C25K... Results...Sucesses

I so want to LOVE running..I prefer being outside that on the elliptical anyday! I have been throwing some into my walks... managed to go a lot further than I ever have today. Though I still though I just might drop dead from lack of oxygen!

Anyone that never worked out before..., or very little activity, done the C25K? What were your results? Do you enjoy running now? Was it a good experience? I KNOW it will be hard... nothing is easy...so thats not what I am asking...just really wanting your stories!


  • EmmaGem76
    EmmaGem76 Posts: 38 Member
    Bump - I'm a newbie c25k'er too with my first 5k race in September
    Would like to follow this thread!
  • sthrnchick
    sthrnchick Posts: 771
    My friends are replying to my page... and not the post...but the results seem VERY motivating and positive!
  • CannibalisticVegetarian
    CannibalisticVegetarian Posts: 1,255 Member
    Bump! I'm wanting to start C25k soon myself but have been wanting to learn more about it... so yes. I'll be skulking in the shadows for answers and posts.
  • sthrnchick
    sthrnchick Posts: 771
    Bump! I'm wanting to start C25k soon myself but have been wanting to learn more about it... so yes. I'll be skulking in the shadows for answers and posts.

    Thats ok with me... I have heard some wonderful things about the program! Cant wait to start myself!
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    I've been exercising for awhile, and can walk all day long, but I've never been a runner. But since I figured it was something I could do anywhere, and for the sake of the challenge, I started c25k on the last day of January. I followed the program exactly and finished it as scheduled. I'm still running 3 days per week and registered for my first 5k race at the end of this month!

    I do enjoy it, it's nice to get outside, and I usually run anywhere from 2 - 4 miles. I even managed 5 miles once, but I think it was too far too soon, and I ended up with some knee pain after that. And that's why I think the c25k program works so well - it keeps you from going too fast or too far too quickly. I ran as slow as I needed to in order to complete each day's running times.

    And I also think it has helped with my fat loss. I usually do various workout DVDs at home, some with weights, some more cardio, but the running really boosted the fat loss. I've lost a pants size and even hubby noticed that my back fat is gone. :bigsmile:

    I say go for it! You can see an overview of the program online, just Google it, and if you've got a smart phone, download an app (I used c25kFree by ZenLabs) and it will coach you through all the walking & running times. Make sure you have some good shoes, and do some stretching when you're done each time.
  • sthrnchick
    sthrnchick Posts: 771
    I've been exercising for awhile, and can walk all day long, but I've never been a runner. But since I figured it was something I could do anywhere, and for the sake of the challenge, I started c25k on the last day of January. I followed the program exactly and finished it as scheduled. I'm still running 3 days per week and registered for my first 5k race at the end of this month!

    I do enjoy it, it's nice to get outside, and I usually run anywhere from 2 - 4 miles. I even managed 5 miles once, but I think it was too far too soon, and I ended up with some knee pain after that. And that's why I think the c25k program works so well - it keeps you from going too fast or too far too quickly. I ran as slow as I needed to in order to complete each day's running times.

    And I also think it has helped with my fat loss. I usually do various workout DVDs at home, some with weights, some more cardio, but the running really boosted the fat loss. I've lost a pants size and even hubby noticed that my back fat is gone. :bigsmile:

    I say go for it! You can see an overview of the program online, just Google it, and if you've got a smart phone, download an app (I used c25kFree by ZenLabs) and it will coach you through all the walking & running times. Make sure you have some good shoes, and do some stretching when you're done each time.
    Thank you... this exactly what I posted for! i have been walking briskly for several months and i think I could do it all day with no problem... but running...Just kills me, and my knees! You mentioned that you had knee issues..did that improve?
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    Thank you... this exactly what I posted for! i have been walking briskly for several months and i think I could do it all day with no problem... but running...Just kills me, and my knees! You mentioned that you had knee issues..did that improve?
    I've never had knee problems, and it only started in mile 4 of that 5 mile run. I rested it for a few days & continued my regular workouts & walked with no problem, so went for another run. It hurt again (not as bad), right after the 3rd mile, so I walked the rest of the way home, iced it and started looking for how to fix it. :tongue: I think it was the IT band, which I guess is very common. I iced the knee, and did daily stretches for it. That was a couple of weeks ago, and I haven't had any problems with it since then, but I haven't run beyond about 3.25 miles since then either. I figure I'm still at 5k distance, so that's good!

    If I ever decide to increase distance, I will definitely do it in slower increments to hopefully avoid any more knee problems.
  • lizzhart1
    lizzhart1 Posts: 2
    I started the C2K program after I had my 3rd child and have had fantastic results. I just finished my 5th 5K this year. I stuck to the program and did not skip ahead (I know some people who did and had to go back). I had not worked out in probably 2 years and I had trouble even running 90 seconds at first, but it gets so much easier and it was so satisfying to complete. I love the fact that I can "go for a run" now. (I also lost 50 pounds with it and doing some videos in between)
  • sthrnchick
    sthrnchick Posts: 771
    I started the C2K program after I had my 3rd child and have had fantastic results. I just finished my 5th 5K this year. I stuck to the program and did not skip ahead (I know some people who did and had to go back). I had not worked out in probably 2 years and I had trouble even running 90 seconds at first, but it gets so much easier and it was so satisfying to complete. I love the fact that I can "go for a run" now. (I also lost 50 pounds with it and doing some videos in between)

    Great job BTW! This inspires me that i could be a runner one day! Most of my friends compete in 5ks and I feel so left out! I have never ran a day in my life before this journey. Approaching 40... I was afraid it was too late to make changes... but i see improvement on my own each time. Cant wait to get this!
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    No way you're too old! I just turned 44! :smile:
  • sthrnchick
    sthrnchick Posts: 771
    No way you're too old! I just turned 44! :smile:

    I so needed this post... and 44? NO WAY! You look amazing! I cant wait to start this!
  • Starbec
    Starbec Posts: 43 Member
    I had literally not exercised in over 4 years and at the beginning of March decided to start C25K. When I first started I almost died. I could barely run for 30 seconds without nearly dying and wanting to stop. I thought there was no possible way I could ever run 5km without stopping.

    BUT ....

    I followed the C25K program 3 times a week (sometimes more) and I'm happy to say that on the weekend I ran for 7km without stopping!

    It is soooo possible for anybody to do this - If I can - anybody can!

    Get into it - I now love running and look forward to it :)
  • sthrnchick
    sthrnchick Posts: 771
    I had literally not exercised in over 4 years and at the beginning of March decided to start C25K. When I first started I almost died. I could barely run for 30 seconds without nearly dying and wanting to stop. I thought there was no possible way I could ever run 5km without stopping.

    BUT ....

    I followed the C25K program 3 times a week (sometimes more) and I'm happy to say that on the weekend I ran for 7km without stopping!

    It is soooo possible for anybody to do this - If I can - anybody can!

    Get into it - I now love running and look forward to it :)
    Great job! I cant say that I LOVE running by any stretch of the imagination yet! But I am an outdoors chick... and have to think that running outside would make me so much happier than hitting the elliptical inside. I welcome the day that i LOOK FORWARD to doing anything exercise wise. Thanks for the post!
  • alikat42
    alikat42 Posts: 213 Member
    When I first started C25K I was running alone, indoors, on a track and I wondered how anyone could possibly "love" running.

    Around week 3 I began running outside, around my school, with my coworkers and began to see how people could "like" running, but this love business was still weird to me.

    A few weeks ago, I transitioned to running (usually alone) outside, on a path by the river that runs through my neighborhood. I now feel like love isn't a strong enough word. I don't just love to run, I have to run.

    Not only is it my exercise, it is my exposure to nature in an otherwise urban life. It is "me" time, where I am responsible for or to no one. It is my therapy. It is my personal challenge. It is my amusement (today I saw a guy running in silver moon boots with his poodle). Running is so freaking awesome, that I'm sad I didn't start doing it years ago.
  • sthrnchick
    sthrnchick Posts: 771
    When I first started C25K I was running alone, indoors, on a track and I wondered how anyone could possibly "love" running.

    Around week 3 I began running outside, around my school, with my coworkers and began to see how people could "like" running, but this love business was still weird to me.

    A few weeks ago, I transitioned to running (usually alone) outside, on a path by the river that runs through my neighborhood. I now feel like love isn't a strong enough word. I don't just love to run, I have to run.

    Not only is it my exercise, it is my exposure to nature in an otherwise urban life. It is "me" time, where I am responsible for or to no one. It is my therapy. It is my personal challenge. It is my amusement (today I saw a guy running in silver moon boots with his poodle). Running is so freaking awesome, that I'm sad I didn't start doing it years ago.
    This is why I think I would or could so love running! I love the outdoors! I dont enjoy any of it yet! But it is getting a little easier....I guess its just a matter of JUST DOING IT... and the love will come!
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    No way you're too old! I just turned 44! :smile:

    I so needed this post... and 44? NO WAY! You look amazing! I cant wait to start this!
    Thank you!! I've been working hard. :bigsmile:

    I have to say I've never even been on a treadmill, and there were cold rainy days a few months back where I sort of wished I had one, but I really enjoy running outside, for several reasons. When the weather is nice, of course it's just awesome to be outside - birds chirping, green grass, blue skies....even on the rainy days it wasn't so bad being out there - I didn't melt! :smile:

    But even now some runs are better than others, and there are days that no matter what the weather, the body just doesn't seem to want to run, and if I were on a treadmill I would probably just hop off and say forget it. If I'm outside, I have to at least WALK back home, so I just keep running since it's faster. LOL And I'm always glad I did it!
  • rds532
    rds532 Posts: 106 Member
    I tried this last Spring for 3 days and gave up. I am ready to try again. I have NEVER been a runner and still don't know if I can do this but I really want to. I am going to try this week!
  • phillieschic
    phillieschic Posts: 615
    I'm on my final week...and I have loved it since day 1! I have never been a runner but I cruised through the 9 weeks of C25K in less than 6 weeks. I am now addicted to running.

    I ran my first 5K at week 5...my time wasn't great but I finished! It was a major accomplishment to me.

    I just turned 39 last week and I feel like I'm 25! Sounds crazy, but I do!

    My only suggestions: buy GOOD running shoes and take your time. Make sure you're breathing properly and you will have success!

    Good luck!
    FITFORT Posts: 85
    I started Week 5 today. I'm not a runner by nature (i've never even particularly enjoyed sweating, haha!). Anyway, I've always admired runners, and in the back of my mind, I've been intrigued with the idea of trying it. I can't say that I "enjoy" it while I'm doing it (yet), but I can say that I feel like I've accomplished a lot when I finish a workout, and am starting to "believe" that it is possible to actually do this! I also am finding that I look forward to exercise now. First time in my life!!! Good luck to all C25K'ers!!!!!!
  • petergarcia82
    petergarcia82 Posts: 122 Member
    I just posted an NSV that had to do with C25K. I just completed Week 5 day 3. I started this program and have repeated days when I did not complete the running or walking interval. I used to be out of breath all the time and now it's so much better. I started very over weight and I am still over weight but I lost 50 pounds along the way of my C25K program. I think if I can do this almost anyone one can. I can't wait to finish and do a 5K. I love running now. I do it mostly outdoors if I can but Texas Winter was mild so I spent a few days at the Gym and Texas summing is coming up and I don't think I will be running outdoors then either. I have come to enjoy it either way though it's relaxing and removes stress.