how to lose 5 pounds n 1 week

hmm soo im trying too lose weight butt fastt!! anyone have any tips on how to lose 5 pounds in on week?


  • Dozrzz
    Dozrzz Posts: 245
    Can I ask why you are trying to lose so much so quickly. Often times when you first start a new diet, you may lose that much in the first week but it is usually just water weight...
  • beautynddthebeast
    uhmm because my school year is ending and i am very larg and dont knw how much time i need to lose weight be 4 the next school year comes up i only have like a little less then 3monthss and i really would like to get to my weight goal be 4 my time is uhp!
  • bena0218
    bena0218 Posts: 41
    uhmm because my school year is ending and i am very larg and dont knw how much time i need to lose weight be 4 the next school year comes up i only have like a little less then 3monthss and i really would like to get to my weight goal be 4 my time is uhp!
  • bena0218
    bena0218 Posts: 41
    sweetie the best way u can lost 5lbs pounds is by exercising proberly twice a day and eat healthy dont eat 3 bhours b4 u go to sleep ok and mama i was in ur shoes wen i was in high skool
  • xYumzx
    xYumzx Posts: 953 Member
    hmm soo im trying too lose weight butt fastt!! anyone have any tips on how to lose 5 pounds in on week?
    Depending on your weight, it is possible to lose that much in a week, My friend is heavy and can lose anywhere from 2lbs to 10lbs in a week, but shes heavy not thin and works out 6x a week for atleast an hour on top of eating very heathly.
  • beautynddthebeast
    ok thank you :) me and my sister are barley starting thiss whole i diet thing and im trying too stay committed ndd tshh really? itss really hardd dealing with weight in high school..hmm i sayy im going to stop eating after 7pm
  • beautynddthebeast
    Depending on your weight, it is possible to lose that much in a week, My friend is heavy and can lose anywhere from 2lbs to 10lbs in a week, but shes heavy not thin and works out 6x a week for atleast an hour on top of eating very heathly.

    yeahh i heard when yuhr heavyy yuh lose weight faster thenn thiner people!! soo im juhst tryy my bestt!! and workout everyday and eat healthy! hmm any tipss on what should i eat day and night?
  • xYumzx
    xYumzx Posts: 953 Member
    ok thank you :) me and my sister are barley starting thiss whole i diet thing and im trying too stay committed ndd tshh really? itss really hardd dealing with weight in high school..hmm i sayy im going to stop eating after 7pm

    Dont eat anything 3 hrs before you go to sleep that will give you time to digest the food, stick to a routine for a week, to see what works for you, also if your new to working out, go for walks once a day for 30mins(makes a big difference)
  • scorpiomfs
    scorpiomfs Posts: 167 Member
    watch the show " I used to be fat ' on mtv if you have on demand you can watch them all they have 100 days to slim down before college. If nothing else it is a inspirational show. I do know from watching it is a lot of excerise and eating right.
  • bena0218
    bena0218 Posts: 41
    u could eat veggie and fruits baked food not fried. but my sister help me though out all of this too and she told me i could eat certain foods but its the portion of it like instead of a plate of rice eat a small plate like wat a toddler would eat out of and u dont have to eat to get full just eat enough to keep u goin for the day ok mama i believe in u and u can do it :smile:
  • jbecwar
    jbecwar Posts: 1
    stay active and eat healthy and the weight will come off, be patient and stay committed ~YOU CAN DO IT!!!!
  • bena0218
    bena0218 Posts: 41
    and try cutting soda out and juice drink water only water for a week or so and see the result i know it will be hard but if u want to lose weight faster try these things
  • sunshinedazed
    Stop the train a minute.

    Honey, you're not going to lose 190 lbs - per your profile - in three months. It's not going to happen, short of you losing a few limbs. Can you lose a substantial amount of weight in that time? Yes. I don't know your starting or goal weights, or height, but you have GOT to set yourself some REALISTIC goals. Otherwise, you're just going to get massively discouraged, and quit. Especially at your age. I'm 25 and I STILL have the focus of a pigeon at times.

    This site is filled with SO much info, and so many amazing people. That you're starting at all is a step in the right direction. With hard work, dedication, exercise, and a great diet full of yummy, healthy foods, you could attain your goal. ABSOLUTELY. Stay strong, absorb all the knowledge you can, and get healthy. That's what matters.
  • Anya143
    Anya143 Posts: 27 Member
    Just take a day by day. The more you want it the less you will get.
  • onedayillbeamilf
    onedayillbeamilf Posts: 966 Member
  • chergarr73
    chergarr73 Posts: 59 Member
    As a one time deal (because generally speaking 5lbs in 1 week is unhealty) you could easily lose 5lbs in one week by carefully tracking and cutting your sodium. Keep it below 1000grams per day and you should be able to flush any water weight your carrying. Often that will amount to close to 5lbs on its own ;)
  • Psychoanalytic
    First off, you didn't get to whatever weight you're at over night, in a week, or in a month. In fact, it probably took several months, years even, to get to where you are now. It's going to take time to pull the weight back off as well. It's not an overnight process.

    Take time to read the forums. There are plenty of people who have already detailed the best courses of action for different folks.

    The biggest key is eating habits.
  • motherof3brats
    motherof3brats Posts: 38 Member
    Well said sunshinedazed !!!!
  • BandForAlyAnne
    BandForAlyAnne Posts: 321 Member
    Stop the train a minute.

    Honey, you're not going to lose 190 lbs - per your profile - in three months. It's not going to happen, short of you losing a few limbs. Can you lose a substantial amount of weight in that time? Yes. I don't know your starting or goal weights, or height, but you have GOT to set yourself some REALISTIC goals. Otherwise, you're just going to get massively discouraged, and quit. Especially at your age. I'm 25 and I STILL have the focus of a pigeon at times.

    This site is filled with SO much info, and so many amazing people. That you're starting at all is a step in the right direction. With hard work, dedication, exercise, and a great diet full of yummy, healthy foods, you could attain your goal. ABSOLUTELY. Stay strong, absorb all the knowledge you can, and get healthy. That's what matters.

    what she said. just spend time educating yourself on being healthy and how the body works. and i can say the 2 most important things when dieting for me have been to be honest with myself about what ive been eating, and to just have COMMON SENSE. people forget about that. common sense tells you that a big mac is not healthy for you. so yeah. good luck. :)
  • anunknownmouse
    sweetie the best way u can lost 5lbs pounds is by exercising proberly twice a day and eat healthy dont eat 3 bhours b4 u go to sleep ok and mama i was in ur shoes wen i was in high skool

    This is awful advice. First of all 5 lbs a week is an unreasonable goal, impossible even, and to support that goal is folly. Second of all, the whole not eating before you go to bed is nonsense. It doesn't matter when you eat throughout the day provided you stay at your calorie goal.