5'2 Ladies...What Is Your Goal Weight?



  • sarabig2fit
    sarabig2fit Posts: 274 Member
    i'd like to weigh 180. but i'd love to see how 130 feels.
  • 5'1. 110!
  • astroub
    astroub Posts: 289 Member
    115 to 120
    Which is what I currently fluctuate between so I am content with that.... My main focus is toning up and building muscle
  • Belle9987
    Belle9987 Posts: 7
    Im 5 feet , pant size 12 and weight 173 as of right now my goal weight is 130 hoping for a 7-9 pant size
  • Debbe2
    Debbe2 Posts: 2,071 Member
    I'm 5'1" and my goal is between 125- 128lbs.
  • rucks20
    rucks20 Posts: 711 Member
    I'm 5'2ish
    original goal was 110
    got to 105
    now at 100 with about 15% body fat
    Loving my lean muscles!
  • Aeriesified
    Aeriesified Posts: 206 Member
    My goal is 140. I've been pretty curvy my whole life. My goal isn't to be perfectly skinny and hard as a rock. My goal is to be where I love how I look. I remember being that weight when I was younger, and I loved how I looked because I had just gained enough for it to go into my boobs. Lmao.
  • Chubbyhulagirl
    Chubbyhulagirl Posts: 374 Member
    Mini goal is 125 by end of August and 115 by the end of the year. :)
  • RavenSoul
    RavenSoul Posts: 11
    I am 5'2 115 lbs is my goal. This is the weight I was before getting pregnant with my first child and because of my build I still have curves being that tiny :-)
  • jsuaccounting
    jsuaccounting Posts: 189 Member
    I'm 5'2"---Reached my goal weight of 135. Now I'm maintaining + toning :) Don't mind if I put a few pounds back on due to muscle though.

    Exactly the same here. If I can just stay 135 I will be very happy.
  • Jezebel9
    Jezebel9 Posts: 396 Member
    5'2 going for 129... then maybe something like 120 depending on how the body feels.
  • scamis
    scamis Posts: 1
    I working towards 125.. I only reached that number on the way up so I'm hoping to get there and enjoy!
  • goldfinger88
    goldfinger88 Posts: 686 Member
    Your body frame is what really determines the ideal weight. Moreover, there's no "ideal" weight as such. I'm a large frame and muscular. I'm also 68 years old. I don't expect nor want to weigh the 118 I weighed in my teens and twenties. My ideal weight is between 132 and 135.

    There is no one size fits all.
  • jilleebean777
    jilleebean777 Posts: 219 Member
    I am 5'2", I am a large frame, my goal is about 135-145. If I get to 145 and go lower then great, if I can stay between the 2 numbers AWESOME!!
  • gillianlui
    gillianlui Posts: 1
    My goal is 102lb / 46kg.
  • aresbabe
    aresbabe Posts: 21 Member
    130 to start :) I've only been there once in my life (early 20s)...Now I am 29 so I am trying hard to get there. :happy:
  • I'm 5'3 goal is 135
  • Arunakae
    Arunakae Posts: 83
    I might be 5'3, but I'm not sure. My goal weight is 110 or 115, because if I'm muscular than 115 is just fine with me.
  • Arunakae
    Arunakae Posts: 83
    Also I'm big-boned, and curvy. I have a friend the same height as me who's goal weight is 100 which totally fits her body type (small-boned, boy hips), but if I weighed that little you'd be able to see my ribs. So it's more than just height, it's also body-type.
  • abcdever
    abcdever Posts: 24
    My goal is 125 lbs, which is also what I weighed in high school; although, I think I would actually be satisfied if I got down to 135 lbs. I mean I'm alot older now so it may be harder getting down to 125 lbs then I'd like to think.