I hate water. How do I increase my water intake?



  • MIO!
  • sunnyday789
    sunnyday789 Posts: 309 Member
    Just guzzle it. If sipping on it sucks, pour yourself a huge glass of barely cool or room temp water and then just down it all at once.
    Do this several times a day and you've hit your water intake! Sip on other stuff throughout the day.
    The "pain" is temporary, the benefits are worthwhile! :)
    This is what I do too!

    There are no benefits to drinking plain water over other fluids for the purposes of hydration. Drink what you enjoy.
    Why endure the "pain:?

    Personally I don't want to drink a minimum of 64 ounces of artificial sweeteners, or sugar, or any other thing that seems to be in most other beverages. It's actually not painful for me anymore. I love my water now, it just took some time. Now that water is my primary beverage, my skin looks healthier, my stomach hurts less and I generally feel better.
    For you, that's great.
    But the OP has stated she doesn't like it.
    By the way, things like soup have things in them that have nutrients. Coffee has antioxidants and has been shown to prevent Type II diabetes so as well as the hydration factor it has benefits that plain water doesn't have.

    She has stated that she doesn't like it, but she is also asking how she can get her 8 cups a day in. Clearly she wants to drink more water, just wants suggestions for how she can get herself to do it. From what I've seen, nobody here is arguing that things like coffee don't have benefits. But she isn't asking about coffee, she's asking about water.

    My point is that she can get water in by drinking coffee or any other liquid that contains water. Doesn't have to be "plain water" So I'm answering her question by saying you can get water in by drinking things that taste good to you.
    There are a more than a few comments here suggesting that she should just get used to it; I say why should she?

    My remark about the coffee was to demonstrate that although many people believe "plain water" is the best, that actually other fluids contain benefits that water doesn't have on top of hydration. Also to point out that adding artificial or real sweetners aren't the only things you can add to water.
  • I drink bottles sparkling water that has been lightly flavored. Trader Joes has a mixed berry one that I love and At the grocery store calistoga has a number of different flavors. It gives me the sensation of drinking soda with none of the negative stuff that comes with soda. No calories, no sugar.
  • jpuderbaugh
    jpuderbaugh Posts: 318 Member
    Just guzzle it. If sipping on it sucks, pour yourself a huge glass of barely cool or room temp water and then just down it all at once.
    Do this several times a day and you've hit your water intake! Sip on other stuff throughout the day.
    The "pain" is temporary, the benefits are worthwhile! :)
    This is what I do too!

    There are no benefits to drinking plain water over other fluids for the purposes of hydration. Drink what you enjoy.
    Why endure the "pain:?

    Personally I don't want to drink a minimum of 64 ounces of artificial sweeteners, or sugar, or any other thing that seems to be in most other beverages. It's actually not painful for me anymore. I love my water now, it just took some time. Now that water is my primary beverage, my skin looks healthier, my stomach hurts less and I generally feel better.
    For you, that's great.
    But the OP has stated she doesn't like it.
    By the way, things like soup have things in them that have nutrients. Coffee has antioxidants and has been shown to prevent Type II diabetes so as well as the hydration factor it has benefits that plain water doesn't have.

    She has stated that she doesn't like it, but she is also asking how she can get her 8 cups a day in. Clearly she wants to drink more water, just wants suggestions for how she can get herself to do it. From what I've seen, nobody here is arguing that things like coffee don't have benefits. But she isn't asking about coffee, she's asking about water.

    My point is that she can get water in by drinking coffee or any other liquid that contains water. Doesn't have to be "plain water" So I'm answering her question by saying you can get water in by drinking things that taste good to you.
    There are a more than a few comments here suggesting that she she should just get used to it; I say why should she?

    My remark about the coffee was to demonstrate that although many people believe "plain water" is the best, that actually other fluids contain benefits that water doesn't have on top of hydration. Also to point out that adding artificial or real sweetners aren't the only things you can add to water.

    And that's fine, for you or anyone else who believes that. But just so you know, I'm not the one who made the comments saying "just drink it". Just want to clarify that.
  • JaneSagan
    JaneSagan Posts: 3
    I drink soda water. I get cheap 2-liter bottles of it at the grocery store- it's just carbonated water, lightly flavoured with lime. It took a few days to get used to it, but now I can't get enough of the stuff! So delicious and refreshing, and chemically/nutritionally it might as well be tap water!

    I also chug a cup of water almost every time I go to the bathroom. I leave a glass by the sink and have some when I wash my hands. That way it's kind of like rinsing out after brushing my teeth, so the taste of it doesn't even register in my brain. It's just chug it and forget it.
  • hnsmith89
    hnsmith89 Posts: 14 Member
    crystal lights of course! My favorite is sweet tea with lemon flavor :))
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    I love water but my husband does not! He orders this stuff called BLAST it's only 8 calories per 8 oz of water! There are different flavors It's from his AMWAY person, comes in a big bottle! Looks like a bottle of alcohol because it has the measuring spout on the end!

    ...Does your husband often slur his speech and have trouble walking?
  • Mrskatie
    Mrskatie Posts: 27 Member
    You don't have to get your daily water only from fluids, water dense foods count towards your total, too! Think about how juicy a watermelon is, or salads, etc. The link below shows the percentages:
    Even think of soups and salads, smoothies...
  • Tzippy7
    Tzippy7 Posts: 344 Member
    suck it up drink it anyway lol
  • sunnyday789
    sunnyday789 Posts: 309 Member
    suck it up drink it anyway lol
  • jazzie2421
    jazzie2421 Posts: 45
    I love water, but I can't drink it room temperature or hot, it has to be ICE cold. I will drink it tepid if I HAVE to, but I don't care for it. I also don't like ice water in styrofoam cups. Bleh.

    Get a pretty cup, fill it with ice, and enjoy a nice glass of ice water on a hot day. A shot of lemon, or some frozen berries isn't going to hurt you, in fact it adds just enough flavor to make it interesting. Ice tea is good - UNsweetened, but the caffeine is not, so still drink water. I have some crystal tea glasses that make me feel special drinking out of them, sometimes that helps.

    Someone said that the need for water is perpetuated by the bottled water company and that is not truthful. Bottled water is no better for you than tap water, its just more convenient. Get a refillable water bottle (stainless steel is the "cleanest" for taste) and don't buy bottled water. No big. We have large refillable water bottles and a cold water dispenser and it works great for us because we don't care for our tap water and it costs way less than buying bottled waters (we do buy a lot of bottled water for family gatherings as it is easy to transport in large quantities).

    No matter how much water I drink, I battle dehyrdation daily. I have to go to the ER to replenish fluids at least once a summer, sometimes more. If you don't drink water it wreaks havoc on your body. Caffeine is a DEhydrater, so please watch your caffeine intake. Basically, if it has caffeine in it is really not rehydrating you. Watermelon and pineapple are my two go to sources (besides water) to rehydrate quickly. Dehydration is a miserable experience, and when you get to the point of needing fluids it is really horrid. I get tremendous headaches, very weak, and highly confused. Typically this happens when I'm sick, or when I get too hot and can't drink enough water.

    Someone else said that pale yellow urine is your indicator of hydration. This is very true. The goal is almost clear. The lighter the urine the more hydrated you are.

    Someone else said that water is not a "magic elixer", I have to beg to differ. Water is the lifeblood of our bodies. We are made up of mostly water. Water lubricates our joints, keeps our organs working properly - including the brain, flushes toxins, and can even make you feel fuller faster by filling up your stomach. Water can even keep you from having a hangover while drinking alcohol (hangover is dehydration as alcohol is a DEhydrator). And best of all... you already pay for it, it comes straight out of the tap. When you pay your water bill so you can bathe, wash dishes, or water your garden... you can water your body as well. Nothing extra needed.
    Water is not a magic elixir. Any fluid you drink, and all food you eat contains water, that your body is more than capable of extracting for hydration purposes.

    As for caffeine, you need extremely high doses in order for caffeine to dehydrate. To put it terms of soda (just for an easy visual) you would need to consume an entire 12 pack of soda at once in order to consume enough caffeine to actually have any kind of dehydrating effect. Of course, consuming an entire 12 pack of soda would also mean you've consumed over a gallon of water (12 oz * 12 cans = 144 oz, 1 gallon = 128 oz,) which more than makes up for any potential dehydrating effect. Couple that with the fact that regular caffeine consumption make a person immune to the diuretic effect of caffeine, and that blows the "caffeine dehydrates" myth out of the water. That's probably why controlled studies have all shown that caffeinated beverages hydrate just as well as water.

    Could you please provide your source information. Thanks.
  • sunnyday789
    sunnyday789 Posts: 309 Member
    I love water, but I can't drink it room temperature or hot, it has to be ICE cold. I will drink it tepid if I HAVE to, but I don't care for it. I also don't like ice water in styrofoam cups. Bleh.

    Get a pretty cup, fill it with ice, and enjoy a nice glass of ice water on a hot day. A shot of lemon, or some frozen berries isn't going to hurt you, in fact it adds just enough flavor to make it interesting. Ice tea is good - UNsweetened, but the caffeine is not, so still drink water. I have some crystal tea glasses that make me feel special drinking out of them, sometimes that helps.

    Someone said that the need for water is perpetuated by the bottled water company and that is not truthful. Bottled water is no better for you than tap water, its just more convenient. Get a refillable water bottle (stainless steel is the "cleanest" for taste) and don't buy bottled water. No big. We have large refillable water bottles and a cold water dispenser and it works great for us because we don't care for our tap water and it costs way less than buying bottled waters (we do buy a lot of bottled water for family gatherings as it is easy to transport in large quantities).

    No matter how much water I drink, I battle dehyrdation daily. I have to go to the ER to replenish fluids at least once a summer, sometimes more. If you don't drink water it wreaks havoc on your body. Caffeine is a DEhydrater, so please watch your caffeine intake. Basically, if it has caffeine in it is really not rehydrating you. Watermelon and pineapple are my two go to sources (besides water) to rehydrate quickly. Dehydration is a miserable experience, and when you get to the point of needing fluids it is really horrid. I get tremendous headaches, very weak, and highly confused. Typically this happens when I'm sick, or when I get too hot and can't drink enough water.

    Someone else said that pale yellow urine is your indicator of hydration. This is very true. The goal is almost clear. The lighter the urine the more hydrated you are.

    Someone else said that water is not a "magic elixer", I have to beg to differ. Water is the lifeblood of our bodies. We are made up of mostly water. Water lubricates our joints, keeps our organs working properly - including the brain, flushes toxins, and can even make you feel fuller faster by filling up your stomach. Water can even keep you from having a hangover while drinking alcohol (hangover is dehydration as alcohol is a DEhydrator). And best of all... you already pay for it, it comes straight out of the tap. When you pay your water bill so you can bathe, wash dishes, or water your garden... you can water your body as well. Nothing extra needed.
    Water is not a magic elixir. Any fluid you drink, and all food you eat contains water, that your body is more than capable of extracting for hydration purposes.

    As for caffeine, you need extremely high doses in order for caffeine to dehydrate. To put it terms of soda (just for an easy visual) you would need to consume an entire 12 pack of soda at once in order to consume enough caffeine to actually have any kind of dehydrating effect. Of course, consuming an entire 12 pack of soda would also mean you've consumed over a gallon of water (12 oz * 12 cans = 144 oz, 1 gallon = 128 oz,) which more than makes up for any potential dehydrating effect. Couple that with the fact that regular caffeine consumption make a person immune to the diuretic effect of caffeine, and that blows the "caffeine dehydrates" myth out of the water. That's probably why controlled studies have all shown that caffeinated beverages hydrate just as well as water.

    Could you please provide your source information. Thanks.
    ]Not sure if these are this poster's reference, but here is something from another MFP member oft posted:

    As for tea/coffee being a diuretic, so many people just spout that word as a reason, without actually understanding what "diuretic" means.

    di·u·ret·ic (d-rtk)
    Tending to increase the discharge of urine.
    A substance or drug that tends to increase the discharge of urine.

    Neat water is also a diuretic. The diuretic effect of caffeine is far, far outweighed by the actual water in the tea/coffee. Also, regular consumers of caffeinated beverages will build up a tolerance to said effect, eventually reaching the point where caffeinated drinks provide practically the same amount of hydration as a cup of neat water will.









  • capricorn0120
    capricorn0120 Posts: 109 Member
    I don't like water either. I only drink plain water when I exercise because that's the only time I really want water otherwise I feel dehydrated. I use the Nestea citrus tea sachets in a bottle of water. Tastes great. It's the only way I can drink water. There are others but the Nestea is made with Sucralose and not aspartame. 5 calories per sachet.
  • vance2804ibr
    vance2804ibr Posts: 11 Member
    You must be talking about XS blast. It's an energy drink. It works well because its got 1200% of your daily intake of B12. Since b12 is water soluble the more the better.

    I've been drinking water but if you want vitamins you can try xs blast or twist tubes. Contact me if you want more info.
  • Robin_Bin
    Robin_Bin Posts: 1,046 Member
    This topic comes up regularly. Saved a bunch of ideas on my blog - see http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/Robin_Bin/view/water-265761
  • I've found that carrying a bottle of water with you everywhere all day helps your water intake. Drinking it fast doesn't do much for you but if you take small sips every couple of minutes your body will use it all up. Also before you know it you will be on your third bottle of water =)
  • KrisyKat
    KrisyKat Posts: 740 Member
  • EricNCSU
    EricNCSU Posts: 699 Member
    Drink water.
  • aproc
    aproc Posts: 1,033 Member
    You just have to get over it and drink it.. I used to be the same way and after so long of just doing it, now all I drink is water and I like it. I used to just chug it really fast to get a cup in at different times throughout the day.
  • JessicaMurch5515
    JessicaMurch5515 Posts: 150 Member
    I make it a goal at work to refill my water bottle at the top of every hour. When I first started I used Crystal Lites a lot, and now I find I actually like plain water. It just takes some getting used to, once you get into the habit.