Anyone over 300lbs but MOTIVATED?



  • Jalmeida11
    Jalmeida11 Posts: 15
    Started at 305 lbs., could always use more friends... Good Luck!!!
  • I weigh 310 and I'm looking for friends around my same weight too! I'll request you :)
  • resafabulous
    resafabulous Posts: 3 Member
    Hey I've lost nine so far and I'm at 301.5... I'd love to make new friends and motivation partners!

  • I fit this category and could use encouragement as well! I am new to this website but would love friends who are in the same boat as I am!
  • ribena1958
    ribena1958 Posts: 152
    anyone can add me, I willing to help, and we can help each other :)
  • lindasknight
    lindasknight Posts: 12 Member
    Please add me, I just started on here a few days ago and I am 298.4. I am ready to get rid of this stuff:)
  • I had the app a while ago, and now I am just starting to get serious. I'm at 290. Could always use the extra motivation.
  • ladyt314
    ladyt314 Posts: 28
    You can ADD me im DEFINTELY on a mission as of 3-1 i was 347 now im 325 and is planning to loose the 25 before the end of the month lets MOTIVATE one another
  • misscristie
    misscristie Posts: 643 Member
    I was 340 when I started - Just wanted to say all of you can do this!! When you start to waver, just pick yourself up, dust yourself off and keep going. You can do more than you think :) Good luck to all of you!
  • sandra80
    sandra80 Posts: 308 Member
    i weighed 370 at my highest and i was very motivated....down 191 thus far with 29 more to go.
  • crimsontech
    crimsontech Posts: 234 Member
    Started December 1st, 2011 at 345 lbs. Now down to 294.5. Always looking for those in a similar weight range for motivation, gave and received!
  • I'm 318...plz add me :happy:
  • lisaishotpink
    lisaishotpink Posts: 124
    I started my weight loss journey at 301lbs on January 17th of this year, and I'm down to 265 as of this morning. I workout 6 days a week and am motivated to be around for my son's life, and getting out of plus size clothes isn't ever a bad thing! =)
  • Aikay75
    Aikay75 Posts: 3
    Hi there! I was 315 when I first started.....good for you for being motivated, it's so hard unless you are in the right frame of mind. You can do whatever you set your mind to, good luck with your journey. One little tip I would give you to get you going......don't forget to include treats in your eating plan, and if you fancy something, have it, but in moderation. And then don't feel guilty about it! That way, you don't feel like it's hard at all or that you are on a 'diet'. It's normal life to have dinners out occasionally, or birthday cake or whatever, the only thing to focus on is moderation, and giving yourself the power to make a healthy choice :) xx
  • misscristie
    misscristie Posts: 643 Member
    I was 340 when i started losing. And now I'm 226! :)

    Me too!! On both counts! :)
  • MissJah3
    MissJah3 Posts: 2
    Hi. I'am super motivated, and I find the more people I engage with that are doing the same things I am doing the more motivated I stay.
  • allifantastical
    allifantastical Posts: 946 Member
    I am 330 lbs right now. I am always looking for new people to keep me motivated and motivate others!! :)
  • Jack3r
    Jack3r Posts: 96
    Heyyy, I started at 331lb February 7'th, joined MFP a month after or so, down to 284 now!
    You can do it!
  • crodrigu73
    crodrigu73 Posts: 134 Member
    Add me too! I have been struggling but I am motivated. I have twins that are currently 3 1/2 and I promised them that I would be 232 by the time they start kindergarden. I have about two years to get it done but I need to be a living example for them and I have not been doing the best.

    Highest weight: 401
    Current weight: 310
    Starting MFP: 341.6
  • MissJah3
    MissJah3 Posts: 2
    Yesssss! Thats the kind of motivation I need.