Smokin' Hot Green Peppers ~ Recruiting NOW!



  • CrystalT
    CrystalT Posts: 862 Member
    i'm lovin' it!

    Isn't that the McDonald's slogan right now. :laugh: Bah da bah bah bah.....
    i am still obese and just gettin to about 173ish will put me in the over wt range,

    I'm 5'10" and at 233 I'm still obese, but I only have about 15 more lbs to drop to overweight. I can't wait. I want it so bad. I may have to throw a party when I make it there!!! :drinker:

    No more yo-yoing. You can do this!!!
  • CrystalT
    CrystalT Posts: 862 Member
    :bigsmile: HI KITN! sending out your JAM today lady love!:heart: sorry I forgot you, didn't see you in the thread! lOL:laugh:
    Thank you all for the love and the strength:)
    retaped my inches chart and lost over 20+ inches since being on MFP:) YAY!

    Way to go!!! That's awesome!!!
  • PlumCrazyGirl
    PlumCrazyGirl Posts: 1,463 Member
    Please call me Barb. Thanks.

    Today my employer had a cultural “pot luck” lunch.
    Could not annotate MFP food diary b/c
    1. May not know the portion size – no measuring cups or food scale available.
    2. Didn’t know the ingredients – or even the name of the food
    3. Didn’t have the nutritional information.

    I was rather proud of myself that I ate a small portion of just one cultural group.
    Then later in afternoon I got tasked to be in a section where I could log onto a computer & didn’t have other work related items with me to do. I got frustrated/bored and the box of candy was just too tempting for me. I ate approx 5-6 pieces of European chocolate.

    The bigger challenge is the “pot luck” was my lunch period and due to a scout obligation, I can not go to Curves today. So the only workout I’m doing today is a 20 minute walk.

    On a more positive note - last night my son, age 10, say “Mommy you don’t look fat to me. You look just right.” Sweet words – however, based on MFP and other places I’m overweight for my height.

    When I looked at my August vacation photos, I realized damn, I don’t like that midsection. It’s time to get back on MFP tracking everything I eat again. And that I’ve been doing since Aug 31. Overall it was a wonderful vacation – had a great time – just don’t like how I look in the photos.

    Created by - Calorie Counter
  • CrystalT
    CrystalT Posts: 862 Member
    Barb, your son sounds very sweet. Sorry you had a frustrating day. At least you tried some new foods! When I was in college, I used to go to the Inernational Food Fair on campus every years. It was so awesome to try different things!
  • I am loving getting to know everybody! You are all doing so GREAT, and you are such inspirations to me! This is going to be an awesome group for me, I can tell. :flowerforyou:

    Barb -- I wish I had somebody in my life to say sweet things like that! That is just adorable, and so uplifting. Even if you feel overweight, or "science" says you are, isn't it nice to have someone in your life that thinks you're "just right"? I'm jealous. :laugh:

    I went on a 1.5mi walk today. Only 20-some minutes, but after 3 miles in 47 mins yesterday, I'm still exhausted! Also, random question -- can eating pasta make you "paunchy" the next day? Last night we had spaghetti (Healthy! whole wheat noodles and lite, no-sugar-added Ragu), but this morning I woke up with a huge belly! I mean, I ALWAYS have a belly, but this was more than usual...and the scale hadn't gone up, so it was just...expanded? So...could my tummy just be puffy from the pasta? Weird! :huh:

    Well, off to make a dinner of "crap we have left in the house". Wish me luck!
  • ittybittybadonkadonk
    ittybittybadonkadonk Posts: 11,634 Member

    Hope everyone is having a good day .... as for me i got up early and worked out to slim in 6 ( i love when i get it done early) lol

    what is slim in 6? curious b/c you seem to love it
    slim in 6 is a program by beachbody... its 6 weeks .....start up ... ramp it up and ... burn it up plus slim & 6pack and slim & limber(stretching 15 minutes) i have done the start it up (25minutes) for 2 weeks now i am on my 3rd day of ramp it up (50minutes) plus the 15 minutes of slim &l limber
  • PlumCrazyGirl
    PlumCrazyGirl Posts: 1,463 Member
    My son does know how & when to use the sweet lines. For the past 11 months, he's been saying "Mom, you're 39? I thought you were 29." Between that and telling me he doesn't think I'm fat, well, he'll know how to impress the ladies.

    For my scout event, I wore a pair of jeans. To my surprise, I didn't look like a had a "pregnant" belly. So maybe, just maybe my body is adapting.

    My hope is to get on the Curves scale in the morning BEFORE I got to work. That means I need to be in the Curves facility at 630am.

    That also means I won't be able to post results until after I come home from work. Can read messages but I can not post replies from my work computer.
  • Hey All! Can I be a SMGP?! I'm a part of the Thanksgiving Day challenge group, but would love to have a smaller on-going group to get to know if yer still recruiting! :smile:
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    Evening ladies...a.k.a. the Smokin Hot Green Peppers!! :blushing: i have been going non stop since 3 today and finally showered and gettin ready to call it a nite. was totally fun at the football game and a gal commented on my losing wt. hmmm, if she only knew in reality that i am up almost 10. but hey,i'll take the compliments!

    erica ~ yippy for you, 20 inches gone, no where to be found or seen again! i like that lots and lots!

    crystal ~ yup, McD's slogan. my olderst ds has worked there for almost 4 yrs. he is the burger guy :tongue: told me the other day that he has given up pop and now workin on the clown's food! :bigsmile: made me feel good, maybe some of what they see me do here is catching on!! hey, lets have a big ol bash for the non - obeser's! i am determined to get to that milestone as well! we'll have a party right here on our thread :drinker:

    barb ~ give yourself a pat on the back~~ you did very well @ work, and 5-6 pieces of candy is not going to ruin your diet/wt loss's when we repeat these days that is cause for concern and trouble. awareness is a big tool here. you will be ok and i say nothing is restricted....just moderation. being back here shows you are still in the game, stay positive and commited to YOU!! kids say the cutest things.... i had 16-17 4yr olds (preschooler's) on a shuttle today singin itsy bitsy spider! now that was priceless!

    laughingfox ~ good job on your more day and i can get going again! on the pasta thing... whole wheat is the best, good job there! i had some last week with just olive oil, vinegar and pepper. totally amazed at how good it was. in my Jillian Michael's book she is very strict on not eating any grain/carbs like after mid day. not sure why you felt that way, but i suppose it is possible. anyway, i have been trying to makeover one meal at a time and so far it is going good. i have breakfast mastered and lunch is bout so so, but supper is my challenge since i have to cook for 3 others, very picky others! when i eat a lean protein and carb/cruciferous veggie for dinner, i have to eat a lot to get the calories, but so far i like it cos it makes me feel very slim in the am...a temporary feeling, but actually her whole plan has helped with a lot of my bloating, and it is basically the Clean Eating method.

    WELCOME artichoke! :flowerforyou: glad to have you. tomorrow is our first weigh in day and we will also have a challenge that will last thru next Thurs.

    are we doing the 8 glasses of water challenge??
  • Good morning all!!!
    Ok my official wt in for this wonderful Friday morning is 253.8. But Kel if you want even # put 254. haha it will look more impresive next week when i record a loss! how that for positivie thinking. So when I got back on I was 252 since then I got up to 256 so with the fact that it only two days eating right and very little exercise, not bad but I plan to move it move it this wekend. Hope every one have a great Friday!! Got to get to work :(
    :heart: SHGP
    :heart: TGIF!!!
    :heart: Kids
    :heart: we like to move it, move it
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
  • Leslieprays
    Leslieprays Posts: 8 Member
    Hello All! I wanna be a Smokin' Hot Green Pepper!! Count me in!
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    glad to have you Leslieprays! the link to our current thread is above. Our first weigh in is this Friday Sept 25th, or whenever is best for you!
  • evgal
    evgal Posts: 22
    hi all i'd love to join the group, i joined last nite so today is day 1! i'm drinking my water as i type:smile:
    plan on going for a walk this afternoon, don't usually eat breakfast, this morning i had oatmeal !
    someone said one meal @ a time. i don't have a scale, so not sure after reading somewhere on the boards, not to weigh just measure or go out & buy one or weigh once /wk someplace.what dose everyone else do?
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    hi karen, welcome to the SHGP's 1st week! we will weigh in this Friday Sept 25, or whenever works best for you. i will be doing a chart for us all, start wt, lost wt, %, etc, if you are interested. just let me know your numbers.

    re the food scale. i used to measure by cups, teaspoons, counting...but now i have a digital scale that has options with kg, oz, lb, g settings, with a tare button to reset back to zero. i love it! it is a real eye opener to the true measurement of food. sometimes i was under or now i have a better idea and it is more accurate with my calories......since every lil bite and calorie adds up!

    glad to have ya and you can join us on our current thread, Motivation and Support "Smokin'Hot Green Pepper's ~ Week 1.....just jump on in! :smile:
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