Should I seek professional HELP?!?



  • jowings
    jowings Posts: 157 Member
    If you have to ask, you probably already know the answer. Get some help, you'll feel much better after you do. Are you nervous to go get some help? You won't necessarily end up in the hospital, but you will get the help you need to be healthy!

    I feel like I'm not skinny enough to have an ED and that I'm just a poser...
    I keep telling myself I'm fine and that I shouldn't be such a wimp

    ED has nothing to do with how skinny you are. Being ultra skinny is sometimes a symptom of an ED, not the cause.

    Exactly this. Please make sure that you at least make an appointment to talk this out with a professional. I am sure enlisting a therapist would help you work out a lot of the issues if you are apprehensive about approaching a facility.
  • mogriff1
    mogriff1 Posts: 325 Member
    I'll be praying for you. You seem pretty intelligent and aware of what you are doing to yourself. Please get some help immediately before you cannot distinguish anymore and destroy yourself. Every day you continue this lifestyle you are one step closer to full blown self destruction. This is a serious issue and a deadly one. Don't do this to are worth so much more and should live a happy healthy life. You are so young and have your whole life ahead of you. I pray you make the right choice. Choose life! God bless you.
  • NatasPV
    NatasPV Posts: 17
    There is also another thing that makes me doubt whether my case is serious enough to seek help or not... and that is the fact that since I (sort of) told my mom (Who is a psychologist and specialized in EDs) wouldn't she have wanted me to come home is this was serious enough? Or wouldn't she have told me to see someone here, instead of waiting two months?
  • peacefulsong
    peacefulsong Posts: 223 Member
    First of all I wanna thank you all SO MUCH for replying. I'm happy I started this thread.

    Second I gotta tell you another part of my problem: I'm an exchange student. I'm momentarely doing Senior Year in High School and I live with a host family. This also makes me afraid of what will happen when I would seek help.. because I don't wanna go home before then end of the program. I don't wanna tell my hostmom either, because I'm afraid she won't understand or will not wanna deal with it and that I have to go home.
    I saw my own mom for 2 weeks over Spring Break wen she came to visit me. I gave lots of hints and talked oenly about my thoughts and views. Since she is specialized in treating Eating Disorders I tought she would be right on it... talking me out if it. But she didn't.. She did ask a lot about my eating habits and my views on my own body, but she didn't do anything like "talking me out of it" or anything..she seemed more..observant. Of course I don't know if that's maybe the best way to treat a person with an ED (you know..not getting on their back) but for me... well... let's say I expected more, also because she's my mom of course.

    I'm sorry I replied so late, I'm at a Track and Field meet ATM.
    I would really appreciate anyone replying to the further information I just wrote down...

    You might not like my tone, but get your priorities straight. You are putting your body in danger, period. End of Story. Fixing this is more important than any of the stuff you just listed, by a big margin.
    Get help, now.

    So you thing 2 more month on 600-800 kcal will get to me?m Are there other people who eat way less than that?
    Ughh... Like I said.. sometimes I feel like such a poser >.<

    i think it definitely will take a toll on you, especially as active as you say you are. The longer you allow yourself to go down that road, the harder it's going to be to get yourself straightened out. You're in a fortunate position right now because you still seem healthy and you have the chance to stop this before you start to destroy your health, and you're smart and honest enough to recognize the danger of the path you've started down. Give yourself credit for that, it takes some people years to get to that understanding, and usually after they've done serious damage to themselves, not before.

    Check around at whatever university you're going to. Chances are good that there is some sort of student health program, they might offer some kind of counseling for you until you get back home and can settle into some more permanent situation. And I'd advise talking to your mother about it. Maybe even just copy your initial post and send it to her. It could be that she does see what is happening but is allowing for the possibility that it's stress or something from being in a strange country, etc. It sounds like your mother is in a unique position to help you find the help you need once you get home, but you need to lay it out for her just as you've done here.

    Good luck.
  • 2ht2hand1e
    2ht2hand1e Posts: 116 Member
    There is a reason that doctors and psychologist are ethically forbidden from treating family and friends....

    Also, I was at a healthy bmi and had an ed. You are not eating enough for your body to function properly, and it throws off your thinking and emotions. I tought that what i was doing to myself was the way to make myself happy and it was the oppposite. After seeking treatment, I did learn healthy ways to stay in great shape...Im pregnant now, which is a whole different ball game, but you can have what you want. A happy, healthy, and long life, but not this way. It took me a long time to seek treatment, and i had a lot of the same doubts you do, but I am so thankful that I sought help. I can't tell you how much it helped lift the weight that I put on myself, but go!!! See for yourself. Try at least once please and see what happens from there. I promise you that it will be scary, but you will come out happier and clearer minded.
  • 2ht2hand1e
    2ht2hand1e Posts: 116 Member
    I also understand feeling like a poser because you think you are nowhere near as bad as others with an ed, but let someone help you out of what you are putting yourself through. This chapter of your life can go so much better for you if you let someone help you out of the hole. Tell a therapist about your feelings. When i went in, I knew I felt sort of depressed and i hated my body. I went in to talk about my feelings and I was in such denial that the ed was the root of it, but she helped me. Just take the steps you need to take to go in once and see what therapist says. Ask him or her if they think you have an ed or not. .
  • auticus
    auticus Posts: 1,051 Member
    You have issues.

    Seek help.

    Before you die.
  • NatasPV
    NatasPV Posts: 17
    Just one last question: I'm SO cold all the time. When people are walking around in shorts and t-shirts I'll still be freezing in a big sweatshirt and jeans.... I guess I already know the question to this one too, but... would that have anything to do with my eating habits?
  • jenniejengin
    jenniejengin Posts: 784 Member
    please get help
  • peacefulsong
    peacefulsong Posts: 223 Member
    There is also another thing that makes me doubt whether my case is serious enough to seek help or not... and that is the fact that since I (sort of) told my mom (Who is a psychologist and specialized in EDs) wouldn't she have wanted me to come home is this was serious enough? Or wouldn't she have told me to see someone here, instead of waiting two months?

    You're not a patient, you're her daughter. That brings a whole lot of messy dynamics into the situation that she won't have with any other patient. She might THINK she sees that you have a problem, but be worried that she's making more of it than is really there because you're her child and she's being overprotective. She might be unconsciously resisting seeing what is going on because she IS a specialist in that field and couldn't keep her own child from an ED (thus seeing it as a failure on her part). You just can't know what she is thinking unless you talk to her, really tell her what you've told us here so that there is no possibility of misunderstanding. It's going to be very easy for you say "oh, my mom is an ED specialist and she hasn't said anything to me," but you can't allow yourself that excuse.

    You really don't want to wait until the situation gets really serious, do you? If a friend said to you"Hey, I noticed this funny lump that wasn't there last week," would your answer be "Eh, it's not that big, don't worry about it until it's as big as a baseball?" No, you wouldn't. You'd tell her to go to the doctor right away.
  • korsicash
    korsicash Posts: 770 Member
    If you had to ask you know the answer. There are many EDs not just overly thin people have them. You think people get to be 600 or 800 lbs and need surgeries because they have a healthy relationship with food. Get help and save yourself adult years of yo yo dieting and self loathing. It isn't healthy and how wonderful of you that you are reasonable to know what you are doing is unhealthy. That is amazing in itself. Now please go see a nutritionist and a doc.
  • dancingdeer
    dancingdeer Posts: 373 Member
    Been there, done that. I was in treatment/hospital for 3 months when I was 17. Unlike you though, I never had these thoughts. I was skinny and that was just the way it was. I never thought about food. I didn't purge. I just never ate. Seek the help of a professional who is experienced with ED's. The fact that you see there is a problem will be a big help in your recovery. Wishing you the best. :flowerforyou:
  • katejkelley
    katejkelley Posts: 839 Member
    Please do see a therapist. You're far too wonderful to kill yourself with an eating disorder. I'm not all that keen with my body either, but I have a lot of people who love me and don't give a flying fig what I look like. I'm sure you have people like that in your life too. Try to see yourself through their eyes - and get rid of your mirror and your scale. Eat healthy, exercise to feel good, but don't punish yourself!
  • mexy04
    mexy04 Posts: 96
    I'm afraid I have an Eating Disorder and I know this is best cured the sooner it's treated.
    I've done a few tests online and they all tell me I have an ED, besides that I can also tell you myself that my eating pattern isn't normal.

    First of all: I Love FOOD!
    But I don't like my body...and ever since I've started trying to lose weight I started disliking food. Not for its taste, but for how it makes me feel when I put it in my mouth. I feel disgusted with myself/my body when I eat, therefor I've started eating less and less...

    Some facts
    Height: 5'10"
    Weight: 130-132 lbs
    Highest Weight: 148 lbs (Last Christmas)
    Age: 18

    I know my body needs food, but since I didn't lose any weight eating 1200 kcal a day I decided it was time for more "restrictions"
    Now I'm down to eating as few calories as possible while still kinda eating 3 meals a day.. this comes down to 600-800 kcal a day. Besides that I work out 5 days a week by doing Track and Field(at least 1.5 hours) and most times I add exercise to the weekends too.. When I don't exercise I feel like a failure...

    Some things I do that worry me: I use laxatives, I've started purging recently, I try to postpone eating as long as possible (so that I maybe am able to have a previous meal counting as a current meal), I weigh myself every day, I hate eating in front of other people, I know the calories of everything and I'm already planning my meals far ahead of time.

    I know I'm going in the wrong direction and I don't want too... I don't wanna end up being a skeleton, I don't wanna end up in the hospital... I used to love eating, but now I'm obsessed with it...especially with how NOT to eat or get rid of it...

    The only side of me that's telling me not to post this message is the side of me that knows if this keeps going: I WILL BE SKINNY...

    Help Me?...

    I weight 148 : / I'm 5'5....definitely seek some counseling. There is something going on that is beyond your food it is much deeper. There is a control issue that is causing you to fixate on food much like a phobia. There is something call orthorexia, google the mtv true life episode "I have orthorexia." I have always been a binge eater and struggle with the cycle of starving then bingeing. After I joining mfp I have become fixated with healthy foods and exercise and feel very guilty when I eat things I shouldn't. Most people with anorexia generally are born with that, it is dormant in their brain and comes out when trauma occurs. Orthorexia has a different dynamic to it that sortive develops. It is possible to be completely healthy even if you are afraid of seeking help because it can feel invasive. Just make sure you keep mfp's that are healthy and working toward the same goal as you. Stay away from the users that have ED's and use mfp as a way to control their eating even more. Definitely stop the purge by god you are gonna mess your teeth and throat up!! Talk to your family it is best to TALK about this with your family so that they can help support you. Whatever you do please start some therapy this can definitely spiral out of control. Just by posting you are taking a positive step.
  • knk1553
    knk1553 Posts: 438 Member
    I would suggest getting help, talk to your school counselor, they should be able to point you in the right direction. Essentially Eating Disorders aren't completely about food, but more about control, anxiety, and are a really bad coping mechanism. Its important to get help before you DO hit that point where you're "too skinny" (80% or less of your suggested body weight for your height, which at that point is a MEDICAL emergency) don't get to that point, its not good. The use of laxatives and purging definitely are not good either and can REALLY REALLY mess up your body. Don't be afraid to ask for help. As far as mental illness there is a continuum that most people fall on, some people have mild depression, some people have it so severe they become psychotic, while others become suicidal, some people have anxiety in certain situations, some people have it all the time, and others have it so bad they can't leave the house. It varies, just like it does with eating disorders, and if you're concerned and realizing the symptoms you need to get help before you stop realizing the symptoms and it gets to far. In treatment they will help you learn alternative healthy coping techniques and you will work with a nutritionist who will help set up a healthy eating plan for you to to maintain the weight/size that is ideal for your frame.
  • PSTreasure
    PSTreasure Posts: 40
    You are not a failure if you need help! We all need help at times. What you have is a problem that you can not solve on your own. That does not make you a failure. You are smart enough to realize that you need help, so please get the help you need right away. Please get help!
  • mexy04
    mexy04 Posts: 96
    First of all I wanna thank you all SO MUCH for replying. I'm happy I started this thread.

    Second I gotta tell you another part of my problem: I'm an exchange student. I'm momentarely doing Senior Year in High School and I live with a host family. This also makes me afraid of what will happen when I would seek help.. because I don't wanna go home before then end of the program. I don't wanna tell my hostmom either, because I'm afraid she won't understand or will not wanna deal with it and that I have to go home.
    I saw my own mom for 2 weeks over Spring Break wen she came to visit me. I gave lots of hints and talked oenly about my thoughts and views. Since she is specialized in treating Eating Disorders I tought she would be right on it... talking me out if it. But she didn't.. She did ask a lot about my eating habits and my views on my own body, but she didn't do anything like "talking me out of it" or anything..she seemed more..observant. Of course I don't know if that's maybe the best way to treat a person with an ED (you know..not getting on their back) but for me... well... let's say I expected more, also because she's my mom of course.

    I'm sorry I replied so late, I'm at a Track and Field meet ATM.
    I would really appreciate anyone replying to the further information I just wrote down...

    That's exactly what I was saying. I can see how this will dampen your attempts to seek help for fear of messing up your school career. I'm sure you are an exceptional student. I would hope that you could discuss this personally and privately with the hostmom and that she would have some compassion so to not cause you to go home. Please stop purging! I would strongly suggest speaking with the school social worker. This is the best place to start and speak confidentially, my high school social worker was very supportive of students and their situations. You are most likely feeling somewhat out of control with your life so you focus on the food. I wish you the best of luck. People here on this site are very supportive and sometimes we just need someone to talk to.
  • rsmblue
    rsmblue Posts: 353 Member
    I'm sure I'm going to get some flack by stating this but...

    WHY do people post things asking for advice, etc and then make excuses and/or defend against what THEY originally posted to begin with?

    Whether it be heading toward a problem or some confusion, you obv. thought there was some problem in where your MIND is heading regarding your weight loss... So, if you CARE enough about yourself, then at least get some advice from a professional (not your mother who would prob be the last to notice anyway, sorry... it's the truth... Most family members and close friends don't see a problem or are in denial of it) to sort it all out....

    And please, stop using the word "poser"... it's not being used correctly.... The question maybe, but not yourself.
  • mes1119
    mes1119 Posts: 1,082 Member
    My only advice:

    If you think you need help, you need help.

    I have never met someone (including myself) that has found a decent counselor and not been happy with the results.

    Yes, this comes from someone that is very interested in counseling as a profession, but it also shows that I know the field and the fact that you are having negative thoughts is a warning sign. Be proactive and deal with something before it gets worse.
  • amy12321
    amy12321 Posts: 57 Member
    I went through EXACTLY the same thing when I was younger. I didn't get any professional help and I became underweight and then a few months after I became overweight (not good for the body). My metabolism sucks now and it's very hard for me to lose weight. You should get some help. When you know it's a problem it can be treated easier