Weighing In



  • ShawnaCurley
    ShawnaCurley Posts: 82 Member
    I would go crazy weighing everyday! I used to do that when I was younger, but I don't need the added stress! I weigh once a week. On Saturday morning, at the same time.

    Hope you get over that, because I know how stressed it can make you!
  • theladyy
    theladyy Posts: 176
    I do it almost daily. The only reason people suggest not to is because some people freak out over what it says, or that it's not going down every single day. If you don't, then there isn't anything wrong with it. I write it down on a calendar so I know how it's going, and can compare week by week.
  • GemmaRowlands
    GemmaRowlands Posts: 360 Member
    I weigh myself every day. If I don't do this, I end up thinking things like "oh I don't have to weigh in for a week, it doesn't matter if I have a takeaway today" and this results in me getting a bad start to every week, then getting down about it in the middle/end of the week which makes things even worse. So I have to keep a track on myself. It's not obsessive as such, as it is only ONCE a day, but that's just what works for me.
  • Bakerchk
    Bakerchk Posts: 424 Member
    I'm the same way. This is what I do. I weigh myself whenever I want (though it's every morning before my shower) BUT I only track it on Fridays. Your weight will fluctuate (and still can week to week) so you don't want to drive yourself crazy but there is nothing wrong with it. I weigh everyday because I'm addicted to it, as long as your not freaking out about it, I don't see the issue. :)
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    I check mine almost every day. It is just part of my normal morning routine. As long as you don't 'OMG, I weigh .1 ounces more than yesterday, what do I do? How could this happen to me? I have worked so hard. I give up and am going to have brownies for breakfast.' you can check the scale. It is so much a part of my habit right now that most days, I don't even remember what the scale read in the morning.
  • natalie412
    natalie412 Posts: 1,039 Member
    As long as you don't freak out about it, its not a problem! I like to weigh myself every morning. When I show a loss of 1/2 pound or more, I log it. I would be really frustrated if I picked a particular day a week to weigh in, and was always up that day! It has happened before. I fluctuate alot, but the trend is always downward and averages out to 1/2 pound a week or so, now that I am at/near goal.
  • jenj1313
    jenj1313 Posts: 898 Member
    I check everyday, but only log 1x per week. I know what my general fluctuations are and when I'm trending up or down, so I don't see the harm in it really. Works for me, but you've gotta do what works for you.

    If the daily weighing is stressing you out, try one of the suggestions for cutting it out.

    If other people are stressing you out by telling you you're "not supposed to", ignore them and do your own thing.

    all the best,
  • recoverytoday
    I actually weigh a couple times a month just to keep track. Anything more than that triggers a "diet mentality" that leaves me feeling first over-controlled, then out of control. I don't keep a scale readily available or I'd be on it every time I go to the bathroom. :smile:
  • kp63
    kp63 Posts: 7
    I weigh every Monday,and I write it down in a little journal i have.That's how I weight each week.
  • Heyman09
    Heyman09 Posts: 184
    I was like that for a long time so I just decided to weigh in once a month. Hubby hides the scale from me b/c I get easily discouraged.
  • 1PoisonIvy
    1PoisonIvy Posts: 894 Member
    I do the same thing!!! But I only log my weight once a week
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    i was weighing in multiple times a day. yes, guys get obsessive just like anyone else. the best thing i did was to start weighing in once a week... then once a month.

    now i don't even step on the scale unless i have a doctors appointment. and no, i'm not at my goal weight or body fat percentage.
  • ccb1128
    ccb1128 Posts: 56
    As long as you don't freak out over the daily fluctuations, then you don't need to stop weighing every day.

    I used to weigh every day and I found it really interesting to see how my body reacted to different things. Exercise, sodium, lack of sleep etc.

    I completely agree! I can absolutely tell if I've been drinking enough water, or I've had too much sodium, etc.
  • Qatsi
    Qatsi Posts: 2,191 Member
    I weigh in and log daily, but don't freak out over daily fluctuation. I also enter the numbers into Excel and set up a chart that shows me a moving 7-day average which smooths out the daily bumps.
  • overit75
    overit75 Posts: 150 Member
    I only record my weight on here once a week but weigh in everyday and it is helping me with motivation. So whatever keeps me motivated, I am sticking to it.
  • red_nine
    red_nine Posts: 8 Member
    Have someone hide your scale from you. Tell them to allow you to use it once a week. Weight varies by day, so daily measurements are overkill. You're in it for the long haul.

    Keep hanging in there and everything will be alright. You're doing great.
  • mzhokie
    mzhokie Posts: 349 Member
    I'm glad my scale rounds to the half pound.... if it changed by the tenth of a pound, I would be on it constantly!

    I weigh in every morning. I just do. I log it into my Fitbit page and go on. For MFP, I log it once a week and that's that. The one I really care about is the once a week weigh in.

    I don't see anything wrong with weighing every day as long as you don't let it change how you approach the day. I don't try to eat less than I should because it was up a little bit or splurge because it was down a little.... I just want to know what it is.

    If it's not changing your mood or how you handle your food, exercise, etc. Then I don't see the harm in it.
  • ccb1128
    ccb1128 Posts: 56
    As long as you don't freak out over the daily fluctuations, then you don't need to stop weighing every day.

    I used to weigh every day and I found it really interesting to see how my body reacted to different things. Exercise, sodium, lack of sleep etc.

    I completely agree! I can absolutely tell if I've been drinking enough water, or I've had too much sodium, etc.
  • WhitneyT586
    WhitneyT586 Posts: 279 Member
    I don't think that weighing every day is a problem unless you allow yourself to become obsessed with the number. I weigh nearly every morning and if it goes up I adjust accordingly. Some days I know it may go up due to excess sodium or a heavy dinner. I only record my "official" Thursday weight. If that weight is up, I have to look back over my week and see where I went wrong. But daily weigh-ins keep me focused and determined because I love to see that number go down.

    If you start to obsess on the number changing every day, put the scale somewhere that is difficult to get to so that you won't want to have to get to it every day. Maybe try putting it on top of a tall cabinet where you need a footstool to get to it. Or far under your bed where you can barely reach it. Out of sight, out of mind. Then only get it back out once a week.
  • juliegin
    juliegin Posts: 77 Member
    I don't see a problem with it unless you let it get to you in a negative way. If a bad number will ruin your entire day, then I'd try to de-emphasize the level of importance the scale has in your life.