New month, what are YOUR goals? :)



  • runfatmanrun
    runfatmanrun Posts: 1,090 Member
    To maintain and run 9 miles for my long run.
  • RhythmGypsi
    RhythmGypsi Posts: 79 Member
    :D I am really excited about my two goals, mainly because they are simple and do-able. They'll just take time, and when it comes to me and my health, I'm willing to make all the time in the world!

    # 1 - Lose 2 1/2 pounds, and thus make it to 129 pounds

    # 2 - Be able to jog a full mile without stopping. At my gym, 9 laps around the building is equal to 1 mile, and I can currently job 6 laps (2/3rds of a mile) without stopping. Those last three are a dream ready to be fulfilled!

    Good luck to everyone else with their goals! <3

    ~ Jen

  • thirdday70x7
    thirdday70x7 Posts: 13 Member
    My weightloss/diet goals:
    -Lose at least 5 lbs.
    -Lower my sodium intake.
    -Try something new for my cardio workout.

    On the wedding front:
    -Book our photographer.
    -Book our honeymoon.

    For fun/overall wellbeing:
    -Play guitar at least 3 days of the week.
    -Take a time out to watch Breakfast at Tiffanys, Roman Holiday, and The Philadelphia Story.
    -Publish 4 hubs on hubpages.
    -Call my father.
  • JWolf7911
    JWolf7911 Posts: 63 Member
    Lose 10 pounds, finish the 30 day shred and keep up with couch to 5k!
  • lc971
    lc971 Posts: 104 Member
    I'd like to lose 4-5 lbs. this month, and be in the 170's for the first time in many years. Continue exercising on a regular basis. :smile:
  • Init_to_winit
    Init_to_winit Posts: 258 Member
    -Work out at least 5 days a week
    -Eat at least 3 servings of vegetables a day
    -Only dine out a maximum of 4 times (once a week)
    -Only have one "cheat" day a week (likely coordinating with my once a week dining out day)
    -I would like to lost at least 8 lbs. but won't beat myself up if that doesn't happen
  • BeckyProctor
    BeckyProctor Posts: 56 Member
    lose 8 lbs (for a total of 50), go to the gym 3x/week, and start doing more toning exercises.
  • laceylou0702
    laceylou0702 Posts: 226 Member
    1) Exercise 4 times a week at Curves & do my couch to 5k 3 times per week.
    2) Lose at least 5 more total inches
    3) Cut down to 1 can of soda per day
  • WaterBunnie
    WaterBunnie Posts: 1,370 Member
    1 - To lose another 10lbs (20lbs lost so far over the last 2 months)

    2 - To start drinking my water - finding this really difficult for some stupid reason but I drink a lot of decaf

    3 - My FitBit should arrive later this week - I'm hoping I'll keep it busy - or it'll keep me busy :-)

    4 - To get more organised at home - not a fitness goal exactly but will add to my feeling of wellbeing.
  • dmf80
    dmf80 Posts: 60
    Run my first marathon in minimalist shoes. 3rd overall marathon. Burlington, VT 5-27!!!!!!
  • MumMumOfMany
    MumMumOfMany Posts: 79 Member
    1) Target Weight Loss by end of month - 7lbs
    2) Try to stop binging at weekends!!!
    3) To work on slimming my thighs, been 54cm measurement for 4weeks now!!!
  • Teksavvy
    Teksavvy Posts: 133 Member
    Stick with C25K workout plan. Yesterday was Day 2.
  • k8ermarie
    k8ermarie Posts: 204
    My goal is to continue working out for at least 60 minutes/day for 6 days a week. Also, would like to lose 8 pounds this month. Nothing more than that. And to quit giving in on the weekends to bad food!
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I have 2 goals for May:

    1. Stick to the plan - eat right, exercise. (it's working so far, so don't blow it!!)

    2. Run 5k on the road that is uphill for the first mile. (I figure if I can do that, the 5k race next month will be a piece of cake)
  • LoveMy3Boys
    LoveMy3Boys Posts: 562 Member
    I'd like to lose 8 pounds, minimum. So, stick to my diet and calorie count. I'll be flying this month as well and I generally do not do well when traveling so I'd like to not "cheat" and make sure I still log even when dealing with the airport and my two small kiddos.
    TJMIYF Posts: 2 Member
    My May goal is to food chart EVERY day, no matter whether a good day or a bad.

    And also to drink all of my water. 8 glasses a day minimum.

    Exercise at least 4x per week.
  • sofitheteacup
    sofitheteacup Posts: 396 Member
    I want to improve my distance during my usual gym trip to do 6 miles a day. Right now I'm around 5.75-5.9, so I think I can manage it! And if I could get down to 160, reliably, that would be great... I seem to keep fluctuating between 169-164.
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    No specific weight loss goal for this month, have a half marathon at the end of May so I'll be eating at maintenance for most of the month. Otherwise this month's goal is to finish the half in 2:10
  • whallvr
    whallvr Posts: 153 Member
    Do an awesome job on my triathlon and beat my time from last year.
    Also run at least half the run portion.
  • just4u_cara
    just4u_cara Posts: 100 Member
    I wanted to break out of the 230's and into the 220's by April 30. Didn't happen, have 2lbs left. So I want to hit 225 by May 31, that's just 7lbs away.