Vegetarians and vegans. Controversial Topic



  • Edestiny7
    Edestiny7 Posts: 730 Member
    I have been eating vegan since September 2010 because two remaining kidney stones necessitated reduction of protein & sodium. I am harassed by my father and my fiance's brother. I do not say anything to anyone else about what they choose to eat, except that I do promote more consumption of fruit and vegetables, less manufactured/processed food, and less high sodium foods. The nutritional information for restaurants is shocking not only for sodium, but also fat and calories. I rarely eat out simply due to the sodium in prepared foods.
  • Rhea30
    Rhea30 Posts: 625 Member
    if you dont mind my input id like to say. that yes overall in America vegetarians may be healthier than most, but thats because a lot of Americans are over weight like me and made a choice not to combine the right meat and fruit?vegetables to make them healthy. you can be healthy and eat meat like yourself. i get that most vegetarians/vegans want to save animals. i was vegetarian for a few months, but i like meat. the real problem is the way they are killed. GOD put the animals on earth to eat. if we could just treat the animals better and not torture them to death then there would probably be less vegetarians. just saying! :)
    P.Speople dont realize that you shouldnt it to much meat. skip out like twice a week on meat. Dr oz says you shouldnt eat animal with for legs more then 3-5 days a week.
    Uh. Animals are humanely killed, they are not "tortured to death". I have been to slaughterhouses and have seen it firsthand.
    I take exception, too, to your claim that animals were put here by God for us to eat.
    We are animals. We love to imagine that we're special, but I think that's bull****. We are no different and have evolved in the same way as anything else.

    If you really believe what happens to these animals before & during their death isn't considered torture I encouraged you to watch some of the undercover slaughterhouse videos, egg hatchery videos, dairy cow videos... That is cruel, inhumane disgusting torture, I couldn't care less if others eat meat but you cannot honestly think what happens to these poor creatures is 'okay'.

    They don't torture animals to death nor do they before and after. Sometimes even those videos are false. Also they might catch a person who has done something wrong and they try to highlight it as in 'all' but that doesn't mean all farms are like that. Just like any profession you'll always have someone who is cruel and that is what needs to be weeded out but farms in general do not torture the animals because 1) its cruel, 2) its counter productive to the product (if you actually knew anything about these animals, the individual species, you would understand why). If a man beats his wife does that make all men evil? When a teacher abuses a child are all teachers bad and we must put a stop to having schools and teachers? What about a pet owner who abused his/her dog? Does that mean all owners are bad?
  • SuzyLy
    SuzyLy Posts: 133 Member
    Love your response . . . I'd be at a loss for words.
  • focus4fitness
    focus4fitness Posts: 551 Member
    What was she doing at Jimmy Johns in the first place? Sounds fishy to me. My gut tells me this is a bull**** story.

    I'm with you. I call B.S. on the O.P.
    Any veg*n can tell you that preachy omnivores will simply not let go harassing them about their food choices. As a vegetarian myself for the past two years, I have experienced my share of these episodes, mostly within my family. Frankly, I could not care less what someone else is eating.
    The notion that anyone, including this mythical "lady in the Jimmy John's" to approach a stranger eating his lunch and berate him for eating meat in his submarine sandwich simply strains credulity. Why Jimmy John's? Why not a steak house or KFC? Why wasn't she carrying a protest sign outside the restaurant?
    The original post was nothing more than a creative writing assignment. I give it a D-.

    Uhmmm ya, I am on team BS story.
  • JPod279
    JPod279 Posts: 722 Member
    This is why I thank God every day I live in Oklahoma. Yes, we may be simple folk, or "rednecks" if you wish, but our women eat steak, they drink real beer, the aren't afraid of yard work, look beautiful, and will rock your world in bed at night.
  • Rhea30
    Rhea30 Posts: 625 Member
    So you had one bad experience with a vegetarian.

    You realize that meat isn't the only place you can get protein, right? What about beans? Nuts? Eggs? (I'm vegetarian, not vegan, so I can eat eggs.) Do you know why animals have so much protein? Because those animals ate things like nuts, seeds, etc. that are high in protein.

    I have a few reasons why I don't eat meat. The main reason is I don't believe in murder. I don't believe in torture. Therefore, I can't eat meat. My other reasons is that it's unhealthy, much higher risk of diseases, and when I think about the process in which its made, it disgusts me.
    I don't really understand how people can know how meat is made and still eat it. It is disgusting how many people enjoy the fact that animals are tortured and killed every day just so that they can have something to eat.

    I will admit - meat tastes good. I haven't been a vegetarian forever. Hamburgers and chicken ... I've always loved them. But I've had some vegetarian "fake" burgers and chicken. Absolutely no meat and they taste delicious, just as good as the real thing. But I'm just happy that animals didn't have to be killed just so I could enjoy something tasty.

    There are so many things that people can eat without eating meat!!! You can also have unhealthy things that are without meat. I mean - chocolate, candies, etc. Vegetarians can eat those things. So vegetarians aren't always skinny.

    I am an animal lover. Animals have feelings. Would YOU like to be killed just so that someone could eat you? Probably not. Would you like to be kept in a small cage for your whole life, fed hormones, not be able to see the "outside world", and then be slaughtered? What kind of life is that? How is fair that humans get to live fulfilling lives while some animals are tortured and killed?
    I think about my pets. My parents had cats, I've had hamsters and fish. I can't imagine them being tortured and killed. I look after them, spend time with them, feed them, play with them, etc. Animals deserve lives just as humans do.

    What makes meat eaters so much better than all the animals? Why do YOU deserve a life? Why do YOU deserve to be free? While the animals you eat never get a chance

    Because we evolved to have pretty awesome brains and learn to harvest our food/resource better which helped the survival of our species. That is why. You don't keep your hamster in a cage? He's allowed to roam freely? I always found it kind of mean having some pocket pets, like hamsters since they can care less to be someone's pet and can care less about humans but we keep them for our own amusement. I guess your fish is free in a river or a lake or whatever as well? or is he in an aquarium trapped? And here you feel sorry for say some beef cattle who might have an open range to be on while you are keeping pets as prisoners.
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    The circle of life.

    Something will always have to die for something else to live. You can't get around this.

    Entire ecosystems are wiped out to clear fields for plants and grains. Each year at harvest animals are killed as fields are cleared.

    I don't believe in the CAFOs. I don't like them either. I'm a 100% animal lover. I'm doing my damnedest to save money so I can buy meat/poultry that is 100% pastured. And humanely treated. Happy animals make happy meat.

    In Virginia, cars are totaled and people die due to the amount of deer running around. You see, if there wasn't hunting the deer would overrun the place. And since we're ripping out their habitat they have nowhere to go.

    Before I pick up my steak knife I thank that animal for giving it's life so that I may live.

    "Only eat what you can pick, dig up, or spear. Mostly spear."
    "Predators gorge and fast. Prey grazes."
    "Live in freedom, Live in beauty"
  • LilacDreamer
    LilacDreamer Posts: 1,364 Member
    I've been a vegetarian my ENTIRE life, and doing so has kept me ALIVE for 27 years! Had I ever eaten meat, the toxins would have built up in my blood and it could have resulted in severe neurological damage, or even death.

    I refuse to feel bad simply because the OP is on a personal crusade against vegetarians. I don't like threads that pick on others lifestyles, or their reasons behind them.
  • rextcat
    rextcat Posts: 1,408 Member
    Started out as a picky eater as a kid & wouldn't want to eat my pets, so why would I eat another animal? I don't have a lot of trouble finding replacement foods (veggie burgers, etc), and after not eating it for almost 18 yrs I dunno what my body would do! Plus the things I've seen/heard about all the weird hormones & 3-headed chickens just freaks me out too much.

    lol i grew up on a farm and we did eat our pets, with the exception of some of the "working animals".
  • starrynightskys
    starrynightskys Posts: 31 Member
    The lady was rude to you and perhaps a little crazy, but for you to say that being a vegetarian would make you weak is also an unfair comment. I have been a pescatarian my whole life and I am not puny. I have a friend that always use to tease me and say that eating this way would make me weak etc, turned out despite her meat filled diet, she must have been pretty unhealthy, because it turned out she was the one who was anemic.
    My bf is a vegetarian and he runs half marathons, and runs 5/6 times a week. It really depends on your diet not on whether you are vegetarian or not.
  • JessieArt
    JessieArt Posts: 275 Member
    Now I'm craving Jimmy Johns. I'll take a #12 Beach Club on wheat please. :tongue:

    I used to be Vegetarian. I was even Vegan for awhile. Can't imagine going up to a stranger and attacking them while they eat their meal. Extremely rude.

    Oh and the the posters that wondered why a Vegetarian would be in Jimmy Johns . . . they have an awesome veggie sub. You can even get it wrapped in letuce instead of bread and opt for mustard instead of mayo thus making it a yummy Vegan sammie! I eat it sometimes and it rocks!
  • binariiangel
    binariiangel Posts: 146 Member
    what is your purpose for being vegetarian? Do they just taste that good to you? Is it about being healthy? WHY!?!? Don't get me wrong I have no problems with it, and everyone is entitled to eat what ever they wish. I however am trying to understand.

    My mothers been a vegetarian for almost 20 years, and she didn't stop eating meat to become healthier, she did it because she saw a video on the slaughter of cows and what not, and when she was younger she watched her Grandma (my great grandma) strangle & clean a chicken, so she couldn't eat chicken after that. Now she's down to fish, and sea food (because she had to start eating that again because her Omega 3's were WAY down), as well as the eggs & dairy products she always ate. While she doesn't do what that insensitive lady did, she does encourage us to eat less meat and make healthier choices.
  • smiley245
    smiley245 Posts: 420 Member
    if you dont mind my input id like to say. that yes overall in America vegetarians may be healthier than most, but thats because a lot of Americans are over weight like me and made a choice not to combine the right meat and fruit?vegetables to make them healthy. you can be healthy and eat meat like yourself. i get that most vegetarians/vegans want to save animals. i was vegetarian for a few months, but i like meat. the real problem is the way they are killed. GOD put the animals on earth to eat. if we could just treat the animals better and not torture them to death then there would probably be less vegetarians. just saying! :)
    P.Speople dont realize that you shouldnt it to much meat. skip out like twice a week on meat. Dr oz says you shouldnt eat animal with for legs more then 3-5 days a week.
    Uh. Animals are humanely killed, they are not "tortured to death". I have been to slaughterhouses and have seen it firsthand.
    I take exception, too, to your claim that animals were put here by God for us to eat.
    We are animals. We love to imagine that we're special, but I think that's bull****. We are no different and have evolved in the same way as anything else.

    If you really believe what happens to these animals before & during their death isn't considered torture I encouraged you to watch some of the undercover slaughterhouse videos, egg hatchery videos, dairy cow videos... That is cruel, inhumane disgusting torture, I couldn't care less if others eat meat but you cannot honestly think what happens to these poor creatures is 'okay'.

    They don't torture animals to death nor do they before and after. Sometimes even those videos are false. Also they might catch a person who has done something wrong and they try to highlight it as in 'all' but that doesn't mean all farms are like that. Just like any profession you'll always have someone who is cruel and that is what needs to be weeded out but farms in general do not torture the animals because 1) its cruel, 2) its counter productive to the product (if you actually knew anything about these animals, the individual species, you would understand why). If a man beats his wife does that make all men evil? When a teacher abuses a child are all teachers bad and we must put a stop to having schools and teachers? What about a pet owner who abused his/her dog? Does that mean all owners are bad?

    In essence I pretty much agree with this. In most cases the worst of the worst is brought to the forefront in the media to raise awareness, shock, or create dialogue in regards to the toture of animals in slaughter houses and or farms. It is not right, It shouldnt be going on and these people should be charged.

    There are many ethical farmers/businesses out there who do not toture the animals. They are still seen as income and not pets. They are well fed, vetted, and provided with shelter. They don't frolic in the fields with bows on their tails.
    Having been raised in a family of butchers, my father having owned a slaughter house for a while....I can honestly say that it was common practice (for us) when an animal came in bruised and hurt. It would be returned, business with them would be cut off and the Gov notified. Bruised animals = bruised meats that can not be sold whole.

    Being in Ontario, rules are slighlty different. In the processing of animals (killing) we must have an Inpector on site, to supervise, check for ilness and take samples. No killing can be done without one present. This also limits the mistreatment of animals in the process.

    In anycase, that woman was rude to push her views on you. We are free to choose the diet we wish, without having to explain ourselves to others.

    As for vegetarians being BF has been one since childhood.....He's 6'3 and 280lbs....
    And I love bacon.......:)
  • charcharbec
    charcharbec Posts: 253 Member
    I am a Vegan myself and I actually find that I get more meateaters who start the conversation about food and nutrition. I get told I won't be a real athlete or get the protein or nutrients I need. Personally I don't push veganism on anyone. If you ask I will give you my opinions... but that lady is just like the pushy religious folk. Not everyone is pushy.... but the ones who are give everyone else a bad name.
  • gpmominoh
    gpmominoh Posts: 17 Member
    I am living proof that vegetarians are not healtier and more fit. Even without meat I have "carbed" my self into obesity.

    I choose to not eat meat because I don't like it much and on top of obesity who needs to worry about cholesterol the like. Even though I don't eat meat, I still cook it for my family.

    She needs to mind her own business. And thanks to you I now want the Jimmy Johns veggie sub -- but it has way too many calories for today.
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    I've been a vegetarian my ENTIRE life, and doing so has kept me ALIVE for 27 years! Had I ever eaten meat, the toxins would have built up in my blood and it could have resulted in severe neurological damage, or even death.

    I refuse to feel bad simply because the OP is on a personal crusade against vegetarians. I don't like threads that pick on others lifestyles, or their reasons behind them.

    Holy **** I have 5 years to live.
  • charcharbec
    charcharbec Posts: 253 Member
    if you dont mind my input id like to say. that yes overall in America vegetarians may be healthier than most, but thats because a lot of Americans are over weight like me and made a choice not to combine the right meat and fruit?vegetables to make them healthy. you can be healthy and eat meat like yourself. i get that most vegetarians/vegans want to save animals. i was vegetarian for a few months, but i like meat. the real problem is the way they are killed. GOD put the animals on earth to eat. if we could just treat the animals better and not torture them to death then there would probably be less vegetarians. just saying! :)
    P.Speople dont realize that you shouldnt it to much meat. skip out like twice a week on meat. Dr oz says you shouldnt eat animal with for legs more then 3-5 days a week.
    Uh. Animals are humanely killed, they are not "tortured to death". I have been to slaughterhouses and have seen it firsthand.
    I take exception, too, to your claim that animals were put here by God for us to eat.
    We are animals. We love to imagine that we're special, but I think that's bull****. We are no different and have evolved in the same way as anything else.

    If you really believe what happens to these animals before & during their death isn't considered torture I encouraged you to watch some of the undercover slaughterhouse videos, egg hatchery videos, dairy cow videos... That is cruel, inhumane disgusting torture, I couldn't care less if others eat meat but you cannot honestly think what happens to these poor creatures is 'okay'.

    They don't torture animals to death nor do they before and after. Sometimes even those videos are false. Also they might catch a person who has done something wrong and they try to highlight it as in 'all' but that doesn't mean all farms are like that. Just like any profession you'll always have someone who is cruel and that is what needs to be weeded out but farms in general do not torture the animals because 1) its cruel, 2) its counter productive to the product (if you actually knew anything about these animals, the individual species, you would understand why). If a man beats his wife does that make all men evil? When a teacher abuses a child are all teachers bad and we must put a stop to having schools and teachers? What about a pet owner who abused his/her dog? Does that mean all owners are bad?

    In essence I pretty much agree with this. In most cases the worst of the worst is brought to the forefront in the media to raise awareness, shock, or create dialogue in regards to the toture of animals in slaughter houses and or farms. It is not right, It shouldnt be going on and these people should be charged.

    There are many ethical farmers/businesses out there who do not toture the animals. They are still seen as income and not pets. They are well fed, vetted, and provided with shelter. They don't frolic in the fields with bows on their tails.
    Having been raised in a family of butchers, my father having owned a slaughter house for a while....I can honestly say that it was common practice (for us) when an animal came in bruised and hurt. It would be returned, business with them would be cut off and the Gov notified. Bruised animals = bruised meats that can not be sold whole.

    Being in Ontario, rules are slighlty different. In the processing of animals (killing) we must have an Inpector on site, to supervise, check for ilness and take samples. No killing can be done without one present. This also limits the mistreatment of animals in the process.

    In anycase, that woman was rude to push her views on you. We are free to choose the diet we wish, without having to explain ourselves to others.

    As for vegetarians being BF has been one since childhood.....He's 6'3 and 280lbs....
    And I love bacon.......:)

    Also in response to this.... how is the killing of animals humane in itself? It is humane merely by the dictation of human society. How would you feel about a slaughter house of puppies or kittens or even adult cats or dogs? Would you still feel that it is humane? Who actually gets to decide if animals are as disposable as humans make them out to be? We are built to live as omnivores. We can survive on an all plant diet, and meat is NOT essential to it. We eat meat as a luxury. Because it "tastes" good or enhances our athletic ability. But is there any part of meat consumption that is actually a necessity? That there are nutrients we cannot get anywhere else?

    To speak of the humane and compassionate murder of animals (which if not for food I assume most people wouldnt agree with), is almost like talking about compassionate racism. It's an oxymoron. It doesnt matter how "humane" you believe these places to be. Murder is murder. And the murder of animals for OUR benefit.

    Seems pretty hypocritical and selfish to me.
  • Alma_Sana
    Alma_Sana Posts: 453 Member
    I don't mind that other people eat meat and certainly don't bother them about it. It's too bad there are people that would just approach a stranger that way.

    This^^ Everyone is different and has their own preference. Why judge? I think if she felt that strongly. . .maybe she shouldn't dine where she may be offended by other people eating meat products? Hopefully she isn't as judgmental in the past. * future* lol
  • queenpushycat
    queenpushycat Posts: 761 Member
    I hate this topic.
  • mes1119
    mes1119 Posts: 1,082 Member
    GAH that lady has some nerve. I'm so sick of people trying to force their opinions down everyone else's throat.

    This goes with EVERYTHING else. Politics, Race, Religion, Eating Habits, Lifestyle choices....the list goes on and on....

    just because you don't like something doesn't mean you can dictate how someone else lives their life. Don't like it, don't engage in it. As long as it is causing no harm to you, then you can't have any say in it.

    Ok, rant over.