black ladies in here

george29223 Posts: 556 Member
hi there ladies i have a question for yall, a bunch of guys were sitting around talking about weight loss there wives etc and it was almost a over whelming responce from my black guy friends that they in noway wanted there wives skinny they wanted curves and with the white guys they liked there wives skinny,i was really intrested in the fact diffrent cultures view women so diffrent ,i know theres exceptions to every rule but after doing some internet reading i seen a blog that brought up this very question ,then yesterday seen it on the news about black husbands getting upset at the fact there wives were trying to lose weight ,my question is this true? and does being a black woman make it harder to lose weight because others dont see being heavy as a problem at all but a turn on...

lolllllll no pot shots on grammer i started war world three yesterday about grammer and the thread got locked lol telling me i got bad grammer is about the same as telling me i got i huge *kitten*... i am aware


  • Tators
    Tators Posts: 75
    I guess I'll bite.

    My first response is :-/

    And my second is I've never heard such thing. If this is being said to be the case, its w/ a very small crowd, who evidently are stuck in some sort of time warp.
  • deevatude
    deevatude Posts: 322 Member
    u know u can be skinny and curvy at the same time. Curvy does not mean big
  • sdurrahMpls
    sdurrahMpls Posts: 75 Member
    You should check out this blog. I know she addresses this question, but you may have to scroll through a ways to find the post. You may find her other posts interesting too though!
  • Joneses17
    Joneses17 Posts: 135 Member
    My experience has been that our community recognizes our body types and assumes heavy comes along with it. While most guys I know don't want me or their gf's to lose weight and become "skinny" I think they ignore body type. If I weighed 130 lbs I wouldn't look like the "skinny" 130 lbs person next to me because I have an hour glass/ coke bottle shape. I do think that our community understanding our genetics has also lead to more of us excepting plus sized individuals. I've noticed that more black men and women regardless of the race they date are more excepting of someone with a little extra meat.

    I just want to be happy with my body and as a former athlete I know where I can be and what I can do. If someone doesn't like me because I'm heavy, curvy, short, tall or thin then they can keep it moving.
  • suthernbelle
    suthernbelle Posts: 566 Member
    Okay, let me choose my words very carefully here.....I think that the idea black men prefer their women with curves and white men prefer their women skinny is a backwoods, stereotypical generalization...simply put. However, in my opinion, there are some cultural truths involved. I don't think that the majority of the black women here will say that there husbands/significant others mind that they are losing weight and gaining healthier lives. Genetically speaking, black women are predisposed to having fuller hips, thighs, and butts.....some don't, but generally speaking...they do. So duh, a black man would be crazy to not be attracted to the feature most of us have. It's still sort of stone age because in my world 2012, men of any race can date women of any race and along with this lovely freedom comes many different body types, shapes, etc. At the end of the day, it's about preference, and if those friends of yours ONLY like curvy (BIG) black women then that's their preference and they don't speak for the rest of the world.
  • _GlaDOS_
    _GlaDOS_ Posts: 1,520 Member
    I think I'll just avoid starting war world three. :flowerforyou:
  • SofaKingRad
    SofaKingRad Posts: 1,592 Member
    U kno that is reely interisting I have never heard of nething like that Thnx 4 tha post!
  • I think that's people just sticking with stereotypes because it's the easiest/safest thing to do. Not all black guys wanna be with big women and some white men do. It really just comes down to individual preference.
  • in the bahamas the black men love their women chunky,solid curvy etc...............they always say meat for men and bone for dog.i think this makes it hard for us women of colour to lose weight
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,329 Member
    there are definite differences in body image between american black women and american white women. as someone who's black but has spent the majority of my life in predominately white situations, there are CLEAR differences in how i was raised to see my body and how my white friends were raised. of course it probably doesnt help that i'm part caribbean and caribbeans tend to think they look good NO MATTER WHAT :laugh:

    one of the main things i've noticed is that the concept of overweight tends to be different. for instance my black friends and family never saw me (i started off at 5'5 225 pounds) as obese but medically i was (and still am) because to them obese was something with twice as much weight to lose.

    but i honestly dont know any women (who needs to lose weight) who's hesitant to lose it because she think she'll be less attractive. i think most people KNOW when they are at a point where they need to lose weight. whether or not they take the necessary steps to lose it is based on deeper issues than whether or not they're going to get dates out of it.

    and it's a definite oversimplification to say black men prefer x and white men prefer y. my 2 last boyfriends were white and that was when i was at my heaviest. to be fair though, these men were from europe (german and italy) and not americans..
  • kennethmgreen
    kennethmgreen Posts: 1,759 Member
    Internet forum posts that open with "hi there ladies i have a question for yall, a bunch of guys were sitting around talking" are always fun.

    I would suggest this be a 'Chit-chat, fun, and games' thread, though. Not sure how this is a success story.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
  • kennethmgreen
    kennethmgreen Posts: 1,759 Member
    Power cage. Not squat rack.
  • onedayillbeamilf
    onedayillbeamilf Posts: 966 Member
    Internet forum posts that open with "hi there ladies i have a question for yall, a bunch of guys were sitting around talking" are always fun.

    I would suggest this be a 'Chit-chat, fun, and games' thread, though. Not sure how this is a success story.

    .....nevermind, not worth the strike I would get....
  • GasMasterFlash
    GasMasterFlash Posts: 2,206 Member
    Ridiculous article. "...the fat black woman can be a rounded opposite of the fit black slave..."
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    I seriously am impressed. I came into this thread thinking it was going to be a serious, serious mess.

    You guys have handled yourselves very well...


    I'm proud!
  • makainui
    makainui Posts: 31
    I'm not sure if those men have insecurity problems, but all women wants to look good, now regardless of the fact that their are some who prefer to have some meat on them, does not mean they want to be fat!! I have never ever heard of a black woman liking themselves to be BIG??!! They may like to be a little thick which is different from being FAT/BIG, but never have i heard of such a thing like that haha you should tell your friends to come out to the real world of women lol they are obviously stuck in their box of stupidity!! lmao
  • UponThisRock
    UponThisRock Posts: 4,519 Member
  • Back2MeMsT
    Back2MeMsT Posts: 4 Member
    My husband is all for weight loss, but of course he would like some weight to remain in certain areas. I have talked to some black women who have actually said that they didn't want to lose their flabby stomach because it would mean they would lose some of their booty too. I thought that was just crazy!