Lost 14 pounds since Tuesday juicing!!!!



  • briar_rose
    briar_rose Posts: 149 Member
    Whatever works for you. We are here to support you, not judge you. The diet industry is a multimillion dollar per year industry and we as a society are fatter for it.

    Definitely. This is why I am not a fan of the latest 'trick' to lose weight. I strongly believe in eating less and exercising more. Especially for long-term weight loss.
  • tabulator32
    tabulator32 Posts: 701 Member
    Question about juicing: doesn't the act of running a whole food through a juice eliminate positive parts of the food, mainly the fiber? Isn't it better to eat the whole food? Not that juice isn't a delicious and healthful supplement to a healthy diet, but it's not the nutritionally the same as eating the fruit or vegetable, is it?

    I just run mine through a regular blender to make it into juice. No fiber or anything else is lost.
  • fitzonegirl
    fitzonegirl Posts: 26 Member
    I have a question and its embarrasing:~/...here we go! I love fresh fruits and veggies BUT I have to limit them BECAUSE....they give me gas:blushing: ....would it help to juice them instead or steam the veggies(have steamed them)...I struggle with veggies and fruit..because of that issue..and I have tried everthing to help reduce the problem but it doesnt help...I eat slower, drink water and no pop and it has made no difference. You may think this happens to older people but I have had the problem since I was a kid...any suggestions...I know its off the subject matter:flowerforyou: Thanks!
  • rerect
    rerect Posts: 2
    I find it really odd that people, according to their weight loss tickers are also overweight, are trying to look down on someone else for their choices. Nothing angers me more than someone saying "Good old fashioned hard work" because that varies for each individual. Some people can lose large amounts of weight with diet alone, some with only exercise, and some have No choice but to incorporate a new life style that includes diet and exercise. This poor woman who was just trying to share her results in return received hostility because ITS A FAD, or JUICING IS STUPID, etc. I don't understand why anyone who thinks juicing is 'stupid' or 'unhealthy' even clicked on this post. When I joined this site I hoped to receive encouragement and I sure this OP did too when she made the post. If you don't have anything nice to say, or at least have positive or neutral skeptical criticisms, just find another topic please.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,902 Member
    I find it really odd that people, according to their weight loss tickers are also overweight, are trying to look down on someone else for their choices. Nothing angers me more than someone saying "Good old fashioned hard work" because that varies for each individual. Some people can lose large amounts of weight with diet alone, some with only exercise, and some have No choice but to incorporate a new life style that includes diet and exercise. This poor woman who was just trying to share her results in return received hostility because ITS A FAD, or JUICING IS STUPID, etc. I don't understand why anyone who thinks juicing is 'stupid' or 'unhealthy' even clicked on this post. When I joined this site I hoped to receive encouragement and I sure this OP did too when she made the post. If you don't have anything nice to say, or at least have positive or neutral skeptical criticisms, just find another topic please.
    Results through fad diets will be temporary. That's NOT what the site is for. It's one thing if it's scientifically tested and has had peer reviewed study showing that it's a good beneficial way to "supplement" a good weight loss program. But to tout it as an "actual weight loss program" is irresponsible since many come to this site with desperation. I doubt if anyone posted about anorexia showing good weight loss would be accepted as "great results".

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • rerect
    rerect Posts: 2
    My statement wasn't about if its a FAD diet or not. It was about the negativity. It's possible to criticize a persons actions with out calling such actions stupid. Although while were on the subject, EVERYONE does not gain ALL the weight back. My mother and her friend did the Adkins diet back when I was in Jr High, they both lost over 70 lbs (they were very heavy) and neither ever reached their pre-Adkins weight again, my mother lost an additional 50 and has kept it off. Oh, and I do understand that most people do not have these results. I know this site isn't for promotion of self harm, but you still don't respond to self harm with negative comments. There's a distinct difference between being critical and giving your insights, and being just plain negative.
  • bazuukajoe
    bazuukajoe Posts: 49 Member
    Results through fad diets will be temporary. That's NOT what the site is for. It's one thing if it's scientifically tested and has had peer reviewed study showing that it's a good beneficial way to "supplement" a good weight loss program. But to tout it as an "actual weight loss program" is irresponsible since many come to this site with desperation. I doubt if anyone posted about anorexia showing good weight loss would be accepted as "great results".

  • I think there is nothing wrong with juicing itself but how we do it ! A calorie is calorie and when you juice you are packing on the calories..I mean how many veggies and fruits go into one juice drink ? Count the calories for yourself ! Not only that but your body turns sugar into fat and it raises your insulin levels...insulin levels that are high all the time make you fat and insulin resistant ! From what I hear on this post people are juicing large amounts of fruits ! That is a whole lot of sugar calories in your body ! On the other hand if you are juicing low GI veggies that are also low in calories and eating some lean low cal protein with it...and only minimal juice from fruit...you would not only lose weight but it would be a lot healthier for you in the long run and you would maintain energy to workout ! Losing weight and not working out you might be smaller in size but your muscles will be soft and flabby. Losing weight and keeping it off is what we all want isn't it ? We want to be more healthy not just thinner ! I am all for juicing myself and love it ! There are so many benefits ! But our bodies need more than just juice from fruits and veggies...we need protein also ( not obsessive amounts but moderate for our own body weight etc.. ) if we could get all the vitamins from the fruit without the sugar that would be awesome ! But not the case..so we need to juice very little fruit as we can get the same nutrients in fruit from low GI veggies with a lot less sugar !...More low GI veggies juiced and have some healthy protein source also and lets not forget to EXERCISE and weight training to keep muscles toned ! After juicing for awhile... then you need to introduce solid food to our eating plan. Eating a plate of veggies or having an apple has a lot less calories than juicing a couple of apples and it makes you feel full longer and give you fiber ! Also I was wondering about the nausea feelings and headaches while juicing that some experience... Is it really from detoxing ? Or is it your body telling you that you are missing some nutrients that you are not getting from just juicing ....IE : Not having protein etc...? Just wondering ? I am juicing right now....but trying to juice a lot less fruit and more Low GI veggies and fresh herbs and have lean protein in moderation.
    while I watch my calorie intake. I might even juice no fruit and only low GI, high nutrient veggies to drink slowly with my protein I eat... and if I feel really hungry later on in the day and really need something I can have an apple ( 100 cals)or something to eat whole..fiber and all . I think this is a healthier way to juice and something sustainable that can be a part of a healthier lifestyle in the long run !
  • I also watched the documentary "Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead" as inspiration to continue juicing. However, I did not do the fast. For the past three weeks, I have replaced breakfast and lunch with a vegetable juice for most days of the week and throughout the day I consume a serving of nuts, at least three servings of fruit, and one serving of dairy (low-fat cottage cheese or yogurt). At dinner, I eat a healthy meal like salmon with asparagus and/or salad. I still count my calories and I try to make each juice with only 1-2 fruits, but mostly veggies. Since juicing, I have found that I feel more energized and more motivated to continue eating healthy for the "non-juice" meals and during the days I choose not to juice. Like anything else, it's all about a good balance. :)
  • SCtolulu
    SCtolulu Posts: 154 Member
    14 pounds in less than a week! Let's see a before and after pic. You must look great!
  • bekah818
    bekah818 Posts: 179 Member
    Juicing is totally healthy! Yes your body needs fuel but your not gonna go into starvation mode if you juice for five days! The human body is designed to handle fasting. As long as you don't abuse, you're fine. I lost weight before doing it and I didn't put it back on. I plan to start my juicing tomorrow :smile:
  • NadiaZS9
    NadiaZS9 Posts: 1
    I saw that movie too. It made me want to do it too. I am happy for you that you are sticking to it. I have trouble sticking to it and being consistent. Congratulations on your will power and weight loss!