Got told that I can't exercise in my apartment anymore...



  • pduckworth
    pduckworth Posts: 133
    I have a similar situation. The neighbors actually complain if I shower after 10 pm and actually asked me not to flush the toilet between the hours of 10 pm and 8 am. My answer was a plain and simple, no. You are well within your rights of working out, and I assume you are not stomping too loudly.

    Your health, your home, you decide. Talk to the landlord to advise him of this unreasonable request and just keep up being the good neighbor that you are
    Haha that's crazy. My last apartment complex was considering "student living" so it was a piece of crap. You heard every single noise from all of the apartments around you. Toilet flushing was one of them, but I could never have imagined going upstairs and telling the girls above me not to flush LOL.

    And I will definitely let you all know what happens with maintenance. I have certain areas in my hallway and bathroom that are super squeaky so I've been making sure to walk laps over them before they get fixed ;)

    oh yeah, you sound like a PEACH to live under
    I realize that there's not much you can do about walking-around noise, but there's also a limit to how much noise the person living under you should have to put up with - you going out of your way to make more noise is just rude. She pays rent, same as you, & you're here complaining that she's making it so you can't enjoy your living space, yet you don't seem to understand that your actions are making it so she can't enjoy her living space (a living space that she is PAYING FOR)
    Yes, she seems unreasonable, especially about the dog jumping off the couch & you walking around, but why are you going out of your way to harass her?

    Her neighbour IS being bloody unreasonable, read the thread from the beginning!

    The OP also pays rent you know and is not doing her workout at a stupid hour - unless you class 3pm as an unreasonable time that is!!

    Actually, if there is anybody harassing anybody here it is the neighbour doing the harassing because the poor OP does not feel that she is even able to walk around without virtually levitating above the floor! That actually makes the OP unable to enjoy HER living space.

    I have read the post from the beginning. Would you kindly point out where the post that the OP says the neighbor harassed her multiple times, or complained to the manager about her is, as I have obviously missed that comment.
    Or maybe it doesn't exist because the neighbor ASKED HER to stop once. Last time I checked, someone asking something once isn't harassment.

    Are you the actual neighbour in question here by any chance?


    No, I'm a person who has noise sensitivity issues thanks to living under a hyperactive child for 4+ years, & I'm disgusted by the attitude that people who live in apartments are expected to deal with however much noise their neighbors feel like making.
    Yes, the woman was unreasonable, but that's no reason that the OP should be going out of her way to make her life more miserable.

    Also, nice avoidance of the question.

    Well I am seriously wondering see, because you appear to be reading something totally different to the rest of us.

    The OP is actually going out of her way to find a solution, the neighbour is lucky, because the OP is within her rights to exercise in her own apartment.

    The way you are going on is as if the OP is jumping around at all hours of the day and night, when she has already stated that she is out much of the time and a 40 minute workout is the only time she makes any noise, she is even willing to change whatever time suits that neighbour to do that exercise - how much more bloody accommodating can she get???

    Don't blame me for your inability to read what the OP wrote. The comment I commented on was " I have certain areas in my hallway and bathroom that are super squeaky so I've been making sure to walk laps over them before they get fixed ;)"
    Calm down. In my opinion, she could have asked me nicely to stop, but she didn't. It's my hallway connecting my living room and kitchen to my bathroom and bedroom. I can walk on it as often as I please.

    She has only been living here a max of four-five days as well. After such a short time period, she wants me to stop my dog jumping down off of the couch, me to stop walking, me to stop exercising, and my dog to stop barking. If you bothered to read this thread, you'd see that I talked to my landlord and they are going to replace all of the floorboards in my apartment. In other words, I have to put up with moving my furniture and letting maintenance spend several days in my apartment to appease her. The least she could deal with was me walking back and forth.

    /edit. Also, it was her choice to move in to a downstairs apartment. There are TWO upstairs apartments empty. One literally right next to me. People just moved out yesterday morning. There is no extra fee to live on the second floor. Her fault for not wanting to move there.

    Should I ALSO mention that when I walk out of my front door, I hear her music blaring? Sound doesn't travel up very well, but I'm sure the people diagonally down from me are having a blast with that.
  • Ladyzumba
    Ladyzumba Posts: 217 Member
    Tell em that u can do what u when u please n UR apartment where u pay rent!
    U can also tell em that while ur busy doing ur workout that they can get busy kick rocks!
  • Aleara2012
    Aleara2012 Posts: 225 Member
    Where i live 2-4 pm is quite time... if somebody was making noisw while my toddler was napping i would be rather angry as well... Just saying - there are different reasons for people needing quite at 3 pm... maybe try to find a time that works for both of you?
  • LilacDreamer
    LilacDreamer Posts: 1,365 Member
    I have a similar situation. The neighbors actually complain if I shower after 10 pm and actually asked me not to flush the toilet between the hours of 10 pm and 8 am. My answer was a plain and simple, no. You are well within your rights of working out, and I assume you are not stomping too loudly.

    Your health, your home, you decide. Talk to the landlord to advise him of this unreasonable request and just keep up being the good neighbor that you are
    Haha that's crazy. My last apartment complex was considering "student living" so it was a piece of crap. You heard every single noise from all of the apartments around you. Toilet flushing was one of them, but I could never have imagined going upstairs and telling the girls above me not to flush LOL.

    And I will definitely let you all know what happens with maintenance. I have certain areas in my hallway and bathroom that are super squeaky so I've been making sure to walk laps over them before they get fixed ;)

    oh yeah, you sound like a PEACH to live under
    I realize that there's not much you can do about walking-around noise, but there's also a limit to how much noise the person living under you should have to put up with - you going out of your way to make more noise is just rude. She pays rent, same as you, & you're here complaining that she's making it so you can't enjoy your living space, yet you don't seem to understand that your actions are making it so she can't enjoy her living space (a living space that she is PAYING FOR)
    Yes, she seems unreasonable, especially about the dog jumping off the couch & you walking around, but why are you going out of your way to harass her?

    Her neighbour IS being bloody unreasonable, read the thread from the beginning!

    The OP also pays rent you know and is not doing her workout at a stupid hour - unless you class 3pm as an unreasonable time that is!!

    Actually, if there is anybody harassing anybody here it is the neighbour doing the harassing because the poor OP does not feel that she is even able to walk around without virtually levitating above the floor! That actually makes the OP unable to enjoy HER living space.

    I have read the post from the beginning. Would you kindly point out where the post that the OP says the neighbor harassed her multiple times, or complained to the manager about her is, as I have obviously missed that comment.
    Or maybe it doesn't exist because the neighbor ASKED HER to stop once. Last time I checked, someone asking something once isn't harassment.

    Are you the actual neighbour in question here by any chance?

    I had the same thought but decide against asking that question because I didn't think it would go over too well. Clearly though the poster you are replying to has some hostility issues.
  • LovelyNFit
    LovelyNFit Posts: 92 Member
    It avoid further in person harassment from her write a letter to her saying that: Anything she wants to tell you to put in in writing that you will no longer allow any harassment from her. etc.

    She may be the type of person that has nothing better to do then to harass other and gets a thrilled with it, she may be a bitter person. May like bossing ppl around.

    A letter serves multiple purposes: she has to sit and write it. You have record of her harassment.

    You working out at that time is not illegal, her harassment is. Don't stop working out. When/If she gives you the letter, reply by stating that you work out outside the quite hours etc.

    Let me know how it goes.
  • Dumbell_Diva
    Dumbell_Diva Posts: 175 Member
    Thats awful! Youve been living there alot longer than them, they cant suddenly move in and start laying down the law! They have no right to intimidate you, Im gathering you live there alone? Dont let them intimidate you, youre talking about 40 minutes a day, in the afternoon! When I lived in a downstairs apartment my neighbours above used to put their washing machine on at 2am as it was cheaper on electricity which I found so frustrating...but 3 in the afternoon...they have no right to tell you not to do it, dont bow down to them as they will then have control and will forever have the sort of relationship with you where they are above you/in control of you with is totally wrong!!! Unless they have a young child that needs quiet time in the afternoon or work shifts and need sleep in the afternoon. Have you tried chatting to them about it all? Ask them to give you a time slot that works for you both. Im guessing they are older than you with the way they are intimidating and bossing you around...dont let them!!! Its not like youre deliberately putting on heavy metal music to annoy them!! Oooh makes my blood boil, good luck, its your apartment, you pay the rent, youre entitled to do your exervise DVD for 40 mins in YOUR own house. Your house is your own sanctuary!!! Also why on earth did she decide to live in a downstairs apartment if she is so sensitive to noise??? You cant creep about all day long...does she expect your dog to wear a pair of slippers too???!!!! :noway:

    Ive done the 30DS and Ripped in 30 which dont have too much leaping around, although they are only a 25 min workout.
  • ThePunkHippie
    I have a similar situation. The neighbors actually complain if I shower after 10 pm and actually asked me not to flush the toilet between the hours of 10 pm and 8 am. My answer was a plain and simple, no. You are well within your rights of working out, and I assume you are not stomping too loudly.

    Your health, your home, you decide. Talk to the landlord to advise him of this unreasonable request and just keep up being the good neighbor that you are
    Haha that's crazy. My last apartment complex was considering "student living" so it was a piece of crap. You heard every single noise from all of the apartments around you. Toilet flushing was one of them, but I could never have imagined going upstairs and telling the girls above me not to flush LOL.

    And I will definitely let you all know what happens with maintenance. I have certain areas in my hallway and bathroom that are super squeaky so I've been making sure to walk laps over them before they get fixed ;)

    oh yeah, you sound like a PEACH to live under
    I realize that there's not much you can do about walking-around noise, but there's also a limit to how much noise the person living under you should have to put up with - you going out of your way to make more noise is just rude. She pays rent, same as you, & you're here complaining that she's making it so you can't enjoy your living space, yet you don't seem to understand that your actions are making it so she can't enjoy her living space (a living space that she is PAYING FOR)
    Yes, she seems unreasonable, especially about the dog jumping off the couch & you walking around, but why are you going out of your way to harass her?

    Her neighbour IS being bloody unreasonable, read the thread from the beginning!

    The OP also pays rent you know and is not doing her workout at a stupid hour - unless you class 3pm as an unreasonable time that is!!

    Actually, if there is anybody harassing anybody here it is the neighbour doing the harassing because the poor OP does not feel that she is even able to walk around without virtually levitating above the floor! That actually makes the OP unable to enjoy HER living space.

    I have read the post from the beginning. Would you kindly point out where the post that the OP says the neighbor harassed her multiple times, or complained to the manager about her is, as I have obviously missed that comment.
    Or maybe it doesn't exist because the neighbor ASKED HER to stop once. Last time I checked, someone asking something once isn't harassment.

    Are you the actual neighbour in question here by any chance?


    No, I'm a person who has noise sensitivity issues thanks to living under a hyperactive child for 4+ years, & I'm disgusted by the attitude that people who live in apartments are expected to deal with however much noise their neighbors feel like making.
    Yes, the woman was unreasonable, but that's no reason that the OP should be going out of her way to make her life more miserable.

    Also, nice avoidance of the question.

    Well I am seriously wondering see, because you appear to be reading something totally different to the rest of us.

    The OP is actually going out of her way to find a solution, the neighbour is lucky, because the OP is within her rights to exercise in her own apartment.

    The way you are going on is as if the OP is jumping around at all hours of the day and night, when she has already stated that she is out much of the time and a 40 minute workout is the only time she makes any noise, she is even willing to change whatever time suits that neighbour to do that exercise - how much more bloody accommodating can she get???

    Don't blame me for your inability to read what the OP wrote. The comment I commented on was " I have certain areas in my hallway and bathroom that are super squeaky so I've been making sure to walk laps over them before they get fixed ;)"
    Calm down. In my opinion, she could have asked me nicely to stop, but she didn't. It's my hallway connecting my living room and kitchen to my bathroom and bedroom. I can walk on it as often as I please.

    She has only been living here a max of four-five days as well. After such a short time period, she wants me to stop my dog jumping down off of the couch, me to stop walking, me to stop exercising, and my dog to stop barking. If you bothered to read this thread, you'd see that I talked to my landlord and they are going to replace all of the floorboards in my apartment. In other words, I have to put up with moving my furniture and letting maintenance spend several days in my apartment to appease her. The least she could deal with was me walking back and forth.

    /edit. Also, it was her choice to move in to a downstairs apartment. There are TWO upstairs apartments empty. One literally right next to me. People just moved out yesterday morning. There is no extra fee to live on the second floor. Her fault for not wanting to move there.

    Should I ALSO mention that when I walk out of my front door, I hear her music blaring? Sound doesn't travel up very well, but I'm sure the people diagonally down from me are having a blast with that.

    Cool story bro.
  • ThePunkHippie
    I have a similar situation. The neighbors actually complain if I shower after 10 pm and actually asked me not to flush the toilet between the hours of 10 pm and 8 am. My answer was a plain and simple, no. You are well within your rights of working out, and I assume you are not stomping too loudly.

    Your health, your home, you decide. Talk to the landlord to advise him of this unreasonable request and just keep up being the good neighbor that you are
    Haha that's crazy. My last apartment complex was considering "student living" so it was a piece of crap. You heard every single noise from all of the apartments around you. Toilet flushing was one of them, but I could never have imagined going upstairs and telling the girls above me not to flush LOL.

    And I will definitely let you all know what happens with maintenance. I have certain areas in my hallway and bathroom that are super squeaky so I've been making sure to walk laps over them before they get fixed ;)

    oh yeah, you sound like a PEACH to live under
    I realize that there's not much you can do about walking-around noise, but there's also a limit to how much noise the person living under you should have to put up with - you going out of your way to make more noise is just rude. She pays rent, same as you, & you're here complaining that she's making it so you can't enjoy your living space, yet you don't seem to understand that your actions are making it so she can't enjoy her living space (a living space that she is PAYING FOR)
    Yes, she seems unreasonable, especially about the dog jumping off the couch & you walking around, but why are you going out of your way to harass her?

    Her neighbour IS being bloody unreasonable, read the thread from the beginning!

    The OP also pays rent you know and is not doing her workout at a stupid hour - unless you class 3pm as an unreasonable time that is!!

    Actually, if there is anybody harassing anybody here it is the neighbour doing the harassing because the poor OP does not feel that she is even able to walk around without virtually levitating above the floor! That actually makes the OP unable to enjoy HER living space.

    I have read the post from the beginning. Would you kindly point out where the post that the OP says the neighbor harassed her multiple times, or complained to the manager about her is, as I have obviously missed that comment.
    Or maybe it doesn't exist because the neighbor ASKED HER to stop once. Last time I checked, someone asking something once isn't harassment.

    Are you the actual neighbour in question here by any chance?

    I had the same thought but decide against asking that question because I didn't think it would go over too well. Clearly though the poster you are replying to has some hostility issues.

    I know, I'm such a horrible person for wanting people to have respect for the people they live around! D:
  • pduckworth
    pduckworth Posts: 133
    Where i live 2-4 pm is quite time... if somebody was making noisw while my toddler was napping i would be rather angry as well... Just saying - there are different reasons for people needing quite at 3 pm... maybe try to find a time that works for both of you?

    I talked to the office, as long as I am not making noise between 8pm-8am, I am technically allowed to do it. She also never told me that she works nights or has a kid. I've seen her several times and only her. Pretty sure she lives alone.
  • LilacDreamer
    LilacDreamer Posts: 1,365 Member
    I have a similar situation. The neighbors actually complain if I shower after 10 pm and actually asked me not to flush the toilet between the hours of 10 pm and 8 am. My answer was a plain and simple, no. You are well within your rights of working out, and I assume you are not stomping too loudly.

    Your health, your home, you decide. Talk to the landlord to advise him of this unreasonable request and just keep up being the good neighbor that you are
    Haha that's crazy. My last apartment complex was considering "student living" so it was a piece of crap. You heard every single noise from all of the apartments around you. Toilet flushing was one of them, but I could never have imagined going upstairs and telling the girls above me not to flush LOL.

    And I will definitely let you all know what happens with maintenance. I have certain areas in my hallway and bathroom that are super squeaky so I've been making sure to walk laps over them before they get fixed ;)

    oh yeah, you sound like a PEACH to live under
    I realize that there's not much you can do about walking-around noise, but there's also a limit to how much noise the person living under you should have to put up with - you going out of your way to make more noise is just rude. She pays rent, same as you, & you're here complaining that she's making it so you can't enjoy your living space, yet you don't seem to understand that your actions are making it so she can't enjoy her living space (a living space that she is PAYING FOR)
    Yes, she seems unreasonable, especially about the dog jumping off the couch & you walking around, but why are you going out of your way to harass her?

    Her neighbour IS being bloody unreasonable, read the thread from the beginning!

    The OP also pays rent you know and is not doing her workout at a stupid hour - unless you class 3pm as an unreasonable time that is!!

    Actually, if there is anybody harassing anybody here it is the neighbour doing the harassing because the poor OP does not feel that she is even able to walk around without virtually levitating above the floor! That actually makes the OP unable to enjoy HER living space.

    I have read the post from the beginning. Would you kindly point out where the post that the OP says the neighbor harassed her multiple times, or complained to the manager about her is, as I have obviously missed that comment.
    Or maybe it doesn't exist because the neighbor ASKED HER to stop once. Last time I checked, someone asking something once isn't harassment.

    Are you the actual neighbour in question here by any chance?


    No, I'm a person who has noise sensitivity issues thanks to living under a hyperactive child for 4+ years, & I'm disgusted by the attitude that people who live in apartments are expected to deal with however much noise their neighbors feel like making.
    Yes, the woman was unreasonable, but that's no reason that the OP should be going out of her way to make her life more miserable.

    Also, nice avoidance of the question.

    Well I am seriously wondering see, because you appear to be reading something totally different to the rest of us.

    The OP is actually going out of her way to find a solution, the neighbour is lucky, because the OP is within her rights to exercise in her own apartment.

    The way you are going on is as if the OP is jumping around at all hours of the day and night, when she has already stated that she is out much of the time and a 40 minute workout is the only time she makes any noise, she is even willing to change whatever time suits that neighbour to do that exercise - how much more bloody accommodating can she get???

    Not sure if you're 100% correct on this one, many if not all apartments have a noise clause in the lease and it may in fact not be within her rights. It all depends where you rent and what they tolerate for noise level.

    Yes, many apartments do have noise clauses in their lease. Unless the OP lives in a freaking DAY CARE CENTER or a home for the ELDERLY, there is no excuse as to why she can not exercise at 3:00 in the AFTERNOON.
  • pduckworth
    pduckworth Posts: 133
    I have a similar situation. The neighbors actually complain if I shower after 10 pm and actually asked me not to flush the toilet between the hours of 10 pm and 8 am. My answer was a plain and simple, no. You are well within your rights of working out, and I assume you are not stomping too loudly.

    Your health, your home, you decide. Talk to the landlord to advise him of this unreasonable request and just keep up being the good neighbor that you are
    Haha that's crazy. My last apartment complex was considering "student living" so it was a piece of crap. You heard every single noise from all of the apartments around you. Toilet flushing was one of them, but I could never have imagined going upstairs and telling the girls above me not to flush LOL.

    And I will definitely let you all know what happens with maintenance. I have certain areas in my hallway and bathroom that are super squeaky so I've been making sure to walk laps over them before they get fixed ;)

    oh yeah, you sound like a PEACH to live under
    I realize that there's not much you can do about walking-around noise, but there's also a limit to how much noise the person living under you should have to put up with - you going out of your way to make more noise is just rude. She pays rent, same as you, & you're here complaining that she's making it so you can't enjoy your living space, yet you don't seem to understand that your actions are making it so she can't enjoy her living space (a living space that she is PAYING FOR)
    Yes, she seems unreasonable, especially about the dog jumping off the couch & you walking around, but why are you going out of your way to harass her?

    Her neighbour IS being bloody unreasonable, read the thread from the beginning!

    The OP also pays rent you know and is not doing her workout at a stupid hour - unless you class 3pm as an unreasonable time that is!!

    Actually, if there is anybody harassing anybody here it is the neighbour doing the harassing because the poor OP does not feel that she is even able to walk around without virtually levitating above the floor! That actually makes the OP unable to enjoy HER living space.

    I have read the post from the beginning. Would you kindly point out where the post that the OP says the neighbor harassed her multiple times, or complained to the manager about her is, as I have obviously missed that comment.
    Or maybe it doesn't exist because the neighbor ASKED HER to stop once. Last time I checked, someone asking something once isn't harassment.

    Are you the actual neighbour in question here by any chance?


    No, I'm a person who has noise sensitivity issues thanks to living under a hyperactive child for 4+ years, & I'm disgusted by the attitude that people who live in apartments are expected to deal with however much noise their neighbors feel like making.
    Yes, the woman was unreasonable, but that's no reason that the OP should be going out of her way to make her life more miserable.

    Also, nice avoidance of the question.

    Well I am seriously wondering see, because you appear to be reading something totally different to the rest of us.

    The OP is actually going out of her way to find a solution, the neighbour is lucky, because the OP is within her rights to exercise in her own apartment.

    The way you are going on is as if the OP is jumping around at all hours of the day and night, when she has already stated that she is out much of the time and a 40 minute workout is the only time she makes any noise, she is even willing to change whatever time suits that neighbour to do that exercise - how much more bloody accommodating can she get???

    Don't blame me for your inability to read what the OP wrote. The comment I commented on was " I have certain areas in my hallway and bathroom that are super squeaky so I've been making sure to walk laps over them before they get fixed ;)"
    Calm down. In my opinion, she could have asked me nicely to stop, but she didn't. It's my hallway connecting my living room and kitchen to my bathroom and bedroom. I can walk on it as often as I please.

    She has only been living here a max of four-five days as well. After such a short time period, she wants me to stop my dog jumping down off of the couch, me to stop walking, me to stop exercising, and my dog to stop barking. If you bothered to read this thread, you'd see that I talked to my landlord and they are going to replace all of the floorboards in my apartment. In other words, I have to put up with moving my furniture and letting maintenance spend several days in my apartment to appease her. The least she could deal with was me walking back and forth.

    /edit. Also, it was her choice to move in to a downstairs apartment. There are TWO upstairs apartments empty. One literally right next to me. People just moved out yesterday morning. There is no extra fee to live on the second floor. Her fault for not wanting to move there.

    Should I ALSO mention that when I walk out of my front door, I hear her music blaring? Sound doesn't travel up very well, but I'm sure the people diagonally down from me are having a blast with that.

    Cool story bro.
    It is, isn't it?
  • poncho33
    poncho33 Posts: 1,511
    There must be 'quiet hours' in your lease. I would talk to your landlord and see what can be worked out. I know you don't want to be at war with your neighbor but she has no right to tell you how you can enjoy your living space.

    Our quiet hours are 8pm-8am, with security getting here at 5pm to start patrolling. I've never worked out later than today, which I started at 2:45pm and would have finished around 3:35ish :/

    My apartment complex has a "gym", which is effectively two treadmills (one broken), two bikes (one also broken), and a few TVs.

    bring your DVD player or computer to the gym and do insanity there
  • budhandy
    budhandy Posts: 305 Member
    anyway...Op sounds like you are doing everything right. In the words of Sheldon Cooper "B!tches be crazy"
  • pduckworth
    pduckworth Posts: 133
    Regardless, as far as I'm concerned, this thread is pretty much finished. Maintenance is replacing my floors, the woman at the office that I work with is on my side, I have a copy of my lease that references noise, and I switched to a more quiet workout.
  • rednblack84
    Thanks so much for the support everybody! I waited a whole day looking out of the window every 30 minutes to see if she would ever leave so that I could workout... but she never left :( She also complained to me that she hears dogs barking, which kind of sucks for her because all of the apartments surrounding her have dogs. I was worried that perhaps my dog was going crazy when I left, so I left for a couple of hours and made a voice recording. Not a sound. Such a good puppy :D

    Does anybody know of any workout videos that aren't as jumping intensive as Insanity?

    If you like Beachbody products, I'm currently doing the Les Mills Pump videos. There isn't any jumping around, but there are weights involved. Not heavy weights but she might hear a pin drop every now and then when you gently set them down. I just completed week 1 and I love it!

    She sounds like she's either never lived in an apartment or it was so long ago that she's forgotten that noise is just a part of living that way. I'd ask her for a better time, but otherwise I'd just continue with your workout. Your timing is fine and she's just got to learn to deal. You sound like a sweet and mature person but you shouldn't be railroaded by her for living in your home.
  • Seaduck79
    Seaduck79 Posts: 35 Member
    How about offering to trade floors with them? That way, your noise wouldn't disturb them or anyone else.
  • Coco_Puff
    Coco_Puff Posts: 823 Member
    That's crazy, 40 min. is not that long. Lord nows there could be alot of other things going on worse than a little noise for that length of time. You really should talk with the landlord and them to see if a better time is an option, but don't not do it. Who are they to cause this problem for you? Some people are just so high and mighty! And unfriendly, what a bunch of *kitten*!
  • calvert6183
    calvert6183 Posts: 539 Member
    The law is on your side. YOu are NOT breaking any laws (Disturbing the peaace) so tell them to suck it. Them telling you what you cant do is intruding on your rights.
  • Fit_Canuck
    Fit_Canuck Posts: 788 Member
    I have a similar situation. The neighbors actually complain if I shower after 10 pm and actually asked me not to flush the toilet between the hours of 10 pm and 8 am. My answer was a plain and simple, no. You are well within your rights of working out, and I assume you are not stomping too loudly.

    Your health, your home, you decide. Talk to the landlord to advise him of this unreasonable request and just keep up being the good neighbor that you are
    Haha that's crazy. My last apartment complex was considering "student living" so it was a piece of crap. You heard every single noise from all of the apartments around you. Toilet flushing was one of them, but I could never have imagined going upstairs and telling the girls above me not to flush LOL.

    And I will definitely let you all know what happens with maintenance. I have certain areas in my hallway and bathroom that are super squeaky so I've been making sure to walk laps over them before they get fixed ;)

    oh yeah, you sound like a PEACH to live under
    I realize that there's not much you can do about walking-around noise, but there's also a limit to how much noise the person living under you should have to put up with - you going out of your way to make more noise is just rude. She pays rent, same as you, & you're here complaining that she's making it so you can't enjoy your living space, yet you don't seem to understand that your actions are making it so she can't enjoy her living space (a living space that she is PAYING FOR)
    Yes, she seems unreasonable, especially about the dog jumping off the couch & you walking around, but why are you going out of your way to harass her?

    Her neighbour IS being bloody unreasonable, read the thread from the beginning!

    The OP also pays rent you know and is not doing her workout at a stupid hour - unless you class 3pm as an unreasonable time that is!!

    Actually, if there is anybody harassing anybody here it is the neighbour doing the harassing because the poor OP does not feel that she is even able to walk around without virtually levitating above the floor! That actually makes the OP unable to enjoy HER living space.

    I have read the post from the beginning. Would you kindly point out where the post that the OP says the neighbor harassed her multiple times, or complained to the manager about her is, as I have obviously missed that comment.
    Or maybe it doesn't exist because the neighbor ASKED HER to stop once. Last time I checked, someone asking something once isn't harassment.

    Are you the actual neighbour in question here by any chance?


    No, I'm a person who has noise sensitivity issues thanks to living under a hyperactive child for 4+ years, & I'm disgusted by the attitude that people who live in apartments are expected to deal with however much noise their neighbors feel like making.
    Yes, the woman was unreasonable, but that's no reason that the OP should be going out of her way to make her life more miserable.

    Also, nice avoidance of the question.

    Well I am seriously wondering see, because you appear to be reading something totally different to the rest of us.

    The OP is actually going out of her way to find a solution, the neighbour is lucky, because the OP is within her rights to exercise in her own apartment.

    The way you are going on is as if the OP is jumping around at all hours of the day and night, when she has already stated that she is out much of the time and a 40 minute workout is the only time she makes any noise, she is even willing to change whatever time suits that neighbour to do that exercise - how much more bloody accommodating can she get???

    Not sure if you're 100% correct on this one, many if not all apartments have a noise clause in the lease and it may in fact not be within her rights. It all depends where you rent and what they tolerate for noise level.

    Yes, many apartments do have noise clauses in their lease. Unless the OP lives in a freaking DAY CARE CENTER or a home for the ELDERLY, there is no excuse as to why she can not exercise at 3:00 in the AFTERNOON.

    Ouch, blood pressure is dangerously high.....since you or I haven't SEEN the AGREEMENT we can't say, I put the caps in there because you seem to enjoy it
  • poncho33
    poncho33 Posts: 1,511
    I have a similar situation. The neighbors actually complain if I shower after 10 pm and actually asked me not to flush the toilet between the hours of 10 pm and 8 am. My answer was a plain and simple, no. You are well within your rights of working out, and I assume you are not stomping too loudly.

    Your health, your home, you decide. Talk to the landlord to advise him of this unreasonable request and just keep up being the good neighbor that you are
    Haha that's crazy. My last apartment complex was considering "student living" so it was a piece of crap. You heard every single noise from all of the apartments around you. Toilet flushing was one of them, but I could never have imagined going upstairs and telling the girls above me not to flush LOL.

    And I will definitely let you all know what happens with maintenance. I have certain areas in my hallway and bathroom that are super squeaky so I've been making sure to walk laps over them before they get fixed ;)

    oh yeah, you sound like a PEACH to live under
    I realize that there's not much you can do about walking-around noise, but there's also a limit to how much noise the person living under you should have to put up with - you going out of your way to make more noise is just rude. She pays rent, same as you, & you're here complaining that she's making it so you can't enjoy your living space, yet you don't seem to understand that your actions are making it so she can't enjoy her living space (a living space that she is PAYING FOR)
    Yes, she seems unreasonable, especially about the dog jumping off the couch & you walking around, but why are you going out of your way to harass her?

    Really? You sound like a fun person
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