What Motivated You to Start Losing Weight?



  • Janiot
    Janiot Posts: 187 Member
    My husband - he needed me to stop binge eating junk and filling the house with chocolate, choc biscuits and chippies (crisps) and baking cakes -so he could lose weight - he plans to walk Kokoda in August this year.
    He has lost about 10 kg since 1 Feb 2012 and would like to lose another 10-15 kg - he has 3 months until he goes.
    Meanwhile I have lost 15kg and plan to lose at least 6kg more ( to reach normal BMI) and hopefully another 9kg after that before I am finished.
    This is a life style change for us both and we hope our children will follow our example too.
  • rjulius008
    rjulius008 Posts: 1 Member
    My husband and I have been watching the Biggest Loser on Netflix... I'm not huge, but I am definitely grossly out of shape, and often find myself getting really jealous of girls who are smaller than I am. I would love to be comfortable and confident in shorts, not have my thighs touch when I walk, and to not feel like I have to compare the way I look to everyone around me. I want to feel good!!!
  • TriciaAllen7251
    TriciaAllen7251 Posts: 283 Member
    380 pounds and an ever increasing A1C and blood sugar readings. Increasing blood pressure and a desire not to die before my parents. My goal is to lose 1002 pounds by 8-4-13. Almost 3/4 of the way there and still losing.
  • TriciaAllen7251
    TriciaAllen7251 Posts: 283 Member
    Thats supposed to say 100 not 1000.
  • harleykat64
    harleykat64 Posts: 70
    Reason number one was my kids, I want to be around annoying them until they have kids I can annoy. The second reason was myself, I deserve to be happy and comfortable in my own skin, one year later I have 70 pounds (half way to goal) and one divorce behind me. And happier then I have been in a long long time
  • j1wright
    j1wright Posts: 286 Member
    My best friend apparently didn't think she was being rude when she told me I was huge while I was pregnant. She kept saying off handed remarks about my weight laughing about how big I was. I was always afraid to see her after the baby was born because I was afraid she would tell me how I huge I still was. That was my motivation to lose the weight.

    We are not friends anymore.
  • pilot1111
    pilot1111 Posts: 2
    In the early spring of 2003, I went out for a round of golf. We walked the course, and by the time I got to the end, I was ready to die! I vowed the next day I would take off the extra pounds that I was carrying, from plain irresponsible living. And I did it within 6 months, 30lbs gone! That was almost 10 years ago, but the BMI chart for my height and weight should be in the range of 183 lbs for a person 6 feet 0 inches. Diet modification cannot solely do it, so I have now decided that I will excercise more. It has already helped those last few pounds to go away, and I feel even better! A nice brisk walk for as many nights as I can get away with it, will be in my future!
  • celebrity328
    celebrity328 Posts: 377 Member
    Was at a party and someone had taped some stuff on their phone... They played it back and I was like who is that person?! they were like thats you.. I was shocked by how big I had gotten (264) and said that was it I was done.
  • SecondChance2012
    Definitely my health and missing what it feels like to move around freely.
  • sthrnchick
    sthrnchick Posts: 771
    Seeing a picture my sister tagged me in on FB... I knew i was fat... but was SHOCKED at how much I had let myself go...that was early March 2012... and like they say... the rest is history! I have been working HARD since that day! Very glad she posted that picture actually!
  • Shenanagins85
    Shenanagins85 Posts: 116 Member
    For me!
  • yherrman
    yherrman Posts: 19
    I took a business trip on my new job and they posted pictures of the gang, hanging out. I am always the one behind the camera in the family, and I had no idea how big I looked, I was devestated. I came home and showed my hubby the pictures and how upset I was, and he said "you know honey, you don't look that big to me either, the camera adds 20 pounds" I said unless the camera adds 90 lbs, I need to do something. I already knew my hypothyroidism was making me gain weight, but I still felt skinny, so I didn't much care. I don't want more pictures out there without them showing a definate improvment. Then I found an old friend from high school, and she was posting from MFP and she's lost over 65 pounds. I was so proud of her and her husband, they motivated me to join. I thought with the HypoTh, it would be impossible to lose any weight, but the system is working! I've lost 11 so far, and I am eager get back on my synthroid and keep it going!
  • kaleynichol
    kaleynichol Posts: 14 Member
    Seeing pictures of my self on my wedding day and HATING every single one. Not one photo hangs in my house from the best day of my life.

    I was my best friend's maid of honor and at my biggest weight ever.... I hate knowing that my ultimate fat pictures are literally EVERYWHERE. I can't even hide in shame. However, I think it's really, really sad that you don't have any of your wedding pics up. :(

    I think you should look back at them and feel proud that you've made changes, and remind yourself of how far you've come and how you're never going to go back to that place!!! (that's my positive spin on my own pictures, at least.)
  • laughingnome
    laughingnome Posts: 259 Member
  • aymetcalf
    aymetcalf Posts: 597 Member
    I had a colleague that had a really hard time finding a job (he is morbidly obese). He was basically told his job search troubles were due to obesity. He looks great on paper but after the interview, he never got the job offer. This was a wakeup call for me. Even though I like to think physical appearance doesn't matter in the job-market - it does make an impact to how people perceive you. I told myself I need to be in a healthy weight range, for health and for career success.
  • Sierra_419
    Sierra_419 Posts: 201 Member
    I knew it was "time" because I was beginning to avoid social situations due to the fact I had nothing to wear or I was embarrassed at how big I was. So glad I have stuck to it! Shopping is now fun and I am loving gatherings/parties/get to togethers again!

    same...gaining weight made me depressed.. didnt want anyone to see how big i got over the past couple of years.. also didnt wanna be over 200lbs ! ...
  • iwantahealthierme13
    iwantahealthierme13 Posts: 337 Member
    I'm not really sure to be completely honest. I just want to be healthier & do it for me.
  • gpstrucker
    gpstrucker Posts: 930 Member
    After I turned 50 I nearly lost my medical certification because of high blood pressure. I was then told I have high cholesterol. It was time.
  • Chocolatewoman
    Chocolatewoman Posts: 91 Member
    Knee pain. My doctor said for every pound I lose, I would take three pounds of pressure off my knee.
  • DaveC29
    DaveC29 Posts: 232 Member
    Pre-diabetic Diganosis... High blood pressure... Joints and back always hurting... An extra 70lbs... Etc.

    Not a pretty picture!.