Starvation Mode



  • cbcw1964
    cbcw1964 Posts: 46
    love the post!
  • Ironphoenix
    Ironphoenix Posts: 36
    I'm with you on this one. I'm a pt with nutritional training. Starvation mode does exist and ultimately everybody needs to remember that we need to be healthy! Not just lean. If you eat more and exercise more you will burn more fat and retain lean muscle. Lean muscle means you burn more calories! Tried and tested and works everytime.
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    Before you can "listen to your body", you have to get your hormones working properly, because hormones are what cause hunger pangs and satiation sensations. If you've been underfeeding, then it is highly likely that they are NOT working properly. Google leptin, ghrelin, insulin, and metabolic hormones.

    Starvation "mode" does not mean actual starvation (ie: people in third world countries or anorexics). It means a slow down of the metabolic functions. This is not always obvious at first. I can tell when my metabolism slows down because I have less energy, my hair starts to fall out, I'm no longer hungry...ever, I get cranky and my mental clarity gets fuzzy. This is a big fat sign that I need to eat at maintenance for a week or two and get my hormones back in balance.

    1200 calories is not a magic number. It's a number that was decided by the WHO (World Health Organisation) as the minimum needed by the average woman, in order to prevent malnutrition. Smaller people may less, older people may need less, men need more, more active people need more. The reason it is used on this site is because there needs to be some threshhold used when warning people not to eat too little.

    Also, I make my own pizza dough from scratch and use all organic ingredients in my pizzas. They are not nutrient deficient and are a lovely treat now and then. I do not consider my pizza as "junk" any more than spaghetti with mushroom sauce (same basic ingredients, sheesh). :grumble:

    Food is fuel, it keeps us functioning. Without adequate fuel, we sputter and things start to break down. There is no reason to, enjoy, and treat your body well. It has to serve you for the rest of your life.

    I don't eat pasta either, another food product that is highly processed with little nutritional value unless it has been fortified with nutrients.

    I eat NO grains at all.
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    Ah the great debate - starvation mode EXISTS!!! starvation mode DOESN'T EXIST!!!!

    Here's my thought - why does it have to be one way or the other. Everybody is right. In certain circumstances when the body is in a severe calorie deficit for too f*cks up your metabolism and stalls your weight loss progress. If you continue down that path well will eventually start losing weight again and begin to look like a starving refugee from a third world. Not a healthy sustainable weight loss plan.

    In other circumstances, especially on this board, 'starvation mode' theory is thrown about much too easily and frequently. did not go into starvation mode because you ate under calories for a couple of takes A LOT more than that.

    Bottom line if you are wondering if your in 'starvation mode' then you are probably not following a healthy sustainable diet plan. If you goal is to be skinny flabby and unhealthy....proceed. If your goal is to develop a healthy lifestyle then stop. and eat.
  • DCpaleochick
    DCpaleochick Posts: 211 Member
    Options head hurts with all this starvation mode talk.... I say just do what works for you or have been working for you....this is what makes us different...what works for one doesn't work for another...simple and plain.
  • hanna6774
    hanna6774 Posts: 225

    A simple way to get this to stop, is to say "inexperienced people please stop posting on this thread."

    Oh stop being so silly....didn't you know, that if you have been on here for as little as two months, yet have hundreds of posts and have apparently lost lots and lots of weight quickly, no matter how, that you are an expert??!!!!! Bahahaha! Time to grab some popcorn before "this thread" gets locked down yet again:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    I would much rather have a slower metabolic rate and eat less, but eat very high nutrient based foods than eating a high calorie, low nutrient based way of eating, which those of you that have the "I eat what I want" mindset, you are eating a very low nutrient based diet.

    I have intentionally slowed down my metabolic rate through my eating and intend to keep it this way. This DOES NOT make me anorexic or anything of the sort. This makes me be a person that is very hyper-aware of how and what I eat.
    Do we have any control over our resting metabolic rate? How can we slow it down?
    Resting metabolic rate is largely genetically determined, but our calorie intake has an effect as well.8 Caloric restriction and negative energy balance have been shown to reduce resting metabolic rate, and in contrast overeating increases resting metabolic rate. 9,10 Furthermore, caloric restriction has been consistently shown to prolong maximal lifespan by up to 60% in animals.11 My findings have demonstrated that an optimal micronutrient intake reduces the desire for calories and reduces body temperature and white blood cell counts. This means that if follow a high-nutrient eating style that reduces calorie intake while meeting micronutrient demands, we can reduce our resting metabolic rate and potentially increase our longevity potential dramatically.

    Keep in mind that although exercise raises total calorie expenditure, it does not raise the body's basal metabolism. Exercise is the only safe way to "raise metabolism" because it activates the peripheral tissues to utilize more calories and also increases muscle mass which in turn increases total calorie expenditure.12 Plus, exercise promotes longevity.13

    The goal here is to eat so healthy that it reduces your desire to overeat and reduces your metabolism slowly, so you can comfortably desire less food, though not get too thin. My nutritarian recommendations actually makes you more satisfied with less food, and actually gives the ability to enjoy food more without overeating.

    What an incredibly fallacious mindset. Just because you eat what you want doesn't mean it's low on nutrients. Im happy that I CAN eat ice cream, cheesecake, pizza, or even candy without flipping out. Does that mean it constitutes the majority of my diet?? Absolutely not. It's called moderation. This isn't black and white as you present it.

    When it comes to oxidation at the cellular level and nutrients, yes, it is very black and white.

    I don't need moderation. I need nutrients and that is what I focus on.

    And let's face it, the research is starting to come out about how unhealthy corn, wheat and soy really are and that makes the foods that are MADE with these products also unhealthy.

    So unless you are eating cauliflower crust pizza, pizza is unhealthy due to the low (no) nutrient content in the crust alone.

    So what, I can get my mucronutrients from the 1600 other calories I eat in the day. I can 'afford' to waste those couple hundred.

    You do what you want to do.

    I don't eat if I am not hungry because someone says I need a certain QUANTITY of food. I eat if I am hungry, don't eat if I am not.

    Some days I eat around 700-800 calories and other days I eat way more. It averages out to around 1,000-1,100 and I am happy with that.
    My condolences.
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member

    I don't eat pasta either, another food product that is highly processed with little nutritional value unless it has been fortified with nutrients.

    I eat NO grains at all.

    bummer. pasta is delicious. have you tried these?

  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    pasta is like dead flesh. Hate the stuff.
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    That doesn't even look appetizing. Gross, just gross.

    See why the obesity epidemic is steadily on the rise and increase? These companies and their marketing never cease to amaze me with their unhealthy marketing.

    I don't eat pasta either, another food product that is highly processed with little nutritional value unless it has been fortified with nutrients.

    I eat NO grains at all.

    bummer. pasta is delicious. have you tried these?

  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    pasta is like dead flesh. Hate the stuff.

    I have no idea why people even like bread and pasta. I have never been big on either one.

    Tasteless grains that are mere carriers for the foods that hold the real flavor.
  • ZoeLifts
    ZoeLifts Posts: 10,347 Member
    I think that all of the beautiful, wonderful ladies on here that have struggled with ED and are recovering are true experts in this field. I can't believe that their testimonies wouldn't strike home in this area and I hope that if anyone is struggling, they will recognize the path they might be heading on the more they reduce their calories to dangerous levels by reading what is being shared by those that have been there.
  • RiannonC
    RiannonC Posts: 145 Member
    I am sure most people would agree that it's important to eat enough to support basic metabolic function. What many are getting all worked up about is what that number should be. Some people are really hung up on getting the amount MFP recommends. The problem is, they recommend a number of calories for you based on your height, weight, gender, and exercise alone. There is a HUGE range of metabolisms for people of the same height and weight, and therefore you can't blindly follow their guidelines. They give you a certain number of calories based on the exercise you do, but guess what? Not everyone expends the same number of calories doing the same exercise. Some people exercise more efficiently and don't need as many extra calories as they recommend. It all depends on your body, and therefore you do in fact have to pay attention to how you feel, and not just to the number. I maintain a healthy BMI and 16 percent body fat at 12-1600 calories a day (5'3 woman). I have experimented and I know for a fact that I gain weight and feel lethargic if I up my calories to the 1800-2000 they recommend for me on days when I exercise. I would rather continue feeling energetic and healthy, even if my intake doesn't exactly match their calorie calculators. I have been eating like this for years now and no, my hair is not falling out either. If this is the so called starvation mode, I'll take it.
  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    Here I wrote the physiological effects of a low calorie diet.

    ps never seen someone with an ED who has a 6 pack.

    Seriously. I sure as hell didn't have one. Skinny yes. Muscles no.
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    Plus, it's rare that someone who is underfeeding is able to maintain it for long enough to lose all the weight they need to lose. Often, they give in to cravings and binge....resulting in shame and possibly, purging. Or, they give up because the dificulty of maintaining a VLCD is too much to handle. So they go back to eating normally and put all the weight (plus some) back on.

    Note: I am referring to people who are NOT under a physician's care. Medically supervised diets are being controlled and monitored to ensure minimal harm to one's body.
  • ZoeLifts
    ZoeLifts Posts: 10,347 Member
    I just go with what my body tells me. If I'm hungry I eat and if I'm not then I don't make myself eat. If you are not feeling hungry then I doubt you'll be in "starvation mode". Also everybodys metabolism is different so if eating under 1200 works for you and you're losing weight then I don't see any problems. I f you hit a plateau or start suffering ill effects then maybe up the intake. People on here are so hardcore about starvation mode. Anyways bottom line just do what works for you and as always good luck on your weight loss journey:smile:

    This is really the best solution. People need to listen to their bodies more often. I've noticed that most of the people who are outspoken against eating 1200 calories a day are men, for whom 1200 calories would almost certainly be too little. But for many women, it is a perfectly acceptable amount of calories that leaves us feeling satisfied. You have to listen to your own body, and if you're feeling low energy and run down you could very well be eating too few calories. If you're feeling great and energetic, and maintaining or moving towards a healthy weight, the number of calories you are eating is working for you whether it is 1200 or 2200. Don't try to cram everyone into the same cookie cutter.

    When people are saying that starvation mode is a myth, they probably mean the myth that if you eat too few calories you CAN'T lose weight. You most certainly can, but whether it is healthy is a different story. The idea that if you cut calories too drastically your body will not allow you to lose any weight is obviously false.

    I'm a woman, I believe in eating more than 1200 calories a day, so don't cram me in the same cookie cutter either. I've read through this entire thread, too, and there are a ton of ladies that are with me. There are forum groups that are all women that are eating more to weigh less, too.

    I ate only what MFP recommended last fall, 1200 (even though my BMR is 1500) and lost weight, and would have many days where I was not hungry so I listened to my body and only ate 600-700 that day. That lasted a short time before I stopped losing weight. I gave up and packed 10 lbs back on of the 15 I had lost when I began eating without regard to my limit again. Now, I would rather lose slow and steady, not deprive myself, eat good choices and have a lifestyle. I haven't lost lbs on the scale, but my clothes are already fitting looser and I know that I am working with a number I can handle and feel healthy about.

    *Edit to correct my stupid spelling :)
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    Are you slow? Perhaps your brain is in 'starvation mode' I am not "debating" anyone. Both of my responses were in answer to the original question and I would like to know how being in said supposed starvation mode is not an ED? If you're eating too few calories to the point that it's affecting the function of your body I would call that a "disorder" so yes if you're telling the girl she's starving herself then you are "insinuating" that her eating is disordered. As far as Goodwins Theory it is a theory not the ultimate word and perhaps makes it in to threads so often because people have such an attitude of think what i think or *kitten* off

    You seem stressed.
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    I wish they had come up with a term for metabolic slowdown that wasn't 'starvation mode'. That would've solved so many problems...
  • denisefortner
    Hi I was reading your post and congratulations on 85lbs! That is truly inspirational :) I have just started the 1200 calories a day and after one week I have lost 2 lbs. Not real happy with that but i am pleased I lost. I was wondering do you eat low carb? or does it matter so long as you keep it under 1200 a day?
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    Hi I was reading your post and congratulations on 85lbs! That is truly inspirational :) I have just started the 1200 calories a day and after one week I have lost 2 lbs. Not real happy with that but i am pleased I lost. I was wondering do you eat low carb? or does it matter so long as you keep it under 1200 a day?

    Just make sure to avoid bananas. I read on here that they can kill you.