27 But Eat Like a 5 Year Old.



  • autumnk921
    autumnk921 Posts: 1,376 Member
    You sound like me when I first started....I am just now learning to eat up to at least my BMR...It's really hard if you are not used to eating that much food a day but your body is starving for food & it's holding onto EVERYTHING you put into it for this reason...It will be really hard to lose weight b/c of so few calories....Also, even if you don't like exercise - I was this way too - at least take small walks a couple times a week then build up...Walking is a great way to start.

    If you want to add me as a friend & message me I will try to show you how I have finally started eating more like an adult than I used to....It's hard but so worth it & you will feel better & actually start losing weight as well....YOU CAN DO THIS!!!
  • reneeileen
    reneeileen Posts: 455 Member
    Aside from a lot of the obvious stuff that has already been said focus on incorporating fresh fruits and vegetables into your food. There are a few ways that are easy if you are cooking. Maybe check out some of the Jessica Seinfeld recipes. She focuses on "hiding" fruits and vegetables into kid-friendly foods. I will also fold in a cup or two of spinach in my pasta or stack my sandwiches with spinach to get an extra serving of vegetables in.

    Be a little adventurous. Try a new fruit and vegetable each week. Sugar Snap Peas are low calorie and IMO are a really delicious snack. The main thing is finding healthy foods you enjoy.

    Without cooking, do a google search for smoothies. I like kale in my smoothies and you can get around 3-5 servings of fruit and vegetable from one smoothie.

    On the calories note anything under 1200 calories without doctor supervision is not a good idea.

    This is a journey. I often stop and ask myself, "Will I be happy living like this for the rest of my life?" For me the answer is yes. If I ever think "no," something will need to change because if I can't be happy living a healthy life, I will not continue living a healthy life. But realistically, how long can you be happy living an unhealthy life?
  • bradthemedic
    bradthemedic Posts: 623 Member
    I put kale in my smoothies as well. I don't even taste it. :D
  • ilovesparkle
    ilovesparkle Posts: 127 Member
    I have PCOS. So my weight is a lot harder to drop than most and I have an obscene addiction to sugar and carbs. I am trying to get to a place where I can be healthy enough to attempt pregnancy, so this time I REALLY need to stick to a healthy life plan.

    I'm going to be blunt. Every post is an excuse for why you can't lose weight. You don't like exercise. You can't cook. You have PCOS. Can't, can't, can't.

    How about focussing on the things you can do? Start trying new things. I have PCOS and used to make the exact same excuses. 'Oh I have PCOS and it's harder to lose weight. You don't understand' Well I understand and it's not true. You CAN lose weight you just don't want it enough.

    Microwave meals are fine if you're starting out. They are high on sodium though so you must drink your water. While its good to eat clean it's not as important as eating the right calories. I'm the same weight and am eating 1673 calories and am losing weight. You NEED to eat more.

    You're absolutely right. I've always been an excuse maker. I'm not saying that PCOS makes it impossible and that's why I resolved to live the way I have been. I'm not saying that at all. I know it's possible and I will try to do it.
  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member
    I know how to cook. I just don't do it often because it's only me, and by the time I get home from work, the last thing I want to do is cook.

    But I guess that has a lot to do with the energy levels. Vicious cycle.

    This is me, I live alone and I work like crazy so when I get home I really don't feel like cooking. I had to do something about all the fast food I was picking up after work and sitting on my bum. So what I do is buy almost everything I eat in a single serve package. I've lost a bunch of weight and its soo easy to keep track of my calories.

    I buy lots of the tiny canned veggies, it's like 2 cups of veggies in one can. Single serve beans, salads, fresh fruit packs, fruit cups (only the ones in water though, no syrup) popcorn, and even some meats. Fish you can get in the freezer section in single servings and chicken I buy a few fresh chicken breast, wrap them individually and stick them in the freezer. It works for me. My meals are quick and simple and I don't have to worry about not eating left overs.

    This is what works for me. It is more expensive a bit, but to me it's worth it for my health and losing the unwanted extra pounds. I always keep in the back of my mind that I have groceries at the house, quick and simple meals and I don't need to spend even more money on food at the drive through. So it really works out in the long run because I've gone from eating fast food pretty much every day to maybe once a week. It takes a bit of work and will power but anyone can get healthier, you just have to find your groove.
  • ilovesparkle
    ilovesparkle Posts: 127 Member
    One of my biggest things in my life that I have lost due to my weight and low self-esteem is my husband. I was married to a wonderful guy, but I couldn't get past the weight issues to make myself a good spouse. I was hesitant to do anything because I was so self conscious, couldn't keep up with him in daily activities that he loved, I just held him back.

    I don't want to be that person anymore. I don't want to be an anchor to someone.
  • LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo
    LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo Posts: 3,634 Member
    I forgot to mention. Well, not forgot, but I try not to reveal too much personal information.

    I have PCOS. So my weight is a lot harder to drop than most and I have an obscene addiction to sugar and carbs. I am trying to get to a place where I can be healthy enough to attempt pregnancy, so this time I REALLY need to stick to a healthy life plan.

    I also have PCOS & in fact it took me three painful years before I lost these 22 kilos (50 pounds). But eversince I changed my lifestyle for the better, my body has improved. Exercise & proper nutrition are keys to a better body & health. See all it takes is a lot of patience & soon you will watch those pounds & inches come off. As much as you don't like exercise, remember that everyone needs to exercise even just by walking, dancing or anything that you enjoy. Exercise isn't only for weight loss, it is for overall health. Just think of the same reason why do we need to sleep, take a bath or brush our teeth. Same with exercise.
  • LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo
    LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo Posts: 3,634 Member
    One of my biggest things in my life that I have lost due to my weight and low self-esteem is my husband. I was married to a wonderful guy, but I couldn't get past the weight issues to make myself a good spouse. I was hesitant to do anything because I was so self conscious, couldn't keep up with him in daily activities that he loved, I just held him back.

    I don't want to be that person anymore. I don't want to be an anchor to someone.

    Only you has the full capacity to transform yourself, not your husband or anyone else. I know how it is to have low self-esteem (I still have it until now despite losing big) but don't let it conquer your life as you said you married a wonderful guy so I'm pretty sure he loves you for what you are no matter how your weigh.
  • ashleab37
    ashleab37 Posts: 575 Member
    Grab a george foreman grill or the like. One chicken breast sliced thin and a bag of microwave steamable veggies and dinner is done in 5 minutes!
  • Snow__White
    Snow__White Posts: 1,650 Member
    what type of PCOS do you have
    insulin resistant? non insulin resistant?
    what type of meds or options has your heath care provider offered you?
  • hbunting86
    hbunting86 Posts: 952 Member
    I'm a broke PhD student but I still cook... now and again I cheat and have like an instant pasta thing if I'm really pushed for time, but 95% of the time I cook because it's so much cheaper and healthier than buying frozen meals.

    It's great that you have recognised that you need to change your eating habits - wanting to change is the first step in actually achieving it.

    Set yourself small goals of cooking 2 meals a week and then increase from there. Once you get more confident you'll find that cooking is actually a great way to wind down after a busy day at work. It's a different task rather than being a chore. Plus I always get a sense of achievement in the meals that I make for myself. Just because you cook for yourself doesn't mean that it has to be rubbish or fast... look after number 1! :)
  • xarla16
    xarla16 Posts: 84 Member
    One of my biggest things in my life that I have lost due to my weight and low self-esteem is my husband. I was married to a wonderful guy, but I couldn't get past the weight issues to make myself a good spouse. I was hesitant to do anything because I was so self conscious, couldn't keep up with him in daily activities that he loved, I just held him back.

    I don't want to be that person anymore. I don't want to be an anchor to someone.

    Years ago I was a pretty unhappy person and one day I was complaining to someone about my life situation. Do you know what he said to me? "Stop complaining, everything you do is a choice. Living the way you're living, is a choice. If you're not happy about it, do something about it." It was the best piece of advice anyone has ever given me and it changed my life. Make choices that will get you the life you want. While there are some things out of our control, there are a hell of a lot of choices we make consciously and unconsciously everyday that make our lives the way they are. Obviously you are looking for change. Don't make excuses for why you can't do it, look at all the choices you make each day to contribute to what you don't like...and change those decisions.
  • reneeileen
    reneeileen Posts: 455 Member
    I put kale in my smoothies as well. I don't even taste it. :D

    I can't taste it in my smoothies at all.
  • ilovesparkle
    ilovesparkle Posts: 127 Member
    I'm non-insulin resistant, so I'm not on Metformin or anything like that. My doctor just keeps me on Spironolactone and Levora (Birth control) to level out my hormones.
  • him1025
    him1025 Posts: 44
    by a pedometer you will be suprised on how much you actually walk through out the day without thinking about it
  • KC4800
    KC4800 Posts: 140 Member
    It looks like you drink NO water.
    Drink some.
  • clover5
    clover5 Posts: 1,643 Member
    by a pedometer you will be suprised on how much you actually walk through out the day without thinking about it

    Yes, buy a pedometer. I have the Sportline from Walmart $5. Wear it everyday, all day. After a week you can work to increase your number of steps by 10%, or 1000. But you need to know what your activity level is now.

    Also, have you ever noticed the deli in the grocery store. Lots of premade salads and other premade food that you can bring home and eat immediately. Make a committement to try one new fresh fruit or veggie every time you shop so you can find some fresh food that you like.
  • jessgrey2
    jessgrey2 Posts: 88 Member
    First off, I am no expert! But I think you've had very good advice here. I really think you need more calories, good fat, and definitely more protein. You can do it!

    I live alone currently too. Here are some quick and easy things that I do when I'm not up for cooking etc.

    Edamame (soybeans), frozen, they only take a minute to warm up. A great source of protein.

    Turkey burgers, I love the "Bubba" brand, which are frozen, but tastes very good.

    Tuna is super easy if you like that. If you want to use mayo, the Kraft with olive oil is a bit healthier than standard imo.

    Canned crabmeat also, very low in calories and high in protein. Great in salads.

    Nuts and seeds are easy and great fat in moderation. I love them for salad toppers. My favorites are pistachios, almonds, or shelled sunflower seeds

    The packages of premixed salad. I often have a big salad with those greens, top with some cottage cheese, cherry tomatoes, nuts or seeds, some snap peas, sometimes avocado.

    Kale chips are amazing if you love salty type snacks. There are tons of recipes here, but basically chopped kale 1 bunch, a tbsp of olive oil, and salt, mix in bowl and pop in 300 oven for 15 minutes or so. You can store extras in a tupperware.

    Make a tupperware of veggies to snack on that you can keep in the fridge: I like snap peas, raw brocooli, and baby carrots. Find a nice dressing to dip them in!

    String cheese is a great source of protein. (Kids like them you should too! :)

    Regarding exercise, I bet if you started, even a little bit of walking a few times a week, you would sleep better and feel more confident.

    Anyway good luck to you! Feel free to friend me if you wish! xo
  • ilovesparkle
    ilovesparkle Posts: 127 Member
    Thanks for all the advice! I'll try to put as much into action as I can.

    I also do NOT like string cheese Weird, huh?

    But the rest of the stuff looks like a good idea!!
  • Iamjulez
    Iamjulez Posts: 48 Member
    I can truly sympathize. I grew up eating cheese sandwhiches because I was such a picky eater my parents couldn't get me to eat anything else. But eventually my mother's (later on) health freakness and learned to like things like whole grain bread and steamed brocolli, etc. :) Challenge yourself to exchange your unhealthy things for "healthy versions" of the things you already like... like strawberries and whipped cream for desert. :) Try exercise in small doses, like walking. Baby steps are the key to success... it has to be a lifestyle to be successful in the long run.

    Don't try to fix everything at once.