Should I seek professional HELP?!?



  • RobynC79
    RobynC79 Posts: 331 Member
    I think you're doing the right thing by seeking help.

    The idea that you are a 'failure' at having an ED just because you are not viciously underweight is EXTREMELY common among sufferers, so don't feel like this is something that will be a shock to any counselor or doctor you see. It's normal for people with extreme tendencies (such as severe food restriction) to also be very focused on results and achieving perfection.

    Try thinking of it the opposite way - the easy way out is to follow the same behavioural pattern that leads you to strive to succeed at having the very best example of an ED ever (I've been there, it's a real thing, even though it sounds insanely stupid). To have those same feelings but be actively managing your thought process so that you are not dangerously underweight is actually far harder, and is far more of a real success.

    Please go and see your doctor or whichever professional you choose. You are not a failure, you are a huge success for not letting the ED consume you.
  • mes1119
    mes1119 Posts: 1,082 Member
    If you have to ask, you probably already know the answer. Get some help, you'll feel much better after you do. Are you nervous to go get some help? You won't necessarily end up in the hospital, but you will get the help you need to be healthy!

    I feel like I'm not skinny enough to have an ED and that I'm just a poser...
    I keep telling myself I'm fine and that I shouldn't be such a wimp

    eating disorders don't always present themselves physically. they are very much hidden in MANY cases. and the fact that you don't think you are skinny enough is a sign.
  • NatasPV
    NatasPV Posts: 17
    There is also another thing that makes me doubt whether my case is serious enough to seek help or not... and that is the fact that since I (sort of) told my mom (Who is a psychologist and specialized in EDs) wouldn't she have wanted me to come home is this was serious enough? Or wouldn't she have told me to see someone here, instead of waiting two months?

    You're not a patient, you're her daughter. That brings a whole lot of messy dynamics into the situation that she won't have with any other patient. She might THINK she sees that you have a problem, but be worried that she's making more of it than is really there because you're her child and she's being overprotective. She might be unconsciously resisting seeing what is going on because she IS a specialist in that field and couldn't keep her own child from an ED (thus seeing it as a failure on her part). You just can't know what she is thinking unless you talk to her, really tell her what you've told us here so that there is no possibility of misunderstanding. It's going to be very easy for you say "oh, my mom is an ED specialist and she hasn't said anything to me," but you can't allow yourself that excuse.

    You really don't want to wait until the situation gets really serious, do you? If a friend said to you"Hey, I noticed this funny lump that wasn't there last week," would your answer be "Eh, it's not that big, don't worry about it until it's as big as a baseball?" No, you wouldn't. You'd tell her to go to the doctor right away.

    Thanks for your example, that's pretty accurate
  • HelpWanted220
    HelpWanted220 Posts: 31 Member
    Ok I am sorry but I have read alll the posts on here and there is MORE then enough people telling you that you need help and you know you need the help as well you recognise it and that is fantastic....

    Point is and ED is like drugs, alcohol or anything else that is addicting you can keep making excuses or having questions but the reality of it is until YOU are ready to make a change your not going to....... soooooo with that being said MAKE the change..... we can tell you all day long and in 10000 posts but if your not ready then you won't do it.......Just DO it !!!

    Start at your school and get some info. from your counselor and I am sure there are some FREEEEEE nutritionist and programs out there to help you......

    Wishing you the best of luck!!
  • benjfam
    benjfam Posts: 7 Member
    This statement about the need for control fits perfectly with an ED. Please seek help to save your health.
  • NatasPV
    NatasPV Posts: 17
    I'm sure I'm going to get some flack by stating this but...

    WHY do people post things asking for advice, etc and then make excuses and/or defend against what THEY originally posted to begin with?

    Whether it be heading toward a problem or some confusion, you obv. thought there was some problem in where your MIND is heading regarding your weight loss... So, if you CARE enough about yourself, then at least get some advice from a professional (not your mother who would prob be the last to notice anyway, sorry... it's the truth... Most family members and close friends don't see a problem or are in denial of it) to sort it all out....

    And please, stop using the word "poser"... it's not being used correctly.... The question maybe, but not yourself.

    I know you're right... But my first post was 8 hours ago.. In the meantime I was too weak not too binge, strong enough not to purge and now the other side of me ( the side that desperatly wants to be skinny) hating me again for what I ate and didn't purge... So I guess it's also that side now trying to convince myself that I don't need help (since I just ate lots)

    P.s. English isn't my first language... So when I used the word "poser" I thought that would be the best translation... But maybe "faker" or "wanna be" is better? I don't really know...
  • boggsmeister
    boggsmeister Posts: 292 Member
    You are doing the right thing by asking. That you need help is very, very plain. Sometimes it's harder to see it for yourself. I've been there, not for ED, (I've got that beat :p) but for some personal issues in my first marriage. I look back now and it was plain as day that I should have sought help. All the classic warning signs, my own cries for help. Yeah, it's plain now, but it wasn't then.

    That's where you are right now. Get the help, move past this, and help someone else down the line. There is no shame in it.
  • TropicTori
    TropicTori Posts: 18
    Hey Babe don't be so hard on yourself

    but you really should google about EDs and see if theres a help center with daily meeting near by... also there are websites with help hotlines too... I have seen many downfalls with EDs with a lot of my friends one of my firends is currently hospitalized because of it another is having to do heart tests from purging so much... EDs mess up your body and no matter what you will always have to face the consequences of a torn body

    I'm glad youre noticing these things early on and want to get help... losing weight is hard especially when people around you arent too conscious and dont seem to understand what you are going through are trying to accomplish you shouldnt let them knock you down stay healthy and stay fit!!! Call the hotline and get help immediately
    Dont end up like my friends in the hospital or being stuck to a heart monitor for a day to see if your heart beats are normal

    Do the right thing GET HELP and we're all here for you and proud of you for being able to share this with everyone we know its a hard thing to talk about

    Best of luck and keep us all updated <3<3<3
  • SoozeE512
    SoozeE512 Posts: 439 Member
    You seem to be very aware that you have a problem, but you seem to have a bigger fear of confronting it, and maybe your mother has the same fear of confronting it. However, if you keep up your current habits, you are going to wear your body down until it's 6 ft under ground.

    If you seek professional help here and then go home in a couple of months and have to start over again, you know what? SO BE IT! It's worth the effort because you're worth the effort. If your mother saw you were in need of help and said nothing it's probably because she's in denial, but you KNOW you need help. YOU know and YOU have to be the first one to make a move towards seeking help.

    You're not a failure, you're just human. Humans make mistakes, they can be self-destructive, but they can also be courageous. I challenge you to find the courage within yourself to face your fear of seeking help, and get help!
  • srp2011
    srp2011 Posts: 1,829 Member
    I know I'm going in the wrong direction and I don't want too... I don't wanna end up being a skeleton, I don't wanna end up in the hospital... I used to love eating, but now I'm obsessed with it...especially with how NOT to eat or get rid of it...

    The only side of me that's telling me not to post this message is the side of me that knows if this keeps going: I WILL BE SKINNY...

    Help Me?...

    If this keeps going: YOU WILL BE DEAD OR IN THE HOSPITAL. Get help asap.
  • I am in the medical field, you are in the early stages of anorexia. Besides being in the medical field my best friend has anorexia. Once you get past a certain point, I'd say you're about there's almost impossible to treat this disorder. You won't be able to have children, after about 4 years you will lose your hair, after about 6 you could lose some teeth. My best friend has been anorexic so long she has a heart condition and can no longer do any exercise. If you want to get married and have children some day, NOW is the time to get some help.
  • NatasPV
    NatasPV Posts: 17
    I wanna thank everyone for their time to read and reply. I'm definitely a step closer to realizing it isn't just me... That this is real and I gotta change now before its too late. I'm gonna overthink the getting help thing over the next few days and I'll let you know how I'm doing sometime later :)

    Thank you all again!!
  • kprangernix07
    kprangernix07 Posts: 122 Member

    This is near you. Please get some help!