New month, what are YOUR goals? :)



  • crysaldivar
    crysaldivar Posts: 10
    My goal this month is to attend 2 pole fitness classes a week. I usually can only do 1 due to school, kids, and know LIFE! Since my body is doing more fat to muscle shifting than actual weigh loss right now Im gonna stick with that. :)
  • Ritzbrit
    Ritzbrit Posts: 211 Member
    Lose 10 pounds, start the 30 day shred, keep to my diet and exercise more!
  • lrd2010
    lrd2010 Posts: 161 Member
    Swim in the sea for the first time ever!
    Try to lose 2 pounds in spite of a holiday and some dinners out for birthdays this month.
    Start doing Yoga on the Wii Fit
  • KilllJoysMakeSomeNoise
    KilllJoysMakeSomeNoise Posts: 14 Member
    To fit in a size smaller jeans :)
  • Tzippy7
    Tzippy7 Posts: 344 Member
    My birthday is May 21st. I want to be able to buy a new pair of jeans, size 4. That is my goal! I also am planning to calorie cycle till then, unless it is not working.
  • LenaMena87
    LenaMena87 Posts: 469 Member
    Lose AT LEAST 10 lbs!
  • RMuske
    RMuske Posts: 271 Member
    Mine is to eat more AND exercise more so I can stay the size I am right now but the right way as opposed to the decreased # of calories I have been eating for a week.
  • oldmanstauf
    oldmanstauf Posts: 202 Member
    Losing 3-5 pounds would be nice, but considering I'm going to Myrtle Beach for 10 days, I'll settle for not gaining anything. Realistically, even if I do gain some, it won't be a lot.
  • LikeNoOneElse84
    LikeNoOneElse84 Posts: 475 Member
    My goal is to lose at least 5lbs and to drop at least one pant size.
  • woofus
    woofus Posts: 17 Member
    my goal is to lose at least 5 pounds. I can't do cardio for another 4 weeks so I'm having to just really watch my calorie intake so as not to go over. I want to be down 25 more by the fall and am trying to be patient with myself .
  • lizzie82088
    lizzie82088 Posts: 12
    To get down into the low 140s. I'm at the high 140's-150 pounds right now at 5'5".
    To exercise at least 5 days a week.
    To not order in so much delivery food!!!!!!!
    To up my cardio to 50 minutes EVERY TIME.
    To eat less cheese.
    To fit into a size 6, am a tight size 8 now.

    good luck everyone!! we can all do it.
  • lycrabunz
    lycrabunz Posts: 1
    My sister just moved home and brought her digital scale with her. Turns out I'm 10 pounds heavier than I thought :|
    Today is my first day back on the bandwagon, and I have a month to trim as much as I can before my boyfriend's brother's wedding (I'm a bridesmaid).
    GOAL: stick to a healthy eating/workout routine.
  • kalynn06
    kalynn06 Posts: 368 Member
    Finish month 2 of my hybrid rotation.
    Be able to zip up my nice pants without having to suck in and wear a baggy top over them.
  • andreacord
    andreacord Posts: 928
    Get back on track. Lose at least 4 lbs. See c25k and at least one Jillian DVD through to the end, I have a bad habit of starting her programs and not finishing them. In love with the kickboxing lately.
  • dg09
    dg09 Posts: 754
    To keep losing fat and to keep any LBM losses (if any) to a minimum.
  • 1. Alcohol only 2x/wk and limit to two drinks.
    2. Hit 140g of protein daily and keep within total calorie range of 1500-1800.
    3. Remember to take all supplements daily.
    4. Stick with current fitness regime 100%
  • dyannajoy
    dyannajoy Posts: 466 Member
    happy new month everyone!! was wondering if we could all share our goals for this month! mine is to lose 6 pounds and to only stick to one cheat meal on the weekends rather than binging so much throughout the week! what are yours? :)

    mine is to quit sugar and get rid of that horrible addiction!!! sooooooooooo tired of it:angry:
  • sweettoughness
    sweettoughness Posts: 23 Member
    Throw myself into the BodyRock May Challenge and do every single exercise everyday. Of course eat better and maybe by the end of the month I will be in good enough shape to do a Tough Mudder course.
  • jennkess
    jennkess Posts: 86
    Maintain my weight and reduce body fat. I'm around 22.5 right now, I'd like to be at 21 by June 1st.

    awesome goal!

    up your protein intake and really hit the weights....
  • Daytonsmommy
    Daytonsmommy Posts: 162 Member
    I started my 2nd round of Ripped in 30 yesterday, so my goal is to complete the entire 4 weeks (5X's a week) before Memorial Day weekend. I got great results the first time I did it, so I am looking forward to seeing the results this time around :smile: