

  • Sockimobi
    Sockimobi Posts: 541
    I am scared to lift heavy. I just keep thinking all the muscle will grow in my bum only and I will turn into a rock hard big bummed pear instead of a soft squidgy one :noway: True story... :embarassed:

    I'm a pear. My butt is still plenty squishy (which I don't like).

    Yeah but you're a hot pear. Your butt looks great (seen a couple of your photos knocking around on here) :)
  • kymillion
    kymillion Posts: 791 Member
    after I started lifting my sex drive seriously increased .. I know for me this is fact ,.... has this happened with my other female lifters as well? or is it because I am in my mid-thirties..? LOL. serious though.

    Uh, yes, but I was thinking it was increased confidence....

    lol I want more opinions mainly because I have always had a pretty swollen head.. ( my mom just showed me my worth and told me I was beautiful ) so I believe it has to be the lifting.. for me at least . not that it wasn't healthy before just like... umm increased exponentially . ..
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    Girls.. Lifting heavy will will get you lean and toned, and give you the body you want...

    I don't have a problem with lifting, but lifting won't "give me the body I want". Unless there's a lift that will make my huge gut shrink to flatness, I'm stuck with what my parents gave me.
    Umm, that's why a large majority of us lift heavy...to get rid of the belly fat. ALL the lifts get rid of huge guts (assuming a healthy diet). Heavy, compound lifts tell your body to do stupidly incredible things to your body fat...and that's what your gut is made of, whether it be genetic, or not.

    It's still fat.

    This is really hard for those that have a "lot" to lose to get their heads around, though. So I can see why she'd say that. I've been here long enough and read enough to finally get it myself... but I can see why she'd think it's counter-intuitive....

    I know =(.

    It sucks too.../sigh. But that's why people keep preaching it I guess. If enough good information gets out there...maybe it can sink in.
  • DieVixen
    DieVixen Posts: 790 Member
    Not everyone who does not want to lift heavy thinks they will get like that
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    Not everyone who does not want to lift heavy thinks they will get like that

    But a whole hell of a lot of them do.
  • DieVixen
    DieVixen Posts: 790 Member
    Not everyone who does not want to lift heavy thinks they will get like that

    I don't think she suggested, anywhere in her post...that they did.

    Additionally, I don't think she ever told anyone they had to do anything...and if she did, she certainly couldn't enforce it.

    I don't recall saying she did.
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    Not everyone who does not want to lift heavy thinks they will get like that

    I don't think she suggested, anywhere in her post...that they did.

    Additionally, I don't think she ever told anyone they had to do anything...and if she did, she certainly couldn't enforce it.

    I don't recall saying she did.

    I had edited my post...for the record. But regardless...by coming into a thread about the benifits of something...which is designed to dispell a prevalent myth regarding the results, that's what you implied.
  • DieVixen
    DieVixen Posts: 790 Member
    Not everyone who does not want to lift heavy thinks they will get like that

    I don't think she suggested, anywhere in her post...that they did.

    Additionally, I don't think she ever told anyone they had to do anything...and if she did, she certainly couldn't enforce it.

    I don't recall saying she did.

    I had edited my post...for the record. But regardless...by coming into a thread about the benifits of something...which is designed to dispell a prevalent myth regarding the results, that's what you implied.

    I was just giving my opinion,I can't help how anyone takes it
  • DieVixen
    DieVixen Posts: 790 Member
    Why would you *want* to look like that?

    Because everyone has their own goals ,perception on beauty and what they like. That was obviously hers.More power to her.
  • LovelyLifter
    LovelyLifter Posts: 560 Member
    I wish more women felt more comfortable to lift....I always hear them saying I will bulk at work and be all body builder like ....ummm I don't think I look like that :noway:
  • TrophyWifeSass
    TrophyWifeSass Posts: 490 Member
    Girls.. Lifting heavy will will get you lean and toned, and give you the body you want...

    I don't have a problem with lifting, but lifting won't "give me the body I want". Unless there's a lift that will make my huge gut shrink to flatness, I'm stuck with what my parents gave me.

    I disagree, lifting has made my 42 year old gut shrink and I had 5 children.
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    I'd hit it
  • Bentley2718
    Bentley2718 Posts: 1,690 Member
    I love how people assume other women would not want to look like the woman in those photos. Or even somewhat her. Is it that hard to believe that a woman would prefer looking "buff" or "ripped" to looking "lean and toned?"
  • AggieCass09
    AggieCass09 Posts: 1,867 Member
    clearly that person takes body-altering substances or has some sort of genetic anomaly! Lifting HEAVY has helped me more in 3 months than anything else has even come close to in the 24 years of my existence prior...

    I wouldnt ever go back: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/AggieCass09/view/3-months-of-crossfit-with-comparison-pics-249749
  • Nicolette_Karls
    I've been contemplating lifting, but it's a new concept to me. I'm not afraid of bulking up, I'm afraid of hurting myself (pretty much all of my body hyper-extends...I can keep my hand flat on a table and flip my arm almost all the way around!).

    Anyone want to share some tips/workouts that they used to get started? I'm all ears!
  • sarahbetherck
    sarahbetherck Posts: 270 Member
    Girls.. Lifting heavy will will get you lean and toned, and give you the body you want...

    I don't have a problem with lifting, but lifting won't "give me the body I want". Unless there's a lift that will make my huge gut shrink to flatness, I'm stuck with what my parents gave me.

    The more often and heavier I lift the smaller I get. My waist, my hips, it's all shrinking and getting leaner.....You don't have to be stuck with anything!
  • hannahbanana0480
    hannahbanana0480 Posts: 46 Member
    Girls.. Lifting heavy will will get you lean and toned, and give you the body you want...

    I don't have a problem with lifting, but lifting won't "give me the body I want". Unless there's a lift that will make my huge gut shrink to flatness, I'm stuck with what my parents gave me.

    The lift you are referring to is your diet. That's what acheives a flat stomach.
  • Jules2Be
    Jules2Be Posts: 2,267 Member
    i am 5' 11" and am lifting heavy...

    the words seem to scare people. Maybe it would be better to say "lift a little more this time and see how it feels"

    for example, i have seen women using 3 pound weights for bicep curls because they are worried about getting "big" arms. BUT we lift more than that carrying a grocery bag in, or picking up a kid, or a pet or whatever, we just dont realize it and our own strength.

    so pick up a 5 pound dumbell if thats where you are comfortable and curl it....if you can do 8 to 10 repetitions, maybe pick up a 7 or 8 pound weight next set... its heavier but not awfully HEAVY.

    I now use about 20 pounds, and a neighbor said to me while walking just last week, WOW your arms look so much SMALLER.

    Just try a little heavier, you may surprise yourself.

  • Bentley2718
    Bentley2718 Posts: 1,690 Member
    I've been contemplating lifting, but it's a new concept to me. I'm not afraid of bulking up, I'm afraid of hurting myself (pretty much all of my body hyper-extends...I can keep my hand flat on a table and flip my arm almost all the way around!).

    Anyone want to share some tips/workouts that they used to get started? I'm all ears!

    If your body hyper-extends, you might want to talk to a doctor or a physical therapist about training programs/physical activity in general. You may or may not need to proceed with particular caution, but it seems to me that they would be qualified to tell you that.
  • lizard053
    lizard053 Posts: 2,344 Member
    i am 5' 11" and am lifting heavy...

    the words seem to scare people. Maybe it would be better to say "lift a little more this time and see how it feels"

    for example, i have seen women using 3 pound weights for bicep curls because they are worried about getting "big" arms. BUT we lift more than that carrying a grocery bag in, or picking up a kid, or a pet or whatever, we just dont realize it and our own strength.

    so pick up a 5 pound dumbell if thats where you are comfortable and curl it....if you can do 8 to 10 repetitions, maybe pick up a 7 or 8 pound weight next set... its heavier but not awfully HEAVY.

    I now use about 20 pounds, and a neighbor said to me while walking just last week, WOW your arms look so much SMALLER.

    Just try a little heavier, you may surprise yourself.


    Yup! It works. Just push yourself a little every time. If you can't complete a set, back down a little.
    I'm the same weight, but looking so much smaller just by lifting these last 3 weeks! And the confidence boost is unbeatable!