Do Long Distance Relationships Work?



  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    Anything CAN work. Depends on the two of you. No one else's experience with mirror yours or shed any light, unfortunately. No easy answer.
  • angieleighbyrd
    angieleighbyrd Posts: 989 Member
    I think long term, no.

    If there are plans to eventually move closer to each other then yes.
  • YouAreTheShit
    YouAreTheShit Posts: 510 Member
    They absolutely can work!

    :love: :flowerforyou:
  • happilyeveractive
    happilyeveractive Posts: 167 Member
    I've done it before and survived : ) After four years its worth it :D
  • Yes, they do...

    : ))
  • Maria_Goose
    Maria_Goose Posts: 247
    My soulmate lives in Israel and I in Washington, US. We've loved eachother for 6 years but have only really been semi-officially together for 6 months. The only other bond I have with anyone else that rivals it is with my mother and father.

    Edited to say that a long distance relationship cannot be long distance forever. You must be together eventually.
  • leemarie324
    leemarie324 Posts: 63 Member
    Yes, they work if both parties are commited. My husband is active duty military and before we got married, we were long distance for a litle while and it worked.
  • rachelelizabeth88
    rachelelizabeth88 Posts: 73 Member
    i've never been in a long distance relationship, but my sister and her bf have been.. they've been dating for 6 years now and visit each other every so often (he's away at a different school than she is).. it works for them... so don't worry it does work if it's meant to be :)
  • McMeggers
    McMeggers Posts: 22 Member
    I met my boyfriend on world of warcraft, i was from california , he was from virginia. we only got to see each other once every couple of months, it was so hard we even broke up for like 2 months but we ralized we loved each other and we got back together. i now live in virginia with him and in september we will have been together for 4 years, he is my best friend and soul mate i think it will work if you guys are really ment for each other . i wish you the best of luck
  • MrsPong
    MrsPong Posts: 580 Member
    My husband an I have been together over 4 years, and married over 3. He is an Active Duty U.S Marine. He was in NC after we got pregnant, and then shipped off to Iraq for 7 months... So we were seperated Aug 2007, he came back Dec 2007( we got pregnant) Left Jan 2008 and didnt return again until November 2008., our daughter was born Sept 2008. We finally moved in together in Feb 2009. so we made it.

    Just recently he was shipped off to Oki Japan last april 2011. Saw him in July, we traveled to Japan and he came home for xmas, then we moved back in together in the states Jan 2012. So we have made the long distance thing work, not only once but twice!!.It works all the time when our military men are shipped away... but then again it is to much for some.

    But we are a success story. feel free to add me for support. :)
  • Me and my boyfriend have been long distance since like the beginning. We lived in the same town and started hanging out right before we both left for college. The first semester I only saw him two weekends and thanksgiving break. This semester he moved back to our hometown so I get to see him at least one weekend a month. It's working out very good for us :) After this week of exams is done we'll be able to see each other whenever we want and we're going to the same school next year. I think long distance relationships really put you to the test and either make it or break it. Instead of being able to just sit around with them you have to actually keep conversation going and learn a lot about each other sooner. But if both people really want to make it work, I think it will :)
  • ashleynicol3
    ashleynicol3 Posts: 187 Member
    My boyfriend and I were in a LDR for a while. We met in Maryland and ended up living together for a while before he moved to Florida to look for work. He's from Florida and had family there, so he moved in with them. I'd say he was gone for about six months or so. During that time, I took a family vacation to Disney, so I got to see him then and he's a truck driver, so he'd visit me when he passed through Maryland. It was tough, but not impossible. I think it depends a lot on the people in the relationship. #1 you really have to be committed because it's tough being without the one you love and you WILL get lonely. #2 trust is KEY! If you don't trust your partner not to cheat on you or whatever, long distance is never going to work. You also have to realize that they will have fun without you and you have to be okay with that. #3 communication is another big one. You really have to make time for each other every single day, whether you're texting, talking on the phone, video chatting, writing letters, whatever.

    Bottom line is it's doable, but it ain't easy! If you know one of you is eventually going to move, I guess it would be easier than things being kind of "up in the air." My boyfriend ended up moving back to Maryland and found an even better job here. :)
  • simplydelish2
    simplydelish2 Posts: 726 Member
    7 years and counting! And it's ALL good!
  • nikkis01
    nikkis01 Posts: 45 Member
    Yes they can work! I was in a long distance relationship for a few years - on Thursday we will be celebrating our 10th wedding anniversary!! If youre in love, nothing can stand in your way! Plus there are lots of technological advances these days to help while youre appart! Good luck! x
  • KristalDawnO
    KristalDawnO Posts: 154 Member
    They can work, but you have to be very committed and have a plan. If you never see an end in sight, and you don't get to talk/see each other on a regular basis. I can't see it working. Sure you could stay in the relationship, but does it fulfill your needs? It takes a lot of soul searching. I'm currently in a LDR with my husband, he will be home in August. It is temporary, and we've been together a long time. Building a new relationship with a big distance between you is hard and can be very frustrating. At the end of the day, you have to do what is right for you :) Good luck!
  • not sure how this has anything to do with fitness but no! they defs do not work
  • pinkpascal
    pinkpascal Posts: 75 Member
    not sure how this has anything to do with fitness but no! they defs do not work

    i thought that if it was in this section it didn't have to be about fitness. Sorry if i was wrong and posted this out of topic.
  • Maria_Goose
    Maria_Goose Posts: 247
    not sure how this has anything to do with fitness but no! they defs do not work

    i thought that if it was in this section it didn't have to be about fitness. Sorry if i was wrong and posted this out of topic.

    You're fine. Mental and emotional health has everything to do with fitness. :)
  • Tybalt71
    Tybalt71 Posts: 1,064 Member
    Generally No, maybe if you have Skype-Ty
  • morepeaseplease
    morepeaseplease Posts: 1 Member
    In high school, I was in a long distance relationship (Oklahoma and Tennessee). We dated for 2 years, visiting every other month. We got engaged and moved in the same state for 1 year to prove that we could live in the same area and still get along. We have now been happily married for 5 years!! We have been together a total of 8 years and Im still head-over-heels for him. I 100% believe in long distance relationships---but the key is that you have to really love and want only that person forever.