Around 5'1 females:



  • krystina_letitia9
    krystina_letitia9 Posts: 697 Member
    5'1" - currently 132.1. Goal is 115!
  • mona169
    mona169 Posts: 17 Member
    I am 5'2" and my goal is 115lb. I was 105 when I got pregnant with my daughter and with the body changes I think my realistic goal would be 115 which is 115 lbs more than my pre-preg wt.
  • Vurbach
    Vurbach Posts: 52 Member
    I'm 5'2- 25 years old.
    I started at my highest which was 167lbs, I'm currently at 142, my goal is 135. I want to see how I feel when I get there.
    Good job ladies.
    Love to all us shorties out there!! :smile:
  • princessage117
    princessage117 Posts: 171 Member
    I'm 5'2" and currently 145 pounds. I would like to get to 135. I got down to 140 a while back and then shot right back up. I am currently a size 6 so I am pretty good with where I am at but trying to accomplish a goal. A friend of mine is the same height and weighs less than me but she looks heavier. It's weird.
  • ckes84
    ckes84 Posts: 52
    Hi, I am 5' and 110lbs. My goal weight is 105lbs, but I might stay where I am or even add a couple of pounds of muscle. I am about to turn 44 and have noticed that it becomes harder and harder to lose the older I get. When I was in my 20's I was down to 89lbs at one point (not because of ED) due to a young child, a new business, home, marriage, stress, etc. The most I've weighed was 178lbs after my son was born (22+ years ago). For the past 10 years I've fluctuated between 130-140lbs. I've dieted, fasted, exercised, and have always gained it back. This time I'm making a life change. My goal is to eat as clean as possible and exercise every day, even if its just for 15 minutes. Looking for friends that are supportive, yet not intrusive, sarcastic but not mean. Thanks! :smile:
  • Krisgren
    Krisgren Posts: 93 Member
    I'm 5ft 2 and currently 157 :( my goal is between 135 and 140 I think but I will see when I get there hopefully one day lol
  • Debbe2
    Debbe2 Posts: 2,071 Member
    I am 5'1". My goal weight is 128ish- well 125 to 130lbs.
  • jules1202
    jules1202 Posts: 65
    I am 5'2 and my goal weight is 125 or 130 but I have a lot of muscle. :)

    Something we should all keep in mind is body shape and muscle composition REALLY make a difference so its not a straight comparison person to person!

    EXAMPLE: Right now I am 138 lbs and most of my 6P's fit great (when I was 125 I was a size 4) but my aunt is 5'1 and at 118 lbs she is a size 8 (and we wear alot of the same brands); this is where muscle vs fat really comes into play. So folks please be careful about making your weight goals based on other peoples goals because we are all different :smile:
  • Susabelle64
    Susabelle64 Posts: 207 Member
    I am 4'11" and my goal weight is 123lbs. I have quite a ways to go and have just started but I'm 3 weeks into Insanity and I actually gained weight the first 2 weeks. But I'm loosing inches quickly and the scale just started swinging the other way. The lowest I have been was 103lbs and that was way too low for me, the best I looked was at 115. I'm really trying to focus on increasing my strength and endurance as well as loosing the lbs. So as I get closer to my goal I will re *kitten* where I should be. I want to be a size 3, so whatever lbs I end up at that gets me there with a toned body is the right weight for me.
  • ChristineMarie89
    ChristineMarie89 Posts: 1,079 Member
    im 5'1.5" and 120-130
  • CottonCandyKisses
    CottonCandyKisses Posts: 246 Member
    I'm 4'11 and currently 111 pounds. I was aiming for 105, but I've been stuck at 111 for almost a month now. Not sure if I will get there.
  • tanya7712
    tanya7712 Posts: 441 Member
    I'm 5'2" and currently 145 pounds. I would like to get to 135. I got down to 140 a while back and then shot right back up. I am currently a size 6 so I am pretty good with where I am at but trying to accomplish a goal. A friend of mine is the same height and weighs less than me but she looks heavier. It's weird.

    WOW! I must have big bone structure or something because I am 5'2" and 138 pounds right now and still where size 9/10
  • tanya7712
    tanya7712 Posts: 441 Member
    I am 5'2 and my goal weight is 125 or 130 but I have a lot of muscle. :)

    Something we should all keep in mind is body shape and muscle composition REALLY make a difference so its not a straight comparison person to person!

    EXAMPLE: Right now I am 138 lbs and most of my 6P's fit great (when I was 125 I was a size 4) but my aunt is 5'1 and at 118 lbs she is a size 8 (and we wear alot of the same brands); this is where muscle vs fat really comes into play. So folks please be careful about making your weight goals based on other peoples goals because we are all different :smile:

    That is so very true!
  • Maryaly40
    Maryaly40 Posts: 551 Member
    I'm 5'0 and I'm pushing toward 120. I'm at 139 righ now so I have a bit to go :happy:
  • stunningalmond
    stunningalmond Posts: 275 Member
    I'm 5'1" and aiming for 120 lbs :) I've got about 20 lbs to go! I'm working on building up my strength, not just losing weight :)

    Congrats on your amazing transformation!! You look great!!
  • Shannonlastname
    Shannonlastname Posts: 48 Member
    I'm 5' and i'd like to get to my prime dancing weight which was 115. Once I'm thee I'll see where I'm at and then go from there. Transitioning from dancing 30 hours a week to just relying on the gym has been really difficult but I think I'm finally getting to a good place in my workout routine.
  • NWatkins13
    NWatkins13 Posts: 4
    Wow - Great Job!! I'm 5'2 and at 222 - down from 238. I had set my goal to 160, but seeing how well you've done I think I'll go lower! What a great inspiration...thanks for sharing!!

    Any secrets to your success?
  • dperich1968
    dperich1968 Posts: 235 Member
    bump for later
  • kurenaikumo
    kurenaikumo Posts: 271 Member
    About 110-115. I've been as low as 102 as an adult, but I wasn't "fit" (no real muscle to speak of), mostly just sickly due to stress/IBS/GERD. More specifically, I'd like to fit back into my fav sz 2 jeans.
  • Laurenazz
    Laurenazz Posts: 27
    i'm 5'0 & aiming to be 115.