WTF is wrong with me



  • BradT1974
    BradT1974 Posts: 22
    There is absolutely nothing wrong with you, everybody knows they put some sort of drug in every box of Cheez Its , it's not our fault they are so goddamn delicious.
  • Linbo93
    Linbo93 Posts: 229 Member
    I wonder if this would help you. I have the same issue from time to time. I'm familiar with the feelings you get pre-binge, so when I start eating whatever food it is I'm craving, I'll grab 1 (sometimes 2) serving(s) of that food, and I will also grab another, healthier food that is filling (such as air popped popcorn or carrot sticks)

    I'll try to eat the craved food as slow as possible to taste it as much as possible. Once I'm done, I take the rest of my binge out on the other snack food. Its still not addressing the big issue, but it minimizes the damage.
  • sammniamii
    sammniamii Posts: 669 Member
    Triggers..... triggers gets everybody and it's normal. Mine are similar to other people's: boredom, sadness, thirst is one that I found out recently effects me a good bit.

    Plus, I'm doing low carb, I'm still craving them. I try not to keep anything in the house that I would consider "cheat" foods, cleared out the cupboards on day 2, but my hubby isn't as restrictive in his diet, so his yummie (I'm not allowed to eat) foods still are there .... and watching him eat a corndog is maddening!

    This is why I am trying to keep healthy snacks, yes eating too much of anything can become back, but if I'm muchie, I rather nom on cheese sticks & pepperoni pieces before I turn to microwaving a corn dog or drinking his soda.

    Don't beat yourself up over it, just keep going and try to figure out what is triggering you and keep a good selection of "healthier" alternative snacks in the house. It really does help. Good luck.
  • madyncaden
    madyncaden Posts: 290 Member
    hang in there, look how far you have come!!! i have not read other responses but just a side note and not to be mean, just something to think about. you talked about having junk food in the house and it not being fair to you kids not having you want to have your kids eating junk food? crazy analogy i know but i could almost guarentee that if you drove up to the pump at a gas station and there was regular gas and junk gas there is NO WAY you would put junk gas in your car! so why do we put junk food in our bodies or in our kids. i am by no means "there" yet, i still get into the "junk" food and i am trying to wean my family as a whole off of it and it is going pretty good, and i do not crave it, i only eat it when i am in a tight situation so i need to plan for that but it is just something to think about. i am trying to lose weight AND be healthy AND have my fam be healthy so this is where i am coming from. just some food for wishes:)
  • Campbellsmith
    Campbellsmith Posts: 20 Member
    You justified having Cheez Its and Tootsie Rolls because your kids need the junk food. Your kids DO NOT need junk food. What's not fair is that you haven't found healthy alternatives that they could love too. You are setting them up for bad eating habits by having foods like this in the house. So not only are you allowing trigger foods that set you off / but you are allowing yourself to give harmful food to your kids.

    Instead of Cheez It's and Tootsie Rolls why don't you find other healthy snack alternatives that you and your family can enjoy. Natural / Organic ones that do not have preservatives and are processed junk.

    Once you get the junk out of your house you will have less of a binge issue.

    I agree 100%. I don't allow junk food in my house.
  • hula808
    hula808 Posts: 172 Member
    I have a binge every once in awhile too.
    I think of it like this.
    Its ok to go out every once in awhile, go to a party, eat the appetizers, have a drink or 2 too many, do some innocent flirting, have a good time and go home and sleep it harm done.
    But if you do it everyday you become a fat, alcoholic, tramp ; )

    Moderation is key....

    Think of it as your body calling a "party night".
    Its ok once in awhile, but dont make a habit out of it : )
  • jj2step
    jj2step Posts: 16 Member
    oh babe look how much you have lost give yourself some credit ive lost nothing yet lol big hugs youll get there xxxxxxxxxx
  • christenwypy
    christenwypy Posts: 335 Member
    You've lost 65 lbs. THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH YOU!

    You have done more than most others can do. Do you want to be perfect? Because nobody is.

    It's a cycle you are in. Eat,, guilt eat. Don't feel guilty and don't punish yourself and the pattern will stop.

    I am very close to getting rid of my kids' junk foods as well!

    But losing all that weight, working out almost every day, maybe it is OKAY for you to treat yourself now and then.
  • Drawberry
    Drawberry Posts: 104 Member
    Everything in moderation, that goes for your children as well.

    I think most people fight against their cravings so hard that they end up consuming more then they would have if they'd allowed themselves a small snack to begin with. Instead of keeping a bag of candy in the house try once a week allowing you and your children to pick out a single candy bar (no-not king size!) and that is the treat for the week, for ALL of you.

    It may seem natural to give children the unhealthy foods and I truly don't feel like on their own they're horrible to have as a once in a while snack, but that doesn't mean that you should or need to keep that kind of food stockpiled just for your children. For one, it is putting all the bad habits you're trying to get rid of onto your children, and secondly it's an unwanted temptation to you.

    Much of my issues surrounding food have stemmed from how I was rewarded with it by my parents. If I got a good grade in class I was taken to Taco Bell (a personal favorite of mine) and allowed to eat three tacos, cinnamon swirls, and a bowl of potatoes COVERED IN CHEESE. Pop (soda) was always in the house, and growing up being part of the 'clean plate club' was something that was rewarded with...more food!

    Moderation is the key to what will save you, and your kids, from these binges. Going to Taco Bell once in a while and getting one or two taco's is okay, going every single day (which I just about did in the summer months off from school) and getting a whole helping of tacos, cheese potatoes, and cinnamon twists is clearly NOT okay. Keeping a whole bag of potato chips, candy bars, and the like is NOT necessary. If you want chips, buy a single serving bag like the sizes they sell near the check out registers in grocery stores. Decide on a single serving of candy for each person (or splitting a bag of something like skittles or M&M's) once in a while instead of having the bags always at home.

    We can live a healthy life without depriving ourselves of what we like, it's just learning to take that in moderation and being conscious in knowing what we will cave for.

    Also, please, to any parents out there....drop the 'clean plate club' routine with your children. You have NO idea the kind of shame and guilt I have if I don't accept everything offered to me, and god forbid I don't eat EVERY SINGLE THING on my truly developed a sense of guilt and shame in me that's lasted into my 20's and something I still struggle with.
  • christenwypy
    christenwypy Posts: 335 Member
    There is absolutely nothing wrong with you, everybody knows they put some sort of drug in every box of Cheez Its , it's not our fault they are so goddamn delicious.
    Love this! LOL
  • PayneAS
    PayneAS Posts: 669 Member
    sometimes I think weight loss would be so much easier if I didn't let the kids have any junk food in the house but I don't know if that's fair).

    Why do kids need junk food? Why shouldn't they eat as healthy as you? I keep no junk food in the house. My (almost) 5 year old LOVES cherry tomatoes, apples, bananas, strawberries, and grapes (etc) as snacks. One time I gave him the choice between a cookie and a tomato and he chose the tomato.

    Additionally, this also makes the times I do give him treats (frozen yogurt, a lollipop, etc) appreciated much more instead of taken for granted.
  • jean1058
    jean1058 Posts: 86 Member

    Be someone different.

    For some reason THIS really makes me think. Thank you. Seriously, THANK you. :-)
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    There is absolutely nothing wrong with you, everybody knows they put some sort of drug in every box of Cheez Its , it's not our fault they are so goddamn delicious.


    Cheez-its are like the crack cocaine of the snack cracker world.
  • Eponine7
    Eponine7 Posts: 161
    omg, I just laughed out loud at true....d&mn cheez its!!
  • SlimSammy2012
    SlimSammy2012 Posts: 893
    Don't know if this will help or not - did you know that sugar has a structure very similar to alcohol? (c6-h12-06 vs.c6-h12-OH) and does have addictive properties? In addition, the release of insulin by your body actually inhibits the metabolism of fat. So when you eat sugary substances - cheez-its and tootsie rolls, your body reacts quickly to address the blood sugar rise by dumping insulin into your blood stream - which will metabolize the sugar rather quickly meaning you will be hungry again in a short period of time, yet it will prohibit you from burning any fat as the insulin will persist in your bloodstream for hours. Its kind of an addictive cycle. So if you can break that sugar-insulin cycle you can probably lick that last 30 pounds. I am not sure why we are programmed that way when it comes to sugar, but it sure is a pain to weight control in a society that dumps sugar (in all its varieties - like High Fructose Corn starch) in just about everything we eat.

    @ Romach....I am sorta stuck too. I have to Take 42 units of Lantus daily for my type II diabetes. How does this impact on fat loss for me? I should have asked the Endochronologist last week but It dind't come to mind? any advice would be appreciated.
  • 10KEyes
    10KEyes Posts: 250 Member
    Don't know if this will help or not - did you know that sugar has a structure very similar to alcohol? (c6-h12-06 vs.c6-h12-OH) and does have addictive properties? In addition, the release of insulin by your body actually inhibits the metabolism of fat. So when you eat sugary substances - cheez-its and tootsie rolls, your body reacts quickly to address the blood sugar rise by dumping insulin into your blood stream - which will metabolize the sugar rather quickly meaning you will be hungry again in a short period of time, yet it will prohibit you from burning any fat as the insulin will persist in your bloodstream for hours. Its kind of an addictive cycle. So if you can break that sugar-insulin cycle you can probably lick that last 30 pounds. I am not sure why we are programmed that way when it comes to sugar, but it sure is a pain to weight control in a society that dumps sugar (in all its varieties - like High Fructose Corn starch) in just about everything we eat.

    I agree with this. Especially the addictive nature of sugar. It has been demonstrated that sugar activates the same region of the brain as cocaine.

    Would you tell a cocaine addict "Moderation is key"?

    Honestly, I would cut out all white stuff (no pun intended), processed foods, high starchy foods, and of course sugars (sugar in fruit and veggies are OK). After a few weeks your cravings will go away.
  • 10KEyes
    10KEyes Posts: 250 Member
    @ Romach....I am sorta stuck too. I have to Take 42 units of Lantus daily for my type II diabetes. How does this impact on fat loss for me? I should have asked the Endochronologist last week but It dind't come to mind? any advice would be appreciated.

    I would not advise going low carb (essentially) as it is very dangerous for Type II diabetics, they can get Ketoacidosis.
  • SlimSammy2012
    SlimSammy2012 Posts: 893
    @ Romach....I am sorta stuck too. I have to Take 42 units of Lantus daily for my type II diabetes. How does this impact on fat loss for me? I should have asked the Endochronologist last week but It dind't come to mind? any advice would be appreciated.

    I would not advise going low carb (essentially) as it is very dangerous for Type II diabetics, they can get Ketoacidosis.

    I don't because of that but My Blood Glucose test was betgter than perfect. Since I lost my original 21 lbs (gained 1.5 back)! It's just that the Fat is hanging around...
  • 10KEyes
    10KEyes Posts: 250 Member
    I don't because of that but My Blood Glucose test was betgter than perfect. Since I lost my original 21 lbs (gained 1.5 back)! It's just that the Fat is hanging around...

    So you did lower your carbs to a point and got really good Blood Glucose results? I am interested as I have a friend who is Type II diabetic but nearly died from Ketoacidosis. So she is really afraid to try any low carb plan.
  • SlimSammy2012
    SlimSammy2012 Posts: 893
    I don't because of that but My Blood Glucose test was betgter than perfect. Since I lost my original 21 lbs (gained 1.5 back)! It's just that the Fat is hanging around...

    So you did lower your carbs to a point and got really good Blood Glucose results? I am interested as I have a friend who is Type II diabetic but nearly died from Ketoacidosis. So she is really afraid to try any low carb plan.

    No, I just added a Protein Shake once a day (Usually Breakfast) as a meal relplacemnt. I use to eat Oatmeal or a Bowl of Cheerios with Skim Milk.