just cut into smaller pieces. Now that my kids are older, they prefer fruits and veggies over sweets and they eat very healthfully. Don't let your child get caught in the "I only eat one type of food" trap, raise him on good, healthy foods with goodies in moderation. You'd be surprised all of the different types of foods children will eat if they are given the choice. None of my kids went through a "fussy 2 year old" phase, either, they've always been great eaters.
  • tdmcmains
    tdmcmains Posts: 227 Member
    We all eat the same thing but that's not always lettuce and kale. We eat normal food, just prepared without lots of butter and oil and whatever and we watch portion sizes.