Thanksgiving Challenge



  • rethun01
    rethun01 Posts: 167
    I will personally keep an eye on Rissa to make sure she is keeping up on her end!! LOL
  • sistersscn
    Count me in!!
    10/29 = 177.8
    Thanksgiving goal=172
    Fittness wise my goal is to just start exercising period !!!
  • nuttey
    nuttey Posts: 10
    I am in too - current weight 154 , thanksgiving goal - 149

    well the next tougher challenge will be to make sure I dont add back all the lost weight during the thanksgiving hols!!!
  • Najah5150
    Najah5150 Posts: 170
    Okay...I'm changing my goal now! I joined myfitnesspal on 10/22; I weighed myself this morning and I've lost 6 lbs new goal by Thanksgiving will to be 182 lbs.

    I wish you all luck!
  • kjllose
    kjllose Posts: 948 Member
    Aah the Thanksgiving Challenege. I've decided since all I've been doing is walking and some cardio that I will strength training 4x a week. I found my 3 lb hand weights and will work with those. Wish me luck
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,784 Member
    I don't see how you guys do it! I'm at 168 lbs and have been restricting calories for a month (lost 2 lbs). I do an average of 60 minutes of cardio every day. I do strength training 3x a week. I've actually been on the "You" diet since June, but quit smoking as well, so I only count it from October 1st (three months after quitting) -- and no, I didn't lose any weight from June to October. I still think it's a great diet though.

    However, I'm in. My goal is more modest - if I'm at 165 by Thanksgiving, I'll be quite happy. I've recently added interval training and kickboxing to my cardio -- I'm hoping that will help.

  • Shannon1106
    Shannon1106 Posts: 2 Member
    Taking my first challenge! I will do some sort of cardio 4x a week. My main goal is to learn how to keep track of what I am eating. I've never done that before (for more than 2-3 days).

  • mamatusa
    I'm in!

    Current weight: 262
    Goal weight by Thanksgiving: 255
    Excercise goal - At least 45 minutes of cardio, 4x a week
  • rachelfrear

    My Current Weight is 157.5
    My Thanksgiving Goal Weight is 150.5

    I have to set my goal to 7 lbs because I'm a stay at home mom with nothing to do but work out and I have a treadmill in my livingroom! There is no way I can fail if I stop being so LAZY!!!

    OMG how are we gonna lose when Thanksgiving and Xmas is coming up? OH the temptations huge amounts of food!!
  • apaden4
    apaden4 Posts: 137 Member

    Just checking in to see how everyone is holding up in the challenge! I walked 1.5 miles on the treadmill last night - not much, but hard work for myself!!!!!
    Not sure how I am doing on progress because I have joined the Banks Challenge and can't weigh myself until Thanksgiving!!! Yikes! I will let ya'll know what the final results are!

    Good luck everybody! :drinker: Cheers!
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,696 Member
    My current weight is 153.5
    I'd like to be down another 5 pounds by T-day, but I will be happy if I'm 150!
    I try to work out 60 + minutes a day - walking and strength training at least four times a week but usually five.
    I hope everyone meets their goals! :happy: