Anyone over 300lbs but MOTIVATED?



  • MissRebeccaT
    MissRebeccaT Posts: 1 Member
    I'm almost out of the 300's! My highest weight ever was 360lbs back in the summer of 2011, and boy did I ever do a 360! I was using livestrong's app for tracking, but i find i like fitpal better after a recommendation from a friend to join in April.
    A group of us do a 12 week biggest loser style competition to keep us accountable, and now in my 3rd round of competition I'm at 302 pounds. I do cardio workouts (treadmill mostly) 6-7 days a week and am starting weight /resistance training this week.
    I'll redo my goal once i hit 250, but eventually I'd like to be under 200lbs.

    Anyone can add me!
  • mr_rat
    mr_rat Posts: 35 Member
    I"m at 336 lbs right now, I'm ex military and have gained a ton of weight since i been out. I'm pretty motivated, I have a wedding in 1 year and I was get to 250lbs for that.
  • steflbrown
    steflbrown Posts: 168
    I was at 312lbs when I started. I lost 38lbs so far (so now I'm under 300). Feel free to add me though.
  • lvokins
    lvokins Posts: 14
    Just started at 309.2 on May 1st. We can do it!!!
  • saragato
    saragato Posts: 1,154
    Started here at 354lbs and currently just a little below 308lbs. My goal is 180 which is big for my height still ( 5'2" ) but it's a lot more realistic to me right now than, say, 130 or something. Plus who knows what I'll look like then? I may look just fine. Right now I'll just be happy for the day I see a 2 in front of the other numbers again. Baby steps.
  • Diary_Queen
    Diary_Queen Posts: 1,314 Member
    I started working on my weight and health at 327 lbs. Please feel free to FR me anytime or PM me and we can chat :)
  • DeanDMac
    DeanDMac Posts: 8 Member
    I was at 322 in December and kind of malingered into this effort slowly, but soon gained some speed as I saw things beginning to work for me and am finding it easier to eat better and exercise more as I see the results. I would love to have more pals on MFP. Although I am now easing out of the range you requested, I started there recently and can really relate after carrying that weight for 15-20 years (not even sure, this was not something I ever wanted to think about as I felt I had no control having been heavy all my life - I was a husky jeans kid - :wink: ).
  • fishejh
    fishejh Posts: 5 Member
    I was 335 in November and now am 274. After being turned down by two life insurance companies I thought it is time to do something about this. It is hard work but good work, good feeling work. Keep it up everyone, I would totally be open to you guys adding me. Honestly this journey has been 3 big helps to it. 1. Myfitness pal (moderation in what I eat), 2. Zumba 3x's a week, 3. Body Pump 3x's a week. Keep up the good work everyone!
  • Sauchie
    Sauchie Posts: 357 Member
    Good Luck, I started @ 324 pounds 15 months ago. And I am down to 227. (I gained 20 pounds over the past few months damn stress)
  • ribena1958
    ribena1958 Posts: 152
    Well done everybody on here :)
  • 21/ F/ PA. I'm currently at 336 and looking to lose over 150 pounds! We can do this!
  • terrirz
    terrirz Posts: 53
    I started at 318 in feb and Im down 31 pounds..would love to add more people to my friends list that need to loose as much as weight as I do!! We can do this together!!..:)
  • allyssasmommy8
    allyssasmommy8 Posts: 12 Member
    I'm currently 317
  • darls25
    darls25 Posts: 151 Member
    I am 316 right now :) Add me if you want (anyone) I can always use some motivation and have some to give always :)
  • Esme_32
    Esme_32 Posts: 14
    Started at 291 currently at 270 =] added you
  • Hii Well i was 310 week ago but can't and won't weigh myself until my 30 day shred is up. Just started :-)

    Feel free to add me whomever reads this and tell me why please. :D
  • LadyEresh
    LadyEresh Posts: 1
    yuup 298 atm, I had been kinda trying before I joined like 7 days ago and had lost 6 lbs so I'm down from like 303 so if anyone wants to add me, that's cool
  • ram1960
    ram1960 Posts: 10 Member
    Started at 352 with my fitness pal and am now at 322 and working hard toward my goal of 250.My high was 372 and that was motivation enough to start to do something! first Weight watchers, but I stalled at 350 and didn't like the new point system. Then found this great app. now I feel i can do it.
  • mariamarchita
    mariamarchita Posts: 131
    I'm closer to 400 but becoming more and more motivated the more I read here at MFP :)
  • tuck1jl
    tuck1jl Posts: 55 Member
    I was 414lbs 2 years ago & now I'm 337...long ways to go still. Add me:):wink: