Am I Too Fat to Be Here?



  • mdsjmom98
    mdsjmom98 Posts: 333 Member
    Welcome!! You are NOT too fat to be here!! We are all here for a common goal, and that is to get healthier. I hope you will find plenty of support here, people that will lift you up when you struggle, and cheer you on when you succeed. Feel free to add me as a friend! Best of luck!!
  • Sweetie, when I first started trying to lose weight, I was 375 pounds, at 23 years old. When I was a teenager, I used to walk around the neighborhood for an hour or more to clear my head. When I was 23, I couldn't walk for more than 20 minutes without feeling exhausted. Now I'm down to 351 pounds, and I can walk for half an hour. My point is that I was very close to where you are, and this site has helped me. It's not easy, and it sometimes takes a frustratingly long time to see results. But it's real, and it CAN help you get healthier. The most important piece of advice I can give you is to be 110% honest with yourself; log EVERY SINGLE THING that you eat. Your first week I would recommend eating normally as you do, but log everything to really see how much you are eating. That was a huge wake up call for me. Then try and lower your portions, but DO NOT go hungry. When you are constantly hungry, it won't last.

    Please feel free to add me, I'm in this for the long haul too, and it always helps to have someone to help keep you motivated :) Above all, know that I believe in you, and that you CAN do this!

  • jms3533
    jms3533 Posts: 316 Member
    This site is wonderful. The easy diary tracking is saving me. So many supportive fire ds as well. I would enjoy being your MFP friend and supporting you.
  • jesswhi1
    jesswhi1 Posts: 2
    hey chik you are soooo not too fat you are in the right place good luck chik with everything
  • We are all here for support to loose and even if you have a bad day you just begin the next again. No one is ever to fat to be here. We are all in it together.... I love it.. and I am new at this to. add me if you would like. Have a great day and keep smiling.
  • wooze63
    wooze63 Posts: 32 Member
    You are not to fat to be here!!!!!!! Just start wlking a block, then two , then three, take your kids with you too! It will be a family bonding walk.
    I know you can do it, just keep logging and one day at a time!
  • connie_messina
    connie_messina Posts: 495 Member
    200 or 300 or 400 were all in the same boat and have the same challenges !! i have found so much support and inspiration here and so will you!!! its time to get healthy!! :)
  • bekkaL85
    bekkaL85 Posts: 133 Member

    My weight is at the highest it's ever been, right around 400 pounds. Jeez, it's even hard to type that :(
    I imagine people all over internet-land snickering and thinking "At least I'm not like HER!" Hopefully that's not the case here and I can meet some supportive people here. I've got my fingers crossed that just maybe I might talk to some folks who face some of the same challenges I do.

    if it makes you feel any better I started out at 412.8 and I'm only 5'9. So, there ya go. Proof that you are not the fattest person who ever lived. Sadly, this is also proof that you can do it if you put your mind to it. I was at 412 a year and a half ago and now I've lost 113. I live in Missouri too, and didn't have a job until recently. kids. And I have arthritis in my back, so when you speak of me when I say that I get it.
    If you wanted it is.
    Start small. Just get control over your eating. And be honest. Everything that you eat, you write down or enter into the computer, or whatever you are doing. If you're not gonna get anywhere. On exercise, start small again. All I did for a year was walk. Just around the block at first...then walking more after 2 weeks, then more after 2 more weeks. Before you know it you are walking around without being winded.
    And the friends you get one here? Make sure that they are supportive and NOT counter-productive. Some people on here aren't able to help you or themselves. Find people who are willing to tell you to stop eating and get active. Who are sympathetic without being patronizing.
    You aren't gonna like it at first. You are gonna be *****y and crabby and annoying and bossy, and tired. BUT, you will also see progress. Just remember, you didn't put it on in one sure as Hades isn't gonna come off in one day!
  • Flygirl214
    Flygirl214 Posts: 33 Member
    There is no "too fat". You are in a great place to make friends who will encourage and support you through your weight loss and cheer you on as you take on a healthier lifestyle. I will add you as my friend.:happy:
  • livi102201
    livi102201 Posts: 21
    no dont even think that girl you'll eventily look like a super model
  • virg37
    virg37 Posts: 2
    You are most certainly not! When I started here, i was at 488. I'm at 453.6 now. My highest weight was 509. Feel free to add me as a friend. We can support each other!!
  • SuffolkSally
    SuffolkSally Posts: 964 Member
    Gosh - up to 194 "friends" now - anyone else see anything slightly wrong in this picture?
  • jesswhi1
    jesswhi1 Posts: 2
    hey guys i am a 27 year old mum of three and have weight issues since i was a young girl after the death of my mother i have finished having my children so have now decided to finally loose weight any ideas how to get it off easier
  • Hey Maria, Keep at it! I wanted to share this video with you. Arthur is a teacher at our local high school and a yoga instructor at my gym. He is super inspiring. I hope you feel the same way.

    All the best,

  • heidikat72
    heidikat72 Posts: 42 Member
    wanna know the great thing abou this site? NO ONE is too fat or too thin for this site to be helpful. I'm 39 and joined in january at a starting weight of 400lbs. Just being able to see how what i eat adds up and being able to use the site to help me plan my meals is a tremendous help. Having a few new friends on here from all over the world going through the same journey is incredible. And being able to read some of the success stories on the day when i'm feeling like down and wondering if i can do this has saved me some days. Feel free to add me.
  • nitepagan
    nitepagan Posts: 205 Member
    You have a choice, lose the weight or die. The choice is yours to make. Choose wisely.
  • tidmutt
    tidmutt Posts: 317
    Don't be afraid of all the people with pictures in their profile of them sporting 6 packs, wearing bikinis etc. Those nearly scared me off too. Wondered if this was a site for triathletes and fitness nuts. Turns out the majority of people on here are struggling with weight loss like you (and me). There are plenty of 100 lb + lost examples as well. Some amazing transformations that I draw inspiration from all the time. It can be done. I spent 8 months using a different site (that cost money) and I moved over to this site. Great people, very active forums, large food database.
  • mamabosha
    mamabosha Posts: 22
    I can so relate to you. I am 46 with a 17 yr old son and a 14 yr old daughter. I also weight over 400 lbs. The pain and struggles doing the simple things are something I deal with as well. I also understand the fear off being judged. Add me if you would like. It would be great to have someone who understands.
  • Young28
    Young28 Posts: 57 Member
    Hello Maria, no such thing as too fat to make a change. Glad that you decided to make the first step to a more healthy you. We can be friends.
  • ribena1958
    ribena1958 Posts: 152
    I'm not s******ing, I'm not even smiling, because I KNOW you can do it. I have battled my weight for years and years, and now at my age, its the time to do it, I've taken 2 yrs to get this far and still have 7 stone to loose, so, befriend me, we can do it together