
  • Shyhmim
    Shyhmim Posts: 27
    Urgh!! I've been newly diagnosed. Now I'm on metformin and the whole world thinks i'm diabetic which I"M NOT and i have to explain what the hell PCOS is. And I need to lose weight coz of all the risk factor and insulin resistant crap. now i know why everytime i try to lose weight i either CAN"t or i can;'t maintain the weight loss. I HATE PCOS. just like everyone else.

  • Usbornegal
    Usbornegal Posts: 601 Member
    Because in addition to the PCOS both my mother and maternal grandmother have had to shave since they were young. So it's inherited plus a disease causing it. Joy.

    PCOS has a hereditary factor so they most likely have the same issue. I want to add that I had years of electrolosys treatments for excess hair growth and lots of that hair stayed off permanently. Had a bad practitioner for part of it and have some subcutaneous scarring.
  • StarvingDiva
    StarvingDiva Posts: 1,107 Member
    I hated the way doctors treated me when they first diagnosed me. When I was trying to discuss my options with them they said "Well you don't have to worry about it until you want to get pregnant" Really? I politely raised my voice at her and said I have a beard, I'm packing a spare tire, I'm balding on top of my head pray tell who will actually want to get pregnant with that?? Give me a break. It's annoying that there is no help, I finally got to go to an endo who of course pushed scripts, of Metformin, dieting, spiralactone etc. I tried at the beginning and then gave up.

    I instead chose to do alternative things. I did acupuncture for a year to regulate my period. After I lost my job I couldn't afford acupuncture but had plenty of time to exercise so I started doing just that, now I'm down 31 lbs and my last 3 periods have come right on time, 28 days, 31 days, 30 days. I was averaging before acupuncture 38-46 days.

    A friend of mine who has PCOS as well actually much worse than me as she can go months without a period. Tried for 2 years to get pregnant. Finally gave up the clomid and all the drugs. Went to a massage therapist and had mayofasial massage done twice (specifically for fertility) and conceived that same month.

    I am not against prescriptions or any of that, but for myself I have chosen a different path. Acupuncture has been around forever, billions of chinese people can't be wrong. HA!
  • Ravenesque_
    Ravenesque_ Posts: 257 Member
    Dear PCOS

    I dont care about not having periods for over 10 years. In fact I quite enjoy it. I dont miss the events certainly. My uterus is probably stuffed full of blood that it hasnt shed in 3 years.

    I don't care about being infertile. I never wanted children. It's not like you gave me any choice in the matter.

    I don't care about the facial hair or the unruly beard. Let people make fun of me as they please, I do not value their opinions.

    I don't care about the abuse you caused me. I simply compensated by having no friends. I talk to myself these days, its good conversation.

    I don't care about the weight, or the abuse it engenders: I simply grew my personality to match it.

    I don't care about the moodswings. I have fought depression so much it has no effect on me anymore. Trust me, I have the scars to prove it.

    I don't care about the fact that I'll never have a husband, boyfriend or family of my own. I'm trying my damnedest not to care. I succeed most of time now too.

    Thank you for turning me into the jealous, hardhearted fat old b*itching harpy that I am today.

    Yours utterly uncaringly
    @rk (aged 25)
  • StarvingDiva
    StarvingDiva Posts: 1,107 Member
    I'm going to get an ultrasound this Wednesday to see if I have PCOS. I read through this forum and noticed that I do have a few hairs that grow on my chin and I gain all my weight in my mid-section. I regularly go about 60 days in between periods. My doctor did a blood test and though I might have "mild PCOS" we'll see. I haven't been able to get pregnant, but hopefully I can get pregnant naturally- that's a goal of mine in losing weight.

    It just makes me wonder, why do so many women seem to have PCOS? My entire family is SO fertile, so I don't understand why I would be the only one to have fertility issues. :frown:

    I'm starting to wonder if it's all the crap in our foods, It's such a disruption in hormones, all the plastic we have been using for the last 50 years or whatever, plus I also heard years ago they used to do drilling on the ovaries, or wedging the ovaries, a surgery where they took a chunk out, and it seemed to help re-regulate the hormones, however, they stopped doing it (you may be able to find SOMEONE who will still do it) and switched to meds instead. My doctor who diagnosed me, had the wedging done and she said she considers herself cured.

    Why they stopped doing it, I don't know but it seems everything they do nowadays has to be done with a prescription, but those prescriptions don't always do the trick. It's so damn frustrating.
  • kbrob14
    kbrob14 Posts: 106 Member
    Im skipping my Clomid this month. I think Im going to do One month ON clomid and one month off....I don't want to kill my doing everything in my power to lose this friggen comes off so slow with PCOS....Im talking snails pace....but I suppose thats not all a bad thing. As long as I keep it off!:wink:

    Ask your RE or OB about Femara it got me preggo and less side effects. I miscarried but it wasn't because of the Femara.

    Femara is wonderful! My husband and I did one month of it combined with me losing some weight, and we are now happy parents to B/G twins. My OB/GYN said it didn't increase my chances of twins by much (I have a big family history of twins), but it worked so smoothly! Friend me if you have any questions! :happy:
  • docsharp
    docsharp Posts: 32 Member
    I am so frustrated with PCOS I cannot stand it. I cannot figure out how to get rid of the anger. SO SO SO FRUSTRATED. :(
  • I'm 22 yrs old and was diagnose with PCOS when I was 15. I hate that I have this and I hate that I can't keep my weight off. I have what I call "my pouch' that's below my stomach. I just want to cut it off!!!!
  • docsharp
    docsharp Posts: 32 Member
    I agree, I cannot keep the weight off either, I gain so fast it's easy to gain 5lbs in one day, so frustrating.
  • Usbornegal
    Usbornegal Posts: 601 Member
    Dear PCOS - you will NOT win! In fact I am gloating because I am beating you. Through hard work and exercise, my A1C is down from 6.1 to 5.9, I have lost almost 20% of my starting weight, and can't tell if this is menopause or just what you have always done to me, so I don't even have all the adjustments the 'normals' have. :flowerforyou:
  • StarvingDiva
    StarvingDiva Posts: 1,107 Member
    As I'm turning 39 this month and knocking on 40 having PCOS is so very frustrating, while person after person on Facebook (including my cousins 20 year old daughter) sneezing and getting pregnant, I just want to say a big **** YOU! to PCOS.
  • hellokaryn
    hellokaryn Posts: 8
    Dear PCOS,
    After this surgery and after I loose the fat that you so greedily store, you will be getting an eviction notice with your tantrums. I will get my period back, the hair will go away, and my hormones will stable out. Because I am making you, vulgar and mean PCOS my beyotch. You will succumb to my will and you will never plague my life again with your painful periods, missing periods, extra hair, infertility, and dark patches. You will take your friend insulin resistance with you.
    No love,
  • rheelizabeth
    rheelizabeth Posts: 160 Member
    I was diagnosed with PCOS when I was just 18, I didn't have any symptoms then, only reason doctors found out was because I had an ultrasound because of an IUD check-up. It is only in the last 18 months, now aged 24, that I have started having symptoms. I have gained 40+lbs in 18 months aswell as really bad acne, I don't have facial hair (thankfully) but if I don't shave my legs or underarms every day the hairs grow 1/4 of an inch and are jet black, despite me being quite fair!.... I haven't ovulated or had a proper cycle this whole time. In fact I've bled heavily continuously for the last 18 months, with only a 3 month break in between (commencing day 103 anyone?). Even being on hormones doesn't stop the bleeding. I am being tested for endometriosis very shortly, and I am hoping I will be prescribed metformin and possibly clomid to see if either will help with ANYTHING. Because of the bleeding I have recurrent thrush and UTI's also, I also have to take a lot of anti-inflammatorys (ibuprofen) and paracetamol just to stop being doubled over in pain.

    I have to take high dose iron tablets and muli vitamins and I am so low because of all this I self prescribed St. Johns Wort.

    In 65 days (On MFP) I have lost 8-9lbs.. which is a good deal, but considering I am hitting 350 minutes of excercise a week AND only eating 1700 calories a day (100-200 lower than recommended for my weight), this is very slow process. The only reason I feel I am actually losing is because I am on a low GI diet also (low sugary carbs).

    Anybody else get really horrific bleeding with pcos? I get the feeling PCOS is not my only problem...

    I have been trying to conceive my first for over 2 years.
  • Emikayfoos
    Emikayfoos Posts: 35
    Hi glad i found this forum. Just like all of you i have pcos. Ive been diagnosed since i was 17. I either grt my period for thirty days straight, an extremely heavily and very painful period for a week or no period for six months. I was a size 10 now im a size 18-20. I am working out with my husband not just to feel better about myself but we so desperatly want to start a family. Weve been trying for two years and still nothing..we are about to buy our first home together so once we move jn we are going to see a fertility specialist. Everyone around me has a kid or whole entire family is fertile beyong what should he allowed and here i am not getting anything exciting in test results...just more heart break every month when my period is late and we think were pregnant when its just pcos. I hate it..i hate it...i hate it. Im meant to be a mother and are not going to stop me from being one!!!!
  • zaithyr
    zaithyr Posts: 482 Member
    I was diagnosed with PCOS and insulin resistance when I was 14. I've been heavy most of my life and diet and exercise never seemed to work in the past. I am now on Metformin ER and I seem to be doing better. I had tried to start metformin twice before now and both times ended up with a little blessing, (one is 4 years old and the other one is 3 months lol). Still, the weight is coming off very slowly and I do crave stuff. Birth control makes me horribly moody but without it my cycles are few and far between and horrific when they come. I bled for 9 days straight for my first post partum period and they had to give me pills to stop it because it was so heavy (I also have the lovely iron deficiency anemia that seems to accompany PCOS). I also bled more than average during my c-sections. And I am always plucking those stupid chin hairs! I also have the dark patches in my under arms and on the back of my neck. I HATE YOU PCOS!!!!!
  • lidybug1984
    lidybug1984 Posts: 71 Member
    Bump!!! So want to read this later :)
  • MonicaT1972
    MonicaT1972 Posts: 512
    I have PCOS too and at the ripe old age of 44 (ha), I've had enough. The weight that I've put on around my middle is just ridiculous. I joined MFP at the start of January and have managed to lose 10 lbs, but that seems to have slowed down to a crawl. I read yesterday that now I have to cut WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY back on my carbs because of the whole insulin resistance crap. AAACCK! :grumble:

    Combining that with Fibromyalgia, frankly, I think someone should just take me out and have me shot. :tongue:

    It's like fighting a never ending battle - I WANT to get rid of the weight (I have 100 lbs to lose) - and I'm really gung ho, but after reading all of the depressing literature on how PCOS affects that process...well, it just makes me want to give up and eat my body weight in KFC. :sad:

    But - I will persevere to the very best of my abilities...and to the rest of you - keep your chin up and your ovaries down.

    Don't give up!!! I thought I'd never get the weight off and I'm nearly half way to my goal in just 4 months. I was told the key is exercise and lots of it. I put in 2.5 hours a day combined with lo carb, no wheat, nothing processed and sugar only from fruits and I'm losing faster than I ever dreamed possible. It's hard at first, but you will feel so much better and a lot of the symptoms will start to ease off!
  • God bless this post, I have been waiting for it.

    I'm not trying to conceive, but my stomach always looks like I am. I can't wear a proper bathing suit. I wish I didn't have this horrible disease.

    And the extra hair growth DOES NOT help me.
  • Dear PCOS,
    After this surgery and after I loose the fat that you so greedily store, you will be getting an eviction notice with your tantrums. I will get my period back, the hair will go away, and my hormones will stable out. Because I am making you, vulgar and mean PCOS my beyotch. You will succumb to my will and you will never plague my life again with your painful periods, missing periods, extra hair, infertility, and dark patches. You will take your friend insulin resistance with you.
    No love,

  • i_am_losing_it
    i_am_losing_it Posts: 310 Member
    I have PCOS too! I was diagnosed after many frustrating doctor visits to try and find out why I gained 80 pounds in a year. Most of the moron doctors just said I must not be being honest with myself about food and exercise I finally went to a doctor who did blood tests and diagnosed me.

    I had 2 children in my early 20s and wanted more, my new husband and I had to wait on PCOS for 13 years before we had our beautiful daughter and then bam another 2 years and I got pregnant again with my adorable son :) We had 3 miscarriages in those 13 years.

    I am FINALLY having success losing weight, first time ever in my life! I have tried many different times only to get frustrated with little to no weight loss and give up. Now I am working my butt off, I still eat whatever I want I just stay in my calorie goal range, which I upped on the advice of a personal trainer after stalling on the weight loss. I workout every day and on most days I try and get between 2 to 3 hours of exercise and I walk around the house and do random pushups, crunches, leg lifts and dumbbell exercises. I figure if my weight loss stops again then I will change my food, but my husband loves to go out every day so it is hard to make that change right away. And, heck if it keeps on going down, I am not going to worry about it. I don't want any food to be taboo, that would just make me want it more....

    Please feel free to friend me....