Any tricks for getting butt out of bed at 5:00 AM ?



  • TakaraO
    TakaraO Posts: 8 Member
    Put your alarm on the other end of the room and put the worst ringtone possible. That way, you'll have no choice but to get up to stop it.

    I really like this idea. I will have to try this tomorrow morning. I have such a hard time getting up on time and my goal is 5am as well!
  • lisanume
    lisanume Posts: 155 Member
    Put your alarm on the other end of the room and put the worst ringtone possible. That way, you'll have no choice but to get up to stop it.

    AGREE 100%!!!

    OHHHHH..... THAT is an even BETTER idea!!! Gonna try it tomorrow....... :smile:
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
  • melissann23
    melissann23 Posts: 39 Member
    i say to myself every morning when my alarm goes off at 4:20 "Just do it". Nike was right on point with that one!!!
  • lisag2007
    lisag2007 Posts: 130
    I'm not sure that there are any tricks just have to want to get it done bad enough, I guess. My alarm was set for 4:30 this morning and I got up a few minutes after. It's a great feeling to know you have your workout finished for the day...maybe that is enough to motivate you? Plus....go to bed a little earlier. Sometimes that is tough too. AND....I only do the 4:30 thing two or three times a week....that makes it a little easier. :) Good luck to you.
  • leamj87
    leamj87 Posts: 20 Member
    I set myself the most annoying ringtone as my alarm. It's a woman singing "Good morning!" and I place the phone just out of reach!

    Also, this may seem obvious, but for a week, force yourself to go to bed way earlier than you normally choose to. Getting up early isn't so arduous when you're fully rested.
  • Mercenary1914
    Mercenary1914 Posts: 1,087 Member
    I used to put the alarm clock on the other side of the room. Forced me to get up to shut it off.

    yea...I have done that too!
  • DieVixen
    DieVixen Posts: 790 Member
    First you sit up,put both feet on the ground,then proceed to stand
  • jsapninz
    jsapninz Posts: 909 Member
    Put your alarm clock across the room so you have to physcially get up to turn if off. Get one with as REALLY obnoxious alarm. Wake up at the samea time every day and your body will form a habit.
  • dmdakd
    dmdakd Posts: 17 Member
    Get a Yorkie and name him Pete. He is happy to wake you up 5 minutes before you alarm goes off no matter what time you set it for. These days I set it for 5, he is sure to have me up at 4:55 every morning.

    P.S. Weekends also.......
  • peteb79
    peteb79 Posts: 386
    Use a smart phone alarm clock.. most of them have an option to require you to solve a math problem in order to 'snooze' it.. I use to hit the snooze button 10-15 times in the morning.. Now I get up on the first alarm. Granted doing math problems early in the morning is not fun.. but you can set the difficulty and set the number of problems you have to solve.
  • LeenaRuns
    LeenaRuns Posts: 1,309 Member
    I get up to work out at 4:00 every morning, it's the only time that works for my schedule. Here's what I do: Go to bed at 9 and have my clothes set out so all I have to do is get up and put them on (no fussing around). It took a few days to get used to, but every day got easier. Best of luck to you!
  • Sp1nGoddess
    Sp1nGoddess Posts: 1,138 Member
    I set 2 alarms -one across the room. When I wake up I tell myself that it will suck to get up now and it will still suck to get up later. You will never regret a workout.
  • rjo921
    rjo921 Posts: 130
    I have a dog that comes in my room at 5am every day to feed him and take him outside. :laugh:
  • mhankosk
    mhankosk Posts: 535 Member
    Ok... this may not work for everyone but it does for me.

    Lately I have been loving a grilled chicken breast on my salad at lunch. Well... when my alarm goes off at 4:15 and I feel like just sleeping in I think about how I have to get up and defrost and cook the chicken. Well... what do I do during the defrost time? Get my workout in! It's been working for me :)
  • alars09
    alars09 Posts: 27
    Great tip! :) I need to start doing that myself! :)
  • mhankosk
    mhankosk Posts: 535 Member
    Use a smart phone alarm clock.. most of them have an option to require you to solve a math problem in order to 'snooze' it.. I use to hit the snooze button 10-15 times in the morning.. Now I get up on the first alarm. Granted doing math problems early in the morning is not fun.. but you can set the difficulty and set the number of problems you have to solve.

    Interesting... is there an app for it?
  • tinabell153
    tinabell153 Posts: 298 Member
    Anytime is a good time to work out. Why wake up so early? I work out in the evening before dinner because I leave for work at 7am and do not want to wake up and work out at 5am.
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    Really? My trick? I just have to remind myself that this is the only time I have. If I don't do it at 5, then I won't be able to do it. I have to want the workout more than the sleep. Each week it is getting easier to get up and do my workout. It also helps if I wear my workout clothes to bed.
  • peteb79
    peteb79 Posts: 386
    Interesting... is there an app for it?

    "Alarm Clock Plus", on the Android Market, free app, not sure about iPhones.