Ask me anything about fat/weight loss....



  • Believeth64
    Believeth64 Posts: 469 Member
  • blueandigo
    blueandigo Posts: 296
    tagged for later
  • jendool
    jendool Posts: 14 Member
    Bump to keep for later
  • maryb2374
    maryb2374 Posts: 137 Member
    Thanks for all the info. Bumping for later. :smile:
  • TheOfficialEpic
    Keep the questions comin' yeh! Will be calling it a night soon, but will be back to catch up on everyone tomorrow morning to see what's up. Hope the night is kickin' *kitten* for everyone. Train hard, love hard, let the positive energy flow, laugh more, and live yer life yeh. Cheers
  • thriftycupl
    thriftycupl Posts: 310 Member
    Please help me. I'm a early 40s female weighing in right now at 235. I started this journey at 265 and started with low carb/high protein. For the past 8-10 weeks, I've been at the same weight even adding activity, including cardio and lots of walking. I have plenty left to lose and some days get quite frustrated. Why would someone who has so much left to lose hit a plateau and how do I get this body going again?

    THANK YOU so much for your thoughts.
  • DB_1106
    DB_1106 Posts: 154 Member
    What is your opinion on low carb diets or keto diets?
  • tulip07
    tulip07 Posts: 167 Member
    When will you be moving to Philadelphia ;-)? I would love to train with you! :-)
  • suziecue66
    suziecue66 Posts: 1,312 Member
    What is your opinion on low carb diets or keto diets?

    OP will probably comment on your question but this is a general comment that he made:
    "On a side note: I just want to say to everyone, it ALL works if you're consistent. Atkins, Zone, Southbeath, 5-3-1, P90X, Insanity, Starting Strength, 5X5, Powerbodybuilding, The Classic Method, H.I.T. Just get something track what you're trying to get to on the regular, and reevaluate when necessary. 95% of it is just being consistent, and showing up. Supplements, nutrient timing, eating breakfast, low-carbs, they all help....but they are only 5% of the big picture. People had great bodies in the 80s. Be smart, embrace the path ahead, embrace the hard work, enjoy the journey, track & reevalute, stay safe above all, and enjoy your life."
  • Igotgoals2019
    Igotgoals2019 Posts: 6 Member
    :sad: I am sincerely hoping that you will answer my question!!!
  • Poptartz
    Poptartz Posts: 3 Member
    Bump to keep for later
  • Ohbutiloveicecream
    Ohbutiloveicecream Posts: 37 Member
  • britneyblonde
    britneyblonde Posts: 92 Member
    Hi :smile: Please help!!! Im 5"7 and currently 143lb after dropping from 172 in January and my weight loss has now began to stall. Its possible that im not eating enough? When i started in January i ate 1200cals and NEVER ate my exercise cals back and lost around 2lbs per week right up until a few weeks ago. I know its not what everyone suggests but it worked so i stuck with it. Now im smaller its stopped working. A few weeks ago i began eating back some of my exercise cals (i work out about 5days a week, zumba, running, boxercise) and since starting this i have been going up a 1lb/back down a 1lb. Getting annoyed i decided to go back to my 1200cals and the past 2weeks have saw me gain 2lb!! Getting frustrated as i am eating well and working out alllllll the time and its beginning to feel like its all for nothing now as my body is happy where it is! My goal is to reach 133 but at the moment it feels like ill never get there :sad:
  • pmanco2009
    pmanco2009 Posts: 76
  • TheOfficialEpic
    I am 131.3
    5 1/2 ft tall
    Workout 5x a week sometimes more
    My question is am I eating enough cals at 2200??
    My TDEE is 2247
    My BMR 1449

    Definitely eating enough. But what's the goal though?....
  • TheOfficialEpic
    Hi there! Okay, I have a question. I've lost all the weight I wanted to lose, but now I'm trying to tone up. I want that flat stomach, you know? I'm pretty close to it, but there's still some fat in the way. I lift weights 3x a week and do cardio most of the other days. I have recently started eating "clean" and plan to stick to it. However, I am eating at maintenance level, not a deficit since I'm not really trying to lose any more weight. Will I need to go back to eating at a deficit to tone up, or will eating clean, lifting heavy, and cardio be enough? I've heard evidence from both sides.


    130 lbs
    About 23% body fat
    I want to be about 20% body fat


    Most likely you're going to have to lose more body fat. That's all "tone up" really means. You can't TONE body fat, you have to burn it off. Try losing another 5 and then reevalutaing. At 5'4, I would shoot for at LEAST 18% body fat to really start seeing that toned look. Most pro level bikini competitors are around 12%, so 18% for you would definitely be doable.

    Thanks! I'll start eating at a bit of a deficit again. But, isn't anything under like 20% considered "underfat" for women? I definitely want to stay at a healthy body fat %. I understand it may be different for bikini models, but I'm just a regular ol' gal.

    I have plenty of clients that EASILY easily stay way under 20% year round and are healthy as an ox. 18% for instance, isn't a big deal to maintain.
  • TheOfficialEpic
    Hi there,thank you so much for time here replying to everyone's posts:)The info given here is just so awesome.My question is,suppose I am walking on the treadmill on various speeds and intensities for an hour or so and final result is that I burnt 1000 calories....I know the gym machines are not that accurate.So according to you how much do you think I burnt out of 1000.The one I hop onto is a "Freemotion" treadmill.And which is the best machine to work onto,a treamill or Elliptical.I have lost 40 pounds since October 2011,starting at 185 and have to loose 30 pounds more.can you please tell me a good exercise regimen,It will be of great help to me.Do you think the "Body Bug" that they sell at the gym is good enough in terms of accuracy??
    Sorry for all the questions:smile:

    Great question. Sadly there is no real easy way to do this. You basically have to try them out while holding everything else static. Cardio machine calorie calculators can be VERY skewed depending on the individual AND the machine by itself. I've found they usually can skew in either direction in as much as 250 at times! For me, if I am preparing for something, I don't like to take chances. If you're cutting, then underestimate what they say by 200, and overestimate your food intake by 100. So if you think you're burning 1000, I'd personally write it down as 800. And if you think you're taking in 1500, I'd write it down as 1600. I do the exact reverse when I'm bulking.

  • Brandongood
    Brandongood Posts: 311 Member
    When cutting, is it best to do cardio, weights or both?

    Depends on how you work. I usually don't use cardio to cut until the very end of a cutting cycle. When I start a cut, my calories are usually pretty high, but as I approach the end, they are low and I use cardio to tap into a deeper deficit. Having said that though, usually a combination of the two IS best not only for cutting, but DEFINITELY for health reasons. Get your nutrition air tight, your cardio on track, lift your weights, and make sure you're getting your rest and recovery, and you're definitely gonna see awesome results in time.

    Can you go into detail what you do for a cutting cycle and a bulking cycle? What kind of sets, how you do your splits, how you gradually decrease the calories on a cut, etc?
  • TheOfficialEpic
    Thanks so much for taking the time to answer questions.

    Here's mine:

    Right now I'm 5'4" and weigh 178.

    I have lost five pounds and that's great but I struggle with losing because I'm a really bad asthmatic and I'm on heavy steroids. For example, most people go on a prednisone ween that starts at 10-20 mg and then they drop it gradually over a week. i start with 60 mg and drop. When I start to get sick i have to start at 40mg at home then self-ween. This has really hampered my efforts.

    I'm physically fit, though. I do at least four 5K mud runs a year and work out at least 4 days a week. I think I can definitely up the intesity, but it gets frustrating when friends or my hubby start to work out with me but they lose at a much quicker rate.

    Any suggestions on what I can do to help kickstart my weight loss?


    Stop being focused on your friends. Stop being focused on how fast. Be focused on consistency. This is hard for everyone. I'm an ectomorph. I have friends that can gain muscle just looking at weights, but me, I have to be doing EVERYthing right just to add a lil' bit of mass back. If I was to get impatient and try to keep up with them, I'd have to become some steroided freak! On the flip side, if they tried to eat like me and still lose, it wouldn't be happening unless they were to regularly cut their food intake in half. I've said this before. STAY HEALTHY AND ENJOY THE RIDE. Your body and yourself will thank you in the long run. Always make health your first concern.
  • TheOfficialEpic
    what macros worked best for you for getting under 10% body fat? or do you carb cycle? low carb? and do you try staying lean year round or do you have bulking phases as well?

    appreciate your response.

    Truth?.....Alright, fair enough. I first calculate my daily protein requirements and make sure I'm getting that, and for the remaining calories I eat whatever the hell I want yeh. A deficit is a deficit. In all actuality you don't even need to watch the protein if don't care about sparing muscle mass. I don't do ANYthing extreme anymore. I've done keto in the past but my workouts went to ****e because I didn't have any energy. Can't lift heavy and intense anymore, can't stay swole. Didn't go low fat either for pretty much the same reasons. Your body functions best when it is balanced. Most people go too crazy to fast and screw up the body's natural homeostasis, and THIS is where things usually get screwy. I enjoy pizza, a good beer, a good burger, Ben & Jerry's sometimes....but I also eat healthy sandwiches, eggs, fresh fruit, and whole foods too.