Vegetarians and vegans. Controversial Topic



  • Tapemymouthshutplease
    I read a book called Skinny *****, I thought it was just another diet book, with good tips on healthy eating, however I got a lot more than I bargained for! I learned things about how chickens, pigs and cows are treated before they are slaughtered for food. The pigs were so fat, they could no longer walk, they were kept in pens where they could never even turn around, so the workers litterally kicked them so they rolled down these chutes to be slaughtered. It was so pitiful it made me cry. The chickens had their beaks cut off so they couldn't peck each other or the workers, and it was just inhumane. Not to mention how they herded the unsuspecting cows into these big metal pens, turned them upside down while some idiot with a dull looking knife sawed on it's neck cutting it (all the while the poor cow is screaming) unitl it bled to death. Then I got to read how they inject the cows with antibiotics and various steroids to keep them somewhat healthy, but when you eat that meat you are eating those chemicals as well! I feel guilty whenever I eat meat, simply because I know I am contributing to the pain, misery and mistreatment of animals. Sure, we all have the right to eat meat, we dominate all animals on the planet, but is it really good for us? Probably not with all the chemicals they inject into the poor animals. I would never approach someone in a restaraunt and attack them for what they are eating, that is just crazy, but I really can relate to vegetarians. I agree that it is a healthy lifestyle, and it is always good to be kind to animals, all animals.
    Wow, they edited the name of the book I read! It is an actual book in print called Skinny B!!ch. I bought it at Walmart. Lol
  • 2FattyXFatty4
    2FattyXFatty4 Posts: 215 Member

    Yeah, I'm giving this a sideye too. :indifferent:
  • 2FattyXFatty4
    2FattyXFatty4 Posts: 215 Member
    After reading only read the first post and a few of the following replies, I have to say this post seems to me to be complete troll bait. You felt like having an argument with vegetarians, so you set up a "straw man" (or straw lady) to represent the way you feel vegetarians are, so you can present your anti-veg rant. I seriously doubt this incident actually occurred.

    Precisely. That story was just too detailed. I smelled troll too.
  • LDunzweiler
    LDunzweiler Posts: 21
    I'm veggie just because ground beef made me sick one day so I stopped eating it. I tried to eat it again about 5 yrs later and EVERYTHING I ate came back up, red meat for me. I have times that I give in to chicken or fish but for the most part no and there are ways that I get in all the nutrients I need. My husband was raised veggie due to religious reasons. He doesn't mind the lifestyle, but given the choice, he would have a big, juicy steak over a salad any day! LOL...and I certainly don't mind watching either! LOL!

    All veggies are NOT fit & in shape...if we were....why would there be so many of us here?? (No offense to anyone, btw.) I was WAY out of shape before and I know ALOT of overweight veggies so that lady had to of been the most uneducated person on the face of the planet!
  • 2FattyXFatty4
    2FattyXFatty4 Posts: 215 Member
    what is your purpose for being vegetarian? Do they just taste that good to you? Is it about being healthy? WHY!?!? Don't get me wrong I have no problems with it, and everyone is entitled to eat what ever they wish. I however am trying to understand the madness.
    You obviously do have problems with it as demonstrated by your use of "WHY!?!?" and calling it, and I quote "madness". I've been dealing with people like you for the last 18 years. The lady was rude to you, and now you are getting your revenge on all the other vegetarians? You two deserve each other.

    If "the lady" exists, which I doubt she does. I don't even think this little story happened. :huh:
  • gpstrucker
    gpstrucker Posts: 930 Member
    Sounds like she has the same complex a lot of holier-than-thou ex-smokers have. Truth be told she probably really, really wanted a ham sandwich and because she couldn't have one she thought she would bust your chops about yours. We really need a "MInd Your Own D-mn Business Law"
  • Mera_Mera
    Mera_Mera Posts: 153
    This is my opinion and if it doesn't suit your ideals, then, I am sorry.

    I hate people like that! I really do! I'm a vegetarian and I do not act so repulsive. In fact, I live with three omnivores and I watched as they eat their meat and I love that they eat healthy. You can eat all the meat that you want, as long as you do it in moderation! To each their own. I don't eat meat, but I do not preach to others the reason why I became a vegetarian. It has nothing to do with religion, political views, or because I want to save all the animals in the Earth! I do want to protect the Earth, though.

    I've always respected everyone's choice of living their lives - as long as their views aren't being forced down on me! This person's actions were vulgar and disgusting... so despicable and it makes the rest of us vegan/vegetarian look bad. Why can we just accept each other and learn that not everyone shares your same ideals and points of view?!!!

    I think you acted wonderfully in the end. Hurray for you!
  • smociers
    smociers Posts: 1
    it is great, you should really try it
  • woopidydoo
    woopidydoo Posts: 79 Member
    I have a hard time believing this actually happened.. but whatever. I'm vegan and I always get interrogated by strangers. It usually always starts out with "You know, God made animals to be eaten". So now the tables are turned.. lol. :)
  • redcat17
    redcat17 Posts: 267 Member
    I am a vegan, and I would never presume to push my lifestyle on anyone. If this woman actually behaved that way, she was extremely rude and possibly nuts.

    However, I don't see how that prompts a vegetarian-baiting post. As for vegetarians being unhealthy and unfit I know of many who are world-class athletes, and I'm a strong, weight-training woman myself. To the OP, I say eat what you want, but I don't understand how a run in with one rude person means that you have to bash all vegetarians. It doesn't seem rational.
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    I have a hard time believing this actually happened.. but whatever. I'm vegan and I always get interrogated by strangers. It usually always starts out with "You know, God made animals to be eaten". So now the tables are turned.. lol. :)

    I get that argument too. "Not my god." is my standard response- no room for further discussion.
  • monty619
    monty619 Posts: 1,308 Member
    Quick Poll: any republican vegetarians/vegans out there?
    I hope not. If so, I might have to rethink my diet.

    ha i knew this type of eating was politically motivated! :noway:
  • Mera_Mera
    Mera_Mera Posts: 153
    what is your purpose for being vegetarian? Do they just taste that good to you? Is it about being healthy? WHY!?!? Don't get me wrong I have no problems with it, and everyone is entitled to eat what ever they wish. I however am trying to understand the madness.

    I saw my grandfather snap the neck of a chicken and then chopped it off and it continued move. That's when I stopped eating meat. I've been a vegetarian since. I think veggies taste great and that's my opinion. You don't have to call it madness. Not all vegetarians and vegans are crazy. See, your first post was descent, but you had to douche it up with your last comment.
  • TheFunBun
    TheFunBun Posts: 793 Member
    My planned home is rural, and I intend to be friends with my milk producing cows and egg producing chickens.. My grass maintaining goats, and my completely useless but very cute wild boar I intend to find and raise as my very own friendboar. They will be my family, so I figured I would stop eating their friends and family. I have no intended attachment to fish or seafood, so I continue to eat them.. but feel bad about it as sealife as food is not very environmentally friendly. Like consumer electronics, seafood is a part of my life that I feel bad about but continue to partake in.

    THAT SAID, you can be pretty healthy and vegetarian/vegan. There are plenty of protein sources, and you get some nice variety trying to get it all in. You can also be a fat or unhealthy vegetarian/vegan, which is just like any omnivore or carnivore.. it's your choice whether to be healthy or not.

    I also agree that meat eaters are MUCH more inclined to pitch a fit about you not eating their beef than a vegetarian is about you eating meat. I also express disbelief in this story, since there would be PLENTY of people to harass about their eating habits in a Jimmy Johns. However, if you were sitting in a vegan restaurant eating a Jimmy John's sandwich, it becomes believable.
  • _VoV
    _VoV Posts: 1,494 Member
    First, let me say that I'm sorry that woman was so rude to you. Whenever I go into a restaurant that serves meat, I expect to see people eating meat. If she found that offensive, she shouldn't have gone in. She was wrong to have called you out randomly like that and interfere with the enjoyment of your lunch.

    I have been a vegetarian for almost 40 years. Most of the time, I have been mostly vegan, eating no animal products of any kind. While a vegetarian diet can be very healthy, there is wide variation in how vegetarians eat. You could eat chips, donuts, and French fries all day long, and still call yourself a vegetarian. Obviously, that isn't an optimal diet by anyone's standards.

    I understand that this woman got you off guard, and you were probably angry, and justifiably so. But, some of your statements about vegetarian diets being unhealthy, and not recommended by health professionals, just aren't correct. Also, plenty of vegetarians are hale and hearty--it would take a mighty powerful wind to blow them over.

    For ethical vegetarians who wish for a world where animals are not used to serve human interests, I understand the frustration very well. Some people want to see change yesterday, and actually hurt the cause by alienating people. Perhaps she is one of them.
  • schpanks
    schpanks Posts: 468 Member
    That's funny in a really shocking, socially weird way. I have been a vegetarian for 15 years for moral and ethical reasons. As someone else said, I don't eat my friends. That does not give me any right to speak to your choices, though, and I only elaborate on my decision to be a vegetarian if someone asks. She's making the rest of us look bad.
  • veganbaum
    veganbaum Posts: 1,865 Member

    (that wasn't word for word but its the same damn gibberish she was spouting at me)

    Being a educated fellow I smiled real big and just knew this was going down right then and there.

    My response "What makes you think that this is unhealthy? Because its high in calories? My food is cooked to kill the germs that might be harmful to me. As far as taste goes I believe its very good and I might just get another."

    "I'm a vegetarian and vegetarians are just more fit and healthier than those who are not" she said.

    I eat all the nutrients my body needs. Without sacrificing my size. If I were like you and eat only veggies I would be a puny twig that can be pushed over by a strong wind. I like my chances of being healthy without being a vegetarian. I like having protein in my body, it allows me to do hard labor work without being strained, and if I am strained I can recover very quickly. If I were you I'd start eating meat so you can be healthier than you are now

    Baffled and stunned this lady was forced into retreat.

    I finished my meal and I walked over to her and her friend. I reach into my wallet and I pull out a trainers card from a gym. I said trainers and nutrionists do not recommend being a vegetarian, neither do doctors. Here is card for a trainer at my gym if you wish to learn more about why your not healthy give him a ring... And I left

    Her reaction was rude. No argument there.

    Your reaction was equally as rude and uneducated.

    I eat all the nutrients my body needs. So do all the vegan and vegetarian athletes out there; they have no problem keeping up. I have protein in my body, otherwise I would be dead. A blanket statement about veg*ns and protein is absurd. What do you think veg*ns eat? Do you think eating animals is the only way to get protein? There is protein in all foods in varying amounts, not to mention specific sources of protein such as legumes (maybe you don't know what those are since you seem to think eating animals is required to get sufficient amounts of protein).

    Veg*n =/= automatically mean a "twig," otherwise there wouldn't be so many of us on here trying to lose weight.

    And finally, trainers =/= automatically knowledgeable about nutrition (in fact few really are), doctors =/= automatically knowledgable about nutrition (in fact doctors as a whole do not receive much of anything in regards to training on the subject), and finally nutritionists =/= automatically knowledgable about nutrition (yeah, their title sounds good, but nutritionists are all over the map. There is no national standard to be a nutritionist). You want information about diets? Educate yourself and go to a dietician.

    What did you post this for? To be a troll and get people riled up? Or to get a pat on the pack for being equally rude to a rude person and demonstrating your own ignorance?
  • schpanks
    schpanks Posts: 468 Member
    I have a hard time believing this actually happened.. but whatever. I'm vegan and I always get interrogated by strangers. It usually always starts out with "You know, God made animals to be eaten". So now the tables are turned.. lol. :)

    I get that argument too. "Not my god." is my standard response- no room for further discussion.

    I used to do factory work while I was in college. There were a group of guys who would try to argue with me that I was going to hell because I didn't eat meat. Why? Because Jesus was a fisherman. Ooooooooookaaaaaayyyyyy. I can't argue with your irrationality! :laugh:
  • pantsdailyon
    pantsdailyon Posts: 173 Member
    Textures is also something else I can understand. I hate eating green foods...

    I'm not totally sure, but I don't think "green" is a texture.
  • AnnaMaus
    AnnaMaus Posts: 167 Member
    The trolls on these forums just ain't what they used to be.