Stupid things people say when they hear you're dieting



  • kateflourishes
    kateflourishes Posts: 257 Member

    "You're not gonna turn into (dad's anorexic girlfriend's name), are you?" (from everyone else)

    I get this from my hubby- You're not going to turn into (anorexic former best friend's name), are you?"
  • katejenkins1
    katejenkins1 Posts: 210 Member
    I literally just got called a food nazi, by a co-worker; In front of my daughter while she handed her a brownie the size of her head.

    because you told her that it wasnt ok to give your child that much brownie?

    Not just the brownie, she's been feeding her for the last 2 hours. Handing her things, jelly beans, Dove chocolate, chips, etc.... :grumble:
    (Daddy had a Dr. appointment, so she's in the office with me until it's over)
    I think she is under the impression that b/c I'm eating better, I must be depriving my children.
  • fordgal41
    fordgal41 Posts: 46 Member
    "If you lose anymore weight, your face will disappear."

    Yeah, like I have control on whether or not I lose weight in my face....

  • FloraSin
    FloraSin Posts: 188 Member
    "But I don't want to eat this large cheese pizza alone! I'll look like a fatass..."
    and in conjunction with that statement... "A large pizza is cheaper than a slice. It's ridiculous that I'd only get a slice."

    "But you're not fat."

    And Heaven forbid, when the coworker (or whoever - the one who complains about the extra weight they carry, but does nothing to change) finds out and tries to make you feel guilty about wanting to make better choices.
  • C_June
    C_June Posts: 48
    I literally just got called a food nazi, by a co-worker; In front of my daughter while she handed her a brownie the size of her head.

    because you told her that it wasnt ok to give your child that much brownie?

    Not just the brownie, she's been feeding her for the last 2 hours. Handing her things, jelly beans, Dove chocolate, chips, etc.... :grumble:
    (Daddy had a Dr. appointment, so she's in the office with me until it's over)
    I think she is under the impression that b/c I'm eating better, I must be depriving my children.

    you say, "excuse me, this is my child. you want yours to be morbidly obese, you can feed them like that. My child does not cram sweets down her gullet this way and I do not allow it and I am not going to allow you to do it either. if you give my child one more thing like that we are going to have issues. i dont tell you how to parent, it is not your place to try and tell me how to make sure my child is healthy."
  • Maryaly40
    Maryaly40 Posts: 551 Member
    your getting "awful skinny"......I never knew it was "awful" to be skinny. I can sure as sh$t tell you it was "awful" to be obese!!! I felt bad, I looked bad, and I had trouble breathing...oh and had difficulty tying my shoes........Yep! Feels pretty darn good to be "awful skinny"!
  • dbickel5
    dbickel5 Posts: 13
    "My Texas Road house left overs (1/2 rack of ribs, and 1/2 loaded baked potato) is way more healthy for you than your Bowl of oat meal with a TBSP of peanut butter and a chopped apple..........." This was just meet with a dismissive "OK" The irony of it all was it was said by my obese cousin.
  • ReinventingLisa
    ReinventingLisa Posts: 104 Member
    After seeing an aunt I haven't seen in years and after a big weight gain due to a stressful year...

    "Now you look like part of the family! You looked anorexic before."

    My whole family is obese, and over 200lbs. I've been 120-130lbs mostly due to healthy eating habits and exercise. Even when I was maintaining and I would mention going to the gym, I would get "You don't need to lose weight!" And I'd have to explain that I'm not trying to lose weight.. geezus!
  • lovemykids58
    lovemykids58 Posts: 195 Member
    From my (in shape) husband via email: My coworker's kid is selling cookie dough - do we want any?
    Me: *I* don't want any, but I know you and the kids would like's up to you, assuming you're paying for it.

    End result: He ordered SIX TUBS OF COOKIE DOUGH.


    We must have the same husband... 6 boxes of girls scout cookies.. REALLY?!
  • jpuderbaugh
    jpuderbaugh Posts: 318 Member
    A lady in the grocery store heard me say no to myself and my husband about a candy bar when we were in the checkout line. She looked me up and down and said "Oh, diabetes?" No! Just because I don't have diabetes doesn't mean I shouldn't say no to sugar!!

    And I learned my bad eating habits from my family. I also learned how easy it is to give up. So when I told my mom and gram about the new program I'm with and they heard that I can't have bananas, nectarines, or kiwi for a week, my mom was like "That's depriving you! That's not a good program!" and when I said it is to detox and get me out of my bad eating habits, my gram smacked me on the arm and said "Yeah! You and your habits!" I wanted to say "If you two know so much about good habits and healthy eating, why aren't you both at a healthy weight then?!" Instead of judging me, they need to look in the damn mirror themselves!

    And btw, I dunno why I can't have certain fruits and veggies, but it's only for the first week of the program.
  • katejenkins1
    katejenkins1 Posts: 210 Member
    I literally just got called a food nazi, by a co-worker; In front of my daughter while she handed her a brownie the size of her head.

    My mom calls me the "food police" sometimes because I want to plan out what my dinner is going to be right after breakfast so I can gauge what I should have for lunch. It's a game or a puzzle to me and I think it's kinda fun. I guess that makes me weird, huh? :P

    I do the same thing. I have to, I don't have time to guess 5 minutes before I make it. I plan out, make it the night before, and sometimes I let the kids pick which Veggie/fruit we are having. I LOVE to cook and Bake and I don't have time to go shopping on a whim (and drag 3 kids with me lol). Besides this way I can plan out my cals for the day and make snacks that I know what's hidden inside. lol Now not to say there aren't days that I come home and my son asks if we can have pancakes and I immediately give in. haha
  • cessnaholly
    cessnaholly Posts: 780 Member
    From my (in shape) husband via email: My coworker's kid is selling cookie dough - do we want any?
    Me: *I* don't want any, but I know you and the kids would like's up to you, assuming you're paying for it.

    End result: He ordered SIX TUBS OF COOKIE DOUGH.


    My husband bought 2 and then expected ME to bake it with the kids. And then got a little mad because I said I was going to bring the cookies to church. Arghh...Normally he's so supportive. LOL
  • rchupka87
    rchupka87 Posts: 543 Member
    This one came from my DAD.

    I was showing him my progress pictures, being so proud of myself and what I have accomplished so far. He looks at the "before" pictures and says "Wow. I don't remember you being that fat. I guess I was in denial that I had a small whale for a daughter" as he laughs. He thinks he's funny.
  • mtaylor33557
    mtaylor33557 Posts: 542 Member
    My husband's Nana constantly tells me that I need to cook and feed him more, because he's "wasting away".

    My husband has lost about 15-20 lbs since we've been married becuase I cook healthier food (not less food) than his mom and Nana spoiled him with, and becuase his job requires him to walk a lot more than his previous desk job did. He is still in the upper range of "Healthy" for his height, and is by no means wasting away.. I think he looks great!

    His mom and nana will pack boxes of "home cooked" (read:fried) foods, cakes, cookies, and snacks and attempt to send them home with us when we visit. "Well, even if YOU don't want them, *husband* and *son* will need them!" No, no one "needs" your heart attack in a box!

    I also get "I'm so sorry" "poor thing" when they see me making healthier choices than what they are serving.. whole grain toast instead of biscuits for breakfast, a boiled egg instead of deviled, chicken breast instead of ham (I generally help them in the kitchen, so I "tweak" my meal a bit). But, I don't need anyone to feel sorry for me.. I'm happy about this, I'm trying to get healthy!
  • julekinz
    julekinz Posts: 80 Member
    I so wish there was a "like" button for some of these comments. Lol!
    My husband is supportive of me whether I'm fat or not, he doesn't think I need to worry so much about it. My answer to that is that I don't want to be that example to both my daughters, and I don't want to be a diabetic, cardiac patient before I turn 40. I grew up watching my mother struggle with her weight, trying every diet and quick-fix product out there. And in my early teens I was following in her dieting lifestyle, though I was by no means overweight. My daughters don't need that. They need to learn to eat healthy and be active, not paper-thin and starving.
  • sara217
    sara217 Posts: 7 Member
    From a person obviously smaller than me: You don't need to lose wight, you're not fat; I'm the fat one.

    Uh, no. You are at least 8 sizes smaller than me in the same pants and three sizes smaller for the same shirt. You weigh about 40 pounds less than me you're 6 inches taller. Bite me.
  • Moxie42
    Moxie42 Posts: 1,400 Member
    "Are you sure you're allowed to eat that?" (with concerned look on face) <---- for the millionth time, I "can" eat what I want. And seeing as I've been doing this a while and you've never once tried, I think I know what I'm "allowed" more than you do.

    Skinny people telling ME how fat they are. Maybe you're not happy with how you look- fine- maybe say something like "I'd like to lose a few pounds too" or "I'd like to get fitter." But to tell someone who weighs at LEAST 70 lbs more than you that you're "FAT?!" Why don't you go ahead and tell me I'm a disgusting cow while you're at it?!
  • prov31jd
    prov31jd Posts: 153 Member
    Why? Your not that big! After showing some progress "don't lose no more! You dont want to get too skinny. Background, started at 209 currently at 160.

    ^Yes! And I should add that I started at 230, and was hearing that by the time I hit 215!! Down to 200 now and everyone is telling me to stop. Uh, no. I am still overweight. Even if I lose another 30 lbs (my goal) I still won't be at a "healthy weight" for my height.

    ^^^ TOTALLY this. I haven't even reached the halfway point, and I have people saying, "you plan to lose more?" . . . And at the goal I've set for myself, I will be ***barely*** under the 'overweight' range according to BMI tables. SO YEAH! I PLAN TO LOSE MORE. :explode:

    Thanks for asking.
  • Erisad
    Erisad Posts: 1,580
    I literally just got called a food nazi, by a co-worker; In front of my daughter while she handed her a brownie the size of her head.

    My mom calls me the "food police" sometimes because I want to plan out what my dinner is going to be right after breakfast so I can gauge what I should have for lunch. It's a game or a puzzle to me and I think it's kinda fun. I guess that makes me weird, huh? :P

    I do the same thing. I have to, I don't have time to guess 5 minutes before I make it. I plan out, make it the night before, and sometimes I let the kids pick which Veggie/fruit we are having. I LOVE to cook and Bake and I don't have time to go shopping on a whim (and drag 3 kids with me lol). Besides this way I can plan out my cals for the day and make snacks that I know what's hidden inside. lol Now not to say there aren't days that I come home and my son asks if we can have pancakes and I immediately give in. haha

    We have to also, since it usually takes all day for chicken and other meats to thaw out. My mom's usually like, "I didn't eat breakfast yet, I can't think about dinner!" I have no problem with thinking ahead to dinner, maybe that's just me. :P

    Awww, I miss pancakes. I haven't had them in a looong time. We also haven't used the waffle iron in forever. We need to make a low cal waffle mix or something. hmmmm....
  • prov31jd
    prov31jd Posts: 153 Member
    This one came from my DAD.

    I was showing him my progress pictures, being so proud of myself and what I have accomplished so far. He looks at the "before" pictures and says "Wow. I don't remember you being that fat. I guess I was in denial that I had a small whale for a daughter" as he laughs. He thinks he's funny.

    No way!

    Wow. You win.