Am I Too Fat to Be Here?



  • DebbieLOL
    DebbieLOL Posts: 71 Member
    Welcome Maria! You're taking the first important steps, so be proud of yourself for that. You'll love MFP, the tools are great and the community support is phenomenal. Feel free to friend me if you want, I love to cheer people on. We're all in this together! :-)
  • Droope2
    Droope2 Posts: 82
    Please don't ever think you are too fat to be here! I am a single mom of 4 kids, trust me I understand the challenges and here is the place to start and be, welcome!!!
  • naddie7
    naddie7 Posts: 11
    No one is too fat to be on here!! This is such a great site to receive great encouragement and support! If people are going to judge you, then clearly they are not here to support you.
  • chandra73
    chandra73 Posts: 1
    Maria, if you are interested we can keep taps on each other and give advice. We can support each other. Chan
  • bethb03
    bethb03 Posts: 96
    As I'm replying there is 15 pages of support for you already, isn't that amazing?!! As everyone has said you are in the right place so hang in there. As you can see I've got a long way to go too girlie! :) Also a Missourian :happy:
  • borpy
    borpy Posts: 38
    hey, it's awesome that you're here! I just started a month ago and i have well over 150 lbs to lose but this is a great place and it really works. I know for me it took a month to get the hang of things and to change my eating in a way that i could maintain but it's worth it. today I went swimming for the first time in years, I'm no where near my goal weight but the confidence and support i've gotten from this site have made such a difference. feel free to add me as a friend if you'd like, the friends I have on mfp have been so great so feel free to add them too :D
  • ReinasWrath
    ReinasWrath Posts: 1,173 Member
    no no no!! never say that about yourself!! Be ready for some change :flowerforyou: you can do this!!
  • Cyndi62
    Cyndi62 Posts: 106 Member
    Hi Maria
    Feel free to add me as a friend too. I'd love to help cheer your progress along!:flowerforyou: Yay! Maria!
  • Lovely135
    Lovely135 Posts: 161
    you can do it. You and I are on a mission. Just stick to your calorie goal and exercise. I am adding you.
  • loudtisa
    loudtisa Posts: 2
    You're not 'too fat' for anything! As the saying goes: a journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step. Stick with it, we'll all be here with you.
  • agrzybow
    agrzybow Posts: 38 Member
    On the contrary, you are a hero for being here! Many people don't even try. And here you are, ready to go! That is awesome, and you will meet many people to encourage you on your journey.
  • RedefiningMe
    RedefiningMe Posts: 44 Member
    You have to commit with your mind and your body will follow

    So true! I personally started about a week ago and was doing great until the weekend and various factors created bad food days and no structured exercise. I felt very embarrassed about my food diary (even though it is currently private), but forced myself to enter anyway. I went around today (Monday) saying, "When you want to redefine yourself, you have to want it more than you want anything else and right now I seem to want other things more based on my eating these past 3 days!" :ohwell:

    the fact that the OP is here means she wants it bad enough, and that makes your starting weight irrelevant as you have taken a stand to make a change!

    Even with my past 3 day slip up, I know this is the right place for me, so welcome and here's wishing everyone eventually gets to their goals on this site!
  • michebo67
    michebo67 Posts: 17 Member

    I am in the UK and have tried various clubs and meetings, but always felt embarassed because everyone there was 'thin'. I joined this site last week and have had such great support from people of all shapes ans sizes with no judgement at all. I lost 6lbs in my first week and feel great! I have lots of weight to lose, but feel so well supported and hope this will keep me going!

    You have made the first big step - logging on and typing in those first difficult words so it can only get easier!

    Feel free to add me as a friend and good luck

    Michelle xx
  • thewomaniknowinside
    You know Sweetie, I kind of think that whether its 10 pounds or 200 pounds, we are all in the same boat. We all feel insecure in our bodies and we all have decided we needed to change that. We want to believe the compliments we are given by our loved ones. We all wish we could smile when we looked in the mirror instead of studying our flaws. I am in pain 24/7, muscular and nerve everywhere in my body from the illnesses I face. Because of this I so completely understand where you are at when it comes to exercise. Anything you need just give me a holler. We can bust our way through the pain together.
  • OohEhmGee
    OohEhmGee Posts: 2
    The important thing is that you want to make a change and are doing everything you can to make that change! Look at me for example I started at 615 lbs! I have made some progress so far, 84 lbs, but I have a long way to go still!
  • johicks
    johicks Posts: 1,991 Member
    There is no one too fat to lose weight. The only people who shouldn't be here are those who say they want to lose weight and continue to do nothing about it besides ***** and moan.

    At my highest, I was 308lbs. When I joined MFP I was 298. Over the last 5 months I have lost 62 lbs and, let me tell you, if I would have known it could be so easy to do so quickly with nothing other than an *kitten* load of determination, I would have been thin when I was 18 years old instead of working on it now at 25.

    Love the ticker!! Keep up the determination!!
  • mogletdeluxe
    mogletdeluxe Posts: 623 Member
    Joining MFP may be the best thing you ever do - welcome. We all have to start somewhere, and you could do a lot worse than this. Congratulations on the first step x
    TAMMYCLARK62 Posts: 102
    Welcome to MFP....add me as a friend if you like....the support on this site is amazing...we all help each other so much...good luck with your journey and be proud of yourself for taking this will not regret it
  • johicks
    johicks Posts: 1,991 Member
    I understand the pain, even at 226 my knees and back aches. That's part of my motivation to get this weight off. And no one her will judge you; rather we understand!! I like the suggestion of water aerobics.

    I'd try to focus on one thing at a time... weekly goals. Like ..
    Week 1- journal food intake everday.
    Week 2- increase water intake
    Week 3- Review journal to decide where to make cuts of types of foods or increase vegetables or protein.
    Week 4- Do siimple in-home workouts. ........ While doing the dishes you could do march in place or move side-to-side. Make extra trips while putting the clothes away from the dryer. Do things in your home that take extra time to do, just by moving more. Start out small and work up to more as you progress. Unlike quite a few of us, you have the luxury of time. So take your time and move a little more through out the day. Don't push yourself to be in more pain; just try moving a little more.

    And GOOD FOR YOU for taking the first step and joining MFP!! That's a great start!!

    Be determined!! You can do it! Make goals for yourself that aren't related to weight-loss, but rather towards changing your habits. :D
  • Flissbo
    Flissbo Posts: 302 Member
    welcome along - well done for taking the first (and the hardest) step!

    You can do amazing things - feel free to add me :-)