Large Framed Ladies - 5'6" Goal Weight

I just discovered I am "Large Framed"! Who knew! I measured my wrist and it is almost 7" around! I can not touch my pointer finger and thumb around either wrist. I had always thought I was small framed since I was always a petite little thing as a child. I was looking over other board topics and seeing other girls at 5'6" with goal weights in the 120lb range and wondering if I was just lacking ambition, since my UGW was so much higher than theirs! A few simple measurements and I feel LOADS better! I have lost 22lbs already and I am down to 150. I can't imagine weighing 30lbs less than I do now - I would be emaciated! So here's a shout out of encouragement to all you large framed ladies out there.... :) keep at it gorgeous!

I am large framed, 5'6" and my ultimate goal weight is 145. What's yours? Anyone have pics?


  • ElementalEscapee
    ElementalEscapee Posts: 552 Member
    Well, since I plan to have a good amount of muscle on me I'm aiming for around 130...I'm going to evaluate how I look at higher weights though (namely 140 lbs). My wrist is about 5 1/2 inches in circumference last time I measured it...we all have the same skeletons so I don't particularly believe that there's a huge difference between so-called 'small-boned' and 'large-boned' people lol, but each to their own. What I would do is aim for your current goal and if you are still unhappy with how you look than you can always try for slightly lower.
  • futuremrsbuchman
    futuremrsbuchman Posts: 5 Member
    There is actually a large difference between bone size which can affect weight. If neither of us has any fat on their wrist (which I don't and I doubt you do!), then what accounts for the almost 2" difference in the size of our wrists? Bigger bones! Trust me, it makes a difference! Check out this link! Seriously, it's legit! I really dont appreciate the implication that I'm chunky just because I literally have bigger, heavier bones.
  • smiley245
    smiley245 Posts: 420 Member
    I do beleive there are different frame sizes, which affects the way one looks and carries their weight. Bone density and size vary by the individual.
    Having been 135 before, I know this did not look or feel healthy to me. I now strive for the 140-145 range.
  • ChristinaOlliver
    ChristinaOlliver Posts: 57 Member
    I'm the same :) at the moment I'm 199 and working toward 175. Once I get there I will set another goal of probably about 160. Even if you took out all my internal organs I would not be able to weight 130 lbs lol!
  • lilac67
    lilac67 Posts: 311

    Here's a body frame calculator.
  • futuremrsbuchman
    futuremrsbuchman Posts: 5 Member
    awesome! good for you :) I'm glad I'm not alone :) You're right haha im pretty sure all the stuff I need to live weighs more than 130lbs hahahaha
  • yabba45
    yabba45 Posts: 35
    Love this post!!! I too have a 7" wrist and 140 looks ok on me but I always feel my bones stick out too much then.
  • lmbame905
    lmbame905 Posts: 83 Member
    Weird, my thumb and finger just touch, yet, my wrist is 7'. Am I medium or large?? I guess I'll say medium ( with big hands. lol)
  • I am 5'7" and my goal weight is 159 and that is a good weight approved by my doctor. As I get older, my expectations are more realistic. I never was and never hope to be 125. I lost 70 pounds on Weight Watchers and have gained more than half back. Feeling a need for a change, I thought I would try counting calories instead of points. I'm finding it easy to scan my foods and I love the support I get here. Wish me luck!
  • gemiwing
    gemiwing Posts: 1,525 Member
    My goal weight? 200lbs.

    That's 200 lbs of bench pressing. :D
    I have no idea what weight that will be or what dress size. I've honestly learned to let it go as it's not as important to me as strength, capability of movement and simply enjoying being active.

    According to most calcs I've used- my goal weight will end up (assuming small muscle mass loss) around 215lbs. Yes, 215lbs of awesome I will be. Who knows what size or weight I'll end up- but I know I want to bench that 200lbs so bad I can taste it. So that's my goal now.
  • jcstanton
    jcstanton Posts: 1,849 Member
    I feel ya. I'm 5'4" and VERY large boned. If I were to get under 135lbs, I'd start to look like a walking skeleton. I always tell people that I wasn't built to be a supermodel, I was built to be an athlete. I'm large boned, heavily muscled, and competitive to boot. At 145lbs, I can wear a size 7/8. That is not so for most women who are my height, but smaller framed.
  • gemiwing
    gemiwing Posts: 1,525 Member
    Weird, my thumb and finger just touch, yet, my wrist is 7'. Am I medium or large?? I guess I'll say medium ( with big hands. lol)

    And there you've discovered the flaw in the 'use hands to measure self' system :) Tape measure beats hands.
  • My wrist measures 8". You cannot imply that you and I have the same bone structure.
  • gdean428
    gdean428 Posts: 25
    I'm a large frame girl too!! 5'6 and I'm currently at 148! Goal is to be in the 130's!
  • Tonimb77
    Tonimb77 Posts: 5
    I totally believe that there is a difference in body frames. I am 5'6" and have a large frame and am striving for a goal weight of 160.
  • 2hmom
    2hmom Posts: 241 Member
    I am in this group. 7.25" wrist! Hard finding watchbands and etc. 5'.5". I would love to be 135 lbs. 177 now. Good luck on your journey!
  • jociesich
    jociesich Posts: 10
    My wrists are also 7" and I'm 5'5". My goal weight is 140lbs...It was so long ago but I'm pretty sure I look awesome at that weight! LOL:laugh:
  • Pururin
    Pururin Posts: 16
    I'm 5'6" and my goal weight is 135. I'm hoping to eventually get back to 120, but once I get to 135 I'm going to focus more on toning than losing.
    I always wondered about larger/smaller framed people. My sister (5'5") and I weighed about the same for years, but could never wear each other's clothing. Although we were about the same size physically, she always wore 2-3 sizes smaller than I because she has such a "birdlike" frame. My clothes fit me well but would hang off of her.
  • DebbieMc3
    DebbieMc3 Posts: 289 Member
    Everybody is different. Some people are a size 14 at 160 lbs and some might be 210 lbs.
    I'm 5,6", I would say med frame and I'm thinking that my goal will be about 150 lbs. (although, I have this dream of the number 128. Not sure why) :)~