Got told that I can't exercise in my apartment anymore...



  • fitplease
    fitplease Posts: 647 Member
    If the noise was at a reasonable level, your neighbor will have to deal with it. I would find a way to pad the floor where you work out because even if you agree on a time, it could still embitter hard feelings if s/he finds the noise is irritating her/him. Do you have carpet down?
  • SunnyAndrsn
    SunnyAndrsn Posts: 369 Member
    I say keep working out too. We had neighbors below us who were like this. We lived on the 2nd floor of a 3 story complex, and could of course hear some noise above us as well. That's just the way it goes.

    The people below us, however, couldn't stand us. We were heathens living in sin, and therefore must be in league with the devil and hold wild, loud orgies every weekend (um, NOT!)

    We were also gone most of the day with class, then we both worked varying evening schedules, but I consistently worked weekends, having to be to work at 5:30am on Saturdays and Sundays to open the restaurant I worked in. One night, I got up to get a drink out of the fridge and a 12 pack of pop spilled out onto the floor. The next afternoon, the landlord was there to tell us we'd had a noise complaint. I told him that didn't seem possible since I was in bed, and told him my schedule. They complained that we'd had the stereo up too loud. Um, again, I was ASLEEP and my fiance was working overnights. Just me home, in bed. I told him about the soda falling out of the fridge--that was the ONLY possible thing they could have heard.

    Some people are just ****s--let your landlord know what you're doing and ask him/her if it's an actual problem or not.
  • rowenaaitken
    rowenaaitken Posts: 48 Member
    It's unfair for them to ask that during the day. Try and talk to them and say that you're not willing to compromise your fitness so they can watch tv in the middle of the day uninterrupted (unless of course they are shift workers).
  • magistra12
    Your neighbors cannot dictate your activities. That is up to your landlord and your lease. Some neighbors are just unreasonable. Don't let it affect your health/lifestyle. I had a neighbor upstairs last year who would come downstairs to give us hell about EVERYTHING. She complained about our TV being too loud, music being too loud, dog being too loud, etc. We never complained about her and her boyfriend stomping around upstairs all of the time. People just love to complain when they're just a little inconvenienced.

    Insanity is a loud workout but unless you're jumping up and down like a lunatic, it shouldn't be excessive.
  • Di3012
    Di3012 Posts: 2,250 Member
    The YMCA doesn't turn away people for financial reasons. They have a special application that considers your income. You may want to look into this. I did and and I am not sorry and don't bother anyone in the apartment below me. Its a lot cheaper than moving.:wink:

    What if the OP doesn't want to workout in a gym or outside her own home though and indeed, why the hell should she?

    I also strongly suspect that moving isn't even in the equation.

    To the OP: Somebody said something earlier on regarding their own landlady being unable to do anything regarding the complaints she had had from neighbours complaining about noise, because the "noise" was not even considered problematic. I highly suspect that the same would be in your case, your own landlord/lady would be unable to do anything about you working out because you are not breaking any noise levels. Your neighbours are just being *kitten*, you only have to look at when they said they could hear you walking about your own apartment, to see where they were going with their complaints to your workouts.
  • AZackery
    AZackery Posts: 2,035 Member
    I currently live in a second story apartment (note, this is the fifth apartment complex that I've lived in where I have had people below me ... zero complaints until now). I was in the middle of doing my workout when the people who just moved in downstairs told me that they don't want me working out in my apartment because it's too loud. I was doing this at 3:00 in the afternoon by the way.

    Anyway, I have 12 months left on my lease and I don't want to be in a war with them for another year, so I feel obligated to stop... but now I don't know what to do! I'm a pretty broke full-time student, so I can't afford a gym membership. I'm two weeks into Insanity and feel like I have to quit, which makes me pretty bummed. I know that I can still do free weights, but that honestly feels like it. Do you guys have any advice on how to deal with this? I live in Florida and it's about to be summer time, so running outside is pretty much not an option.

    Your neighbor should have known that she was going to hear noises from the tenant above her prior to moving in downstairs. She can't complain to you about hearing you move around in your apartment. You didn't build the apartments, so you can't help the noise that the tenant hears, such as you walking, flushing the toilet or even running water. I live on the first floor and I hear the tenants above me move around. I'm sure you can hear some noises that she makes as well. Noise goes both ways.

    Go and talk to your landlord or the people in the office and let them know what's going on. Tell them that your neighbor not only complains about your exercising, but also about you moving around in your apartment. You pay rent just like she does. You have a right to exercise, unless it's written in your lease that you can't. All tenants have to be respectful to one another. You aren't breaking the quiet rule.

    If your neighbor is home during your workout time, then in the front of the landlord or office personnel, you two need to come to an agreement. You need to know where she's at during the time of your workout. If she's in the living room and your living room is above hers, then you can exercise in your room. If she's sleeping, then you can exercise in your living room. Your tenant has to understand that she can't have things her way. Your money goes towards rent as well.

    I can't live above people.
  • tantalee
    tantalee Posts: 130 Member
    i dont know the laws in your country, but in mine you can have a rave party between 8am and 10pm and no one can say anything about it.
    Dont stop. You need this
  • steadk
    steadk Posts: 334 Member
    Maybe ask them if there is a better time that would work for them. I know it's your schedule too but maybe there is a way to both get what you want.


    and also, if it isn't during quiet hours, you can do what you want in your apt. it's your space since you rent it.
  • jsapninz
    jsapninz Posts: 909 Member
    I would talk to your landlord and see what the policy is. Most apartment buildings have "quiet hours" where you aren't allowed to be doing anything noisy, but usually other than that you are fine.

    You can find this out and then, armed with this knowledge, tell them that A) they need to suck it up and deal with it or B) work out what time works better for them. I would pick A but it is up to you.

    I have been on both sides of this fence and honestly it comes down to: THIS IS WHY LIVING IN AN APARTMENT SUCKS.:frown:
  • beckifraser_5
    Tell them to get stuffed, ive had building work next door for the last two weeks and i got over it, even though it will be continuing for the next 8 weeks, noise is a fact of life! Its your home too.
  • hillbillyannie
    hillbillyannie Posts: 139 Member
    Try to find out when they are not home or maybe cushion the floor better. I've had people above me when I lived in apartments and it can get crazy especially if there's children riding their big wheels. Good luck. Do you have a back yard? or community center?
  • AZackery
    AZackery Posts: 2,035 Member
    Try to find out when they are not home or maybe cushion the floor better. I've had people above me when I lived in apartments and it can get crazy especially if there's children riding their big wheels. Good luck. Do you have a back yard? or community center?

    I hear you about the children or even if they have dogs.
  • crochelle17
    crochelle17 Posts: 93 Member
    If i was your id just exercise, your not doing it at an unreasonable hour. Personally, why should you have to put a healthy lifestyle on hold just because she cant handle noise?? If she really doesnt like noise then she should have NEVER moved into an apartment! I used to live on the second floor and worked out religiously, the guy below never had an issue with it and honestly, our place was soo bad we could hear him fart in the morning and everytime he sneezed! (it was really bad...) if it does get too bad put a pair of earplugs on her doorstep with a bow! :)
    and i would also talk to your landlord and let them know whats going on, but deff do no put your life on hold because of her! thats just dumb, she wont put her life on hold because of you would she?
  • grassette
    grassette Posts: 976 Member
    Consider using headphones. There are some cordless numbers out there. And on the plus side, you could use them for more than exercise. Advising the landlord is also a good pre-emptive move.
  • pduckworth
    pduckworth Posts: 133
    Thanks so much for the support everybody! I waited a whole day looking out of the window every 30 minutes to see if she would ever leave so that I could workout... but she never left :( She also complained to me that she hears dogs barking, which kind of sucks for her because all of the apartments surrounding her have dogs. I was worried that perhaps my dog was going crazy when I left, so I left for a couple of hours and made a voice recording. Not a sound. Such a good puppy :D

    Does anybody know of any workout videos that aren't as jumping intensive as Insanity?
  • katiebugg16
    My boyfriend and I also live upstairs in our apartment. I visit my neighbors downstairs all the time and honestly you can hear just about anything from upstairs. We can even hear our dogs walking around when we are downstairs. If they have a problem with noise they should just move to another apartment or building because no matter where you're at you're going to hear people above you. Its part of living in an apartment.

    Good luck with Insanity though! We have it, I just haven't really attempted it yet!
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    I'm posting because I am anxious to hear about how much the lady enjoys the floorboard replacement project. LOL!
  • peacefulsong
    peacefulsong Posts: 223 Member
    Thanks so much for the support everybody! I waited a whole day looking out of the window every 30 minutes to see if she would ever leave so that I could workout... but she never left :( She also complained to me that she hears dogs barking, which kind of sucks for her because all of the apartments surrounding her have dogs. I was worried that perhaps my dog was going crazy when I left, so I left for a couple of hours and made a voice recording. Not a sound. Such a good puppy :D

    Does anybody know of any workout videos that aren't as jumping intensive as Insanity?

    You could probably get a video that focused more on strength training or something, but quite honestly I don't think you should bother. Keep doing what you are doing. You've informed the landlord about the complaint and they are going to take steps to try to help the situation. And really, this woman is complaining about you walking around and your dog jumping off the couch, so it probably won't matter much. You're not doing these things during quiet hours, and it's not like you're jumping around all day long. Noise comes with living in apartments, especially ground floor apartments, so unless you're doing something completely unreasonably noisy (and an hour of exercise in the afternoon does not qualify), then she really just needs to suck it up or request a change to a top floor apartment.

    Please keep us updated, I'd love to know what happens when they're hammering away all day in there, changing the floorboards. If it were me I'd be hoping she complained so that I could inform her (in the most poisonously sweet way I could manage) that it was because of her complaint. Oh, I'd love to do that. :D
  • stella_julia
    I have a similar situation. The neighbors actually complain if I shower after 10 pm and actually asked me not to flush the toilet between the hours of 10 pm and 8 am. My answer was a plain and simple, no. You are well within your rights of working out, and I assume you are not stomping too loudly.

    Your health, your home, you decide. Talk to the landlord to advise him of this unreasonable request and just keep up being the good neighbor that you are
  • pduckworth
    pduckworth Posts: 133
    I have a similar situation. The neighbors actually complain if I shower after 10 pm and actually asked me not to flush the toilet between the hours of 10 pm and 8 am. My answer was a plain and simple, no. You are well within your rights of working out, and I assume you are not stomping too loudly.

    Your health, your home, you decide. Talk to the landlord to advise him of this unreasonable request and just keep up being the good neighbor that you are
    Haha that's crazy. My last apartment complex was considering "student living" so it was a piece of crap. You heard every single noise from all of the apartments around you. Toilet flushing was one of them, but I could never have imagined going upstairs and telling the girls above me not to flush LOL.

    And I will definitely let you all know what happens with maintenance. I have certain areas in my hallway and bathroom that are super squeaky so I've been making sure to walk laps over them before they get fixed ;)
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